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<p>You may notice that when using <code>docker service create</code> and

<code>update</code>, that the CLI acts differently for some Lectures then your own
Docker. This is due to a change in the way Docker CLI shows the service commands in

<blockquote>--detach is a new option that changes the CLIresponse after you run a

<p>This is a good thing, and doesn't affect the functionality of Swarm.It's just a
UI difference. I use various 2017 versions of Docker in this course, so you may see
different output for your own service create/update commands vs. mine, which is

<p><strong>History of changes to CLI output for service create/update:</strong></p>

<ol><li><strong>Before 17.05</strong>, the service commands would immediately
return to your shell prompt and the containers would be scheduled in the background
(asynchronously). To check if they deployed properly you would need to use docker
service ls and docker service ps.</li><li><strong>Starting in 17.05</strong> the
service commands were given a <code>--detach</code> option, which defaulted to
<code>true</code>, but warned you each time about a future change to
<code>false</code>. The create/update commands were still
asynchronous.</li><li><strong>Starting in 17.10</strong> the <code>--detach</code>
default changes to <code>false</code>, so you'll always see the UI wait
synchronously while service tasks are deployed/updated, unless you set <code>--
detach true</code> in each command.</li></ol><p><strong>For all stable versions
after 17.12, just remember:</strong></p>

<ul><li>Use the defaults if you're interactive at the CLI, typing commands

yourself.</li><li>Use<code>--detach true</code> if you're using automation or shell
scripts to get things done.</li></ul>

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