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A New Beginning for the Journal

“All beginnings are hopeful.” Those were the words used by the In 1998 the papers in the journal were good, but there is always
principal at Somerville College of Oxford University, England, to room for improvement. Naturally, authors want their papers to be read
greet the arriving students in 1944. While times have changed, the and appreciated. The impact factor is a metric of the Institute of
same sentiment applies now as the editorship of this journal passes to Scientific Information (ISI), (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) that attempts
new hands. to quantitate interest in the papers published by different journals. The
First, it would perhaps be worthwhile reviewing the important impact factor measures the number of citations a paper receives in the
association between the journal and the Computers in Chemistry two year period following its publication. For the most recently re-
Division (COMP) of the American Chemical Society (ACS). This ported time period, the ISI determined the impact factor of the Journal
association has been a key driver in the rejuvenation of the journal. of Molecular Graphics and Modelling to be 4.206, which ranks it at
For well over 20 years, some computational chemists in ACS have the top of all journals in computational and theoretical chemistry.
felt the need for a scientific journal dedicated to fulfilling their pub- In 1998 the journal was, as mentioned, about a year behind in filling
lication needs. Under the leadership of Dr. Charles Reynolds, the 1997 its issues because not enough papers were being submitted. Reflective
chairman of the division, the COMP Executive Committee initiated the of this dire situation, only 5 manuscripts came into the United States
process of finding a suitable journal for the 2000 plus members of editorial offices in 1998. In 1999, the number increased to 45. In 2000,
COMP. This goal came to realization in February 1998 when, on 90 arrived. More manuscripts were submitted to the journal in 2000
behalf of the COMP Executive Committee, Dr. Frank Brown, then than in any previous year of its entire 17-year history. Issue 6 of Vol.
chairman of COMP, signed an arrangement with Elsevier Science to 18 (2000) was the first “on-time” issue in almost 4 years. When my
establish an affiliation between COMP and this journal published by tenure in office was completed in the spring of 2001, the journal was
Elsevier Science. The journal was already affiliated with the Molecular six issues ahead of schedule in filling issues.
Graphics and Modelling Society (MGMS), an affiliation that dates It is now my great honor to provide some background about
back to the journal’s launch in 1983. However, by the mid-1990s the COMP’s new editorial representative. The publisher and COMP Ex-
journal was struggling, being about a year behind in producing issues. ecutive Committee carefully made their selection and picked someone
The COMP Executive Committee offered me the editor’s job in March with exceptionally strong credentials. The new editor is Professor
1998, and I agreed to serve for a limited time. I have stayed long Andrew J. Holder of the University of Missouri–Kansas City. Andy is
enough to assure that the journal is on a strong upward course. from the Gulf Coast of the United States, having obtained his B.S. in
However, it is now time for me to move on to other responsibilities. chemistry and mathematics at Mobile College in Alabama. His Ph.D.
In close collaboration with Professor Roderick E. Hubbard, the was awarded in 1987 at the University of Southern Mississippi, where
MGMS’s editorial representative, the process of reinventing the jour- his thesis topic involved X-ray scattering and semiempirical molecular
nal was begun in 1998. Here are some highlights of progress in the last orbital calculations. Andy then spent two years doing postdoctoral
three years. research at the University of Texas at Austin. He worked with the
As of 1998, the editorial board of the journal had not changed preeminent developer of semiempirical MO methods, Professor Mi-
significantly in 15 years. In the summer of 1998, the journal’s Editorial chael J. S. Dewar. This appointment was a case of being in the right
Board was enlarged and invigorated with new appointments. Appoint- place at the right time. Professor Dewar was retiring and needed
ments to the Editorial Board were put on a rotating basis similar to someone to carry on his development of semiempirical methods. Andy
what is done for journals of the American Chemical Society. Further was the right man.
Editorial Board appointments were made in December 2000. Some of In 1989 Andy accepted a tenure track faculty appointment at the
the appointments cemented the tie between the journal and COMP. University of Missouri–Kansas City. Despite a heavy teaching load,
Others are investments in scientific leaders who invest in the journal. Andy made time to found one of the best known computational
The scope of the journal was modernized. For too long, the journal chemistry software companies, Semichem, Inc. (Shawnee, Kansas).
had the reputation, albeit undeserved, of being about no more than The company initially marketed AMPAC and assumed responsibility
graphics algorithms. Development of graphics algorithms was a novel for continuing the parameterization for additional elements. A graphic
and important area of research in the 1980s, but by the 1990s the user interface (GUI), like those modern users have come to expect for
implementation and use of molecular visualizations was routine. Al- computational chemistry software, was built for AMPAC. AMPAC’s
ready by 1998 the scope of the journal had started to change: 70% of GUI was so good it became the basis for GaussView, the GUI for the
the papers were on subjects other than graphics algorithms. Neverthe- widely used Gaussian series of ab initio programs. In addition, Semi-
less, the community of computational chemists had to be made cog- chem markets CODESSA, a program for computing descriptors useful
nizant of the reinvented journal. By 2000, modernization of the jour- for quantitative structure-activity relationships. Thus, Andy brings to
nal’s scope had reached the point where nearly all of the papers were the journal important entrepreneurial skills. After all, a journal is a
on subjects other than graphics algorithms. product, and the product must meet the needs and expectations of its
To emphasize the changing scope of the journal, several important customers. Customers include not just the subscribers, but also—and
thematic issues were organized by Guest Editors. These issues have perhaps more importantly—the authors.
played a key role in the reinvention and rejuvenation of the journal Andy’s research interests include development and applications of
(see below). quantum chemistry methods. He has about 40 publications, including
Over the last three years, the geographic distribution of the papers six articles in the highly lauded Encyclopedia of Computational Chem-
submitted to the journal has broadened. The percentage of papers istry (Wiley, 1998). Andy is committed to the ACS and has been a
coming from authors in the Americas and the Pacific Rim is increas- regular participant at ACS national meetings. He organized a “Sym-
ing. posium on Semi-Empirical Methods: Is There a Future?” at the 211th

Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 19, 479–480, 2001

© 2001 by Elsevier Science Inc. 1093-3263/01/$–see front matter
655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 PII S1093-3263(01)00130-9

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