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Amplified magic room

All magic effects in this room are multiplied by 2: damage, duration, range, etc.

It also increases the chance of magic going wrong. Everytime magic is used in the room,
roll 1d6. On a 6, the spell, potion or magic item backfires and hurts the user in some way,

depending on the nature of the magic.

The room has this effect only on the following week days: Monday, Friday and Sunday.

2. Ancient memories sphere
This room contains a perfectly round sphere, floating about one meter above the ground.
It is translucent and has the color of amber.
A faint vibration can be heard coming from the sphere.
When a character touches the sphere with their hand, ancient memories from the
dungeon start flowing into their head. After a while, it becomes unbearable and they
must remove their hand from the sphere.

That means that the DM will give information to the player (although it may be
incomplete or subject to interpretation). The sphere can only be used once a day (in total,
not per character).

3. Boss monster
This room is the lair of a more powerful variant of a common monster in the dungeon. It
is bigger and stronger (+3HD, +2AC, +2ML) than the usual monster encountered.

It is also accompanied by two lieutenants which are only a bit stronger (+1HD, +1AC,


If the monster is humanoid, roll the boss’ minions as you would for a random encounter

of the same kind of monster.

For treasure generation, add 10% to each category that isn’t nil. If there are magic items,
the boss and its lieutenants will use them, but the boss will always have priority on its
subordinates. e
4. Ceaseless wailing
This room is decorated with numerous statues and there are small fountains on the walls.
The water flows slowly and creates a soothing atmosphere although a little humid.

The statues represent people of all ages in various positions: hands covering their face,
crying or curled up on the ground.

Almost masked by the sound of water, incessant wailing can also be heard. They seem to
come from some of the statues (1d3+1).

Under those statues are hidden 1d3 gems. But the real treasure is actually the statues
themselves. They are a kind of singing statues, highly valued by some collectors (1000
gold coins each).

Each time a statue is moved aside (to get the gems) or lifted (to transport it), it has a 25%
chance of breaking. Two people are needed to transport a statue.


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