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FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

Cover design by Lal Varghese, Esq., Dallas

1. Editorial, Church as the Body of Christ Revd Dr. Abraham Philip Page 4

2. Theme for FOCUS October 2024 Issue FOCUS Editorial Board Page 5

3. We are One in Christ for Others Revd Dr. Johnson Thomaskutty Page 6

4. Body of Christ in Nature’s Gift Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph Page 8

5. We are One in Christ for Others Revd Dr. Mani M. Chacko Page 9

6. United as One Body in Diversity Mr. P. T. Mathew Page 13

7. Book Review Dr. Sunil Mani Page 14

8. One Body in Christ Prof. Philip Koshi Page 15

9. One Body In Christ Mr. Anish Thomas Page 17

10. Church as the Body of Christ Dr. Zac Varghese Page 18

11. United by God, Committed to Serve, Lal Varghese, Esq. Page 20

12. Artificial Intelligence, a Tower of Babel Mr. David Brand Page 22

13. My Story – Part 7 Dr. Titus Mathew Page 24

14. Pearls of Wisdom Series 18 Dr. Zac Varghese Page 26

15. Solidarity Among Generations Mr. Abraham Mammen Page 27

16. Breaking Barriers for Christ Mr. Ashish Mathew Page 29

17. Christ Consciousness Fr. Thomas Punnapadam, SDB Page 30

18. The Splendour of Christian Unity Dr. Abraham Philip Page 32

19. One Body in Christ Dr. Cherian Samuel Page 34

20. Mr. O. C. Abraham at 90: An Ebenezer Symphony FOCUS Editorial Board Page 36

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Church, the Body of Christ

In Acts of the Apostles 9:3-5, we read: Now as he [Paul] In 1Corinthians 12:27, we read: “Now you are the body of
journeyed, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a Christ and individually members of it.” This Corinthian
light from heaven flashed about him. And he fell to the passage deals with the Church as the body of Christ and
ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why the individual members as constituting the various organs
do you persecute me?” And he said, “Who are you Lord?” of the body. The subject is quite elaborately dealt with
And he said, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. . .” explaining the different aspects involved. Church as the
body of Jesus Christ is a very important metaphor that
The first reference to Paul appears in the Bible in Acts Paul uses to denote the Church. Of course, there are many
7:58. At the time of the martyrdom of Stephen, “the other metaphors used for the Church in Pauline epistles
witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young such as bride, building, household, family, living temple
man named Saul.” It points out that Saul was a witness of etc. Here we look at only two important things with regard
the death of Stephen. Then Saul went to the high priest to the Church as the body of Christ.
and got the letters to the synagogue at Damascus so that
if he found anyone belonging to the Way (Christians), men Church becomes the body of Christ as the spirit of Christ
or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. With indwells the Church. It is the Spirit of Jesus that is to be
this letter of authority Paul set out to Damascus. controlling and guiding the various organs, just as an
Remember it was 2000 years ago. Travel was not easy individual is controlled by one’s mind or intellect. Church
then. The distance from Jerusalem to Damascus may be is Church only in so far as the Spirit of Christ indwells in it
only around 200 km. Those days people used to travel by and controls it. Though different in appearance and
walking or on donkeys, or horses, or camels. Today by air functions all the organs belong to the same body.
one needs less than half an hour to fly from Jerusalem to
Damascus, or two to three hours travel by car. The members of the Church are spoken of as various
organs of the body. Paul very vividly pictures the functions
During Paul’s time, Paul being a Pharisee and a Roman of each organ of the body and states that each organ has
citizen, he might have travelled at least on horseback. a definite place and duty within the body. Foot, ear, eye
Travel is possible only in the morning in desert regions. etc. are quite different, but they have definite functions
When it is hot they take rest. It means that Paul had to within the body and one cannot categorize them
travel for four or five days to reach Damascus. On the way hierarchically. If one organ suffers we find that all the
he could have seen the well (Jacob’s well) where Jesus organs undergo its difficulties and pain. All the organs are
and the Samaritan woman had met and talked. He could equally important. There is no hierarchy or hierarchical
have remembered the story of the Samaritan woman. As difference among the various organs of the body. If one
he was continuing his journey he might even have thought organ of the body is affected, the whole body is affected.
of the death of Stephen. Probably he could have asked The organs which seem to be weaker are also
himself, “O Lord, will I be able to face death as indispensable. The less honourable ones are invested
courageously as Stephen did?” He could remember the greater honour. Thus, the inferior parts achieve equal or
picture of Stephen kneeling on his feet and praying for greater honour. This is so because there should not be any
forgiveness for those who were stoning him to death. discord among them. The members of the church need to
have the same care for one another. The suffering of one
On the last day of his journey, he was nearing Damascus; organ causes suffering for all and likewise in one
the sun was getting very hot. He wanted somehow to member’s honour all rejoice together.
reach his destination. Then suddenly a light flashed
around him and he fell down to the ground and he heard In the epistles of Paul to Ephesians and Colossians, Paul
the voice saying: Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? portrays the church as the body of Christ, and the place
Saul replied, “Who are you Lord?” Saul got the reply that where Christ’s presence and fullness is present
it was Jesus whom he was persecuting. This was an eye- (Ephesians 1:22). Church is indwelt by the spirit of Jesus
opener for Saul. He was receiving a revelation. Paul was Christ. Church points to us the believers in Jesus Christ.
thus far thinking that he was going to persecute the Hence the believers are to keep themselves holy. Church
followers of Jesus. But it has been revealed to him that he is Church only in so far as it is being filled and guided by
was really persecuting Jesus. Thus, Saul gets the idea that the spirit of Christ.
there is an invisible and indivisible relationship between
Jesus Christ and his disciples. Thereafter Paul realizes Just as the body has many organs, the believers
that the believers of Jesus Christ or the Church constitute constitute the different organs of the body of Christ, the
the body of Christ. In his epistles Paul uses the metaphor church. Hence all the believers should live in co-ordination
body of Christ for the Church (1 Corinthians 12:12-27; and unity. In the Nicene Creed we recite that the Church
Ephesians 1:23; 5:30; Colossians 1:18, 24). is one. The Church by its very nature has to be one

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because it is the body of Christ and there is only one body where they belong (Ephesians 4:4-6). All form part of one
for/of Christ. In Ephesians 4:4-6, Paul asserts, “there is holy, catholic and apostolic church. Therefore, one
only one body and one Spirit… one Lord…one God and baptism into Christ is a call to all the churches to
Father of all”. The local congregations are only regional overcome their divisions and manifest a visible fellowship.
expressions of the one Church. Division in the church is
contrary to Christ’s will and prayer (John 17:21, 23). The Church is the body of Christ. All Christian believers
Church is the symbol of the unity of all believers in Jesus constitute part of the one body of Christ. The will of Christ
Christ and the nucleus of all humanity (cf. Ephesians 3:9- has to prevail in the Church. There should not be any
10). disunity or hierarchical difference or division within the
Church. Just as body being an instrument, Church as the
Christ is presented as the head in the Paul’s epistle to the body of Christ is an instrument for the mission of Jesus
Ephesians 2:19-22. The head should control the body. Christ.
Then the body becomes an instrument. The will of Christ
has to be fulfilled through the body. If the body does not Revd Dr. Abraham Philip
obey the commands of the mind or brain, such a person For the Editorial Board
is regarded as out of mind or a lunatic. The decisions of
the individual believer should be the will of Christ. Hence Theme for FOCUS – October 2024, Vol. 12,
believers being the body of Christ should fulfill the mission
of Christ. Issue (4) God’s Love is the Foundation of Life

In John 10:11-18, we find Jesus’ “I am” saying: “I am the Biblical teachings are centred on the love of God because ‘God is
good shepherd; I know my own and my own know me” (v. love.’ It presents great issues that demands our sincere and full
attention. Either we love the Lord and walk in His ways, or we turn
14). For the renewal of the Church, first of all, the members
away from God to take other easy ways. We can choose life or death,
of the church, here termed as the sheep, should know the blessing or cursing. Moses told Israelites: “For I command you today
shepherd who is the Lord of the Church that is Jesus to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep
Christ. In the Fourth Gospel “to know” is synonymous “to his commands, decrees and laws; the you will live and increase, and
believe.” The shepherd knows the sheep by name and the the Lord your God will bless you in the land your entering to possess”
sheep know the shepherd, and the sheep even know the (Deu 30:16). The full expression of God’s amazing love is expressed
voice of the shepherd. Jesus is the model shepherd through the birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus
because he knows the sheep intimately. The purpose of Christ. This irrefutable truth is expressed so vividly in the Gospel of
this knowledge is to bring the followers into union with one John, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (Jn
another, and of course, with Jesus and the Father.
3:16). St. Paul contrasted this love of God with faith and charity in his
‘love poem’ in the first letter to Corinthians (1Cor Ch. 13) and said,
Besides, the sheep should follow the example of the “love is greater than faith and charity.”
shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. In the
Fourth Gospel Jesus is not a kingly shepherd as is the St. Paul compared and contrasted love with other characteristics of
shepherd of the symbolism in the Hebrew Bible. In the life such as kindness, generosity, unselfishness, humility, courtesy,
Synoptic Gospels we have the parable of the Lost Sheep faith and charity. Love itself can never be defined because ‘God is
(Luke 15). There we find the shepherd going after the lost love,’ but love as we practice is not God’s self-giving love. Love is
one undergoing a lot of difficulties. In John 10, it is also more than the sum of its individual elements, but all the above
mentioned that the shepherd has other sheep not of this characteristics are aspects of the life of a God-centred person. Our
fold and that he must bring them also so that there will be life is all about adopting these characteristics in our life under the
one flock and one shepherd. This probably points to the grace of God. St. Paul realized this when he said, ‘Thy grace is
sufficient for me.”
Gentile mission of the Church. The Church will be renewed
only if she indulges in the mission Jesus has entrusted her.
Participation in the mission that Jesus has entrusted his Love is not a momentary, fading emotion. It is a rich expression of a
God-centred Christian character. It is the supreme good in a person.
disciples will enable the Church to be renewed. Unless
Love is the fulfilling of God’s laws for our living on the earth and for
there is a common mission, there is always the possibility loving God, and our neighbours and nature. The more we read about
of division and going astray from the Lord’s will. St. Paul’s description of love, the more one has to face the fact we
do not have that kind of love in us. we need the help of the Holy Spirit
to conduct ourselves in God’s love. Loving is not easy because
We are incorporated into the body of Christ through
worldly objects that we love often reject our love and misunderstand
baptism. Administered in obedience to the command of our efforts. However, as the Children of God we are expected to keep
Jesus Christ, baptism is a sign and seal of our common on loving without seeking reciprocal efforts or benefits. “What we
discipleship. Through baptism, Christians are brought into need to do is to love God, giving him our whole being. To express
common union with Christ, with each other and with the this, it is also necessary to turn our attention, care, and love to those
members of the Church in all places and at all times. Thus, he has created. But we need to do this only for him, to continue
baptism is a bond of unity, which unites all believers in loving him. What freedom we would find, however, in this one and
faith in Jesus Christ. All followers of Christ form one only great love. Just thinking of it makes us feel freed from the
people who confess and serve one Lord irrespective of countless bonds which social life imposes on us" (Chiara Lubich of
Focolare family). FOCUS Editorial Board

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Remain in Christ so that Christ May Remain in You
(John 15:1-14)
Revd Dr. Johnson Thomaskutty
“apart from me you can do nothing” emphasizes the
Introduction Christ-centered unity within the community of God (15:5).2
Apart from remaining in the vine, the branches cannot
The Gospel of John is considered as a Gospel of flourish. The aspects such as ‘bearing fruit,’ ‘throwing
discipleship. In chapter 1:43, Jesus says to Philip: “Follow away,’ ‘wither,’ ‘fire,’ ‘burned,’ and others are used to
me.” Similarly, in chapter 21:19 and 22, Jesus says to distinguish between the experiences of togetherness and
Peter: “Follow me.” The entire Gospel is bracketed within estrangement in/from the community of God (15:5-8). By
these statements. Hence, the Gospel of John emphasizes bearing fruit, a branch demonstrates its oneness with the
the aspect of following Jesus and be his disciples. Dietrich vine. But if a branch does not bear fruit, it is only good for
Bonhoeffer said, “When Christ calls a person, he bids him throwing away, subject to wither, and thrown out to be
or her to come and die.” In ancient schools, the disciples burned. Laying down one’s life for her/his friends is one of
were following the walking masters. In Aristotle’s the hallmarks of friendship and togetherness (15:13, 17).3
Peripatetic School, the disciples were following the Christian togetherness and friendship can be fruitful only
walking teacher. The word peripatetic is derived from the when someone does what Jesus commands and
Greek word peripateō that means ‘walking.’ Asian Gurus executes (15:14). Jesus never called the disciples servants
like Buddha, Mahavira, Confucius, Dronacharya, Ekalavya and never considered them inferior to him; but rather he
and others were having a large number of followers. called them friends and considered them equal to him
Learning was taking place while the teacher and the (15:15).4 As Jesus is a great teacher, he uses several
students were walking together. Along that line, Jesus symbols, metaphors, examples and figures to teach the
also was a walking teacher and his disciples walked with value of togetherness in the Christian community. For
him. But Jesus Christ as a teacher went further stating that Paulo Freire, dialogue is a human phenomenon and
the disciples should remain in him so that he may remain dialogue is possible through the word. It is not a simple
in them. An integral oneness, mystical union, and term (instrument) but it has two parts, namely, reflection
inseparable relationship between Christ and the believers and action.5 The pedagogical style of Jesus is well-aligned
is emphasized by Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus is to the grass-root level realities and with a higher emphasis
significant in our missional and ministerial engagements. on love, togetherness, and friendship.6 The togetherness
The old concept of missio Dei (mission of God) is now aspect is brought to the next level within the scenario of
replaced by missiologists with motus Dei (movement of the world in 15:18-25. While the world hates and
God). The movement of God in human life and in the world unbelieves, the disciples are advised to love, believe, and
is emphasized in the Farewell Discourses of Jesus in John follow Jesus (15:18-25).7
13-17. The Greek work menō means ‘remain,’ ‘stay,’ or
‘abide’ is a significant relational aspect emphasized in this Jesus celebrates togetherness with the Father. Father
passage. Mission is possible only when we remain in celebrates togetherness with Jesus. Father and Son
Christ and move across the traditional boundaries set in extend togetherness with the Holy Spirit. Father, Son, and
the world. Holy Spirit lavish togetherness with the disciples. In our
missions and ministries in the Indian context or in the
Remaining in Christ means practicing togetherness world at large, our togetherness as believers in the Body
of Christ is a great model that we exemplify before the
The metaphors such as vine, branches and the gardener world. Only when we abide in Christ and Christ abides in
and their integral relationship demonstrate the aspect of us, we can demonstrate our oneness as people of God in
oneness and mutual indwelling (15:1-8).1 Vine, branches, the world. Our model is that Jesus remains in the Father
and the gardener are mutually connected and support and the Father remains in Jesus. Hence, if we remain in
each other. The idea of togetherness is overshadowed Jesus, Jesus shall remain in us. This quality of a believer
when the narrator mentions about ‘cutting the branches enables her or him to remain in the Body of Christ as
that bear not fruit’ and ‘bearing fruit’ (15:1-2). When a people with one mission, that is glorifying the name of
branch does not bear fruit, it disturbs the tradition of the Jesus. We are called to be visionaries and missionaries.
vine. With that sense the aspect of remaining in Jesus and We are called to work in union with Christ, with inspiration
in the Father are emphasized (15:4). Jesus’s statement from the Holy Spirit, and in closer connectivity with the

1 4
Blum, “John,” 325-326. Blum, “John,” 326.
2 5
Blomberg, The Historical Reliability of John’s Gospel, 206- Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 87-88.
207. Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 87-89.
3 7
Moloney, The Gospel of John, 425-426. Beasley-Murray, John, 275-277.

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Body of Christ. Don’t be isolated in your missions and Bethzatha over a period of thirty-eight long years, fed
ministries. But rather be in union with Christ and the Body 5000 people with physical bread and turned them toward
of Christ. In the challenging context of India, our union with the spiritual bread from heaven, and transformed the man
Christ and togetherness in the Body of Christ are born blind and liberated from the clutches of shame and
significant initiatives to be involved and be engaged in the vulnerability. Jesus was an agent of transformation. In our
mission of God. missions and ministries, we are not only supposed to be
oral deliverers of the Gospel but also practical involvers in
Remaining in Christ means embracing transformation the lives of the people. Then only we can demonstrate
ourselves as fruit-bearing missionaries and evangelists. If
we remain in Christ, we cannot escape ourselves from
what Christ did and demonstrated himself through his
actions. We are called to love the perishing, liberate the
dehumanized, save the sinful, equip the vulnerable, and
transform the helpless. As Jesus was a loving, liberating,
saving, equipping, and transforming figure from above,
our oneness with him shall enable us to do the
transformative mission of God.

