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New South Student C enter

F inal Proposal


T able of Contents
Cover Letter ................................................................................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Current status of the New South Student Center .......................................................................................... 3 Why is the New South Student Center Important? ....................................................................................... 3

Report on Student Space at Georgetown ...................................................................................................... 4

Summary of Cost Projections ........................................................................................................................ 5 Enhancement Descriptions ............................................................................................................................. 6 Conceptual Drawings South Patio (View overlooking the Potomac River) .................................................................................. 7 South Patio (View from Above) ................................................................................................................. 8 Possible Layout for First Floor Transformation ......................................................................................... 9 Pub/Eating Space ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Living Room ............................................................................................................................................ 11 North Courtyard (New South Patio) ......................................................................................................... 12 Open Study Space .................................................................................................................................... 13 Current Conceptual NSSC Design ............................................................................................................... 14 Proposed Referendum Language ................................................................................................................ 15

November 27, 2011 To the Georgetown University Student Body: The following proposal represents an extraordinary opportunity to impact our campus. The information in this document will provide a better understanding of why this project is needed, but will primarily focusonthestudentbodysability to make monumental enhancements to New South Student Center (NSSC). Over 1,000 students expressed their discontent with the state of student space in the Report on Student Space at Georgetown, a document published in April 2010 by a group of student leaders. As a result of this document, alumni, parents, and the administration made a commitment to address the need for student space by building the NSSC, a 36,000 ft. structure that will become a signature feature of our campus. The time to show the importance of student space is right now. Conceptual designs have been created, but you can enhance this building to something far greater than is currently being envisioned. With a $2.25 million contribution from the Student Activities Fee Endowment (SAFE), you can expect to see usable space grow by 21% with the additions of a terrace that overlooks the Potomac River and a transformation of the first floor that would create an additional 2,780 ft. of study and lounge space. In addition, the planned payment allocation structure will hopefully allow the SAFE to accrue enough interest over the next two years to pay for fireplaces in the living room and possibly a central skylight. Please join me in supporting this proposal by voting YESonJanuarys referendum. It is vital that you remember that without the passage of this referendum and the approval of this contribution, the discussed enhancements will not be built! Respectfully, TaylorPrice(B10,MPS12)

E xecutive Summary
The mission of the New South Student Center (NSSC) proposal is to present a package of enhancement opportunities for the student body to consider and approve on a January 2012 referendum. An approximate $2.25 million disbursement from the Student Activity Fee Endowment (SAFE) would be used to build the South Terrace and transform the first floor to include additional study and lounge space. This gift will add features to the current plans that otherwise would not be included in the NSSC. Usable space will grow by approximately 21%, with the addition of 7,450 ft.. Furthermore, this report makes a specific request that any funds that become available through accrued interest or from unspent construction costs be allocated for the construction of three (3) living room fireplaces and a central skylight. These recommendations, which will dramatically improve student life, are made after months of meetings and consultation with University officials including Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Todd Olson, Assistant Vice President of University Planning & Project Management Regina Bleck, Associate University Architect Amy Sanderson, and Director of Student Programs Erika Cohen-Derr, as well as representatives from the SmithGroup, Student Body President Mike Meaney 12, Student Body Vice President Greg Laverriere 12, and the Chair of the GUSA SenatesFinanceandAppropriationsCommitteeColtonMalkerson13. The NSSC became more of a focus and campus priority after the Report on Student Space at Georgetown was published in April 2010. The RSSG helped present the problems surrounding student space, recommended viable solutions, and provided a vision for the future.

C ur rent status of the New South Student C enter campaign

The University publically announced plans for the NSSC in October during the launch of capital campaign. There had been a quiet phase of a fundraising, during which the administration began talking with potential donors and soliciting funding commitments. The NSSC has been fully vetted throughout the highly political conversations that govern development at Georgetown and has been identified as a priority in the capital campaign. The NSSC was included in the most recent 10-year campus plan and is fully supported by the Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC). The feasibility study and conceptual design processes for the NSSC are nearing completion. The timeline to completion is predicted to be: Fundraising (completed by June 2012), Construction design (May/June 2012-February 2013), Construction (May 2013-July 2014), and a grand opening in August 2014.

W hy the New South Student C enter is Important

The Endowment Commission stated that proposals for spending this money must be distributed to projects that affect the entire student body and that will have a lasting impact Student space is the foundation of student life on campus. The lack of quantity and quality space stymies development in every aspect of undergraduate student life. The investment in the NSSC willdramaticallyincreasestudentsabilityto excel in theactivitiesthatcomprisethewholeof student life. Unfortunately, Georgetowns student activity resources are not on a par with the universitys stellar academic reputation and have not kept pace with the amenities available at many peer institutions. Students at Georgetown are keenly aware of the shortcomings. The construction of the NSSC will help Georgetown remain competitive and demonstrate commitment to cura personalis, the concept of educating the whole person. This belief is a central tenet of GeorgetownsCatholicandJesuitidentity.Educatingstudents whollymeans providing an environment that promotes opportunities to explore interests outside the classroomexperiences that might include attending a lecture by a visiting scholar, becoming active in student government, screening a student documentary or playing an intramural sport. Finally, its worthwhile to note that a student investment in the NSSC will demonstrate a commitment to working with the administration and broader university community for the betterment of Georgetown. The student body has a unique opportunity to serve as an energizing forcefortheNSSCcampaigninamannerthatembodiesGeorgetownscharacter.

