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Name: Christian Felix S Viloria

Date: March 25 2024

Grammar Test
Instructions: Please answer each question in a paragraph format with at least 5 sentences. You may also add additional
spacings as needed.

1. I am the best person for this role because… I am confident that I am a good fit for this position for several
reasons, but most specifically because of my dedication to going above and beyond in a job. I am committed to
learning any new skills on my own to succeed in this role. For example, for my internship, I educated myself on
how to use excel in my free time. This allowed me to incorporate technical department into my programmer
role which cut down on expenses for the company. I know that you are seeking a self-motivated individual for
this job, and I am that candidate.

2. I want to work in ISS because… I want to work here because I really admire your company. The reason why I
want to work here is that I can see myself growing professionally in this position. You probably noticed from my
resume that every job I’ve had since graduated has been related to analyst and logical. I believe I can apply all
the skills I’ve acquired so far to the role of Junior Data Analyst for an organization of your size.

3. I was raised to hold values such at. It must be self-honesty. I only come to realize over the past few years I have
been trying to lie to myself, to deceive my own self to believe I was okay with my own self and I didn’t have any
issues. But. That was not true, I have self-confidence issues and they only became clearer as I realized I had to
be honest with myself. In order for you to interact properly with others and be able to sustain relationships you
have to stay truthful to yourself and know who you are and what you want in life.

4. The one thing in life that I hold dear is… To be humble. I believe that often we take for granted what a gift life
truly is, and what we are given. I believe that no matter how bad things can be, there is someone out there who
is worse off than yourself. My value I hold dearest is my family, family is the greatest value of my life, I wouldn't
be where I am today without them.

5. On the blank space provided below, please prepare an email to a client informing them that they missed the
deadline to send us some files. Include that you would need them to confirm they will send the file as a matter
of urgency.
Dear Client,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am writing to inform you that we have not yet received the files from your end that were due by March 25
2024. As these files are crucial for company project, we kindly request your urgent attention to this matter.

Could you please confirm at your earliest convenience that you will be sending the files as soon as possible.
This will enable us to proceed with company project without any further delays.

Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or require assistance,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.

Best regards,

Christian Felix Viloria

Junior Data Analyst

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