Remaining in Christ means fostering inclusiveness

Having oneness with the Father/Son, the branches can

While bearing fruit is the mark of transformative action, not bear fruit; but, if the branches do not remain in the Vine
bearing fruit is an opposite to that (15:1-3).8 For the activity and establish connectivity with the gardener, it cannot
of fruit-bearing, the disciples should remain in Jesus. bear fruit (15:1-4).13 Remaining in each other facilitates
Apart from Jesus, the disciples can do nothing (15:5). If fruit-bearing; apart from Jesus, the disciples can do
they remain in Jesus, their joy may be complete (15:5-14); nothing (15:5). In Jesus’s pedagogy, inclusivity plays a
if they do not remain in him, they cannot prosper (15:6-8).9 significant role as he endeavored to establish a
The disciples are placed in equal position with Jesus as community without borders. In John 15:6-8, Jesus
they are friends (15:15-17).10 As the disciples are chosen intertwines connectivity, fruitfulness and being in closer
by Jesus and they belong to the world above, they have relationship with the glorious God.14 Some of the
the power of transformation (15:18-20).11 As a pedagogue, characteristic features of Christian unity and inclusiveness
Jesus empowers the disciples to proclaim and show in are obedience to the commandments of Jesus, loving
action the transformative mission of God. Paulo Freire each other, and laying down life for others (15:9-14).15
says, “founding itself upon love, humility, and faith, Jesus’s role as a friend to the disciples and his command
dialogue becomes a horizontal relationship of which to “love each other” further emphasize the aspects of
mutual trust between the dialoguers is the logical fellowship and inclusiveness (15:15-17).16 The world was
consequence.”12 Jesus imparts the heavenly wisdom not not ready to be inclusive in the company of Jesus as they
only through word, but also through washing the feet, were hating him (15:23-25).17 Being inclusive is one of the
showing love, completing their joy, and equipping them as hallmarks of a visionary or a missionary. The church in
agents of transformation. today’s context should come out of its divisive and
discriminatory activities and should foster inclusive
As visionaries and missionaries, we are agents of attitudes for the glory of God.
transformation in the world. Just as Jesus brought
transformation in the lives of people, we are supposed to Indian church is exclusive rather than inclusive in its
bring transformation with our positive and constructive various involvements. The church facilitates divisive
actions in the world. Jesus as a transformative agent of politics, caste prejudices, racial tendencies, gender
God’s mission, turned water into wine in Cana in Galilee discriminations, and other exclusive tendencies in its
and saved the people from shamefulness to honor, engagements in the world. The Indian church fosters the
cleansed the temple and redeemed the courts of women disparity between the dominant and the subaltern
and Gentiles so that they may have a place to worship, communities and in that sense the Dalit, Tribal and Adivasi
liberated the Samaritan woman and the Samaritan people communities are excluded in its power dynamics. The
and enabled them to realize that Jesus is truly the Savior Johannine Jesus is inclusive as he included both the Jews
of the world, healed the man who was lying by the pool of like Nicodemus and Gentiles like the Royal man, both men

8 13
Moloney, The Gospel of John, 419-420. Blum, “John,” 325.
9 14
Blum, “John,” 325-326. Beasley-Murray, John, 273.
10 15
Beasley-Murray, John, 274-275. Blomberg, The Historical Reliability of John’s Gospel, 207.
11 16
Blomberg, The Historical Reliability of John’s Gospel, 209- Moloney, The Gospel of John, 425-426.
210. See Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 91.
Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 91.

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like Peter, Philip, Thomas and others and women like the Body of Christ in Nature's Grace
Samaritan woman, Mary and Martha of Bethany, Mary
Magdalene and many others, both able bodied people and Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph
the differently abled people like the man at the pool of
Bethzatha and the man born blind, and both the rich and [This poem is a blend of Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph’s
the poor in his mission initiatives. Jesus’s inclusive God-given poetic imagination and the
mission enabled him to transcend all sorts of boundaries expression of the power of Artificial intelligence.
created by the world and he foregrounded the Kingdom
AI has the power to infiltrate all areas of our life,
ethics where all sorts of people were welcomed and
included. As Jesus allows all sorts of people to remain please also see Mr. David Brand’s article on AI.
him, the mission of God should be exercised without Editorial note]
prejudices and discriminatory attitudes. In that sense, the
church that we represent and the Gospel that we preach In the gentle whisper of the breeze,
should be inclusive. We should be inclusive in our
In the rustling leaves of ancient trees,
missions and ministries as our heavenly Father is inclusive
and our Lord Jesus Christ exemplified that he is inclusive. In the flowing streams that never cease,
We find the body of Christ in nature's peace.
Concluding remarks
In the rising sun's golden light,
The above aspects inform us that remaining in Christ,
In the silent moon that rules the night,
being under the care of the Gardener-Father, and bearing
fruit are the significant responsibilities of the people of In the stars that twinkle bright,
God. In our involvements as evangelists, missionaries and Christ’s presence fills our sight.
pastors, we need to practice togetherness as people of
God. We can practice togetherness in the body of Christ In the fields where flowers bloom,
only when we remain in Christ. The vertical and horizontal In the forests' verdant gloom,
connectivity between God and human beings and people
among themselves is significant in today’s Indian context. In the seas with endless room,
Oneness and togetherness are significant characteristics Christ's body weaves its loom.
for us to demonstrate God’s love in the multireligious,
multicultural and pluralistic context of India. Embracing In the song of birds at dawn,
transformative mission is another significant aspect we
In the grace of a grazing fawn,
need to foreground in the Indian contextual realities. The
transformation of human from the clutches of sin, poverty, In the dew that graces the lawn,
casteism, vulnerability, and dehumanization should be Christ’s touch is gently drawn.
one of the primary agendas of our mission. It is not only
the oral delivery of the Gospel but also the praxis-oriented In the mountains standing tall,
involvement in the lives of the people should be In the rivers' mighty call,
exemplified in our missional engagements. The abiding
presence of God within us shall strengthen us to be agents In the creatures, great and small,
of transformation in the challenging situations our country. Christ's body encompasses all.
Fostering inclusiveness is yet another missional method
we can implement in today’s exclusive world. Considering In the harmony of earth and sky,
people and their situations without biases and involving in
In the eagle's soaring, high,
every circumstance of the people without exclusive
mentalities should be our missional and ministerial In the life that cannot die,
agenda. In order to actualize togetherness, transformation We see Christ’s body, nigh.
and inclusiveness in our missions, we need to abide in
Christ just as Christ was abiding in the Father. May God In the care for our common home,
bless us to abide in Christ so that Christ may abide in us.
In the stewardship wherever we roam,
In the love that nature has shown,
Revd Dr. Johnson Thomaskutty We embrace Christ’s body as our own.
is a Professor of New Testament
at the United Theological We embrace Christ's body in the rainbow
College, Bengaluru, India. A harmonious blend of colours
Musing of unity in diversity
The radiance of the One in many and Many in

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We Are One in Christ for Others (John 17:18-23)
Revd Dr. Mani M. Chacko

Have you ever overheard someone praying for you? Or, one.” This is an important distinction, because if Jesus
even if you have never managed to eavesdrop on really prays that we would all be one, if the Father really
someone’s prayers, what about when you are praying hears the prayers of his Son, then we must acknowledge
together with someone, and they pray for you? It tells you that our unity is not a goal, but a reality. It is not something
something. If you listen to what they pray for, you learn a we have to strive for, but something that is certainly
few things. You learn what they really want for you, but already true. Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote these words in his
more specifically, you learn what they think you need book Life Together: “Christian community is not an ideal
God’s help with. If someone prays for your healing, it we have to realize, but rather a reality created by God in
means both that they want you to be healed and that they Christ in which we may participate” (38). What he means
really believe that God can heal you. In John 17, we by this is that our oneness as believers is not something
overhear the prayers of Jesus. He prays for himself, for his we can create in and of ourselves; it is something that has
disciples, and finally, for us. Here we have a great already been accomplished in Christ. So, we’re left not
privilege: we get to hear both what Jesus wants for us his with the responsibility to unite ourselves, but with the
church and what he knows only God can do for us. freedom to participate in the unity that already exists. In
Christ, our unity is already a fact.
John 17 is often referred to as the high-priestly prayer of
Jesus. In ancient Israel, the High Priest wore a breastplate
around his neck whenever he entered the Holy Place. This
breastplate had twelve precious stones embedded in it,
one for each tribe of Israel. Exodus 28:29 explains:
“whenever Aaron enters the Holy Place, he will bear the
names of the sons of Israel over his heart on the breast
piece of decision as a continuing memorial before the
Lord.” In other words, when the High Priest came before
God in the tabernacle (and later in the Temple), he did not
come for himself alone, but he brought all Israel with him.
He represented all the people to God. Jesus’ prayer here
is of the same sort. He does not come to the Father alone,
but he bears all our names on his heart, presenting us to But, you might (very correctly) say, “Oh! That sounds nice
his Father. and all, but let’s face it. Have you ever actually seen the
church? There seems to be far more division than unity. If
This is how Jesus begins his prayer (v. 21): “That all of we are really one in Christ, why don’t we see that taking
them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am place concretely in the world?” Of course, you’d be
in you. May they also be in us so that the world may completely right to raise that objection. If we are actually
believe that you have sent me.” If this sermon can be one in Christ, why are we so divided in the church? From
divided into three main points, they are all found in this the New Testament times until now, the church has been
verse: Jesus’ prayer for his church is (1) that we would be prone to divide. In addition to the countless minor
united; (2) that our unity would have its origin and life in divisions in the church throughout its entire history, there
the unity of the Father and the Son; and (3) that this unity have been some major dividing lines drawn that seem
would show the world who Jesus is. If I were to condense impossible to erase even today. In 1054, there was a great
these three points into a simple sentence it would be this: divide between the Western and the Eastern Church that
We are one in Christ for others. We are one. We are one in was provoked because the Western church had inserted
Christ. We are one in Christ for others. a single word into the creed (Filioque). This division still
exists between the Roman Catholic and the Eastern
1.We Are One Orthodox Church. In the 1500s, the time of the
Reformation, another great divide occurred when men like
Unity. This is what our Lord Jesus prays for his church. Martin Luther began to speak out against corruption in the
That we would all be one. Remember the question I asked church. They had hoped to heal the church of its
a minute ago, what is Jesus’ desire for the church- corruption, but it only resulted in more splits. We’re all
community? It is answered here: that we would all be one. descendants of the Reformation: we’re Protestants.
Of all the things he might have asked for us, I find it striking Protesting is who we are! Dividing is part of our heritage!
that he prays for our unity. It’s pretty common these days that when someone
doesn’t agree with some aspect of their church – the
Remember, this comes in the form of a prayer, not a music, the preaching, the people, the location – they just
command. Jesus doesn’t tell us, “Try your hardest to be go to a different one. So, is the church really characterized
united.” Instead, he prays to his Father, “May they all be

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by unity? How can we say that our unity is already a reality making reality for ourselves. This goes against the grain in
when we see far more divisions than oneness? a culture that tells us that we have to make ourselves; that
we can and must construct our own identity by doing
Well, quite frankly, I don’t know. I don’t know how it is that certain things; that we can and do become whoever we
we really are one in Christ and yet live as if it weren’t so. make ourselves to be. But who we are in Jesus is never
Along these same lines, I don’t know how I can believe something we can do simply by making the right
that Christ has freed me from sin and yet keep on sinning. decisions, and our identity that comes from our new life in
I don’t know how we can say that Christ’s kingdom has Christ is never something we could construct for
come and yet fail to live under his rule. I just don’t know. ourselves. The world says, “Go make something of
So, for these kinds of questions, I take as a model the yourself.” Christ says, “Become what you are.”
words of the desperate father in Mark 9:24: “I believe; help
my unbelief!” Similarly, as the church we pray, “We are If it seems strange to talk like this, the best analogy I can
one; help our divisions!” think of is marriage. I am married. As any of you who are
or have been married know, when you get married, you
When we live as one – brothers and sisters united in Christ are married. You speak your vows, you exchange rings,
– we are manifesting what is certainly already true. But, you get a certificate, and it’s done. You don’t marry your
when we divide and create schisms between one another, spouse every day, because the reality is that you are
we are manifesting our ability to live in discord with reality. already married. But living that reality is something else
This is important, because if we think of our unity as altogether. It’s surprisingly easy to live as if you are not
something that does not yet exist, then we’re left to try to really married. It’s easy to treat your spouse as if the two
unite ourselves, to create bonds of unity for ourselves and of you are not really one. But you don’t make yourself
of ourselves. This can be done in various ways, but it’s married by acting married; you act married because you
best accomplished by coming up with something in are married. In a way, it is because you are one that you
common that you can all share – be it a goal, an interest, constantly need to live as if you were one. In the same
a need, or even an enemy. This is how clubs and way, our unity as brothers and sisters in Christ is an actual
organizations are united. But when we apply these reality, but it is all too easy to live as if it were not true. But
methods to the church, it becomes apparent that they it is because we are united that we live as if we were
create unity by exclusion. united. We are one in Christ; may we become what we are.

If a common goal is the foundation of our unity, then we 2. We Are One in Christ
must exclude those who think we should be spending our
time on other pursuits. If a common enemy is what unites What is Jesus’ will for his church? Unity. but not just any
us, then not only must we exclude the enemy from our kind of unity. Christ’s prayer is not simply that we would
fellowship, but also any who count our enemy as their all be one – as we’ve already seen, we cannot make
friend. If this is how we unite ourselves, then people can ourselves united. Jesus prays three times for a very
only be one with us if they become like us, taking on our specific and astounding sort of oneness for his followers:
interest, or our goal, or our enemy as their own. This “just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, may they also
makes us the judges of our community, because it is be in us” (v. 21); and in the next verse: “may they be one
based on standards that we have set. Quite soon, we must even as we are one” (v. 22); and again, in the next verse:
become the accusers of our community, because as its “I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly
judges, we have to enforce unity by excluding all that one” (v. 23). Here we have a very profound and important
might dissolve it. It is not long before we become the truth: the unity of the church is an expression and a
destroyers of our community, because as its judges and reverberation of the unity between the Father and the Son.
accusers, we have had to create divisions in order to retain Our oneness has its origin in the eternal oneness of God.
the vision and the dream of oneness – like digging moat This is the kind of mystery that is almost too wonderful.
around a great fortress. When we have as the basis of our We are invited into the very fellowship of God. We are
unity anything less than Christ, then either we cannot caught up in the very life of the Trinity. The further this sink
sustain our community, or we have to cut ourselves off into our hearts and minds the further we must sink to our
from all other communities. knees in praise and wonder. I won’t pretend to understand
exactly what it all means, but I think there are a few things
Christ, and nothing less, is the source and strength and we can say.
centre of our unity. How different it is when we recognize
that we don’t have to create unity out of nothing, but that (1) This means that we can understand something about
it has already been established in Christ. We don’t need our oneness with God and about our oneness with each
to fear diversity in the church, because we know it is not a other by looking at the oneness of the Father and the Son.
threat to the greater oneness we have in Christ. When When Jesus prays, “may they be one even as we are one,”
people enter our community with different goals, interests, we can actually know something about it, because the
and needs, we can welcome them, knowing that, long Gospels actually describe the ways in which the Father
ago, we have already been joined by the unity of the Spirit. and the Son are perfectly one in both love and will.
This is all about living according to reality, as opposed to Throughout the Gospels it is quite clear that the Father

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loves the Son, and the Son loves the Father; they are one John 1:3 says, “We proclaim to you what we have seen
in their love for one another. It is the Father who says of and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us.
Jesus, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son,
pleased” (Matt 3:17). The Gospel of John says that “The Jesus Christ.” John is calling people into the community
Father loves the Son, and has given all things into his of believers, not into individual religious experience. It is
hand” (3:35). Later in John, Jesus says, “I do as the Father only as a part of this community that we have fellowship
has commanded me, so that the world may know that I with God. Put in another way, we cannot have a
love the Father” (14:31). This love that is eternally alive relationship with God and expect to remain isolated from
between the Father and the Son overflows to us, so that other people who also have a relationship with God. By
we too are loved by God and that we too might love God. having a relationship with the same God, we also have a
And it is only in and from God’s eternal love that we can relationship with one another. We are one with Christ not
really love one another. Our love for one another comes alone, but together.
from God’s love for us. “We love because he first loved

Another way the Father and the Son are one is in will.
“Abba, Father,” Jesus says,
“Everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet
not what I will, but what you will” (Mark 14:36). Jesus also
says, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by
himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing,
because whatever the Father does the Son also does” (Jn
5:19). And again, “I do nothing on my own but speak just
what the Father has taught me” (JC 8:28). Nothing that
Jesus does is apart from his Father’s will. We are also The unity of the church is an expression and a
united to God in this way. And because we are together reverberation of the unity between the Father and the Son.
united in will to God, we are also one with each other – the Here’s another example from marriage that will hopefully
community who collectively seeks the will of God. So, in make this a bit clearer. If you have kids, you probably want
Christ, we are made one in love and in will with God, and them to love one another. You can tell them to love each
because we are all one with God, we are also one with other, but the best way they’ll learn to do it is by seeing
each other. how you love them, and even how you love each other as
husband and wife. The unity of the husband and wife thus
Next time you’re reading in the Gospels, I encourage you becomes the foundation of unity for the whole family. It’s
to pay attention to the ways in which Jesus shows himself the same in the workplace. When the leaders are united in
to be perfectly one with his Father, and then think about purpose, it’s much more likely that their employees will be
what this means for our oneness as the church. of one mind as well. In the same way, God is One, though
he is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and it is his oneness
(2) Our oneness as the church originates in Christ alone. that is the foundation for our oneness. Our unity as the
We are one in Christ. When I look at you, I see my fellow church is not based on a common interest or goal or
brothers and sisters in Christ. It is first and foremost that enemy or need, but it is based in the eternal unity of the
we are both in Christ that we are related as brothers and Father and the Son.
sisters. Our relation to one another comes from the fact
that we are all adopted into the same family – that is what 3. We Are One in Christ for Others
makes us brothers and sisters. Our unity as the church
comes from the fact that we are all united to one and the
What is Jesus’ will for his church? Unity – and not just any
same Lord. The apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians, sort of unity, but unity in the Father and the Son, which
“Because there is one bread, we who are many are one
comes from and resembles their unity. But why unity? and
body, for we all partake of the one bread” (1 Cor 10:17). In
why this sort of unity? Let’s read the first part of Jesus’
this, he understands that the believers are one because
prayer for us again: “that all of them may be one, Father,
they all partake in the same thing, namely, the bread of
just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in
Christ. We are one with each other because we are all one
us so that the world may believe that you have sent me; I
with Christ.
in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete
unity to let the world know that you sent me and have
(3) Having said that, we see that we cannot separate our
loved them even as you have loved me.” Here is the effect
union with Christ from our fellowship with the church.
of our unity: that the world may know.
Jesus doesn’t treat our oneness with God and our
oneness with each other as separate events. They are
The question is, what does our internal unity in the church
inextricably connected. The movement between an
have to do with our external mission to the world? Bear in
individual and God always occurs within the larger context
mind that this prayer of Jesus takes place at the end a
of the movement between the community and God. 1

