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You have probably heard about

this little friend, it is an animal

that has recently become quite
popular due to the support it is
receiving to prevent its extinction.

CAUSES Fortunately we are in

time to save this little
There are a lot of reasons why it is one from extinction.
threatened It w ou ld be
yo u su pp or
ve ry he lp
t th e pe op
fu l if
pr es er ve th le w ho
The presence of urbanization sp ec ie s of
is en de m ic
M ex ic o by
vi si tin g
th e pl ac e.
Water Pollution

The Invasive species in their natural

Illegal sale
Currently there is a museum
of the Axolotl in Mexico City,
this museum fulfills the
function of a refuge for

Abusive medical use axolotls, it also helps the

demographic regulation of
Excessive hunting this little animal.

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