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2023 Individual student report



What is Validation of Assessment for Learning How to read this report

and Individual Development (VALID)? Five reporting strands are used to show
VALID is a statewide program that complements the school- different aspects of student achievement.
based assessment and reporting programs in schools. The Each reporting strand has six achievement
VALID test assesses what Year 8 students know and can do in levels.
science. An example of how to read a reporting
Students, parents and teachers can use the VALID levels to ribbon is shown below.
plan learning programs and activities so that students can
progress in their science knowledge, understanding and skills.
This report provides results from the statewide test held
between 23 October and 3 November 2023.
What was tested?
The test assessed a variety of Stage 4 outcomes from the
NSW Science K–10 Syllabus.
A broad range of knowledge and skills in science were
assessed using three extended response tasks and 75 short
response and multiple choice tasks.
Extended response tasks are writing tasks that provide
opportunities for students to demonstrate their integrated
understandings and skills from various areas of the syllabus.
Short response and multiple choice items assess syllabus
outcomes that are reported in three interrelated strands:
Knowledge and understanding
Students respond to items that specifically assess their
knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts. Some
items assess the nature and practice of science and the
impact of science on society, technology and the environment.
Planning, designing and conducting
Students respond to items that allow them to demonstrate
their skills in questioning, planning and conducting
Problem solving and communicating
Students respond to items that allow them to process and
analyse data and information, solve problems and
communicate their findings.
Summary of student achievement in VALID

The following ribbons summarise Vaishnavi's performance in VALID Science 8. This information takes account of
the quality of their responses and the number of tasks in each strand of the test. Statements of typical
achievements at each level have been provided for each strand.
In general, students are able to successfully complete items at their level and the levels below. Students, parents
and teachers can use these results to identify the types of knowledge and skills that students need to learn so they
can progress their understanding in each strand.

Overall achievement Extended response tasks

Overall, Vaishnavi's responses in Vaishnavi's level of achievement in this

this test placed them in Level 3 for strand is based on their combined
science. performance across the three extended
In the extended response tasks, response tasks. Task 1 assessed students'
Vaishnavi attempted all three knowledge, understanding and skills in
tasks and scored 6 out of a planning a scientific investigation.
possible 18 marks. In this task, Vaishnavi provided two or
In the multiple choice and short more relevant pieces of information. For
response section, Vaishnavi instance, the student identified a step
attempted 39 of the 75 items and and also the amount of substance used
completed 10 correctly. should be the same. However, there was
For knowledge and understanding, no mention of the measured variable.
Vaishnavi attempted 24 of the 41 Task 2 assessed students' understanding
items and completed 5 correctly. of the role of body systems in meeting
For planning, designing and the body's needs during periods of
conducting investigations, exercise.
Vaishnavi attempted 10 of the 17 In this task, Vaishnavi provided two or
items and completed 4 correctly. more relevant pieces of information. For
For problem solving and instance, they might have identified a
communicating, Vaishnavi relevant body part and identified a body
attempted 5 of the 17 items and response.
completed 1 correctly. Task 3 assessed students' knowledge and
understanding of how the agents of
weathering and erosion cause the
formation of landforms.
In this task, Vaishnavi provided two or
more relevant pieces of information for
instance, students might have provided
an observation from the image and
described what is happening to the
VALID levels and reporting strands

The percentages of Year 8 students in NSW who demonstrated achievement at each level were:

Short response and multiple choice tasks

Knowledge and Planning, designing Problem solving and
understanding and conducting communicating
match cell structures to their evaluate and modify evaluate solutions for a problem
functions experimental procedures against chosen criteria
describe benefits and limitations justify experimental procedures apply resource data to an
of a scientific model describe the purpose of variables environmental issue
describe the behaviour of in a given problem analyse a scientific diagram to
charged objects classify all variables for a given make inferences
use evidence to explain a investigation evaluate evidence and
scientific model, theory or law select appropriate equipment conclusions for reliability and
identify materials required for for a task validity
photosynthesis or respiration identify variables that are held identify relationships present in
identify the knowledge base for constant for a fair test secondary sources
a science career accurately and systematically distinguish between relevant
describe the arrangement of record observations and irrelevant scientific
particles in matter identify ways to improve the information
describe energy transformations reliability and accuracy for an make generalisations by
describe interactions in an investigation combining information provided
ecosystem identify a strategy to improve in a text
identify an impact of science on the quality of results sequence a set of observations
society or the environment sequence the steps in a scientific extrapolate a line graph
identify that new knowledge will method or investigation relate scientific diagrams to
change scientific models identify the measured variable in written descriptions
identify that particles gain an investigation distinguish between common
energy when heated distinguish between problems, sense and scientific meanings of
identify common chemical predictions and observations words
elements relate a measured quantity to its describe a strategy to solve a
identify that energy travels from unit name and abbreviation stated problem
the Sun by radiation identify the purpose or identify the purpose for a
explain the cause of day and advantage of fair testing diagram
night relate equipment and its use for describe a simple trend in data
identify types of energy present a specific task or a diagram
in common situations make a simple prediction based reference information in a table,
identify that boiling involves a on observations graph, diagram or text
change of state identify functions of simple make a simple generalisation
relate a technology to a scientific equipment draw a conclusion from simple
discovery identify a way to safely conduct text and a graphic
describe the role of plant an investigation identify a point on a graph
structures identify questions that can be convert measurements made
rank the sizes of the Sun, Earth scientifically tested with different units
and the Moon identify that variables affect the calculate the average for data in
identify that Earth is a planet results of an investigation a table
identify a diagram of a solid, name a common piece of make an observation from a
liquid or gas laboratory equipment video, table, diagram or graph
identify a basic need of humans make a simple observation locate information in a table,
for survival propose a suitable step for an graph or text
describe a force as a push or pull investigation make a simple inference from a
select a suitable scale to text
measure an object identify a type of graph
Item map for individual student responses

The 75 short response and multiple choice items for the 2023 test are listed below. They are ranked according to
their level of difficulty based on the percentage of students who gave the correct response. The descriptors for
each item will indicate the knowledge or skill that was being assessed. This will allow for identification of Vaishnavi’
s strengths and areas for further learning.
Knowledge and understanding Planning, designing and conducting
Items that this student Items that this student Items that this student Items that this student
% %
has correct has incorrect has correct has incorrect
78 describe cultural contributions identify appropriate units 81
describe the properties of metals 64 65 select appropriate units
61 identify energy transformations identify the aim 59
58 predict human activities on 54 identify changed variable
ecosystems 51 assess reliability of data
56 identify magnets attract objects 49 identify changed variable
55 construct a food chain
49 identify measured variable
55 describe extracted resources 46 make an observation
classify living things 51 plan safe investigations 46
49 identify energy conservation impacts 44 identify types of data
44 identify extractable resources
39 identify the aim
identify states of matter 43 35 identify the aim
42 identify objects have heat energy 24 classify variables
42 identify source of moonlight 18 identify controlled variables
37 describe changes during freezing 17 outline a logical procedure
34 describe formation of new substances
identify units of measurement 15
34 identify cells form tissues, organs, 6 predict from a diagram
33 identify water cycle processes
32 identify cell division results in new
cells % = percentage of state population giving correct response
31 outline the sequence of fossilisation
31 distinguish between 'mass' and
Problem solving and communicating
28 outline how simple circuits work Items that this student Items that this student
25 assess technology when obtaining has correct has incorrect
resources 66 present ideas
24 outline purpose of respiration 55 draw conclusions
identify unbalanced forces 23 54 draw conclusions
21 predict changes caused by forces identify a conclusion 51
21 describe cultural contributions 50 outline purpose of diagrams
20 identify energy conversion efficiency 47 select appropriate graph
describe separation techniques 18 46 extract information from graph
18 sequence sedimentary layers for 43 assess advances in technology
relative aging 42 use scientific language
18 identify type of energy in objects 41 identify possible solutions
17 describe removal of cellular wastes 36 classify types of data
17 identify everyday chemical reactions 34 apply numerical procedures
16 identify where resources are found 32 apply numerical procedures
15 describe roles of scientists 24 draw conclusions
14 apply numerical procedures 16 identify solutions to problems
13 identify reasons to support research 12 analyse reliability of data
12 identify limitations of models 7 draw conclusions
10 describe aqueous mixtures
7 identify evidence that changed
4 identify impacts of advances
2 identify cellular features

% = percentage of state population giving correct response

% = percentage of state population giving correct response

Published by the NSW Department of Education

© 2023 NSW Department of Education

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