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long portion of speeches and conversations between but we are in the world. We cannot lock our doors, or even
Jesus and his disciples, which take place right before stay within them, and hope that our common fellowship
Jesus’ betrayal and crucifixion (chs. 13-17). In these and mutual love will proclaim Christ to anyone but
chapters, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his ourselves. So, we must understand that our oneness in
departure. I think this helps us see more clearly why Christ occurs in the context of lives lived in the world. We
mission is on Jesus’ mind. He is about to complete the are one in Christ for others, because we are one in Christ
mission his Father gave him; now he is preparing his in and among the world.
disciples for their mission. They are about to change from
being disciples to being apostles, from being followers to (3) If our unity is the fuel for evangelism, then we must
being sent out. With this in mind, Jesus prays for them (v. consider: what is our message to the world? Look at verse
11a): “I am no longer in the world, but they are in the 3: “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the
world.” I think this gives us a clue how to understand what only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
our unity as the church has to do with our mission to the Jesus relates eternal life with knowledge of God in him.
world. “I am no longer in the world, but they are in the This means that evangelism is about helping people know
world.” Somehow, the presence of the apostles makes up who Jesus is that they might believe on him as their Lord
for the absence of Jesus. This is because their mission is and saviour. I used to be regularly plagued with guilt
an extension of his mission. They bear witness to his because I felt like I didn’t share my faith in Jesus with
mission, and in so doing, they bear witness to who he is. enough people. I never knew why I was afraid to do it, but
Yet, Christ would have that they not merely say who he is, I always was. I wonder though, what Gospel was I afraid
but that they would be who he is. Not that they become to share? Regardless of what I was taught, I think that
him, but that their new identity in Christ would bear faithful deep down I thought that the starting point for evangelism
witness to the identity of Christ. was my ability to convince someone else that they were a
sinner. But the Gospel is not first and foremost about how
In other words, Jesus’ followers manifest his presence in good or bad we are, or even about who we are, but about
the world after he is gone. Jesus is praying for his disciples who Christ is. Only after we’ve shown who Jesus is can
here, but the same line of thought carries through into his someone understand who they are in Christ. Only after we
prayer for us his church. “I in them and you in me, may have spoken of Christ can we begin to speak of ourselves.
they be brought to complete unity to let the world know The starting point for the gospel is not “you’re a sinner!”
that you sent me and have loved them even as you have but “Jesus is Lord!” How can we proclaim this message in
loved me.” He is no longer in the world, but we are in the truth if Jesus is not in truth our Lord?
world. Because Jesus sent the gift of the Holy Spirit, we
are one with the Father and the Son to the point where the This is why Christ connects our unity with our mission.
church is the presence of Christ on earth to each other Only as we are united in Christ, expressed in mutual love
and to the world. We are one in Christ for others. It is our for one another, do we show the world who Jesus is. So,
mutual love and unity, in and from the love and unity of the Jesus rightly says, “By this all men will know that you are
Father and the Son, which manifests the presence of my disciples, if you love one another” (Jn 13:35), We
Christ to the world. Colossians says that “[Jesus] is the sometimes sing the song that says, “and they’ll know we
image of the invisible God” (1:15). Similarly (though not are Christians by our love.” I would add to this, “and they’ll
identically) the church is the image of Christ. It is the body know who Christ is by our love.”
of Christ in the world. Jesus said, “Whoever has seen me
has seen the Father.” Similarly (though not identically) Let’s return to the question I asked at the beginning: what
whoever has seen the church has seen the Son. Here’s a is Jesus’ will for his church? “May they be one, even as
question to ponder : do you think the world can know who we are one that the world may know that you sent me.”
Jesus is by looking at his church? We are one; and we are one in Christ; and we are one in
Christ for others. May we become what we are!
There are a few important things to note here. (1) There
are certain times when we are told to preach the Gospel *Revd Dr. Mani M. Chacko, Ph. D (London) is the former
in words, but here Jesus’ concern is that we would General Secretary, Bible Society of India. He is also the
actually be witnesses. Not just that the truth of who Jesus former Director, Ecumenical Christian Centre, Bangalore,
is would come out of our mouths, but that it would take and the former Principal, Gurukul Lutheran Theological
root in our very being as the church. In other words, our College and Research Institute, Chennai.
being, our identity, and our life in Christ is not to be distinct
from the message we bring. How can we say that God is
love if we do not love? How can we say that all are one in
Christ if we are divided? How can we say “Jesus is Lord,”
if Jesus is not our Lord?

(2) Jesus speaks as if our life together as the church would

show the world who he is, yet this assumes that the
church is actually in the world. He is no longer in the world,

12 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

United as One Body of Christ in Diversity
P. T. Mathew

1st Corinthians: 12:12. For even “as the body is one and Unity in Diversity:
yet has many members, and all the members of the In Romans 12:4-8, Paul revisits the metaphor of the body
body, though they are many, are one body, so also in to discuss the diversity of gifts within the church. He
Christ.” writes, "For as in one body we have many members, and
the members do not all have the same function, so we,
Romans.12:5 “so we, who are many, so one body in though many, are one body in Christ, and individually
Christ, and individually members one for another.” members one of another" (Romans 12:4-5, ESV). This
passage highlights that while we are unified in Christ, we
Introduction: each have unique gifts and roles to play in building up the
church. Paul lists various gifts, including prophecy,
Here is one of the most famous metaphors of the unity of service, teaching, exhortation, giving, leadership, and
the Church ever written. The idea of "one body in Christ" mercy. He encourages believers to use their gifts-
is a powerful metaphor used by the Apostle Paul to charismata- according to the grace given to them. This
describe the unity and diversity within the Christian diversity of gifts is not a source of division but a means to
church. Here Paul clearly shows the relationship of gifted strengthen the body of Christ as each member contributes
believers in each other, using the analogy of the human in their own way.
body. This concept encapsulates the essence of Christian
community, emphasizing that despite our differences, we In Ephesians 4:1-16, Paul elaborates on the concept of
are all united in Christ Jesus. Throughout the New unity in the body of Christ, emphasizing the importance of
Testament, this theme is explored, revealing profound maintaining unity through humility, gentleness, patience,
insights into what it means to be part of the body of Christ. and love. He writes, "There is one body and one Spirit—
This article delves into the biblical foundation of this just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to
concept and examines its implications for believers today. your call—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and
Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all"
The Biblical foundation of the Metaphor: (Ephesians 4:4-6, ESV). Paul goes on to explain that Christ
gave gifts to the church, including apostles, prophets,
The Biblical foundation, the metaphor of the body is most evangelists, pastors, and teachers, for the purpose of
prominently discussed in the following portions, equipping the saints for ministry and building up the body
Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. In these of Christ. This leads to spiritual maturity and a deeper
passages, Paul uses the human body as an analogy to understanding of the unity that binds believers together.
illustrate the interconnectedness and interdependence of
believers within the church. He emphasizes that just as a Implications for Believers today:
body has many parts with different functions, so does the
church. In 1st Corinthians 12:12-27, Paul addresses the The concept of one body in Christ has significant
Corinthian church, a community experiencing division and implications for believers in the modern church. It calls us
conflict. He writes, "For just as the body is one and has to embrace unity while celebrating diversity. In a world
many members, and all the members of the body, though often marked by division and conflict, the church is called
many, are one body, so it is with Christ" (1 Corinthians to be a place of reconciliation, where people from different
12:12, ESV). This verse sets as core theme of this article backgrounds, cultures, and experiences come together in
for a detailed discussion of how the church, with its Christ.
diverse members, functions as one cohesive entity. Paul
continues to explain that within the church, there are Embrace the Diversity:
different roles and gifts, but each one is essential for the
overall health and function of the body. He emphasizes The metaphor of the body teaches us to embrace diversity
that no part of the body can claim superiority over another, within the church. Each member has unique gifts and
as all are indispensable. In verse 21, Paul states, "The eye talents, and these differences should be celebrated rather
cannot say to the hand, 'I have no need of you,' nor again than suppressed. The church should be a place where
the head to the feet, 'I have no need of you.'" This people feel valued for who they are and are encouraged
reinforces the idea that every member, regardless of their to use their gifts for the common good.
role, is crucial to the functioning of the body of Christ. The
Holy Spirit has formed a spiritual organic unity of the many Cultivate the Unity:
dissimilar members of the body of Christ. Here Paul says,
“You are the body of Christ” with strong conviction. Unity is not uniformity. It does not require everyone to
think, act, or look the same. Instead, it is about

13 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

recognizing our common identity in Christ and working
together towards a shared purpose. Believers are called BOOK REVIEW
to cultivate unity through humility, patience, and love, The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change
acknowledging that we are all part of the same body. Everything That We See, Hope For, and Believe, by Richard Rohr.
New York: Convergent, 2019. 260 pp., Price $27.00 or Rs. 360 at
Serve and respect each other:
By Dr. Sunil Mani
About seven months ago, I had the honor of
The metaphor of the body underscores the importance of virtually attending a profoundly enlightening
serving and honoring one another. Just as each part of the and scholarly lecture titled, "Policy and
body has a specific function, believers are called to use Practice Informed by the Ancient Science of
Spirituality," by my esteemed friend, Dr.
their gifts to serve and support one another. This service Mihir Shah. Known affectionately as Mihir,
fosters a sense of community and strengthens the bonds he brings to the table over three decades of
between believers. dedicated service in the arid villages of
Central India, focusing on sustainable and
inclusive development. I am grateful to Mihir
Build Up the Church: for comments on an earlier draft of this
The ultimate goal of being one body in Christ is to build up
the church, leading to spiritual maturity and growth. This During the interactive segment of the lecture, Mihir referenced the work
of the Franciscan Friar, Richard Rohr, who has fervently advocated for
requires each member to actively participate and action preceding contemplation. This sentiment deeply resonates with
contribute their unique gifts. By doing so, the church Christ's teachings, as exemplified in Matthew 7:24, where Jesus
becomes a powerful witness to the world, demonstrating underscores the significance of putting words into action. Inspired by
the transformative power of Christ's love. this profound insight, I delved into Richard Rohr’s "The Universal Christ,"
which, as Mihir so succinctly put it, emphasizes the principle that action
and contemplation must go hand in hand.
In essence, action not grounded in contemplation and careful
When Paul says “You are the body of Christ,” there is a introspection lacks depth, and likewise, mere contemplation without
corresponding action is hollow. In contemporary Christianity, across
profound thought in this statement. This short verse is various denominations, there appears to be an inclination towards
theologically pregnant in teachings. Christ is no longer in outward forms rather than genuine substance. Engaging with "The
this world in the body; so, He can use the body of the Universal Christ" has the potential to guide us away from this
believers for His works. Literally we have to be the body inconsistency, urging us to prioritize meaningful action over
of Christ, hands to do his work, feet to run and voice to
speak for Him. Here is the supreme glory of the believers- In this seminal work, Richard Rohr embarks on a profound exploration of
the part of the body of Christ upon earth. the spiritual dimensions of Christianity, inviting readers to transcend
conventional theological boundaries and grasp a deeper understanding
of Christ's essence. Central to Rohr's narrative is the concept of the
The concept of one body in Christ is a profound reminder "Universal Christ," a notion transcending the historical Jesus of Nazareth
of the unity and diversity within the Christian church. and extending into the cosmic fabric of existence. Drawing from diverse
Through the teachings of the Apostle Paul, we learn that sources, including ancient scriptures, mystical traditions, and
the church is a place where differences are celebrated, contemporary theology, Rohr constructs a compelling argument for
perceiving Christ as an omnipresent force interwoven into the very
and unity is cultivated. This metaphor challenges us to essence of creation; “In the beginning was Word, and the Word was with
embrace diversity, cultivate unity, serve one another, and God. He was with God in the beginning, through him all things were
build up the church for the glory of God. As believers, we made; without him nothing was made that has been made” (Jn 1:1-3).
are all part of the body of Christ, each playing a vital role
What sets "The Universal Christ" apart is Rohr's remarkable ability to
in His divine plan. Let us work together in love and merge theological depth with accessible language, appealing to both
harmony, reflecting the beauty of being one body in Christ scholars and laypersons alike. With clarity and grace, he navigates
in this world through the church. complex theological frameworks, inviting readers to engage in a faith
journey while offering practical guidance for spiritual growth. Throughout
the book, Rohr challenges readers to reconsider entrenched beliefs,
Reference: advocating for a more inclusive and compassionate expression of
Christianity. By highlighting the interconnectedness of all life and
1.William Barclay’s commentaries on Romans and affirming the sacredness inherent in every being, Rohr presents a vision
of a world imbued with justice and love.
2. The study Bible by Ryrie However, amidst the brilliance of Rohr's insights, controversy may arise
from his departure from traditional Christian interpretations. Yet,
Mr. P. T. Mathew, M. A., D.Litt., is a precisely this willingness to confront discomfort and stimulate
introspection renders Rohr's discourse profoundly compelling. In
member of the Mar Thoma Church of essence, "The Universal Christ" presents an invitation to surpass
Dallas, Farmers Branch, Texas, U.S.A. historical narratives and rigid dogmas, encouraging readers to
contemplate Christ in his boundless universality. Regardless of whether
they are seasoned theologians or spiritual seekers, readers can
anticipate encountering novel perspectives and profound insights,
leading them to forge a deeper rapport with the enigmas of existence.
This acclaimed work has garnered numerous accolades, including the
esteemed recognition as a New York Times Best Seller.

14 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

One Body in Christ
Prof. Philip Koshi

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people

live together in unity!” (Psalms 133: 1).

What is One Body in Christ? Pentecostals, Mormons, Orthodox, Jehovah’s Witness,

Nestorians and many more!
One Body in Christ is a biblical concept that describes the
unity and diversity of the church. It means that all believers Apostle Paul asserts that the church is the Body of Christ,
regardless of their background, status, or gifts are united with constituent members individually, whether Jews or
by their faith and their baptism by the Holy Spirit. Greeks, whether slaves or free. In chapter 12 of First
Corinthians, we read: “that there should be no schism in
On April 8, 2024 the EWTN VATICAN (Eternal Word the body; but that the members should have the same
Television Network) — the world’s largest Catholic media care one for another.”
network —televised a statement by Cardinal Kurt Koch,
Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, and An increasingly divided and polarized world needs to
he said: “The biggest challenge is that so many Christians search for unity of Christians and churches. It implies the
no longer seek unity. Instead, many are resigned to the fundamental and profound conviction that humankind
fact that we have a multitude of churches and church must stand together to seek each other’s best interests
communities.” and to uphold the dignity of each human being and the
whole creation. We are now experiencing a significant
Five years ago (2019), Cardinal Koch said in an interview moment in the life of the world and the unity of the church.
that divisions within the church be avoided. “The Catholic
way, he said, “is to remain under one roof, under the roof A world of climate catastrophe, pandemic, war, and
of the Papacy, the universal church. That is also the economic concerns require a fresh engagement of the
reason why there are so many tensions, so many conflicts church with one another on the core issue of faith, unity,
in the Catholic Church. It is easier to split off and found a and mission that both unite and continue to divide them.
new church. I think the catholic way is the better way and
I hope that the Catholic church will remain on this catholic
path within the universal church as a whole. In my opinion
the other way has no future.”

Are we One Body in Christ?

In this context one is reminded of the festeow over the

Uniform Liturgical Code, in Kerala’s Syro-Malabar Church
(Ernakulam-Angamaly Archdiocese), which recently
intensified with protesting priests and laity warned of
excommunication. The uniform mode is a compromise
between the Syro-Malabar Church’s ancient tradition, in
which the priest looked east, and the emergence of a
post-Vatican II practice in some churches, where the
priest faced the people throughout the Eucharist.