Report on Student Space at Georgetown

In April 2010, a group of student leaders published the Report on Student Space at Georgetown (RSSG) in order to establish a student voice in the space conversation. The RSSG presented the problem, recommended viable solutions, and provided a vision for the future. The findings of this report were not surprising, but it concretely illustrated Georgetown students discontent with the quantity and quality of student space. In fact, 53% of the 1,001 students surveyed were dissatisfied with student space on campus. The report also showed student opinion on where the greatest needs existed in student life. The top four needs, according to the student survey, were: study space (64% of students wanted more), social space (56%), dining/eating areas (49%) and meeting space (41%). The RSSG stated that the NSSC is the best solution to address a range of student activities problems because it will provide a center for student life. This facility will forever change the Georgetown undergraduate experience. This report played a prominent role in encouraging alumni, parents, and the administration to make the NSSC a funding priority for the near future.

F unding Goals and Payment T imeline

One hundred percent of the funds allocated from the Student Activities Fee Endowment for the NSSC would be to used grow and enhance current plans. An additional 7,450 ft. would be created by building the South Terrace and transforming the first floor through extensive renovation. As you can see below, these items would cost approximately $2.25 million. Money allocated to the NSSC would be transferred to the University in accordance to a drawdown schedule that is agreed upon between University and theGUSASenatesFinance and Appropriations Committee (FinApp). It can be anticipated that 20% of the money would be transferred in the first year as a down payment, with the remainder being disbursed as required over the completion of the project. For example, the funds needed to pay for the South Terrace would not be needed until March 2014 because exterior enhancements would be completed towards the end of the project timeline. Given this information, FinApp and I are optimistic that interest would continue to accumulate on the principal amount and allow for further student contributions. A specific request is being made that if this occurs that this money would be allocated to pay for three (3) living room fireplaces and a central skylight. Decisions about interest accumulation and allocation will be made at the discretion of FinApp after consultation with proposal leaders.

Cost Estimates and E nhancement Descriptions

The information below includes a cost summary table for possible enhancements and descriptions of each.

Cost Summary T able

E nhancement South Terrace First Floor Transformation SU B T O T A L Living Room Fireplaces (3) 8x8CentralSkylight TOTAL Base Price $ 1,184,000 $ 486,500 $ 1,670,500 $ 90,000 $ 75,000 $ 1,835,500 **Price including Soft Costs (35%) $ 1,598,400 $ 656,775 $ 2,255,175 $ 121,500 $ 101,250 $ 2,477,925 Priority 1 2 3 4

**Soft Costs are fees for the architects, engineers, the commissioning agent, obtaining building permit, etc. These are required for any project, but are separate from construction costs.

E nhancement Descriptions
South Terrace This 4,670 ft. terrace would be built on the south side of the NSSC overlooking the Potomac River. It would be accessible from the proposed student Living Room and Open Study areas. This enhancement is intended to create an exterior student gathering space with dramatic views of the river that could be used for lounge, study, and potentially outdoor events. The current NSSC plans indicate no work in this area, except to patch or repair sidewalks and railings as required for safety. (SEE PAGES 7 and 8 FOR CONCEPTUAL DRAWING)

F irst F loor Transformation This enhancement incorporates an additional 2,780 ft. into the NSSC after a complete transformation of the First Floor. This space would create more study and lounge space, although the true functionality of this space is open for student dialogue. Current NSSC plans indicate repair and paint work would be done to walls, ceilings, and floors in existing piano practice rooms, lobby and toilet rooms. Minor modifications to incorporate access to a new elevator would also be made. (SEE PAGE 9 FOR POSSIBLE DESIGN/LAYOUT) Living Room F ireplaces Three (3) fireplaces would be added to the Living Room space. Cost estimate accounts for demo of exterior wall and roof, new interior framing, wall and hearth materials, gas piping, and equipment. (SEE PAGE 11 FOR CONCEPTUAL DRAWING)
8x8CentralSkylight An approximately 8'x8'x4'high glass clerestory window/skylight would be built into the First Floor Courtyard, creating natural light to come into the center of the building. Cost estimate accounts for cutting through existing structural roof slab and associated required waterproofing.

South T er race | O verlooking Potomac River

South T er race | V iew from A bove

F irst F loor T ransformation | A ll New Space

T he Pub | Dining Lounge & Bar


L iving Room


North Courtyard | New South Patio


O pen Study | New Riverside Lounge


C ur rent Conceptual NSSC Design


Proposed Referendum L anguage

You have a once in a lifetime opportunity to show how important student space is to your education and development as an individual. While the proposed plans for the 36,000 ft. New South Student Center (NSSC) already contain a student pub, copious amounts of study and lounge space, a multipurpose room for banquets and performances, and two new dance studios, more can be done. With the passage of this referendum, the amount of usable space will grow by almost 21% by building a breathtaking terrace overlooking the Potomac River and more study and lounge space on the first floor. It is also possible that fireplacesinthelivingroomandacentralskylightcouldbe incorporated depending on future interest accumulation and unspent construction costs. Without a student contribution, these features will not be a part of the NSSC. Over 1,200 students expressed their discontent with the state of on campus space in the Report on Student Space at Georgetown, published in April 2010. Subsequently, alumni, parents, and the administration made a commitment to start fixing the problem by designating the NSSC a priority in the recently announced capital campaign. Please vote YES to ensure that the NSSC will be an integral part of our campus that will impact the lives of tens of thousands of future students, while knowing we helped them!


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