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Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371

Dynamic model for power systems with multiple FACTS controllers

Ghadir Radman , Reshma S. Raje
Center for Energy Systems Research, Tennessee Technological University, P.O. Box 5004, Cookeville, TN 38505, USA Received 3 August 2006; received in revised form 8 March 2007; accepted 10 March 2007 Available online 16 April 2007

Abstract Computer simulation and analysis of power systems are necessary for both planning and operation. This requires an appropriate mathematical model of the system that includes many inter-related linear/nonlinear differential and algebraic equations. Such mathematical model is also needed for the design of globally coordinated controllers to improve power system dynamic performance and stability. This paper presents a procedure for nding comprehensive dynamic models of power systems tted with shunt and/or series connected FACTS controllers such as STATCOM, SSSC, and UPFC. In this procedure, individual components of a power system are modeled using appropriate frame of references. Then all related equations are transformed to a common network frame of reference and tied to each other through the Y-matrix of the transmission network. The procedure is tested on the Western System Coordinating Council (WSCC) test system including FACTS controllers by performing computer simulations of the system for three-phase short circuit faults. MATLAB/Simulink software package is used for the simulations. 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Simulation; Modeling; Dynamic analysis; SSSC; STATCOM; UPF

1. Introduction Due to deregulation, environmental legislations and cost of construction, it is becoming increasingly difcult to build new transmission lines. Thus, it is essential to fully utilize the capacities of the existing transmission systems. Flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) controllers are proving to be very effective in using the full transmission capacity while increasing operational efciency and maintaining reliability of power systems. These controllers are based on power electronic devices and have fast response time. Advanced FACTS controllers are based on voltage sourced converters and include: STATic synchronous COMpensator (STATCOM), Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), and Unied Power Flow Controller (UPFC). STATCOM is the most commonly used among advanced FACTS controllers. This controller is connected in parallel with a power system and can improve system voltage prole in steadystate while enhancing the dynamic performance of the system when controlled properly. Ref. [1] shows a comparison of conventional PSS and SVC with STATCOM in damping inter-area
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 931 372 3520. E-mail addresses: (G. Radman), (R.S. Raje). 0378-7796/$ see front matter 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2007.03.004

oscillation. The model used for STATCOM, in this reference, is basically a controllable voltage source behind an impedance. Ref. [2] discusses the application of a STATCOM for reactive power compensation of a long transmission line by regulating the voltage at its mid-point. Ignoring the harmonics and using fundamental components, a model is presented for the STATCOM in a synchronously rotating qd frame of the reference. Linearizing the model and using eigenvalue analysis, the authors design a compensator in cascade with an integral controller for the STATCOM. Ref. [3] discusses power system transient stability enhancement that can be achieved by STATCOM. In this reference the authors design a nonlinear controller for the STATCOM that can improve the transient stability of a three-machine power system. Although the controller is designed based on local variables, the simulation is performed for the multi-machine system. Ref. [4] presents the design of function based variable structure fuzzy controllers for a STATCOM. The controller is tested on a single-machine innite-bus system with a STATCOM operating for damping the system oscillations. Ref. [5] has shown that a STATCOM can increase transmission capacity, damp low frequency oscillations, and improve transient stability. A typical two-machine system with STATCOM was used as test system. SSSC is a series connected FACTS controller. It may be considered as a controllable series voltage source with an internal