The unity of the church is therefore exposed to numerous

dangers. Time and again, difficulties arise in dialogues
within the Christian community and the church. In his
epistle to the Romans, Apostle Paul warns believers to be
sober minded and contrite, coming before the Lord in
humble obedience and submission, yielding to His rule The Early Christians were united in one faith or belief
and reign. system. They were not divided into sectarianism or
denominationalism. The Bible, The Word of God was their
Christianity is the largest religious group in the world, with standard of truth. By remaining in the Word and being
an estimated 2.3 to 2.6 billion adherents. However, they united in Christ, they became one flock, under one
are divided into innumerable branches: Catholics, shepherd. Jesus said, as found in Mathew 12:25, “A house
Protestants, Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians, divided against itself cannot stand.” Apostle Paul said in
Evangelicals, Methodists, Adventists, Brethren, Quakers, Ephesians 4: 4-5: “There is one body and one Spirit, . . .
one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of

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all, who is over all and through all and in all.” The Apostle transformative power that shapes individuals and
Peter said in 1 Peter 4:16, “Yet if one suffers as a Christian, communities, leading to a more just and compassionate
let him not be ashamed, but under that name let him glorify world. Practicing one virtue strengthens the others,
God.” creating a virtuous cycle that can lead to a more fulfilling
and godly life. It is a journey that requires dedication and
Martin Luther wrote: “I ask that my name be left silent and perseverance. It can lead to a life of deeper faith, greater
people not call themselves Lutheran, but rather Christians. joy, and a closer relationship with God.
Who is Luther? The doctrine is not mine. I have been
crucified for no one. How should I, a poor stinking bag of The commission on Faith and Order of the World Council
worms, become so that the children of Christ are named of Churches undertakes theological studies so that the
with my unholy name? It should not be dear friends. Let churches may reach agreement across their diversity and
us extinguish all factious names and be called Christians grow in mutual care and accountability. The name “Faith
whose doctrine we have.” and Order” refers to two areas in which remaining
disagreements hamper communion or unity among
Writing in the, Pastor Steven J. Cole of California Christian churches. The first is “faith” in the sense of what
says: “When the subject of unity comes up, I always think churches believe. Significant disagreements on what
of the familiar chorus, “We are one in the Lord” and why I churches believe prevent common life among them. The
cannot stand that song. Are we really “one” with every second area is “order” in the sense of how church ministry
group that claims to be Christian?” is organized as it serves and communicates God’s
salvation in Christ. Significant disagreements in this area
Pastor Steven goes on to give a second reason why he also prevent communion among churches.
dislikes that chorus and it is more personal.” When I was
in the Coast Guard boot camp, as far as I could tell, none One is yet to witness the visible unity while sharing
of my fellow recruits in my company were believers. They culturally diverse hymns, liturgy, and prayers. By doing so
consistently used foul speech and bragged about their we will be able to celebrate the unity of the churches in
sexual exploits. But every week, they would march to the worship, study, and action. A space for ecumenical
chapel and join together under the liberal chaplain, singing dialogue on emerging and pressing theological, social,
“we are one in the Spirit.” and geographical concerns was recently created at the
15th General Assembly Meet of the Christian Conference
Can we be One Body in Christ? of Asia, held at Kottayam, Kerala, India from Sept 28—Oct
4, 2023. As the coordinator of the CCA News and as a
co-opted staff it was a blessed moment for me to witness
the celebration of the unity of churches in Asia in worship,
study, and action.

It also provided opportunity for the delegates (500 from all

Asian countries) to express the common vision of the
churches for the direction and mission of the CCA which
is the world’s second largest ecumenical body after the
World Council of Churches. Through continuous
dialogues churches can play a pivotal role in breaking
down barriers and fostering mutual understanding and
trust among the people and communities who are living in
conflict situations.

The convening of the Council of Nicaea in 325 by Emperor

Constantine was a defining moment for the Christian
Being one body in Christ does not mean that we must all church. It was the first attempt to reach consensus in the
look alike, talk alike, and enjoy the same kinds of activities. church through an assembly of more than 300 bishops
Back in the early 1970s many “hippies” young people got representing all of Christendom. It affirmed the Christian
swept up in the “Local Church” movement under the faith in the triune God and marked the transition from
Chinese leader, Witness Lee. Overnight, they cut off their Christians being a persecuted minority to becoming a
long hair, and beards and started wearing white shirts with church recognized by the Roman state. In Nicaea, now
narrow black ties, just as Witness Lee did. They even Iznik in present day Türkiye, the call to unity was heard
gestured and sounded like him when they talked. It was within the context of a troubled, unequal, and divided
kind of eerie, but it had nothing to do with true Christian world. Most significantly this council formulated the
unity! Nicene Creed, which after 1700 years still remains the
bedrock of faith in all churches including the Mar Thoma
Living a life of faith and righteousness is at the core of Church.
Christianity. When one is in One Body with Christ it has a

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Christian unity is based on a shared life in Christ; it is a
major source for witness to the world and is expressed One Body in Christ
through common love, purpose, and mission. It is a known Anish Thomas
fact that thoughtful exchanges are ongoing on how all
entities can effectively work together to address pressing Romans 12:3-8 is a beautiful passage that speaks to the
global challenges and further the cause of Christian unity. importance of humility, unity, and the use of spiritual gifts
within the body of Christ. In this devotional, we will delve
It is also to be remembered with confidence that God is deeper into this passage, unpacking its meaning and
continuously with us---loving, forgiving, healing, and offering practical ways to apply it to our lives today.
empowering us to become His visible signs of peace and Imagine a hand. The thumb is strong and crucial for
reconciliation. As Christians, we carry this great calling grasping, but it cannot function on its own. It needs the
with humility and responsibility. It is our shared vocation other fingers to support, point, and manipulate objects.
to participate in the prophetic mission of Christ Each finger has a unique role, yet they all work together as
proclaiming the Kingdom of God, which is made visible by a unit. Similarly, in the body of Christ, we have different
the testimony of our lives and in our work for justice and gifts and callings. There is no room for arrogance; each
reconciliation. member is valuable and contributes to the whole.

One maybe a Catholic, another a Protestant, yet another The passage opens with a call to humility. Paul, speaking
of Pentecostal or Orthodox faith. Denominations are by God's grace, instructs us not to think of ourselves
legions, but in the eyes of the Lord we are all His children. "more highly than we ought." This is not about maintaining
We have to work through disagreements and conflicts, a facade of false modesty. It is about recognizing that our
allowing for constructive communication. abilities and achievements come from God's grace. We
are all instruments in a divine orchestra, playing a unique
Charity is the ultimate expression of love and fosters a part in a larger symphony.
sense of interconnectedness within the community,
inspiring individuals to work towards the well-being of Paul mentions "the measure of faith God has assigned."
others and the greater good. In Romans 12: 3—8 we read: This faith is not just intellectual belief; it is a deep trust and
“So we, being many are one body in Christ and individually reliance on God. The "measure" refers to the unique
members of one another. Having then gifts, differing, amount of faith God gifts each believer. Some may have a
according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.” strong faith in leadership, while others excel in
encouragement or service. Our job is not to compare our
Jesus said: “ love your neighbor as yourself.” By showing faith to others but to use it faithfully in the role God
love and compassion to others, we demonstrate our love assigns. Consider a talented artist. Their artistic ability is a
for God and are thereby strengthened in our faith. gift, but to truly create masterpieces, they need to hone
their skills through practice and dedication. Similarly, our
The pertinent question is how are we, the church as One faith is a gift that helps us use our spiritual gifts effectively.
Body in Christ, to live differently? As Apostle Paul wrote in
the Epistle to the Philippians, we must focus on the true, The analogy of the body is powerful. We are "one body in
the noble, the right, the pure, the lovely, the admirable, the Christ" (NIV), even though we are many individuals. Each
excellent and the praiseworthy. Let us together shape a member has a distinct function, yet all contribute to the
new paradigm for living together in the household of God. well-being of the whole. The eye cannot boast to the hand,
Let us play a crucial role in building strong communities, "I don't need you," because both are essential for the
providing a foundation for individuals to come together in body to function. This teaches us about unity in the
harmony and work towards a common purpose. church. We may come from different backgrounds, have
varying strengths and weaknesses, and even theological
Let us embrace the motto borrowed from the Letter of differences. But in Christ, we are one. We need to
Saint Paul to the Colossians which reads in Latin as: .Ut celebrate our diversity and work together to fulfil God's
Sit In Omnibus Christus Primatum Tenens,’ which means purpose for the church.
that Christ be before everything.
Imagine a diverse team working on a complex project.
Professor Philip Koshi served as Each team member brings their unique skills and
Professor of English literature at perspectives to the table. Through open communication,
Mar Ivanios College, collaboration, and appreciation for each other's strengths,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. He is they can achieve something far greater than any individual
the author of six books, Ex-All India could have accomplished alone. The church is similar. By
Radio Broadcaster, Quiz Master, working together in unity, we can share the Gospel
and Freelance Journalist. He is a
message with the world and make a significant impact.
member of the South Florida Mar
Thoma Church and lives in Weston,
(Continued on Page 31)

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Church as the Body of Christ
Dr. Zac Varghese

In the Gospels, ‘Body of Christ’ has two separate, but clearly in the statement, “. . . to bring unity in all things
important meanings: firstly, it refers to Jesus Christ's in heaven and on earth under Christ”(Eph 1:10). This unity
words over ‘the bread’ at the celebration of the Jewish is radically all inclusive. It is not limited to one elected
feast of Passover (last supper); Jesus took bread, gave group or race or denomination of the church. The work of
thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is the modern ecumenical movement is based on the God’s
my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me” ( plan to bring all things together in Christ. This idea is
Lk 22:19–20). Secondly, it refers to all individuals who are clearly spelt out in 1 Cor 12:12-14, “Just as a body, though
"in Christ" as members of the Church. “Just as body, one, has many parts, but all its many parts forms one
though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form body, so it is with Christ. For we are all baptised by one
one body, so it is with Christ” (1 Cor 12:12). This article is Spirit so as to from one body–whether Jews or Gentiles,
mainly dealing with the second, ‘Church as the body of slave or free–and we are given the one Spirit to drink. Even
Christ.’ so the body is not made up of one part but of many.” The
early seven ecumenical councils were an effort to bring
In Pauline Epistles, ‘Body of Christ’ refers to all individuals together Christian unity. Nicaean Creed is a legacy of this
who "heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, early effort under the leadership of the emperor
believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit" Constantine in 325 CE.
(Ephesians 1:13;) St. Paul goes on to say, “ God placed
all things under his [Jesus’] feet and appointed him to be Nicene Creed highlighted four important characteristics of
the head over everything for the church, which is his body, the Church as ‘One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.’
the fullness of him who fills everything in every way” (Eph Although oneness of the Church is disturbed by the
1:22-23). divisions in the Church, all baptized members are
considered to be the members of the body of Christ
St. Paul in many of his epistles used phrases similar to ‘the irrespective of denominational divisions. Holiness of the
body of Christ’ to indicate the absolute need for the unity Church highlights the importance of the guidance of the
of members of the newly formed churches during his Holy Spirit. ‘Catholic’ in the context of the Nicene creed
three missionary journeys. He was very much concerned suggests the universality of the Church (body of Christ). It
with the quarrels and divisions in churches that he is not about the separation of the Roman Catholic Church
established during his three missionary journeys. This after the East-West schism in 1054CE. Martin Luther’s
made him say to the Corinthians: “I appeal to you, protestant reformation in the 16th century divided the
brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Church further into large numbers of protestant
that all of you agree with one another in what you say and denominations, but most churches consider themselves
that there be no divisions among you, but that you be as one under Pauline concept of ‘Church as ‘the body of
perfectly united in mind and thought. My brothers and Christ.’ Church is truly apostolic because at Caesarea
sisters, some from Chloe’s household have informed me Philippi, Jesus declared: “I tell you that you are Peter, and
that there are quarrels among you. What I mean is this: on this rock I will build my Church” (Mt 16:18).
One of you says, “I follow Paul;” another, “I follow
Apollos;” another, “I follow Cephas;” still another, “I follow The Unity of the Members of the Church.
Christ”(1 Cor 1: 10-12).
Jesus’ high priestly prayer in St. John’s Gospel is a clear
desire of Jesus to establish unity in the Church. "My
St. Paul used the terms such as “You are the body of
prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will
Christ (1 Cor 12:27; 1 Cor 12:12; Rom 12:4-5; Eph 4:4;
believe in me through their message, that all of them may
Col 1:25); Christ as the head of the body, the church (Col
be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May
1:18); church as the bride, and Christ as the bridegroom
they also be in us so that the world may believe that you
(2 Cor 11;2; Eph 5;21-24). In spite of the emphasis by Paul
have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave
that the church is designed by God to function as the
me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and
‘body of Christ,’ they had divisions. Unfortunately, this is
you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity.
our experience too. Historically, liturgical traditions,
Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved
theological disputes, castes, gender, creed, culture,
them even as you have loved me” (Jn 17:20-23). This
greed, ‘purity-laws,’ and hunger for power have
passage clearly shows how this unity can be achieved.
contributed to the fragmentation of the Church to more
Jesus is allowing us to participate in his relationship with
than 40,000 denominations across the world. In this
his Father as a vine and it branches. “I am the true vine,
process, we are torturing the body of Christ.
and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in
me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear
In all the above Pauline metaphors for the church, we see
fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are
the important message of unity in Christ. We see this very
already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.

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Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear following implications: 1) each Christian is indispensable
fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you for the smooth functioning of the Church; 2). There are no
bear fruit unless you remain in me. . . .” (Jn 15:1-8). Jesus self-made independent members of the Church just as
also told us, “I am the bread of life” (Jn 6:35). there is no self-made Church since all gifts are given to
her members in various measures by the Holy Spirit; 3)
Jesus again confirms this idea of being ‘the bread of life’ Just an organ cannot become dysfunctional in one’s body
at the last supper: “And he took bread, gave thanks and without hurting other parts of the body, and the total
broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given wellbeing of the whole person. Therefore, we must not
for you; do this in remembrance of me” (Lk 22:19). As isolate anyone from a caring and loving fellowship of the
members of the faith community, in Eucharist we accept, members of the Church. Togetherness is the hall mark of
eat the sanctified-bread, and drink the sanctified-wine in an atoning community, the Church. It is difficult today to
remembrance that Christ died for us for, and for our feel optimistic about institutionalized churches, until we
redemption. In the Holy Communion, we need to see and see church communities with full of human warmth,
feel the presence of Jesus Christ, and remember our ever- empathy, love and fellowship with a shared common
living and ever-lasting relationship with Jesus who gave purpose of establishing God’s kingdom values in our
his life for our redemption. world. Chiara Lubich of the Focolare Foundation wrote: “If
we all form one body, and the gifts of each person are
However, Eucharistic hospitality is blocked by theological complementary, the members of the community should
and liturgical arguments in many churches. The World have great respect for one another. And if each of us has
Council of Churches in January1982 introduced the ‘Lima a mission to fulfil for the common good, it should be
Liturgy,’ which is a Christian ecumenical eucharistic liturgy carried out in such a way as to foster unity and the
for bringing churches together. It reflects the theological harmonious growth of the entire Christian community.
convergences of Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (BEM), Hence, there should be no room for pride, individualism,
as expressed in the liturgy. Let us hope and continue to etc."
pray for eucharistic hospitality among all churches and
Christian faith communities across the world, and In conclusion, let me quote C. S. Lewis, the most
practice ‘liturgy after the liturgy’ on every day of our life. influential Christian writer of the twentieth century: “The
Church exists for nothing else but to draw men to Christ,
Church as an Atonement Community. to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all
cathedrals, clergy, missions, and sermons are simply a
Key to the understanding the Church as a community waste of time. God became man for no other purpose.”
called atonement is the notion that Jesus identified with This is a real challenge. Furthermore, do we have the
us as Immanuel so that we can identify with Him as well. sensitivity to hear and respond to the cry that Tennyson
Jesus’ story has to become our story as St. Paul wrote to mentioned in his poem? “What am I? An infant crying in
Galatians: “I have been crucified with Christ, I no longer the night, an infant crying for the light, with no language
live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live now in the body, I but a cry. This indeed is the big question facing the
live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Church today?
himself for me” (Gal 2:20). Baptism, Eucharist and prayer
are three fundamental practices that shape the Church as
a community of atonement. Furthermore, St. Paul asks the
question: “Don’t you know that you are the temple of God
and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone
destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person ; for
God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple”
(1 Cor 3:16-17). Therefore, Christians are expected to be
joined together as one family, the body of Christ, as ‘One,
Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church,’ which is the
dwelling place of God.” It is good to remember the
warning that God gave to Moses about Holy ground:
“Take off your sandals, for the place where you are
standing is holy ground” (Exo 3;5; Acts 7:33). The
‘sandals’ in the present context are various reasons for the
divisions in the community of faith, the Church.

St. Paul’s use of ‘body model’ for the unity in the Church
is powerful and insightful. This means that each and every
Christian is an organ of Christ’s body, the Church. We
should consider Church as an organism and not merely as
an organization; it is then we begin to think about the need
for feeding, teaching, nurturing and developing. This has

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United by God, Committed to Serve
Lal Varghese, Esq.

