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´ Echoes of English Melodies´




MAY 25th, 2024
Singing activities are not common at the time of teaching English, because many
people consider that it doesn’t help student in the development of their skills, the
point here is that, every activity that we can develop with our students can at some
point improve at least one skill on them. The purpose of this project is not enhance
singing abilities, instead of that what we look is to have a better sight about the
teaching-learning process is carried out.

My project is basic on that in create a singing activity where my students can explore
more about the language they are learning that in this case in English. This project
is an amazing innovative initiative especially dedicated to improving language skills
and fostering a deep appreciation for the English language among students and
enhance the relation between students and the teacher. This project is to provide
students with an engaging and challenging environment to explore and master new
vocabulary in an entertaining and fun way.

this project aims to provide an engaging platform for students to expand their
knowledge and show better mastery in the different macro skills that the student
needs in the learning the English language such as pronunciation, intonation, writing
and speaking skills, those types of project are important and fundamental for the
developing of student’s skills, but also it helps the teacher to have a better sight
about how to improve as a teacher.
Incorporating a singing activity where students create both the song and the melody
offers extensive educational benefits, enhancing language learning, creativity,
collaboration, and critical thinking. Creating lyrics expands vocabulary because they
will have to put into a context all the knowledge they have acquired during the
previous months of classes. Also it improves syntax and grammar, while singing aids
pronunciation and intonation are essential for phonetic learning and accent

This activity fosters cognitive skills as students and that is one of the main purposes
of this project because they analyze and synthesize information to produce coherent
and compelling lyrics and melodies, boosting specifically their critical thinking and
problem-solving abilities, and also enhancing their collaborative work. The activity
supports social and emotional learning by promoting teamwork and collaboration as
I mentioned before, it addresses how students negotiate ideas and reach consensus
in groups. Performing their songs builds self-confidence and public speaking skills,
while the emotional expression inherent in music enhances emotional development
and empathy.

Finally, reflecting on the process allows students to discuss their learning

experiences, the challenges they had to face, and solutions that they found,
reinforcing the educational benefits mentioned previously. This dynamic and
engaging approach to learning not only enhances linguistic abilities but also
cultivates a wide range of cognitive, social, and emotional skills, creating a rich and
multifaceted educational environment, basically this project allows us to provide a
look to the rest of students and teacher that English must not be bored and that is a
process where you can find interactive manners of learning.
Name of the institution: Complejo Educativo Profesor Martin Romeo Monterrosa
City: Santa Ana
Level: Secondary Education School year: Tenth Grade ´A´
Teacher: William Eduardo Evora Tutor: Rafael Ernesto Quinteros
Name of the Educational: ´Project. Melodic English´
Transversal Axis: Collaborative work, Education for everyone, Cultural diversity.
Project date: May 15th, 2024 N of participants: 35 Students
Project Motto Project Logo

´Echoes of English Melodies´

General Objective:

 To enhance students' cognitive, social, and emotional skills through the creative
process of composing and performing an original songs and melodies.

Specific Objectives:

 Develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by analyzing and

synthesizing ideas to create coherent and meaningful lyrics
 Stimulate creativity by encouraging students to express their thoughts and
emotions through original compositions.
 Promote teamwork and collaboration by having students work in groups to
brainstorm, write, and compose their songs.
 Selection of the activity:
after a serious brainstorming and talked about many kinds of activities, I
decided that a singing activity would be the most appropriate project for them,
because is a way in which they cannot just practice their English skills, but
also enhance other abilities such as, creativity, team work and hard working.

 Talk to the tutor:

My tutor Ernesto Quinteros when I presented my ideas about the project he
made me some observations, I wanted to carried out the activity individually,
but he told me that it was a better idea to do it in groups. Also he told me that
the idea was great and that he would give me his support in everything that I
could need. I good to know that I have met a good tutor.

 What if the project was rejected?

If the project would have been rejected. I had already on mind others projects,
but honestly I considered this one was the proper for them. The project was
not rejected so I could continue as I had planned, always is a good idea to
have a plan b or even plan c because we don’t know if we will receive the
support we are waiting for.

 What if the project was approved?

The project thanks god was approved, now I just had to take it to the next
level that It was about to think clearly and precise how I would do it, another
brainstorming was necessary for this step, because I wanted to be sure that
everything would be okay at the time that the project was presented to the
 Organization of the activity:
- I decided to set the activity in different parts, in the first stage I realized
that the song must be unique and authentic that is why I decided that it
would be created by them.
- In the second part or stage, I taught about the topics that they could use
such as: love, lonely, but at the end I decided that it was a better idea that
they could decide that part and I consider that was the best decision I
could have made.
- I was clear with the objectives so I did not have any problems with that.
after that I taught about the possible seating arrangement that I could use,
but the problem was the space of the classroom, so the seating
arrangement was not as I wanted, also the activity was scheduled for May
15th, 2024 at 8:45 Am until 10:15 am, we would have two hours for the
- The activity also would be in groups of 5 students, they would have to
create the lyrics of the song, also the melody for that, they were not
allowed to use any type of instrument just their body to produce sounds.

