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Date of Publication: 06/14/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Legal and Political Tenets of Article Nine (9) of the Universal Declaration


Legal and Political Tenets of relation are follows:

(1) There shall be no law or policy which shall motivate any arrest which isn't conducted
under due process, isn't compliant with the comprehensive and due procedures within
this process, and isn't reflective of the respective statute of relation (or relevance),
(2) There shall be no law or policy (or protocol) which shall allow for secret or un-expressed
arrest whether unknown to the purported arrestee or the general public (or the law
enforcement community of relation),
(3) There shall be no policy or law which shall deviate from assenting to the terms of the
respective Constitution in respecting the standard procedure of arrest only if terms are
detailed as subjected to (and precluded by) human rights and civil liberties, legal
principles enacted in accordance with universal accords; arrest shall not be cruel and/or
unusual to any or diminutive to the innocent or legalistically commendable,
(4) There shall be no arbitrary detainment or imposition of criminal custody when the
respective procedure isn't of any prerequisite in law; principles on equity are not capable
of rendering any judgment toward arrest, detainment, placed custody (criminal custody),
or bonafide incarceration,
(5) There shall be no law or policy, whether communicated via protocol or articulated
procedure of standard, which shall denote detainment as a mandate in emergencies
under special or scrutinized conditions, specifically conditions not subjected to the
preclusionary power of constitutional law on society, that which inherently demands the
constraint of documental human rights,
(6) There shall be no act of detainment or such which shall reduce any migrant, visitor, or
enemy combatant to the condition of non-redress or discrimination when abridgements
of right(s) are conducted, observed, petitioned on, or assessed as the nature of general
Welfare requires all to be happy in sound conduct and addressed when in breach of the
legal and political protections of all,
(7) Any and all laws and policies on deportation rights shall not allow for any citizen or
[bonafide, needy, or commendable] resident to be removed from the standard security of
the respective native or adopted homeland; competent demands to be removed out of
one's native or adopted homeland, into exile or deportation, has to be founded on the
need to acquire happiness without government's unconstitutional obstruction of one's
expressed and formalized wishes on relatable matters, that which are intended,
nominalized by the person at issue, and conveyed per his or her respective intent only
when self-perceived as active and genuine,
(8) There shall be no excessive or extremist policy, [whether] based on documental
Constitution or statute, which shall dictate procedures, rules, and communications on the
matter of audit, legal inquiry, investigation, prosecution, conviction, and/or sentencing
guidelines; no policy shall communicate levels of punitive harshness not corresponsive
to fair treatment or just resolutions (decided within and outside judicial forums), and
(9) All powers of Government shall support that the [standard] freedom of all to be content in
the mode of ethical happiness and lawful privacy without legal intervention must be

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number: WYBI16328590

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