G. Radman, R.S. Raje / Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371

impedance. By controlling the voltage of the SSSC, a high degree of compensation can be achieved. This FACTS controller may be used to regulate the ow of active power in the link it is connected to, and help improve the dynamic performance of the overall power system. Ref. [6] shows the application of SSSC in improving the transient stability limit of transmission systems. A control scheme is used for SSSC in Ref. [7] that can limit fault current while improving power system stabilization. Ref. [8] proposes a control strategy for SSSC to enlarge the stability region of a power system where the control is determined by satisfying a Lyapunovs stability criterion, and the resulting control is a nonlinear function of the system state variables. Ref. [9] presents transient stability models and discusses the control aspects of FACTS controllers including SSSC. UPFC can be used for active/reactive power ow control, improvement of voltage prole, and enhancement of transient/dynamic stability. Essentially it is made of STATCOM and SSSC sharing the same dc-link. The circuit model for a UPFC consists of two voltage sources, one connected in series and the other connected in parallel with the transmission network. Both voltage sources are modeled to inject voltages of fundamental power system frequency. Ref. [10] provides a comprehensive mathematical model for UPFC that can be used for steady-state, transient stability and eigenvalue analysis. Ref. [11] discusses the dynamic modeling of a UPFC and its regulation to improve the dynamic performance of a power system. Ref. [12] presents the theory and modeling technique used to represent a UPFC (at fundamental frequency) for quasi-steady-state types of studies, such as voltage collapse and transient stability analyses. Researchers have performed digital simulation of power systems tted with FACTS controllers. The existing models in literature include a set of differential equations together with nonlinear algebraic power ow equations. The set of power ow equations is solved iteratively in every step of integration, which could be a signicant calculation burden. The present paper introduces a procedure that uses the system Y-matrix for the algebraic equations of the model. These algebraic equations are linear in terms of system bus voltages and can easily be solved; thus reducing the simulation time which is signicant for digital simulation of large scale power systems. In this procedure, individual components of a power system are modeled using appropriate frame of references. Then all related equations are transformed to a common frame of reference and tied to each other through the Y-matrix of the transmission network. The procedure is tested on the Western System Coordinating Council (WSCC) test system including FACTS controllers by performing digital simulations for three-phase short circuit faults. MATLAB and Simulink software package is used for the simulation. 2. Dynamic model of power system

Fig. 1. Block diagram representation of a power system.

in Fig. 1 shows a symbolic representation of a power system that includes several generators (together with their control loops), several loads (static or dynamic), a shunt connected FACTS controller (STATCOM), a series connected controllers (SSSC), and a combined shunt and series connected controllers (UPFC). The different components are interconnected through the transmission network. In this section the dynamic model of each component is reviewed. The individual models are combined with each other to obtain a set of linear and nonlinear differential equations to represent the dynamic behavior of the overall power system. The objective of this paper is to show how dynamic model of the overall system is obtained. Simple models are assumed for each component. More detailed models for the components can easily be accommodated by the procedure presented in this paper. A common synchronously rotating qd frame of reference (called the network or system rotating frame of reference) is considered for the overall system. In addition, a stationary frame of reference called as the rm (or realimaginary) frame of reference is used to write the transmission network equations in complex domain. The real axis (or r-axis) is assumed to be along the axis of the a-phase of the stator. Also, it is assumed that the q-axis of the network rotating frame of reference coincides with the r-axis at time t = 0. The equations for the synchronous machines are rst given based on their own qd frame of references. These equations are then transformed to the network qd frame of reference. All other components (such as STATCOM, SSSC, and UPFC) are modeled in network qd frame of reference. Now, with all component models given in network frame of reference, they can all be tied to each other through the Y-matrix of the transmission network. 2.1. Transmission network model

Computer simulation and analysis of power systems are necessary for both planning and operation. This requires an appropriate mathematical model of the system that includes several inter-related linear/nonlinear differential and algebraic equations. This mathematical model is also needed for the design of global/coordinated control system. The block diagram given

The transmission network is the major component of a power system. It is inherently a dynamic system with distributed inductance and capacitance and may be modeled using partial differential equations. However, this kind of comprehensive model is impractical for digital simulation of multi-machine

G. Radman, R.S. Raje / Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371


power systems. Moreover, the dynamics of transmission networks is a lot faster than the dynamics involved for system level studies such as angle and voltage stability analyses. Typically, for system level studies a transmission network is presented by lumped parameters and modeled algebraically by its Y-matrix. The Y-matrix relates the terminal current and voltage vectors in complex domain as follows: I = YV (1)

In this paper, a third-order model is considered for a generator. This model is presented below for a generator connected to Bus i of a multi-machine power system [13]: Td0,i dEi + Ei (Xd,i Xd,i )Id,i = Efd,i dt (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Hi di + Di + Pe,i = Pm,i f0 dt di = i 0i dt Ei = Vq,i + rIq,i Xd,i Id,i 0 = Vd,i + rId,i Xq,i Iq,i

