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Cost: Ritual, 1wp

Keywords: Blood Magic, Decisive-only, Perilous
Duration: One year or until released
The blood mage renders her touch deadly to one selected victim.
To cast this spell, the blood mage must first make skin contact
with either her intended victim or some small object the victim
touched at some point within a year, such as an article of clothing
or jewelry. Shaping the spell requires an hour-long ritual that
involves drinking either blood or poison and focusing the spell’s
Essence through this material.
The blood mage thereafter must touch her victim within a year’s
time. If rolled into combat, this spell is released in supplement to
a decisive attack against the intended victim, treating Initiative
as 5 higher for the purpose of the attack. This Initiative is a false
Initiative and cannot be used to help the blood mage out of Initiative
Crash. The attack itself will dose the victim with a poison
that causes the victim’s chakras to give out, eventually stopping
their heart. The venom has the following traits: 3i/round (L in
Crash), 5 rounds, -2. This is a necrotic venom, and effects that
resist venoms must explicitly resist supernatural venoms as well
in order to defend against this spell.
If this spell is used outside of combat, the Storyteller may ask the
blood mage for a Medicine or a Larceny roll to apply the venom
to the target. Diagnosing a victim of Assassin’s Fatal Touch calls
for a (Perception + Medicine) roll, but with an added difficulty of
the blood mage’s Essence.
A blood mage who knows Assassin’s Fatal Touch as her control
spell does not need to prepare her spell by having prior contact
with the intended victim. She may prepare the spell without an
intended victim and release it whenever she wishes to. However,
the assassin’s blood becomes forever poisonous. Should anyone
come into direct contact with the assassin’s blood, they will suffer
the effects of the necrotic venom. The blood mage herself is immune
to her own venom, but she may be targeted by other blood
mages who know this spell.

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