- About inviting people, I would have liked but the problem was the space
and the schedule for the activity, so we just could have some guesses
from the same institution

 Purpose of the project:

The purpose of the project in part was that my students could have a different
experience, and not just the same traditional method of teaching, I knew my
student and I was sure that they had many skills that were not enough
explored yet. And it was in that way, they showed me other abilities and not
just English skills, but also creativity, collaborative work and enthusiasm.
 The target audience:
I visualized that the target language would be the same students, but taking
into consideration that we would have some guesses then I could change my
mind and realized that the audience were all those who decided to be there,
students, external guesses, students from other classrooms and some other
teachers from other subjects
 Socialization of the activity with my students:
Today was the day to make the proposal to my students about the project,
some of them were not completed agree at the beginning because previously
we had a similar activity but it was individually and they were too ashamed to
participate. After we were discussing important points such as the grades and
the steps to follow they accepted and started to prepare the song because
they would have just a week to be ready. I provided some time of the class
for them to have a brainstorming with their groups and to decide the order of
 Preparation of the resources:
Even when we tried to prepare enough material for the developing of the
activity, due to the time it was difficult to do it, some things were not as we
had taught and the next class were we could prepare material was suspende
so, we did not extra time to create it. But we did our best and I consider that
everything was good, good performance, good environment and a good time
 Creation of a rubric evaluation:
In this part of the project, it was necessary to have a rubric to evaluate their
performance that is why, it must be created by myself. The rubric took into
consideration aspects such as pronunciation, intonation, creativity, and body
 Developing of the activity:
Today was the day of the activity, I was some minutes earlier at the school to
prepare everything, my students were already there. We started the class by
giving them the clear instructions related about how would be carried out the
activity. I gave some minutes more for them to practice and get ready. After
some minutes we enter to the classroom because they were practicing in that
moment outside to achieve that every team could have their own space to
We decided to first rifle the order of their participations, we use an online
wheel to do it. I was excited and they were excited as well because I could
notice that. The time for the beginning of the activity was set and everything
was ready. There were 6 teams, the first did their performance and I must say
that they did a really good job, good intonation and pronunciation, and it was
visible that they had prepared themselves pretty well.

The, it was the participation of the second group, it was a group formed just
by girls, the tone of them were really good, they were ashamed at the
beginning but later they just felt what they were doing and enjoyed the activity,
it was a really good performance. The third group did as well an amazing job,
the song was really creative because they used the name of the fruit to create
the song I was really amazed.
It was the time for the groups number four, that one more time they did a
wonderful job, I could notice that each of them were compromised to have a
great performance during the activity. It was the time for the group number
five, another group formed just for girls, they were presenting the girl power
inside the classroom. They were singing about love and it was I am sure for
me and for them a great experience.
Now the last group took action, they were even dancing on the performance
and that was the point, that they could enjoyed the activity while they could
practice English. I would have liked that they could use customes, but due to
the schedule and to the fact that they spend the whole day at the school, I
would be complicated to do it, but I am very satisfied with their performance
because it was an incredible work.

 Evaluation:
The evaluation for sure that it was taking into consideration the performance
of my students. It was a funny activity but at the same time it was an activity
were they would be receiving a grade for their performance, that is why I had
to be concise and precise at the time of grading them. After I assigned them
a grade or numerical number, obviously that I congratulate them because all
the performances were good, and I told them I was really proud about them.
 Praise work and rewards:
I would have liked to create a budget with them and have too much money to
give to the winners, but because of the time we could not do that, instead of
doing that, I decided to give to the winner group ten dollars, for them to spend
it buying something to eat or I don’t know, when you know that everything was
in a good way, you don’t feel dissatisfaction of praising them.

 Feedback:
The feedback was really positive because their performances were amazing,
but I told them things that they could improve for the next time such as some
pronunciation mistakes, that for the next time they must prepare even better
themselves and that they must be most creative because they have the
competences to do it, they are good students and have abilities that it will do
they can accomplish all they want.

 Conclusions of the project:

This project can provide us with a clue about what our students want at the
time of receiving a class, they don’t want that we just give them information
and them leave them alone because they must create their own knowledge.
In real life it is not in that way, they are human being, they feel frustration, they
sometimes don’t feel well, they can have problems or even they don’t want to
study anymore because some teacher told them they would not be able to be
someone in life.
Those type of projects are positive for their development. Nowadays English
is an essential part in our daily life and we must know it in each of their context.
I received some comments from my students that they really enjoyed the
activity because it was the first time they did something like that, and that in
the future they hope to do it one more time. Also I think that our guesses could
notice that English must not be bored, and I am sure that now they
perspective related to English has changed.
In conclusion, the activity could fit the objectives planned at the beginning, the
results were completely positive and we have gone one step beyond from
what being a teacher means, for the next generations of students and teacher
I hope they can apply those type of projects, that institutions allow teacher to
do things like this, and that we can delete the paradigm about English and
their believes that it is bored.

Values and commitments achieve during the developing of the project.

Values Commitments
- Creativity - provide honest and constructive
feedback about the activity,
- Personal challenge highlighting what worked well and
suggesting areas for improvement.
- Self-control
- take time to reflect on my personal
- Responsibility progress and identify specific areas
where I have improved and where I still
- Collaborative work need to work.

- Coexistence - share my experience with others who

might be interested in joining similar
- Leadership activities, encouraging them to
- Solidarity
- evaluate the success of the activity
based on participant feedback,
attendance, and overall engagement.
Activities May
First Second Third
week week week
Selection of the activity
Talk to my tutor
Organize the activity
Define purposes and objectives
Socialize the activity with the students
Develop the activity
Evaluation of the activity
Conclusions about the project
Presentation of the project
Socialization of the results

The resources used in this project were:
- Papers
- Table
- Chair
- Online videos about how to create a song from zero step by step
- Project logo
- Project motto
- Pencils
- Cards
- Online wheel

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