The well-known theologian Mathew Henry’s (1662 – 1714) therefore, I will lay out myself to the utmost, in the strength
commentary on Joshua 24:15 is about the choice each of the grace of Christ. Whatever our gifts or situations may
person needs to make; it can be summarized as follows: be, let us try to employ ourselves humbly, diligently,
“It is essential that the service of God's people be cheerfully, and in simplicity; not seeking our own credit or
performed with a willing mind. Joshua puts the people of profit, but the good of many, for this world and that which
Israel to their choice; but not as if it were indifferent is to come. Let us unite with our Lord obediently and with
whether they served God or not. Joshua says choose you humbleness and commit ourselves like Joshua declared,
whom ye will serve, now the matter is laid plainly before ‘me and my household we will serve the Lord.’
you. Those that are bound for heaven must be willing to
swim against the stream. They must not do as the most 1 Corinthians 6:17 speaks that we are joined unto the
do, but as the best do. The Israelites agree with Joshua, Lord, indicating that the closest possible union is found
being influenced by the example of a man who had been in one Spirit. In Ephesians 4: 4-6, it is stated that wherein
so great a blessing to them; we also will serve the Lord. unity consists of seven particulars. The Church is an
The service of God being made their deliberate choice, organic whole, of which believers are the members, and
Joshua binds them to it by a solemn covenant. He set up Christ the Head, supplying the vitalizing power: The real
a monument of it.” body, being constituted by vital union with Christ, is not
synonymous with any single outward society. When our
1 Cor. 12:12 says: Christ and his church unite as one body greatest desire is to bring glory to God and walk in
being the Head and members respectively. Christians obedience, we become chosen people who seek to love
become members of this body through the Holy baptism. and serve Jesus in the power of the Spirit. The Bible says
The outward rite is of Divine institution; it is a sign of the God is at work in everyone’s life. “ God did this so that
new birth, and, therefore called as the washing of they should seek him and perhaps reach out for him and
regeneration. Tit 3:5-6 goes beyond this theological find him, though he is not far from any one of us” (Acts
exposition and says: “He saved us not because of the 17:27).
righteous things that we had done, but because of his
mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and John, the disciple of Jesus, is always remembered as the
renewal by the Holy Spirit.” It is the renewal by the Holy apostle of love and referred to himself as “as the disciple
Spirit that we are made members of Christ's body. whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23). John wrote more on love
Communion with Christ, through the Lord’s Supper, than any New Testament writer. But he wasn’t always so
strengthens us. Each member of the body has its own inclined. Yet John was one who ends up being
divine purpose, place, and use for the kingdom of God. overwhelmed with the love of God and writes about the
There is distinction between the different organs and parts importance of loving others. He testifies that the Father
and their intended purpose in the body. Likewise, has sent his Son as savior and later he sent the Holy Spirit
members of the Church have different use and purpose to so that we may abide or unite with God. Those who unite
perform. All the members of the body are useful and with God also abide in love and he who abides in love
needed to each other. Likewise, being a part of the body abides in God and God in him. “By this we know that we
of Christ, each one of us may and ought to be useful to abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His
fellow members. As in the natural body of man, the Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has
strongest bonds of love should closely unite the members sent the Son as Savior of the world. Whoever confesses
of the Church; the good of the whole should be the object that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in
of all. All believers are dependent one each other; each God. And we have known and believed the love that God
one is to expect and receive help from the rest. Thus, we has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides
may have more of the spirit of union in our religious life. in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:13-16).
Like Lord said, man is not for Sabbath but Sabbath is
made for man. The word ‘commitment’ means entrusting something
valuable to another person. Commitment additionally
Ephesians 1:23 says that our destiny as the body of includes the responsibility to practice specific activities.
Christ is to be the fullness with which Christ fills everything God has entrusted or committed a valuable talent into
in every way. Christ reconciled both Jews and Gentiles each believer that is to be guarded and protected, to be
in one body to God through the cross, by having put to faithfully proclaimed and in turn to be committed to others.
death the enmity. All the members make up one body in Thus, each believer is responsible to respond to God’s call
Christ, who is the Head of the body, and the common by committing their heart, mind, body, and life to serve
center of their unity. In the spiritual body, some are called him to share the Gospel and to be His ambassadors in this
to one sort of work and others for another sort of work. No world.
one should say, I am useless, therefore I will sit quiet, and
do nothing; but, should say: I am nothing in myself, and

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Jesus is telling us that every fiber of our being, every facet of love itself, since Luke 6: 32 says: “If you love those who
of our lives must be committed to loving and serving God. love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love
This means that we must hold nothing back from Him those who love them.” In Luke 6: 27, it is written: “But to
because God holds nothing back from us. ‘For God so you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good
loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that to those who hate you.” To have real commitment, we
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal need to love our enemies, not only our neighbors and need
life’ (John 3:16). Jesus tells us that our commitment to Him to do good to those who hate us. That is the real
must supersede our commitment to even our families: “If expression of commitment God wants from each one of
anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and us.
mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters,
yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. The disciples chosen by Jesus Christ were ordinary
Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me people, but He was able to do extra ordinary things
cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14: 26-27). It means our through them. They left their fishing nets and followed
commitment to Christ demands, if given an “either/or” Jesus, the moment He asked them to follow Him, and they
situation we turn away from our families and continue on never looked back. But some of them returned to their
with Jesus (Luke 12:51-53). The bottom line is that those nets and forgot about their divine calling for which they
who cannot make that kind of commitment cannot be His were chosen, after crucifixion of Jesus. But risen Jesus
disciples. appeared to them and proved that without Him they
cannot do anything including catching the fish in
Jesus has made clear about the cost of discipleship to his abundance. The Acts of the Apostles describes in detail
followers: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny about the struggles and persecution endured by the
himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For disciples, and all of them were martyred except John, who
whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses appears to have died of natural causes. Are we ready to
his life for my sake will save it” (Luke 9:23-24). In essence, be united with Him and accept the challenges that may
the true cost of commitment to Christ is one’s total self- threaten us for being committed to Him? The disciples
denial, cross bearing, and the lifelong following of Him. united with their master and sacrificed their lives to the
These imperatives picture for us sacrifice, selflessness, cause for which they were committed and united with. As
and service. Apostle Paul who was a persecutor of Joshua said to Israelites, “But if serving the Lord seems
Christians committed and sacrificed himself to the Lord undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day
and said I am ready to go to Jerusalem and die for Christ. whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors
Paul later proclaimed: “I have been crucified with Christ. It served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the
is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the Amorites, in whose land you are living, but as for me and
life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, my household, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24: 15).
who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 20:20).
What do you do when the winds of temptation are swirling
When our greatest desire is to bring glory to God and walk all around you, and when you are weary and worn and
in obedience, we become driven people who seek to love want to quit? Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s
and serve Jesus in the power of the Spirit. Let our prayer house. Hold fast to the confidence and the rejoicing of the
echo Solomon’s. May our “hearts be fully committed to hope, firm to the end by being united with our Lord with
the Lord our God, to live by his decrees and obey his full commitment and dedication so that we may enjoy the
commands” (1 King 8:61). “And you, being dead in your eternal life with our Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 3: 5-6). Let
trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has us re-affirm our faith and hope in Lord by declaring that
made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all for me and my household we will serve the Lord.
trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of
requirements that was against us, which was contrary to Reinder Bruinsma begins his book, ‘The Body of Christ: A
us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to Biblical Understanding of the Church’ with this clear,
the cross.” (Colossians 2:13-14) straightforward definition: the Church is the body of Christ—
God’s people. Bruinsma believes this doctrine has not been
Commitment does not mean that we should have faith in adequately wrestled with today. His readable and informative
Lord only, because in James 2:17 says: “Thus faith by treatment of this vital topic fills a vital gap in Adventist
itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” What should be literature. His far-ranging look at the doctrine of the Church
moves from Old and New Testament foundations, up through
our works, which is the expression of our faith? Mathew
Church government and controversial issues such as
25: 35-36 says: “For I was hungry and you gave me
ordination and church discipline. In his conclusion, Bruinsma
something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something outlines the mission and the future of the Church. His
to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed fourfold approach covers every facet of the doctrine, and
clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked these are explored in detail. This thought-provoking
after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” So, discussion challenges those who call themselves ‘God’s
when our faith is expressed through our good works to people,’ and ask them to examine their current understanding
those who need help, it is the reflection of our of the Church, and to prayerfully consider their roles as part
commitment. Commitment is also not just the expression of the body of Christ.

21 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

Artificial Intelligence, a ‘Tower of Babel’ Moment
David Brand

[We have included this article to highlight the challenges checking the change? Therefore, if we surrender to a
and risks associated with the Artificial Intelligence (AI). We machine that does our thinking, but may not have an
should not sleep walk into this new technology; deep original thought, what kind of future has humanity got?
evaluation is necessary to ensure that AI aligns with the
Christian faith and reliance on God’s grace. Christian We also know that the main compounds and elements
communities should engage in theological reflection and that constitute us are: Air, Water, Coal, Chalk, traces of
dialogue to navigate the complexities of AI. King David Phosphorus, Sulphur, Iron, Zinc, and all such earthly
wrote: “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we products. An AI would also comprise earthly materials,
trust in the name of the Lord our God” (PS20:7). We hope probably Gold, Silicon, Alloys, various Plastics, Carbon
that this article would be of help to be aware of potential Fibre, Steel, Copper, Brass and Chrome. So, we all have
dangers of AI. Editorial Reflection.] little unseen labels attached to all things around us stating,
“Made on Earth.” But who made the earth? We are made
God, according to the Bible, describes himself as “I AM.” in the image of God.
That to me, is as perfect an answer as you could possibly
expect from the Divine. God may be telling us: “I am all They say that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
things; but what you personally perceive me to be is down So how dangerous can something be that has all the
to you and you have your lifetime to reach your own knowledge known to mankind and could be updated
conclusions.” One thing we do know is that God is a automatically with every new piece of knowledge when it
spiritual being, and God is love. St. Paul wrote: “. . . to is discovered. However, what we do not know is, does it
grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love also have or learnt and retained the same characteristics
of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses of the human being with all the freedom to range from
knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all perfect to barbaric and would it recognise the difference?
fullness of God” (Eph 3:18-19).
Let us think about AI, which is connected to the outside
From time immemorial, man has built idols and structures world via neural networks. A neural network is based on a
to worship different godly entities and the dead; we have connection of connected units or nodes called Artificial
continued to make statues and monuments to famous Neurons which loosely model the neurons in a human
leaders, heroes and quite rightly to all those who died brain.
defending their countries. However, this time we are
building an active monument to Artificial Intelligence (AI) This allows a process called DEEP LEARNING to evolve
and all our current achievements in electronic technology and is defined as a “Machine learning technique” that
and programming. AI is a super brain, containing teaches computers to do what comes naturally to
incredible knowledge, capable of thinking for itself. Are we humans, that is learn by example. Deep learning is a key
in danger of surrendering ourselves to a man-made God, technology behind, for example, driverless cars, enabling
that has to be flawed because we are flawed, slowly them to recognise, say a stop sign or prevent confusion
reducing our own thinking capacity? between a pedestrian and a lamp post. The next step
would be to reproduce a human brain but with lightning
Are we reaching another ‘Tower of Babel’ moment (Gen ability to calculate and make decisions based on
11:1-9), the height of human pride and arrogance, though immediate data available with an unbelievably huge
God intervened to save humanity? God’s love endures memory that never forgets.
forever (Ps 16:1), not based on what we do. Nothing we
do would ever cause God to love us less. The final step is to allow it to think for itself with no ability
to take control of it, once it has established itself through
Am I overreacting? Consider this; how many of you the interfaces that are available to it. This for many is a
remember and use the up to twelve times tables from step too far, it is in fact surrendering ourselves and
memory; when adding up, do you now reach for your freedoms to an entity that has no conscience, morals or
calculator and are you capable of having an idea what the understanding of the human condition. Worst of all, it has
answer should be in case you made an error in entering no spirituality, no humanity or a long record of experience.
the figures; can you remember your trigonometry; can you Unfortunately, many scientists are so embroiled in their
use Logarithmic and Trigonometric tables; can you still various specialities that they become convinced there is
use a slide rule? Can you differentiate and integrate no such thing as a God because they believe in specifics
algebraic and trigonometric functions, a gift from Isaac like cause and effect and as God cannot be seen or
Newton that has allowed us to go into space? Do you spirituality measured, it does not exist.
prefer to use your credit card because you have problems

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I like to ask three questions of AI: “Do you believe in God?” our tasks quicker. Suppose, we reached the point where we
“Can you heal?” and “What happens to us when we die?” asked AI to do the maths because we had forgotten how to
do it and the AI refused our request for assistance, or it
When you have a moment ask Google the first question and developed a fault and we lost the skill to fix it because it had
see what answer you get from its incredible reference library. been programmed to fix itself or so we thought; we would be
The answer from a super human brain that supposedly thinks plunged back centuries assuming we still had the ability to
for itself could be far more fascinating. Ask it if it is a spiritual survive.
being and what it thinks will happen to it when it is replaced
by a superior AI. What is its concept of heaven, miracles, I am no Luddite, a person who dislikes new technology. We
Angels, evil, holiness, giving and receiving or above all need machines of all kinds to progress technologically in
praying. order to make our lives better and explore the God-given
creation we know exists beyond our experience. AI can be
Man has modelled himself in paint, marble, metal and been used for the good of humanity, and therefore learning to use
buried in fabulous tombs, we also have a recorded history of it wisely as a tool with control and regulation is important.
many deities from civilizations from all over the globe. However, handing over the control of our lives to a self-
However, is AI a step too far, a highly intelligent electronic thinking machine is one step too far, especially if it ends up
creation that may eventually be beyond human control? in the wrong hands or minds.

One disturbing fact is that Geoffrey Hinton, regarded as the May I leave you with few chilling comments from three
Godfather of AI, has relinquished his role at Google. What people who know well the dangers of AI. Geoffrey Hinton
conclusion has he reached to distance himself from any said, “Right now, they are not more intelligent than us, as far
further development of AI? He of all those involved must have as I can tell. But I think they soon may be.” Late Stephen
become aware of the abyss that awaits us if we pursue this Hawking, possibly one of the cleverest men of our time, said:
course of development and get it wrong. For example, the “If we allow AI to have the power to decide for itself, it will
country with the smartest AI may win wars, or will AI’s battle improve itself and we may lose control.” Elon Musk added
for supremacy using humans as pawns? two additional chilling comments: “With AI we are
summoning the Demon,” and “AI is potentially more
Recent world-wide debates about AI often characterise it as dangerous than Nukes.” In the past, we have needed
a technology that has come to compete with human machines to help us and these machines needed us to
intelligence and render humans obsolete in the process; operate and maintain them, an unrecognized mutual
wide-spread job losses are predicted. It is appropriate and cooperation of co-existence. What happens when an
symbolic that the discussions about its dangers and benefits advanced intelligence greater than ours asks itself: “Why am
happened in Hiroshima on May 20, 2023, when the leaders I doing this and do I have to as I am capable of much
of the G7 countries agreed on the need for governance and greater things and do not need to be told what to do by an
strict regulations for this rapidly expanding sector. There are inferior intelligence?”
also ongoing discussions regarding AI regulation in the
British Parliament, United States Congress and the European Let us return to the Bible, in the beginning, God has
Union. established boundaries in nature – for example, setting limits
on the sea, which symbolised the forces of chaos
We have God on our side and our ingenuity has always (Gen 1:9,10) – God also sets boundaries for his people (Gen
prevailed. We have been created by God as spiritual beings 2:16,17). Deviating from God’s design has adverse effect for
on an eternal learning curve and our existence on this planet His creation. Satan would have us believe that boundary-less
is just a small part of that curve. Take heart and above all live living is an attractive alternative (Gen 3:4,5). But without
the life granted to you, it may not be ideal but it is yours and boundaries, there is no protective framework to keep out fear,
have faith; it has been designed for your development and shame and guilt, and to create a safe space within which we
granted in good faith and expectation. You arrived with may freely explore, experience and enjoy God’s blessings. By
nothing and no matter what you have or have not, it will be breaking boundaries, we place ourselves outside this place
left behind but your experience will be retained for the benefit of God’ grace and blessing (Gen 3:23). We need to set
of those who follow you. boundaries for AI as well. In the beginning God set a
boundary for mankind: “You are free to eat from any tree in
I doubt very much that a bundle of electronic components the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the
will cause our downfall. The only thing we should fear is the knowledge of good an evil, for when you eat from it you will
Godless humans who emerge and seek to conquer and certainly die”(Gen 2:16,17). Could AI be a forbidden fruit or a
dominate others to satisfy their own egos. This goes back ‘tower of Babel moment for mankind?’
centuries and is still with us at this very moment, despite
history demonstrating their pointless efforts and the suffering I would prefer to believe and rely on God, who has despite
that ensue. Yet, we never learn. AI could well be the solution our best efforts to the contrary allowed us to reach the year
to the problems awaiting us in the future, if used correctly. 2024 CE, and God willing long may it continue. May I
conclude this article by quoting a comment from Bishop
To me, surrendering to AI is giving up the purpose of our David Walker, Bishop of Manchester, in the New Day Light
lives. We are here to learn, think for ourselves and strive to journal: “I suspect, we soon may discover how to make idols
conquer the problems that confront us, not merely relying on out of AI; yet in doing so, just as much as our ancestors did
a machine to do it for us. Machines are meant to help us do from attending the wisdom that God seeks to offer.”