The elements of the Y-matrix in Eq. (1) are constant complex numbers, but the magnitudes and/or the phases of the elements of the I-vector and the V-vector can assume slow changes. According to this equation, the current entered to the transmission network at Bus i is related to other bus voltages as follows:

Ii = Yi1 V1 + Yi2 V2 + + Yii Vi + + YiN VN =


Yij Vj (2)

where Eq. (5) shows the dynamics of the eld winding, Eqs. (6) and (7) show the rotor motion and Eqs. (8) and (9) show the terminal voltage and current relation. The above model is obtained assuming the qd frame of reference of the machine. The last two equations may be written in matrix form as follows: Iq,i Id,i = r Xq,i Xd,i r

By separating the real and imaginary parts of each term in Eq. (2), the equation may be rewritten as follows: Irm,i = Yrm,i1 Vrm,1 + Yrm,i2 Vrm,2 + + Yrm,ii Vrm,i

Vq,i Vd,i

r Xq,i

Xd,i r

Ei 0 (10)

+ + Yrm,iN Vrm,N =

Yrm,ij Vrm,j


This equation can be expressed in compact form as shown below: Iqd,i = Yqd,i Vqd,i + IqdE,i where (11)

where the different terms are dened as: Irm,i = Yrm,ij = Ir,i Im,i Gij Bij ; Bij Gij Vrm,i = Vr,i Vm,i ;

Iqd,i (4)

Iq,i Id,i

; r

Vqd,i = Xd,i r

Vq,i ; Vd,i

Yqd,i =

r Xq,i

Xd,i r

IqdE,i =

Ei 0



2.2. Synchronous machine model Synchronous generators (or machines) are the essential components of a power system. A synchronous generator converts the mechanical power at its shaft to electrical power and feeds it to the transmission network, which should be simultaneously absorbed by loads. Synchronous generators also help maintain system voltage at appropriate level, which is necessary for power transmission and absorption. Three sets of differential equations are necessary to represent the dynamic behavior of a synchronous machine. These are electrical equations (related to eld, damper, and stator windings), mechanical equations (related to the motion of the rotor plus all other components mechanically coupled with the rotor), and the dynamic equations related to different control loops (such as AVR and turbine-governor control). The dynamics of the prime movers that provide the mechanical power at the shaft of the generators have slow time constants. These dynamics are ignored for typical studies related to power systems such as angle and voltage stability analyses. However, these dynamics can easily be included in the machine model if needed.

Ignoring the stator resistance (r) of the generator, Eq. (10) can be simplied as follows: 1 0 0 Vq,i Xq,i Iq,i (13) = Ei V 1 Id,i d,i 0 Xd,i X

The current and voltage in Eq. (11) are given in qd frame of reference of the machine at Bus i. This equation is transformed into the network frame of reference (real and imaginary) using the transformations matrix given below [15]: Ti = cos i sin i sin i cos i (14)

After transformation, Eq. (11) becomes: Irm,i = (Ti 1 Yqd,i Ti )Vrm,i Ti 1 IqdE,i where Irm,i = Ti 1 Iqd,i ; Vrm,i = Ti 1 Vqd,i (16) (15)


G. Radman, R.S. Raje / Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of a STATCOM (left); circuit model of a STATCOM (right).

Eq. (15) gives the current injected to Bus i by the machine located at this bus. Eq. (3) gives the current received by the transmission network at the same bus. By equating these two currents and considering a local load with admittance YLD,i , an algebraic equation is obtained which relates the bus voltages to the state variables of the machine at Bus i. This equation is given below: Yrm,i1 Vrm,1 + Yrm,i2 Vrm,2 + + (Yrm,ii Ti1 Yqd,i Ti +YLD,i )Vrm,i + + Yrm,iN VN = Ti 1 IqdE,i (17)

Rp 1 1 d id,p + iq,p vd,p + ed,p ; id,p = dt Lp Lp Lp ed,p = 1 md,p vdc 2 (19) (20)

d 3 vdc = (mq,p iq,p + md,p id,p ) dt 2Cdc

In summary the machine model includes the differential equations (5)(7) and the algebraic equation (17). Other dynamics related to the machine (such as damper windings) and the control loops (such as AVR and turbine-governor control) may also be added to the set of the differential equations. These added differential equations do not change the structure of Eq. (17) that relates the machine internal variable to all bus voltages through the Y-matrix of the transmission network. 2.3. STATCOM model Fig. 2 shows the schematic and the circuit model of a STATCOM connected to Bus k of an N-bus power system; subscript p means the FACTS controller is connected in parallel with the system. The circuit model comprises a voltage source (with controllable magnitude and angle) connected to a power system in parallel through a series combination of resistance (Rp ) and inductance (Lp ). Here Lp represents the leakage reactance of the coupling transformer and Rp represents the ohmic losses of the STATCOM system (the converter and the transformer). The dynamic model of STATCOM is available in literature [14] and repeated below for convenience. The model is expressed in qd frame of reference of the network: Rp d 1 1 iq,p = iq,p id,p vq,p + eq,p ; dt Lp Lp Lp eq,p 1 = mq,p vdc 2 (18)

The attention in this paper is focused on dynamic modeling of the overall power systems for system level studies. Thus, simplied dynamic models are used for individual components for convenience. The dynamics related to the leakage inductance of the coupling transformer (Lp ) is ignored in this paper. This is justied since usually STATCOMs have internal fast controllers that act on these dynamics. These dynamics could be ignored (even without the presence fast internal controllers) for the same reason the dynamics related with the line capacitance, line and transformer inductances are ignored in system level stability analysis. With this assumption, Eqs. (18) and (19) become algebraic equations as shown below: 0= 0= Rp 1 1 iq,p id,p vq + eq,p Lp Lp Lp Rp 1 1 id,p + iq,p vd + ed,p Lp Lp Lp (21)


These equations give the terminal voltage and current relations for the STATCOM. Writing the above equations in matrix form, the following is obtained: iq,p id,p = Rp +Lp Rp +Lp Lp Rp Lp Rp
1 1

vq,p vd,p eq,p ed,p (23)

Or, in compact form it may be rewritten as Iqd,p = Yqd,p Vqd,p + IqdE,p (24)

G. Radman, R.S. Raje / Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371


where Iqd,p = Vqd,p = iq,p id,p Yqd,p = Rp +Lp Lp Rp eq,p ed,p


vq,p ; vd,p

IqdE,p = Yqd,p


Eq. (24) gives the current absorbed by the STATCOM from the transmission network at Bus k in terms of STATCOM state variables. As seen from Fig. 2, the branch with STATCOM may be replaced by current ip (or Iqd,p ) injected to the network at Bus k. The same current can be found from Eq. (3) by replacing the subscript i with k. Equating these two currents and considering the load at Bus k, the relation between the internal variables of the STATCOM and the system bus voltages are found as follows: Yrm,k1 Vrm,1 + Yrm,k2 Vrm,2 + + (Yrm,kk + Yqd,p +YLD,k )Vrm,k + + Yrm,kN Vrm,N = IqdE,p (26)

Fig. 3. Control loops for STATCOM.

2.4. SSSC model Fig. 4 shows the schematic and the circuit model for an SSSC connected between Bus k and Bus of an N-bus power system; subscript s means the FACTS controller is connected in series with the power system. The makeup of an SSSC is the same as that of a STATCOM. But it is connected in series with the power system with a different control objective. Typically, SSSC is used for controlling the ow of power through the link to which it is connected. The circuit model of SSSC (Fig. 4) includes a voltage source with controllable magnitude and angle. The magnitude and angle of this voltage is adjusted (through the control of converter ring angle) to achieve the system level control objective (regulating ow of power in link k ) and the component level control objective (regulating dc-link voltage). The dynamic model of this FACTS-controller is available in literature [14] and repeated below for convenience. The model is expressed in synchronously rotating qd frame of reference

Sophisticated control algorithms are available in literature for the control of a STATCOM. The main objectives of these controllers are to regulate the voltage of the dc-link capacitor (Vdc ) and the magnitude of the bus voltage (|Vk |). In this study two simple PI-controllers, as shown in Fig. 3, are used. The gains of these controllers are found by trial and error method for best response for the test system considered in this paper. In summary, the model for STATCOM at Bus k includes the differential equation (20), the block diagram in Fig. 3, and the algebraic equation (26).