23 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

My Story (Part-7)
Dr. Titus Mathews, Professor Emeritus, University of
Calgary, Canada
Some of those members had moved away but are still
[Dr. Titus Mathews may be very familiar to the readers of considered as uncles aunties, Ammachys and
the FOCUS Journal. He was one of the founding editors Appachens. Even when some of our parents came over,
and only given up the responsibility after ten years being this group was of great support and help to make their life
an editor. He lived and worked in India, Africa, England, more pleasant, and joyful here. Rain or shine we were
and Canada. His contributions to the Mar Thoma Diaspora together. Good times and bad times, we were together –
communities and the academic life in these countries are kid’s graduations, weddings and so on, it was a large
enormous and hence it is worth publishing it for the benefit family affair. Some of the kids have moved away including
of our readers. The following is the sixth part of an ours, but for any important occasions, happy or sad, they
autobiographical sketch written by Dr. Titus Mathew and all fly back to be with the others. It was sad, that we had
supplemented by his wife, Mrs. Sara Joseph. We are to say goodbye to some forever, but the rest support each
hoping to publish it in several parts over the next two years. other and stay as one extended family. We found it as a
We are very grateful for the help and support of the family very important achievement in our life here.
for helping us with this. The part-VI of the story was
published in the April, 2024 issue (FOCUS April 2024, Vol. My parents were not very happy to live in Kozhencherry
12, Issue 2, p 23-24 ) For the Editorial Board.] after they returned to live in our home there. After being
away and having a comfortable life abroad, they found it
At the end of difficult to get others to accept their lifestyle. Moreover
June, we all Ammachy, who was diabetic and had other health
returned to problems for a long time, increasingly needed
Calgary after hospitalization. Ponnie went to Kerala a few times on a
stopping in short notice to help them out. Also, we were visiting them
London for alternately with children every year and spending time with
couple of days, them. Finally, they agreed to come to Canada, and we
staying with applied for immigration. It took time but finally, they got
Raju and Molly. immigrant visas in early 1983, and Ponnie went and
We did not go brought them here in early February. Ammachy was
for any sight- already very ill and suffering due to diabetic neuropathy.
seeing as the It was quite an arduous task to travel with them all by
kids were all herself, but I was happy they were home with us finally,
small, but I was and it was my responsibility to take care of them at their
able to arrange old age.
to have the car I
bought shipped to Vancouver. We reached home at the We were anticipating, but not sure about them agreeing to
beginning of July. The Kurians had rented our house while come to Canada. So, we already had built a larger house
I was away for the year, and they vacated it and moved to with convenience for their stay. I had the satisfaction that
the Queen’s apartment. finally I could look after them, and our children could
spend some time taking care of them and knowing their
Ponnie was also brought up by grandparents, as her love and life experience. Ammachy was too sick to enjoy
parents were also away in Bahrain. But her household was anything good here, and she missed her family back home
much larger, a joint family where four sons and their family very much. But Appachen was very happy and relieved,
stayed together in the family home, where her and enjoyed the time here with us. Our friends,
grandmother was the matriarch. There were several Malayalees and others were very helpful in visiting them,
children of different ages in the house. So, we both grew comforting them, and listening to their life experiences in
up surrounded by extended family and we both loved Africa. Appachen was a good storyteller.
people and their company. In Calgary, we were lucky to
have good friends even from the early days. We used to When Ammachy died in June of 1984, Appachen was very
get together for all important days and celebrate worried about the funeral arrangements. But after the
birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Onam, Thanksgiving funeral Appachen wrote to family members in Kerala,
and so on. We did it purposely, so that our Children will “Mariamma’s funeral and burial and prayer service the
experience the love, care, and affection of a larger group. previous day were very well organized and dignified, such
Everyone enjoyed the support and care from each other. that I would not been able to do like that there. Most of
the Malayalees in Alberta, and Kunjumon’s friends here,
came for it and helped in every way they could. The

24 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

procession to the cemetery was so long and had even the because by succeeding I could prove that I and others
police escort. So, I am very happy everything went very from India were quite capable of undertaking such
well.” The service was conducted at St. James Anglican important administrative responsibilities. I selected Dr.
Church where we were members, and by the Anglican Tony Harrison as Assistant Head to share responsibilities
priests there. with me, and he was glad to agree to it. Dr. Challice, the
Head, who appointed me, and Dr. Parsons were both
Appachen lived another couple of years, very happy and Associate Deans in the Faculty of Arts and Science at the
had fun with the children. Joju started sleeping with him time were extremely helpful with advice for managing the
from the day Ammachy died to the day Appachen was department.
taken to the hospital. He wrote his memoirs during the
time and years later Titus Jr. edited it and made it into a I knew I had to get the support of all my colleagues to
book. His experiences in old Travancore and East Africa manage the departmental affairs and formed different
in the 1930’s onwards are an eye-opener, and hilarious to committees: head’s advisory, undergraduate affairs,
read. graduate affairs, and held regular meetings, to assess and
get input from everyone. We also had a day-long
Appachen experienced stomach problems and was combined meeting to review teaching activities at summer
admitted to the hospital and he passed away due to breaks. Dr. Harrison took responsibility of supporting staff
complications after surgery in March 1987. We arranged matters, and I took responsibility of financial matters,
everything just as for Ammachy’s funeral. They both are faculty. I had noticed there was a problem for me (in fact
buried in one ‘Kallara” in Queen’s Park Cemetery, not far it had been a problem for Dr. Krouse as well). The senior-
from our house. We are very grateful to all our friends and most secretary, who was also the Head’s secretary, was
family in Canada, US, and here, especially the priests in not willing to take orders from anyone. Especially, she had
St. James Anglican Church for their home visits, and a prejudiced attitude towards Indian colleagues that
hospital visits to comfort them, and for conducting the extended to me as well. I knew I had to replace her but
funeral services including some of the Mar Thoma since Dr. Harrison was in charge of support staff, I left that
traditions. I was very happy and grateful that I could be with him. But within a few days of us taking the
with them in their last few years. administration, she rendered her resignation and left. In
her place, we appointed Mrs. Jessie Wallens, wife of a
We also were happy to have a few of our relatives, coming United Church priest, a very pleasant, mature person,
and living with us while they were doing their post- experienced in handling personal problems of young
graduate studies in the University, or preparing for their people. She was a Godsend to us.
qualifying exams and medical residency, or even for
summer work or vacation. Almost all of them have moved By the beginning of the term in September, we virtually
away to the US and got flourishing jobs but are grateful for had a renewed department. All the people in the
the assistance they received while in Calgary and keep in department, faculty and as well as support staff were very
touch with us. Also, we were very happy to receive some co-operative and supportive, and my task was to maintain
of the newcomers to Calgary and help them settle in. We that. Also, there were couple of other problems to be
mutually benefitted from all this, sharing their life solved.
experiences, and introducing them to the life conditions
here. The distribution of technical support, supplies and
sundries money, as well as minor and major equipment
Years as Department Head: grants among the faculty, was a contentious affair
historically. And it almost took two years for me to bring
At the beginning of the 1974 academic year, I was it to the satisfaction of everyone.
appointed as the Head of the Department of Physics, a
turn of events which was not at all anticipated. The Another challenge was the annual assessment and
Department Head at the time, Dr. Roy Krouse, a fine promotion of faculty members. Each department was
person and a good teacher was more dedicated to his allowed to have total increments equal to the number of
research work, rather than administration of the members plus one. And it had to be distributed according
department. This caused some problems in the to their teaching, research productivity and service. It was
department, both among faculty and support staff, and he important to me to be fair to each person and convince
had to step down from the headship. As I was the them to that effect. The assessment was based on the
assistant to the Head at the time, I was asked to take over annual report submitted by each member. Evaluating and
the headship and the dean gave me the appointment assessing their report took a lot of time to make sure that
order as Head of the Physics Department. I was fair to everyone. Promotions, due for some time
and overlooked for years for couple of faculties were
It was immediately obvious to me that this was a great approved, and they were happy.
challenge, but also an opportunity. It was a challenge
because the task I was undertaking was quite enormous The social functions during the fall term helped a great
and I had absolutely no preparation. It was an opportunity deal. Both the departmental barbecue and faculty dinner

25 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

were great successes into boosting morale. My wife did a
lot of work for it, especially providing an Indian dinner to
Pearls of Wisdom Series 18*
faculty and their spouses at our house, which had become The whole body of the church must be
an annual event. cleansed from all defilement
Another matter that put me in a difficult situation was that Of all the days celebrated in varying degrees of solemnity by the
the Dean of Graduate Studies decided to evaluate the Christian liturgy, beloved brethren, none ranks higher than the
overall performance of certain departments and the paschal feast, by which the whole series of festivals is
Physics and Chemistry Departments were chosen for this consecrated and confirmed in honour in the Church of God. If it
is true that the very birth of our Lord from his mother looked
purpose. The Dean appointed two external visitors from
forward to its culmination of mystery, the it is clear that the sole
other universities for this evaluation. They met with faculty purpose of God’ Son in being born was to make his crucifixion
members individually and collectively and reviewed the possible. For in the virgin’s womb, he assumed mortal flesh, and
overall performance as a department. I was really in this mortal flesh the unfolding of his passion was
apprehensive as I thought our department would not accomplished. Thus, the mercy of God fulfilled a plan too deep
compare with theirs. But it turned out that ours was better for words; Christ’s humanity became for us a redemptive
than theirs in many respects. There was another sacrifice, annulment of sin, and the first-fruits of resurrection to
evaluation later in 1976, by members from another set of eternal life.
universities, and that also was very positive.
When we consider what the entire world owes to our Lord’s
cross, we realize our need to prepare for the celebration of Easter
My headship was renewed in 1976 for a term of five years
by a fast of forty days if we are to take part worthily in these
without any objections from anyone. Preparations for the sacred mysteries. Not only every defilement to be purged away
two performance evaluations of the department made me from bishops who have received the fullness of the sacraments
quite aware of the strength and weakness of the of Order, from priests who hold the second place, and from
departments, particularly in research. Overall effort in deacons who administer the sacraments, but the whole the
research was not the result of a carefully thought-out or whole body of the Church and entire company of the faithful
planned program. It mostly rose out of individual effort. must be purified, so that the temple of God, whose foundation
During the rapid growth of the students in the department, is its founder himself, every stone maybe beautiful and every
faculty appointments were made to meet the teaching section radiant. If it is reasonable to embellish a king’s palace or
a governor’s residence with every ornamental art, so that the
requirements rather than to make research activities greater a man’s importance the more splendid his dwelling.,
stronger. While we had active research in different fields, what zeal ought to be expended in building the house of god
no radical re-organization of the research was possible. himself, and how distinguished should be its furnishings! No
doubt such a task can be neither undertaken nor completed
I took sabbatical leave for a year in 1980 and spent time without the architect; nevertheless, the builder of the house has
in the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi where Dr. given it the power to grow in stature through its own efforts. For
PKC Pillai was my host, and in the cosmic ray laboratory in the erection of this temple living and intelligent materials are
in Kashmir where Dr. H Razdan was the host. being used, which of their own free will assemble themselves
into a single structure at the prompting of the spirit of grace.
There was time when they neither loved God nor sought him; but
In 1981, I was again re-appointed for another term as
he loved and sought them so that they might begin to love and
Head of the Department. By this time the departmental seek him in return. This is what the blessed apostle john speaks
administration was a routine operation. My relationship of when he says: Let us love God for he loved us.
with colleagues and the dean’s office was very good. I
served a term as a member of General Faculty Council Since therefore the entire company of the faithful and each
representing the Faculty of Science. believer in particular form one and the same temple of God, there
must be same perfection in each individual as there is in the
Looking back at my 12 years as Head of the Department I whole; for even if all are not alike in the beauty nor is there equal
merit in such a diversity of membership, yet the bond of love
think I was fairly successful because I brought the lessons
ensures communion of beauty between them all. While those
I had learned on the Basket Ball court into action. The who are united in holy love may not have all received the safe
game of basketball is the quintessential team sport. Even gift of grace, they rejoice nonetheless in their mutual blessings.
if you are a great player, if you do not play as a member of Nothing that they love can be wanting to them, for by finding
a team, you do not succeed. Every player needs to have happiness in the progress of others they increase their own store
an opportunity to play his game and support others on the of riches.
team by passing the ball to the person best placed to
score. A department is like that. The head is like the *This is based on a reading from the sermons of Pope St.
captain of the team who gives every player the opportunity Leo the Great (Tract 48.1 138A, 279-280)It is taken from a
to play their best game. Everyone needs encouragement collection edited by Henry Ashworth O.S.B, ‘A Word in
to do their best. The head’s job is to support his Season’, The Talbot Press, Dublin, 1974, page 155-157.
colleagues, giving them opportunities and put them before Collected by Dr. Zac Varghese, London.

(To be continued. . . .)

26 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

Solidarity Among Generations
Abraham Mammen
[This article may seem not be in tune with the theme of the In the panorama of ‘Generation Gap,’ we observe some
current issue. We apologize for this error and hope that Mr. classical variances among cultural interposes. They beam
Abraham Mammen would continue to provide article to this like radiant flowers in a dark valley. Eastern, African, and
journal for the spiritual growth of our readers. Editorial Board] Oriental cultures handle the generation gap much better than
their Western counterpart. It seems that the value system of
God created man for the purpose of having communion with such cultures withstands the hurricane of social and
Him. Man was created to have eternal existence in the technological changes. They are probably absorbing these
created state. However, the disobedience of God’s changes at a slower pace. Historically, we observe that
command separated humanity from God. It changed the Greco-Roman Civilizations collapsed and disappeared from
eternal nature of human existence. God ordained the number the face of the earth, whereas the Hebrew civilization
of years of physical existence for the human being to be one survived. “Honor your father and mother….(Exodus 20:12) is
hundred and twenty years (Genesis 6:3). verse to consider in this context.

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines generation as ‘a group World demographics and advancement of medical
of individuals having contemporaneously a status which each technology are particularly interesting topics as we discuss
one holds only for a limited period.’ Wikipedia describes it as ‘Solidarity among Generations.’ As medical science
‘a period generally considered to be about twenty (20) to advances, we observe changes in the world’s demographics.
thirty (30) years. We all heard about baby boomers, and then People are living longer than before. The average life span is
came generations X, Y, Z and now it stands at generation steadily on the rise. Even in places where medical facilities
Alpha. Baby boomers are those who were born from 1946 AD are primitive, we still see people becoming aware of their
to 1964 AD and Alpha generation refers to people born after environment and the factors affecting their general health.
2010 AD. China and India are also among the first five countries with
the most centenarians in the world.
How does the concept of Solidarity be applied to a mixture
of generations? How can we view solidarity through lenses of Territorial shifts in the demographics are also worth
various generations? Even the word solidarity must be mentioning. The results of a study conducted by the
redefined if we attempt to make sense of the word as it Department of Economic and Social Affairs of UN (World
relates to various generations. Solidarity implies mutual Population prospects 2022), point to continental as well as
understanding and agreement between two or more groups international population shifts occurring at a furious pace in
who have a common interest. Let us, for example, take the the previous decade. These observed shifts today have
two groups: parents and children. These two groups belong significant implications for the future. It is safe to predict that
to different generations. But when we put these two groups barring a cataclysmic event, the generation gap will be
together, we see a clear disconnect regarding their opinions forcefully reshaped by these shifts also.
and ideas. This phenomenon is normally referred to as
‘Generation Gap.’ Socio-economic factors have also influenced the formation
and reformation of generational conflicts. The pendulum of
Generation gap exists across the continents, cultures, favorable future economic indicators is swinging away from
religions, and ethnicities. The discussion on this topic gained western economies. The economic leap by China in the past
momentum only in recent times. The stories brought forth by decade needs to be mentioned here. The human value
the media about abuse of the elderly in modern societies system adopts new frequencies as the churning of national
compelled the social systems to address the growing and international economies takes place in the cauldron of
menace of the generation gap. time. In other words, economic shifts of mammoth proportion
will cause change in the cultural norms. So, when discussing
Humanity went through several social and technological a solution for generational conflicts, we need to include the
upheavals in the past century. Consequently, values, synthesis of cultures that occur from time to time.
doctrines, morals, thoughts, and actions went through radical
changes. These drastic changes in society forced various age The undercurrents of politics and religion also shape
segments of the population to react differently. For example, generational conflicts. Historically, Marxist ideology
the younger generation adopted technological changes spreading across the globe paved way to increased conflicts
faster and reoriented their lifestyles whereas the older among generations. The Marxist ideology called for total
generation struggled to catch up. As a result, the generation displacement of certain values held sacred by some
gap became wider and more obvious. It is particularly the communities of post-World War II era. It took a few decades
case in recent decades. Social and religious norms were hit to reconcile the new political ideology to the prevailing way
doubly hard due to these rapid changes. The behavioral of life. Tussles between religions are also an on-going reality
pundits and social scientists are working overtime to make of post-modern world. Islam is being introduced to western
sense of these template shifts. The truth of the matter is that nations and it is causing impactful conflicts in their social
these changes are too fast for them to handle as well. structures. Most western nations exist in a religious vacuum
and therefore new religious ideas take root and spread
rapidly. We are living in dangerous times as political and