Fig. 4. Schematic model of an SSSC (top); circuit model of an SSSC (bottom).


G. Radman, R.S. Raje / Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371

Fig. 5. Control loops for SSSC.

of the network: d Rs 1 1 iq,s id,s vq,s + eq,s ; iq,s = dt Ls Ls Ls eq,s = 1 mq,s vdc 2 (27)

d Rs 1 1 id,s iq,s vd,s + ed,s ; id,s = dt Ls Ls Ls ed,s 1 = md,s vdc 2 (28)

As seen from Fig. 4, the link with SSSC can be replaced by injected currents is and +is (Iqd,s and +Iqd,s ) at Buses k and , respectively. The same currents can be found using Eq. (3) by replacing subscript i to subscripts k and , respectively. Now, the following equations are obtained by equating the like currents found from Eqs. (3) and (33) and considering the local loads. These equations relate the internal states of the SSSC to bus voltages of the network: Yrm,k1 Vrm,1 + Yrm,k2 Vrm,2 + + (Yrm,kk + Yqd,s +yLD,k )Vrm,k + + Yrm,kN Vrm,N = IqdE,s Yrm, 1 Vrm,1 + Yrm, 2 Vrm,2 + + (Yrm, Yqd,s (35)

d 3 vdc = (mq,s vq,s + md,s vd,s ) dt 2Cdc


+yLD, )Vrm, + + Yrm,

N Vrm,N

= +IqdE,s


For the same reasons given in the section for the STATCOM, the dynamic equations (27) and (28) are simplied to the algebraic equation shown below: 0= 0= Rs 1 1 iq,s id,s vq,s + eq,s Ls Ls Ls Rs 1 1 id,s iq,s vd,s + ed,s Ls Ls Ls (30) (31)

Rewriting the above equations in matrix form the following is obtained: iq,s id,s = Rs +Ls eq,s ed,s Ls Rs

Sophisticated control algorithms are available in literature for the control of an SSSC. In this study, SSSC is assumed to be equipped with two PI-controllers: one for the regulation of the dc-link voltage and the other for the regulation of the active power transfer through the link k . These controllers are shown in Fig. 5. In summary, the model for the SSSC connected between Buses k and includes the differential equation (29), the block diagram in Fig. 5, and the algebraic equations (35) and (36). 2.5. UPFC model Fig. 6 shows the schematic and the circuit model for a UPFC connected between Buses k and of an N-bus power system. As seen from this gure, a UPFC is made of a STATCOM and an SSSC sharing the same dc-link. Several system level control objectives can be achieved through a UPFC. This paper considers the control of active and reactive power ow from Bus k to Bus and the magnitude of the voltage at Bus k. The circuit model of UPFC includes two voltage sources with controllable magnitude and angle. The magnitudes and angles of these voltages are adjusted (through the control of ring angles of the respective converters) to achieve the system level control objective (as dened above) and the component level objective (regulating dc-link voltage). Typically, the shunt (or parallel) component takes care of regulating both dc-link and ac-bus voltages while the series component takes care of other system level

vq,s vd,s

Rs +Ls

Ls Rs


Or, in compact form it may be rewritten as follows: Iqd,s = Yqd,s Vqd,s + IqdE,s where Iqd,s = Vqd,s = iq,s id,s ; Yqd,s = Rs +Ls Ls Rs ed,s eq,s


vq,s ; vd,s

IqdE,s = Yqd,s


G. Radman, R.S. Raje / Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371


Fig. 6. Schematic representation of a UPFC (top); circuit model of a UPFC (bottom).

control objectives. In essence, the series component is an SSSC with dc-link voltage supply. The dynamic model of this FACTS-controller is available in literature [15] and repeated below for convenience. The model is expressed in synchronously rotating qd frame of reference of the network: Rp d 1 1 iq,p = iq,p id,p vq,p + eq,p ; dt Lp Lp Lp eq,p 1 = mq,p vdc 2 (37)