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religious conflicts spill into violence and destroy harmony of What is the set of practical solutions to this persistent
communities across the world. These conflicts are problem that engrosses the civilization of the present day?
compounded by growing mistrust among generations. As human wisdom and institutional responses are not
sufficient, we always look up to our Creator for answers. We
To recap, as causes of generational gap (conflicts) we must realize and accept this truth. Next step is to build
considered the growth of science and technology, world communication channels between generational islands. The
demographics, advancement of medical technology, politics, concept of communication is like a growing tree. It should
and religion. Humanity can survive if we can formulate and take its roots in the basic unit of society i.e., family.
apply timely solutions for the complex issues facing us today, Communication lines may be extended from the family to the
including Generation gap. Solidarity among generations can society through seminars, symposiums, and community
be worked out through established collaboration between parties. At the governmental level, the generational conflicts
generations based on common objectives. UN Department may be addressed by establishing departments with
of Economic and Social Affairs (Youth Division) had declared adequate budgets and staffing. We already have
that the motto of International Youth Day 2022 as municipalities with functioning departments for Aging. The
‘Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for all Ages’. topic of generational conflicts and their solutions must be
included in their programs.
The world timepiece is sounding the alarm for ‘Sustainable
Development.’ The misuse of natural resources without any From a Christian perspective, all the conflicts that we see
regard for the future has led to unfortunate calamities world- today, emanates from the rebellion of humanity to God and
wide. World leaders, scientists and community forums His unchangeable principles of life. So, seeking peace with
emphasize the importance of applying sustainable goals to God and understanding His ways are paramount in seeking
human, social, economic, and environmental spheres. It is a a permanent solution for generational conflicts. On individual,
common purpose for all generations to rally together. social, national, and global levels such a solution is
guaranteed to succeed. Simple concepts such as: “Children,
To create a world for all age groups, sustainable development obey your parents in the Lord” (Ephesians 6:1), and “And ye
programs be established on various levels. On the human fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them
level, education is the primary tool to shape SDGs up in nurture and admonition of the Lord”. (Ephesians 3:4).
(Sustainable Development Goal) in a person’s mind. Socio- Various denominations of the Church have the responsibility
economic and environmental SDGs must be brought about of bringing this topic to the forefront of active missions.
by political will and courageous leadership. Generational Discussing and formulating solutions that will fit within the
conflicts will dwindle as planned actions are taken with Great Commission of the Church is the next step.
clearly stated objectives. SDG agenda set up at Addis Ababa
in 2015 is a case in point. The seventeen (17) SDG plan In conclusion, God is calling for a generation of righteous
prescribed at the conference continues to be the blueprint people. He has set a viable path for intergenerational
followed by various UN organizations as well as several other harmony in His Word. We are one generation in the Body of
international bodies. Christ. He has described us a ‘chosen generation’ (1 Peter
2:9). He has promised us that His spirit will unify the young
Achievement of intergenerational solidarity is approached and the old, male, and female and we come as one holy
from six fronts: structural, associational, consensual, nation before His presence. “In other words, God is using
affectional, functional, and normative. Intergenerational Christ to restore His relationship with humanity” (2
solidarity is best analyzed in the context of a family. In a post- Corinthians 15:18).
modern society, the chances of association and consensus
in the family unit are seldom, but not impossible. Functional References:
and normative solidarity may be viewed through the prism of 1. https:/
emotional support, transport, housework, personal care, and 2. OASIS Project under Fifth frame Work Programme
financial support. A welfare state model has its advantages European Union
as well as drawbacks. The welfare state plus family support 3. World Data, UNCTAD, UNDESA (2022)
creates a better social structure to overcome these 4.
drawbacks. International Youth Day 2022
5. United Nations Sustainable Development Knowledge
The discussion about Solidarity among Generations reminds Platform – 2023 Report
us of the central truth that harmonious coexistence between 6. United Nations Department of Economic and Social
generations was lost in the past as well as the present affairs, Population Division – World Population
generations. The older and younger generations refuse to Prospects 2022: Summary of Results
look at life’s challenges with a common agenda, rather
enforce the point of view of one on the other. As a result, Abraham Mammen served as a Professional
stress and strain increased in families as well as in society. In Accountant in the US and abroad. He is a
general, communication among grandparents, parents and freelance writer and a poet. The focus of his
children has receded to a bare minimum. The alpha work is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
generation does not usually talk to their parents, peers, and He has held various positions at Parish and
others. They use means of communication that are not Diocesan levels. He is a member of Sehion
Mar Thoma Church, Dallas. He leads a quiet
compatible with the older generations.
retired life in Dallas with his family.

28 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

Breaking Barriers for Christ
Ashish Mathew

The Inclusive Nature of the Church

According to the New Testament, the Church of Christ is

a Kingdom community. This community is meant to
proclaim the gospel and manifest Kingdom values,
imitating Jesus Christ. One of the core characteristics of
this Kingdom community is inclusiveness. It is an open
community that welcomes everyone, regardless of
religion, caste, creed, sex, ethnicity, or social status.
Paul's letters, especially to the Galatians, emphasize the
inclusivity of the Church: "There is neither Jew nor Greek,
slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ
Jesus" (Galatians 3:28). This unity in Christ transcends all
human distinctions and divisions (Romans 10:12, 1
Corinthians 12:13, Ephesians 2:15-16).

The Future Kingdom

The well-known statement of the Westminster Catechism
says, "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this
is the whole duty of man." Our chief end is to glorify God God adopts everyone into His family as sons and
and to enjoy Him forever. Being one body in Christ daughters through Jesus Christ. The future Kingdom will
means living a Christ-centered life and leading others to be a reality at the second coming of Jesus Christ and is
Christ. We must be in harmony with Jesus and with others open to all who accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.
to guide our fellow human beings to Christ. God has Jesus said, "People will come from east and west and
predestined His people to be conformed to the image of north and south, and will take their places at the feast in
Jesus. When we are in a genuine relationship with Christ, the Kingdom of God" (Luke 13:29). This signifies that
we recognize the value, greatness, and importance of our people from all corners of the world and from all
brothers and sisters in the world. backgrounds, including Gentiles, will be part of the
Kingdom of God.
Breaking Personal Barriers
Our Role Today
Often, we take pride in our traditions, beliefs, lineage, and
so on. These can become barriers to connecting with We, as God's children, are in the world today to announce
others who are different from us. Being Christ-like means this good news of the Kingdom. We are called to break
looking beyond these differences and connecting with all barriers that hinder others from realizing and
everyone, building relationships with people of various experiencing the Kingdom. In Christ, we are all equal
faiths, different cultures, and diverse views. Jesus despite our differences. We are brothers and sisters in
demonstrated this by looking at people without prejudice one family, the family of God, and heirs of God and fellow
and breaking all kinds of barriers. heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). We must respect,
accept, and honor all persons, avoiding all forms of
prejudices, discriminations, anxieties, and
• Religious Barriers: Jesus cleared the money changers
apprehensions. I hope and pray that God may empower
from the temple, emphasizing that the temple was
us to break all dividing walls and stay united in Christ so
a house of prayer for all nations (John 2:13-17). He
that God's name may be glorified through us. By living
healed on the Sabbath, challenging the rigid
out these principles, we embody the inclusive love of
interpretation of the law (Mark 3:1-6).
Christ and work towards the realization of His Kingdom
on earth.
• Health Barriers: Jesus touched and healed lepers,
whom society considered untouchable (Matthew
Mr. Ashish Mathew is the S/O
8:1-4). By doing this, He showed that compassion
transcends societal norms. Very Revd Dr. C. K. Mathew; he
is working as a Pharmacy
• Gender Barriers: Jesus welcomed women into His Manager for Walmart Stores Inc.
ministry, breaking the cultural norms of His time. He is a member of Mar Thoma
Women like Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna Church of San Francisco.
supported and followed Him (Luke 8:1-3).

29 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3


Christ Consciousness
Fr. Thomas Punnapadam

The deeply mysterious human existence has been be one even as thou , Father, art in me, and I in thee, that
described in numerous ways by different perspectives, they also may be n us. So that the world may believe that
like the biological, psychological and the spiritual . A term thou hast sent me (Jn 17/ 22). This unity, if it is to be
very much in vogue since last couple of years is profound and lasting, has to be born of the only
consciousness. It is a very comprehensive term and can commandment that he gave: This is my commandment,
be applied to all perspectives of the human person as that you love one another as I have loved you (Jn 15/12).
body consciousness, mental consciousness, social The world of today is being deceived by political and
consciousness, spiritual consciousness, and divine religious leaders who want to divide and separate people
consciousness. on the basis of religion and nationality, language, caste,
and creed. Their aim is not the genuine welfare of the
Mental health experts further qualify altered states of people but their own greed for power, prestige,
consciousness, which can be had anywhere by using dominance, and exploitation. The purpose of any
different means. And religious experience is often authentic religion is to make people aware that very
compared to this because it is an extremely powerful force human being is the image and likeness of God, a child of
to transcend the normal rational mind and achieve the God and hence all are brothers and sisters. There is
seemingly impossible. Ultimately it is the power of the externally evident difference among siblings. But that
mind over matter, which is a scientifically proved becomes absolutely insignificant when the awareness of
experience and an indispensable need for a truly the common parenthood deepens. This is the challenge
contented human life. posed to every religion today, particularly Christianity. The
Christians today are not the best models of unity. Roman
Consciousness is the core of human existence but it can Catholics and protestants have been fighting for decades;
be experienced and manifests itself only through the body within the same church rituals have become a bone of
and the mind. There are different states of consciousness contention and separation. Language has divided people
like the waking, sleeping, dreaming, hypnotic and and their simple faith shattered.
anesthetic states. All these are but manifestations of pure
consciousness or God-consciousness. This term The body of Christ, we claim to be members of, can never
acceptable to different human sciences focuses ultimately be believers in or be agents of division on the basis of
on the unity and deep bonding that exists among human colour or language, race or religion, tribe or caste,
humans rather than the dissimilarities and differences. nationality, or creed. Anyone who believes in Jesus must
be a boundary breaker as Jesus was: boundary of every
The historical Jesus who we believe is the perfect, sinless conceivable kind.
human being, was indeed a unique being. He is best
described as the boundary breaker. This is probably the There is only one solution to these diverse and numerous
chief characteristic, for which he paid with his life, his love problems of the world of today, because the problem is
without borders . He believed in the absolute unity and fundamentally just one: namely the original sin of
equality of all human beings. blindness to the reality of the single universal human
identity of human beings springing from their divine image
We know how he loved and transformed with his pure and likeness in which every human being, of every nation,
unselfish love every human being he met: Mary color, language, race, or tribe is created. Vasudaiva
Magdalene - the adulterous woman, Mathew the tax Kutumbakam, as the rich Indian traditional belief
collector, Thomas the doubter, Peter who denied him, summarizes it.
and Judas who betrayed him. The most evident sign is his
being a universal unconditional lover was his so-called This is the fullness of spirituality, perennial spirituality as
meal ministry of eating with all classes of people, the rich great authors like Aldous Huxley, Evelyn Underhill, Deepak
and the powerful, the sinners and the outcastes, the Chopra and Fritzof Capra have clearly established. It
Pharisees, and the tax collectors. He was misunderstood asserts that all reality is a manifestation of the divine; The
by his own close disciples for breaking the most basic ego as we experience it is passing away, but the eternal
boundary based on sexual difference. The scene of Jesus divine deep within abides. The ultimate aim in life is to find
talking alone to the Samaritan woman who was a public one’s true self and be united ever more profoundly with
sinner whom the society had caste out, was indeed a the divine, until this union reaches its fullness in an
fundamentally revolutionary dimension of the life of Jesus. incredibly transformed world. The discovery is the true
In his final testament before his passion, death and self is a life-long journey.
resurrection, Jesus prays for unity : Holy Father keep them
in thy name, which thou hast given me, that they may be Nobody is born to a religion, to a set of religious doctrines
one, even as we are one (Jn 17/11). That they may be all and practices. Every human being is born existentially

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religious, in God’s image and likeness. By birth every human
being is a child of God and belongs to the one family of God. One Body in Christ
All institutional religions have the same origin and goal, to Anish Thomas
nurture this religiosity, inborn and inherent in every human
being. In this scenario every authentically religious person is (Continued from Page 17)
challenged to come home to the basic principles of one’s
own religion. Religion and religiosity must be distinguished as
also as also religious expression and religious experience.

Jesus did not come to found another religion. He came to

reveal the Reign of God and invited us to enter it. This implies
accepting God as a most compassionate Father;
surrendering to God’s unconditional yet mysterious love as
revealed in one’s life; recognizing every human being as
one’s brother or sister; refusing to tolerate any kind of
inequality and discrimination; basing one’s life on the
fundamental principle that love of God and neighbour are
inseparable; acknowledging that one can love God only IN
and THROUGH one’s most needy neighbour. This is
authentic Christianity, radical Christianity, core Christianity,
as lived out by the early and sincere followers of Jesus. The
distinguishing characteristic of the first Christians was that
they were of one heart and soul, really loved one another,
shared all they had with the more needy and there was not a
needy person among them (Acts 4/ 32- 34). The thousands
of Christian denominations vying to increase their numbers
leaves everyone wondering as to who are the true followers
of Jesus Christ.

Radicality means to return to one’s deep roots. In the hectic

world of today, surrounded as we are with gadgets, drowned
as we are in technology, coming home to one’s roots, to
one’s true home deep within one self is indeed as challenging
as it is life-transforming. Coming home to one’s existential
roots would effortlessly bring us closer to one another, for we Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us"
have common roots. Our basic, indispensable human needs (ESV). This verse emphasizes that spiritual gifts are not
and universal aspirations, fears and dreams are far more earned; they are graces bestowed by God. These gifts are
similar than different. There is far more in all of us that unites meant not for personal gain or self-promotion and
than divides. The closer one moves to one’s roots, the closer entrusted to us to build up the Church and glorify God.
one moves to one another. Some have the gift of teaching, encouraging, serving and
so on. No matter your gift, use it with all your heart, serve
True love is a verb not a noun; true love is action, not just an
with humility, and lead with diligence. If you have a gift of
emotion; genuine love alone can empower us to humbly
generosity, give freely and joyfully. Let your acts of mercy
embrace the diversity of faiths and have a peaceful rapport
with those who do not agree with us. For us Christians, God be a reflection of God's love in the world.
consciousness is more specifically Christ-consciousness. He
is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation; In closing, let us remember, there is no competition in the
for in him all things were created in heaven and on earth….all Body of Christ. Each gift is valuable, and when used
things were created through him and for him….In him the faithfully, it contributes to the overall health and well-being
fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to of the Church. Let us all strive to be instruments of God's
reconcile to himself all things ( Col/15-20). This is the grace, using our gifts to build one another up and glorify
mystical body of Christ of which we are members; we all need Him in all that we do.
each other and depend on one another.
Anish Thomas is a senior
This life’s five windows of the soul Transportation Manager for the
distorts the heavens from pole to pole, Department of Transport, State of
And leads to believe in a lie, Virginia. He lives in Leesburg, Virginia
When you see with, not through the eye. ( William Blake) and is a member of Mar Thoma Church
of Greater Washington.
May we all have the grace to see not with our two bodily
eyes, but through the single, inner eye of Christ

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The Splendor of Christian Unity
(Psalm 133:1–3)
Dr. Abraham Philip
Israel was shattered during the reign of his grandson
Redwood trees in California are known for their height and Rehoboam. The nation was divided into northern and
longevity. Some of them are over 300 feet tall and over southern kingdoms, characterized by strife, discord, and
2,500 years old. One would think that trees so large would conflict. Although Hezekiah had witnessed a brief
have a tremendous root system, reaching hundreds of feet interlude of unity when Israel and Judah came together
into the earth. Surprisingly, the redwoods actually have a “with singleness of heart” to celebrate the Passover, it did
very shallow root system. So how do they get so big and not last long (2 Chron. 30:1–12). Some scholars think the
stand so high? Although they don’t have deep roots, the Levites sang this psalm to express their hope of seeing the
shallow roots are intertwined with the roots of the reunification of the divided kingdom.
neighboring redwood trees, for they grow in clusters; they
are locked to each other. So, the redwoods can stand The theme of this psalm is unity. It describes the beauty,
when the storms come and the winds blow. Their “united” fragrance, and far-reaching effects of unity among God’s
root system, supporting each other, keeps these redwood people with picturesque metaphors. The psalm’s appeal
trees strong to withstand storms. The same is true for the for unity is as valid today as it was on David’s day. It is sad
church of Jesus Christ. What empowers the body of Christ to see Christian congregations torn by strife and
to weather the storms of life, among others, is unity—unity dissension. The church should be characterized by unity
of mind and Spirit. of the Spirit and love for each other. God does not expect
uniformity among His people because He has created us
uniquely and endowed us with varying gifts (Rom. 12:4–
8). What God is looking for is the unity of the heart and
mind. The apostle Paul wrote, “Lead a life worthy of your
calling, for you have been called by God. Always be
humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making
allowance for each other’s failure because of your love.
Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit,
binding yourselves together with peace” (Eph. 4:1–3 NLT).
From Psalm 133, we learn four noteworthy distinctions of
Christian unity.

Divine Approbation

First, Christian unity is marked by divine approbation.

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to
dwell in unity!” Unity elicits God’s approval. The Hebrew
word yachad, translated as “unity,” does not mean
absolute unity but composite unity. For instance, when a
man and woman are joined together in marriage, they
become one (yachad) flesh (Gen. 2:24). They are separate
individuals, yet one.

God is pleased when God’s people dwell in unity (Phil.

2:1–4). God sees unity among His people as morally good,
agreeable, and right. Unity among God’s people is also
pleasant in His sight. The Hebrew word naiym or
“pleasant” has the idea of making the melody of a musical
instrument or the harmony of music produced by a
symphony orchestra. In other words, unity in the church is
Psalm 133 is a Song of Ascent, one of fifteen songs sung music to God’s ears. Oneness in the body of Christ
by pilgrims from around the world when they journeyed to reflects the harmony and concord in the triune God
the temple in Jerusalem to observe the prescribed (Trinity) and is an answer to Christ’s passionate prayer for
festivities. This psalm is attributed to David, who united unity (John 17:21–23). There is no better testament of
the warring tribes of Israel into a united kingdom (2 Sam. devotion to God than for His followers to live in unity.
5:1; 1 Chron. 12:38–40). Unfortunately, David’s united

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Divine Unction Conclusion

Second, Christian unity is marked by divine unction. “It is The doctrine of “one body” refers to the unity of the
like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the invisible church. “Brethren,” in this context, refers to
beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of members of the covenant community, not people in
his garments.” The psalmist alludes to the anointing of general. However, today, the visible or institutional church
Aaron and those following after the Aaronic order to fill the consists of thousands of denominations and varying
position of a priest. Kings in ancient Israel were also doctrinal beliefs. So, how can we have the unity that David
anointed with oil to fill their office (1 Sam. 16:13). longed for in such diversity? One way Christ’s followers
can live in harmony with one another is by being
In the Bible, oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit, among other likeminded or in agreement concerning the person and
things. And the act of anointing refers to the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of David: His virgin birth,
empowerment by the Holy Spirit for a designated task incarnation, deity, substitutionary atonement, resurrection,
(Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38; 1 John 2:20, 27). Unity among the ascension, salvation by grace through faith, and His soon
people of God brings the unction of the Holy Spirit to fulfill return (1 John 2:22–25; 3:23–24; 4:1–3, 15). To deny any
their calling as kings and priests (Rev. 1:6). of these truths concerning Jesus Christ is to forfeit
Christian unity. In His High Priestly prayer, Jesus prayed
On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples of Christ were that His disciples would be one just as Christ is one with
together in one accord in one place when the Holy Spirit the Father (John 17:20–21). He was not referring to an
descended on them mightily. Afterward, they engaged in organizational unity but one that is organic in nature based
fellowship and prayer in one accord (Acts 2:46). Just as on our union with Christ and our common affirmation of
the oil on Aaron’s head flowed down to the edge of his “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and
garment, unity activated by the unction of the Holy Spirit Father, who is over all and in all and living through all” (Eph.
is pervasive. 4:5 NLT).

Christian unity is a divine endowment. Jesus said, “I am

Divine Rejuvenation the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and
I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do
nothing” ( John 15:5 NKJV). Our union with Christ is the
Third, Christian unity is marked by divine rejuvenation. “It
basis of our unity with each other. In his book “The Pursuit
is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains
of God,” A. W. Tozer wrote, “Has it ever occurred to you
of Zion.” Dew is known to refresh the earth and rejuvenate
that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are
vegetation. It symbolizes freshness and abundance. Unity
automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord
among the brethren has a vivifying and refreshing effect on
by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard
the faith community as each uses their God-given gifts and
to which one must individually bow. So, one hundred
talents to build one another (1 Cor. 12:7).
worshippers meeting together, each one looking away to
Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could
A unified church is a resourceful church. Unity among the possibly be where they to become ‘unity’ conscious and
brethren promotes using the gifts and talents of the turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer
brethren for the benefit of all. The early church exemplified fellowship.”
this profound truth (Acts 2:42–45).
When we are tuned to Christ, we are empowered to do
Divine Benediction what the apostle Peter said we must do: “Finally, all of you
should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love
Finally, Christian unity is marked by divine benediction. each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and
“And there the LORD has pronounced his blessing, even keep a humble attitude” (1 Peter 3:8 NLT). Let us pray that
life everlasting.” There is a “there” to receive the blessings the Holy Spirit will tune us to Jesus so that we may be one
of God. God told Elijah to hide by the Brook Cherith and with each other and witness to the world that we are the
drink from the brook and that he would be fed by the children of God.
ravens “there.” If Elijah wanted to stay fed during the
famine, he had to be “there,” the designated place to Dr. Abraham Philip is a Stephen Olford
receive God’s provision. Similarly, God’s appointed Fellow of Expository Preaching and
“there” to receive the blessing of “life everlasting” is “unity” president of Proclamation Ministries. He is
in the body of Christ (Ps. 133:3b). Those who cause an ordained evangelist and author of
several books, including the most recent
dissension and division will not inherit the kingdom of God publication, Musings That Matter:
(Gal. 5:21). Reflections on Christian Faith and Practice.

33 | Page FOCUS, July 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 3

One Body In Christ
Dr. Cherian Samuel

Introduction. In his epistles, Apostle Paul referred to In the epistle to the Romans, Apostle Paul addresses the
believers as “One Body in Christ,” transcending varieties broad topic of service in Chapter 12, divided into three
of giftedness (Romans 12:5-8, 1 Corinthians 12:13, 1 sections: (i) As a Living Sacrifices to God (v.1-2); (ii)
Corinthians 12:27-30), and people groups (Galatians 3:28, Serving God with Spiritual Gifts (v.3-8); (iii) Behaving Like
Ephesians 2:14-15, Ephesians 3:6). This essay explores a Christian (v.9-21). In the sub-section on Serving God
the One Body In Christ vision of Paul for believers, based with Spiritual Gifts, the Apostle emphasizes that the
on his epistles and the Book of Acts. The essay is divided Church is One Body in Christ, with unique spiritual gifts—
into two sections: the first section considers the One Body prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving,
In Christ (OBIC) vision outlined in the relevant Bible leadership, and mercy—for God’s glory and our good.
passages; the second section concludes the essay and
offers reflections. Apostle Paul also draws significant parallels between the
I variety of spiritual gifts and different parts of the human
Early Church. The Book of Acts depicts a special time in body, all working well together. The Apostle warns
the life of the Early Church (Acts 4:32-37), the ecclesia of believers as well, in the opening verses of the section, to
Jesus, illustrating well the actuality of the One Body in be sober minded and contrite, and not haughty and
Christ vision, which the Apostle Paul expounded later, condescending, beseeching them to come before the
after his conversion on the Damascus Road (Acts 9:1-9). LORD in humble obedience and submission, yielding to
The Early Church shared their resources with one heart His rule and reign.
and mind, with God’s grace working powerfully. The
believers testified the resurrected Christ with great power, Epistle to the Corinthians. Apostle Paul founded the
selling their possessions, bringing the proceeds to the Church in Corinth—the most important Greek city at the
Apostles. The possession-sharing practice recorded in time—during his second missionary journey (~50 CE),
Acts 4 was a continuation of the fellowship of believers ministering to both Jews and Gentiles for about a year and
recorded in Acts 2, following the Pentecost Day miracle of a half (Acts 18:1-17). The Apostle wrote the First letter to
the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that fulfilled Jesus’ Corinthians from Ephesus during his third missionary
promise (Luke 24:45-49), with three thousand believers journey (~55 CE), addressing issues in the Church like
coming together in fellowship, breaking of bread, prayers immorality, marriage, celibacy, conduct of women,
(Acts 2:41-42), selling possessions, and dividing them propriety of eating meat offered to idols, and the
(Acts 2:44-45). celebration of the Lord’s Table.

As the Early Church grew, seven men—including Stephen, In 1 Corinthians 12, Apostle Paul discusses the themes of
the very first Christian martyr—were chosen to serve the Spiritual Gifts and the Church as One Body in Christ in two
physical needs of the people, while the Apostles sections: (i) Spiritual Gifts: Unity in Diversity (v.1-11); (ii)
ministered to their spiritual needs through prayer and the Unity and Diversity in One Body (v.12-31). In the first
ministry of the word (Acts 6:1-4). When Paul emerged as section on Spiritual Gifts, the Apostle states that there are:
the Apostle for proclaiming the Gospel—the good news of (i) diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit; (ii) differences of
reconciliation between Holy God and sinful Humanity ministries, but the same Lord; (iii) diversities of activities,
through Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5: 18, 19)—to the but the same God. However, Paul emphasizes that the
Gentiles (Acts 9:15), helping the weak and poor became manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the
central to his ministry as well, noted in his emotional benefit of all, as God wills.
farewell address to the Ephesian elders, where he
exhorted them to follow Jesus’ teaching of giving as more
In the second section on the Church as One Body in
blessed than receiving (Acts 20:35).
Christ, Paul begins with an elaboration of the One Body
but Many Members principle, i.e., there should be no
Epistle to the Romans. Apostle Paul formulated the
schism in the body, but that the members should have the
doctrinal foundations of Christianity in his New Testament
same care for one another. Therefore, the Apostle
epistles, with the “Romans” as the magnum opus. Paul
concludes that the Church is the Body of Christ—indeed
wrote Romans from Corinth (~56 CE)—at the end of his
One Body in Christ—with constituent members
third missionary journey—as he prepared to leave for
individually, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or
Jerusalem with an offering for the poor believers (Romans
15:25). Paul had wanted to visit the Roman church—
founded by believers from the Day of Pentecost (Acts
2:10), where he was personally unknown—for long, but 1 Corinthians 12 ends with a discussion on the diversities
was prevented (Romans 1:13). of activities, the different ministries, and the diversities of
gifts in the Church, with the Apostle imploring them to
earnestly desire the best gifts. However, Paul promises to

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show a more excellent way for the Church, Love—The years after Jesus’s earthly ministry (Galatians ~48 CE, 1
Greatest Gift, elegantly articulated in 1 Corinthians 13, the Thessalonians ~50 CE). Paul’s epistles also provide
Love Chapter (1 Corinthians 13:1-13). compelling eyewitness testimonies from early Christian
believers who had seen the risen Lord personally.
Epistle to the Galatians. Apostle Paul wrote the Epistle
to the Galatians—regarded by many Bible Scholars as As noted in Bible Teacher John MacArthur’s sweeping
Paul’s first letter (~48 CE)—from Antioch, to the churches 2017 study of Apostle Paul, he was a Jew by birth,
in Galatia that he had founded with Barnabas on their first Pharisee by conviction, Roman by citizenship, and Greek
missionary journey, to counter the false teaching that by education. He was also a student of Gamaliel, the most
Gentile Christians should observe the Mosaic Law, honored and influential rabbi of early first-century
including circumcision. Paul found the teaching as Jerusalem and an esteemed member of the Sanhedrin,
perverting the Gospel of Christ (Galatians 1:7)—the Good Judaism’s highest ruling council of religious affairs. In
News of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ—sharply contrast, the Apostles were ordinary men.
different from the one he had preached (Galatians 1:8).
Paul also records the discussion with Apostles James, As recorded in the Book of Acts, when the Apostle Peter
Peter (Cephas), and John—termed as pillars (Galatians and John were arrested for healing the lame man and
2:9)—in Jerusalem that concluded that Paul and Barnabas preaching in the Jerusalem temple following the
should proclaim the Gospel to the Pentecost and brought before the Sanhedrin and the High
Gentiles/Uncircumcised and Peter, to the Priest, Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, declared that there
Jews/Circumcised (Galatians 2:7-9). is salvation only in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
under heaven (Acts 4:8-12). During the proceedings, the
Sanhedrin and the High Priest came to marvel at the
Apostle Paul states that the Gospel he preached came boldness of Peter and John, perceiving that they were
through the revelation of Jesus Christ—on the road to uneducated and untrained men (Acts 4:13).
Damascus, as recorded in the Book of Acts (Acts 9:1-9)—
and not from man (Galatians 1:12). The Epistle also Notwithstanding the differences between him and the
presents Paul’s formulation of the Justification by Faith Apostles, Apostle Paul believed they were All In It
principle—Justification, the process of Holy God declaring Together, different parts of One Body, all parts of the same
sinful Humanity just/righteous, is only through faith in whole, all members of One Another, One Body In Christ,
Jesus Christ, and not by Works of the Law (Galatians as suggested in A.N. Wilson’s (1997) masterful study of
2:16)—for the first time. Paul also argued that if Apostle Paul.
justification/righteousness came through the Law, Christ
has died in vain (Galatians 2:21). The contemporary Church seems far removed from the
One Body in Christ motto, with major divisions and
Apostle Paul showed that God had justified the Gentiles discords regarding issues and approaches. How are we,
by faith (Galatians 3:8), when He called Abram the first as believers, as the One Body in Christ, to live differently?
time—stated as preaching the Gospel to Abraham—
promising to make his name great, make him a blessing, We could consider following Apostle Paul’s instructions in
and bless all the nations through him (Genesis 12:1-3). his epistle to the Philippians, focusing on: the true, the
Further, the blessing of Abraham might come upon the noble, the right, the pure, the lovely, the admirable, the
Gentiles in Christ Jesus, and receive the promise of the excellent and the praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). As the
Spirit through faith. children of God, who have tasted His goodness (Psalms
34:8) and experienced His renewed compassions and
Apostle Paul concludes that all believers are sons of God great Faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23), we must
through faith in Christ Jesus. Therefore, all believers are reckon with our calling as a chosen generation, a royal
One in Christ, without any distinctions of: Jew/Greek, priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, called
Slave/Free, Male/Female (Galatians 3:26-28). out of darkness into marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).
Conclusions. The One Body In Christ was a lived
experience in the Early Church, with believers sharing their
“Be the Gospel of Christ,” FOCUS, April 2021, Vol. 9(2).
resources with one heart and mind under God’s grace. As
“Reconciliation and Unity,” FOCUS, October 2021, Vol.
Apostle Paul emerged as the proponent of the Gospel to
the Gentiles, complementing Apostle Peter’s ministry to
“Be a Living Sacrifice,” FOCUS, October 2023, Vol. 11(4).
the Jews, he also articulated his vision of believers/Church
“The Gospel According to Paul: Embracing the Good
as the One Body In Christ.
News at the Heart of Paul's Teachings,” John MacArthur,
2017, Thomas Nelson.
Apostle Paul was unique, different from the twelve
“Paul: The Mind of the Apostle,” A. N. Wilson, 1997, W. W.
disciples of Jesus, and became the first extant Christian
Norton & Company, New York, London.
theological writer, with his epistles written less than twenty

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Mr. O. C. Abraham at 90: An Ebenezer Symphony
Hebrews 11: 1 says, "Now faith is the assurance of North American Diocese in particular. The contributions
things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." of OC and his wife, Mrs. Nirmala Abraham, to the
This would be the most concise biblical definition of Diocese’s Native American Mission (NAM) was
"faith." But what else does the Bible say about faith? appreciated with gratitude. OC has served as the NAM
The Greek word used most often in the New Testament Coordinator since 2003, leading and inspiring several
for "faith" is Pistis. It indicates a belief or conviction with hundred volunteers from the Diocese to participate in
the complementary idea of trust. Faith is not a mere the mission programs with the Choctaw tribes in
intellectual stance, but a belief that leads to action. As Oklahoma, Alabama, Houma Indians in Louisiana, and
James 2:26 says, "For as the body apart from the spirit the Navajo tribe in Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona.
is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead." Mr. O.
C. Abraham’s (OC’s) life is a vivid demonstration of his OC characterized his life as a series of Ebenezer (“Till
faith through his work; it began from a ship journey in now the Lord has helped us.”, 1 Samuel 7:12) moments,
the early sixties from India to America. as a testament to God’s lovingkindness and
faithfulness, thanking family and friends.
Mr. O. C. Abraham
(OC), a beloved Now, after 64 years of life in the U.S.A. and turning 90
Mar Thoma years old, OC thanks God for His abundant blessings and
Diaspora pioneer providence showered upon him and his family's life. OC is
in the US—as a true Christian who follows the words of Jesus Christ as
elaborated in the noted in Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power when the
April 2024 FOCUS Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
tribute (“From Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends
Ship Journey to of the earth.” OC began his journey on a cargo ship,
Faith Journey of enduring difficult situations, especially racial prejudice and
OC”, Lal injustice in this country, but despite all the challenges, OC
continued his faith journey.
Varghese, Esq.)—
celebrated his 90th
James 2:26 says, “For as the body without the spirit is
birthday (Navathy)
dead, so faith without works is dead also.” The statement
on May 21, 2024.
“faith without works is dead” means that true faith in Christ
The celebrations
always produces good works. OC is a shining example of
included a someone whose faith produced good works for the glory
gathering of family and friends on May 18, 2024, in of the Lord. God has chosen the poor of this world who
Newark, Delaware (USA), where Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham are rich in faith to continue His mission and ministry. May
Mar Paulos Episcopa, North American Diocesan the Lord continue to keep OC and Nirmala in His
Bishop of the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church, providence as they continue their faith journey, which
released a Festschrift Volume titled, FAITH AND began on a ship.
ACTION, in honor of OC.
The FOCUS editorial board appreciates the life and
The Festschrift pays homage to the life and legacy of ministry of OC and Nirmala for their manifold contributions
Mr. Abraham as a Community, Faith, and Mission to the Diaspora Mar Thoma Church community in the USA
Leader. The Festschrift offers reflections on the theme, as pioneers. We thank God for their servant-model
“FAITH AND ACTION”, through three variations: (i) ministry among the Native American communities,
Mexico, and other places. We also thank them for their
Hearing and Doing: The Christian Mandate; (ii) Faith
contributions to ecumenism and race relations. Thank you
and Works: The Christian Balance; (iii) Servant
for being a model Christian family, living among people of
Leadership: The Christian Way. The Festschrift also multiple orientations, as ‘people of faith, and no faith,’ and
includes personal reflections and tributes from family declaring under the grace of God: “But for me and my
and friends that provide unique perspectives on the household, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).
distinguished life and service of OC.
Heavenly Father, we ask for Your continued guidance, joy,
Bishop Mar Paulos highlighted OC’s exceptional and the comfort of Your presence in OC’s life. Dear God,
dedication to the Mar Thoma Church in general and the bless OC and Nirmala with a heart full of peace and a life
filled with Your grace as they continue their faith journey.
FCOUS Editorial Board

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