3 d vdc = [(mq,p iq,p + md,p id,p ) (mq,s iq,s + md,s id,s )] dt 2C (41) For the same reasons given in the section for STATCOM, the dynamic equations (37)(41) are simplied to the algebraic equations as shown below: 0= 0= 0= Rp 1 1 iq,p id,p vq,p + eq,p Lp Lp Lp Rp 1 1 id,p iq,p vd,p + ed,p Lp Lp Lp 1 1 Rs iq,s id,s vq,s + eq,s Ls Ls Ls 1 1 Rs id,s iq,s vd,s + ed,s Ls Ls Ls (42) (43) (44) (45)

Rp d 1 1 id,p iq,p vd,p + ed,p ; id,p = dt Lp Lp Lp ed,p 1 = md,p vdc 2 (38)

d Rs 1 1 iq,s id,s vq,s + eq,s ; iq,s = dt Ls Ls Ls eq,s = 1 mq,s vdc 2 (39)


Rewriting the above equations in matrix form, the following are obtained: iq,p id,p = Rp +Lp ed,p eq,p Lp Rp

vq,p vd,p

d Rs 1 1 id,s = id,s iq,s vd,s + ed,s ; dt Ls Ls Ls ed,s = 1 md,s vdc 2 (40)

Rp +Lp

Lp Rp



G. Radman, R.S. Raje / Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371

Fig. 7. The PI-controllers for the UPFC.

1 1

iq,s id,s

Rs +Ls ed,s eq,s

Ls Rs

vq,s vd,s

Rs +Ls

Ls Rs

Also, from this gure the following equations are obvious: Ik = Iqd,s + Iqd,p I

(52) (53)

= Iq,s


Or, in compact form the same equations may be rewritten as Iqd,p = Yqd,p Vqd,p + IqdE,p Iqd,s = Yqd,s Vqd,s + IqdE,s where Iqd,p = Vqd,p = iq,p id,p vq,p vd,p ; Yqd,p = Rp +Lp Lp Rp ed,p eq,p Ls Rs ed,s eq,s
1 1

(48) (49)

The currents Ik and I k can also be found from Eq. (3) by replacing subscript i to subscripts k and , respectively. Now by equating the like currents from Eqs. (3), (52) and (53) and considering the local loads, the following two equations are found which relate the UPFC internal variables to bus voltages: Yrm,k1 Vrm,1 + Yrm,k2 Vrm,2 + + (Yrm,kk + Yqd,s + Yqd,p +YLD,k )Vrm,k + + Yrm,kN Vrm,N = IqdE,s IqdE,p (54)

Yrm, 1 Vrm,1 + Yrm, 2 Vrm,2 + + (Yrm, Yqd,s (50) +YLD, )Vrm, + + Yrm,
N Vrm,N

IqdE,p = Yqd,p

= +IqdE,s


Iqd,s = Vqd,s =

iq,s id,s vq,s vd,s

Yqd,s =

Rs +Ls

IqdE,s = Yqd,s


As seen from Fig. 6, the branch with UPFC may be replaced by currents Ik and I k injected to Buses k and , respectively.

Sophisticated control algorithms are available in literature for the control of a UPFC. In this study, the UPFC is assumed to be equipped with four PI-controllers: the rst one is used for the regulation of the dc-link voltage, the second one for the regulation of the ac-bus voltage, the third and the fourth ones for the regulation of the active and reactive power transfer through the link k , respectively. These controllers are shown in Fig. 7. In summary, the UPFC model connected between Buses k and of an N-bus power system includes the differential equations (41), the block diagram in Fig. 7, and the algebraic equations (54) and (55).

G. Radman, R.S. Raje / Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371


Fig. 8. Western System Coordinating Council (WSCC) test system.

2.6. The overall system model For buses with dynamic loads, appropriate differential equations have to be obtained. Assuming constant admittance load

is justied for the study at hand, the load connected to Bus i can be modeled by ILDrm,i = YLD,i Vrm,i (56)

Fig. 9. The system with STATCOM.

Fig. 10. The system with SSSC.


G. Radman, R.S. Raje / Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371

Fig. 11. The system with UPFC.

Fig. 12. The system with STATCOM and SSSC.

The load at Bus i may be replaced by injected current ILDrm,i . The same injected current can be found from Eq. (3). Equating these two currents, the following is obtained for the load bus: Yrm,i1 Vrm,1 + Yrm,i2 Vrm,2 + + (Yrm,ii + YLD,i )Vrm,i + + Yrm,iN Vrm,N = 0 (57)

Now, the overall system model includes all of the differential equations related to the components connected to different buses and the algebraic equations such as Eqs. (17), (26), (35), (36), (54), (55) and (57). The algebraic equations relate the bus voltages to the state variables. The number of these equations is the same as the number of buses. These equations are linear in bus voltages, thus all voltages can be found in terms of the state variables easily. 3. Numerical analysis The proposed procedure for dynamic modeling of power systems with FACTS controllers is tested on the nine-bus WSCC system. The system is shown in Fig. 8. This system consists of three generators located at Buses 13. All generators are assumed to be equipped with turbine-governor and voltage regulator loops. Bus 1 is considered as the slack bus for power ow solution that is used to nd the pre-disturbance state of the system. Buses 5, 6 and 8 are the load buses. Pi-models are considered for the transmission lines. The numerical data for

the transformers and the transmission lines of this system are marked in Fig. 8 and the rest of the numerical data are given in Appendix A. A three-phase short circuit fault with duration of three cycles is considered at Bus 5. Four cases of dynamic simulation are performed. Case 1 assumes a STATCOM is connected at Bus 6. Case 2 assumes an SSSC installed in link 89. In case 3, a UPFC is assumed in link 78. Finally, in case 4 a STATCOM at Bus 6 and an SSSC in link 89 is assumed. Prior to simulation, steadystate power ow routine was used to nd the initial values of all states. The simulation results are shown in Figs. 912. The plots in these gures show the voltages for Buses 57, the generator frequencies and the relative rotor angles of generators 2 and 3 with respect to generator 1. 4. Conclusion This paper presented a systematic procedure for dynamic modeling of an N-bus multi-machine power system tted with FACTS controllers: STATCOM, SSSC, and UPFC. The model can be used for digital computer simulation and/or design of globally coordinated controllers. In this procedure, individual components of a power system are modeled using appropriate frame of references. Then all related equations are transformed to a common frame of reference and tied to each other through the Y-matrix of the transmission network. The nal model comprises all differential equations related to the individual components and one two-dimensional algebraic equation for

G. Radman, R.S. Raje / Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 361371


each bus, which relate the bus voltages to the state variables of the system. The set of algebraic equations can readily be solved in terms of the state variables. The procedure is tested on the Western System Coordinating Council (WSCC) test system including FACTS controllers by performing digital simulations for three-phase short circuit faults using MATLAB/Simulink software package. Appendix A The numerical data for the transformers and the transmission lines of the test system are marked in Fig. 8 and the rest of the numerical data (in p.u.) are given below: STATCOM: Vdc = 1; X = 0.02; Cdc = 0.02; gains for ac-bus voltage control loop: Kp = 1, Ki = 25; gains for dc voltage control loop: Kp = 1, Ki = 25. SSSC: Vdc = 1; X = 0.05; Cdc = 0.02; gains for line active power control loop: Kp = 1, Ki = 15; gains for dc voltage control loop: Kp = 1, Ki = 1. UPFC: Vdc = 1; Xp = 0.05; Xs = 0.01; Cdc = 0.02; gains for acbus voltage control loop: Kp = 0.1, Ki = 0.05; gains for dc voltage control loop: Kp = 0, Ki = 0.05; gains for line active power control loop: Kp = 0.1, Ki = 0.05; gains for line reactive power control loop: Kp = 0.1, Ki = 0.05. Synchronous generator 1: Xd1 = 1.7; Xq1 = 1.6; Xd1 = 0.3; D1 = 0.1; H1 = 2.31; Td1 = 4.0. Synchronous generator 2: Xd2 = 1.6; Xq2 = 1.5; Xd2 = 0.3; D2 = 0.1; H2 = 3.4; Td2 = 8.0. Synchronous generator 3: Xd3 = 1.6; Xq3 = 1.5; Xd3 = 0.3; D3 = 0.1; H3 = 3.4; Td3 = 8.0. References
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