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GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY This Deed of GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY executed at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on this XX Day of Month

2011 By: Mr. Yourname , Passport No. , son of Mr. Father name, aged about 26, residing at , Riyadh, Saudi Arabia DO HEREBY APPOINT AND RETAIN Mr. Father name, Passport No. son of Grand dad name, aged about XX years, residing at XX Road, Area, Chennai 600 0XX,Tamil Nadu, India as my lawfully constituted General Power of Attorney Agent. WHEREAS I am in any other country for my pre occupations, I am not in a position to attend to the affairs. WHEREAS I have therefore deemed it fit to appoint a General power of Attorney Agent to do the acts, deeds and things necessary on my behalf. NOW THEREFORE, BY THESE PRESENTS, I hereby appoint the above said Mr. Ghiasuddin as my general power of attorney agent and I hereby authorize him to do the following acts, deeds and things for me and on my behalf viz., 1. To maintain and take care of my property as my power agent. 2. To purchase/sell properties on my behalf. 3. To sign necessary documents whichever is required. 4. To sign Registration documents on my behalf. 5. To construct buildings/independent house in my property 6. To sign patta transfer forms, ceiling declaration forms that are necessary and incidental for the purchaser of effectually conveying the property. 7. To construct individual houses or flats. 8. In case of necessity to apply and obtain Income Tax Clearance certificate under Section 230 A of the income tax on my behalf also. 9. To sign for me in banks on my behalf for any transactions. 10.In that connection to sign affidavit, indemnify bond, declaration etc. 11.To represent me before the authorities like the panchayat Board, Municipality of corporation of Chennai, Chennai metropolitan development authority, urban land ceiling Authorities, electricity board, water and sewerage board and other revenue authorities. 12.To apply and obtain patta on my behalf.

13. To look after the property, till the properties are disposed of. 14.In case of any trespass or encroachment of breach of contract to file cases on my behalf also. 15.In that connection to appoint advocate, auditor to sign vakalat, petitions, statements, affidavits, plaints etc., and to give evidence on my behalf also before the court and to sign compromise memos if necessary. 16.In case of any persons filling suits or cases against me to defend the same on my behalf also and in that connection to sign all papers, give evidence and to do all that are required to safe guard us interest in the property. 17.And generally to do all that are necessary and incidental for fulfilling the aforesaid objects. 18.To lease out, to negotiate and fix rent, to enter into lease agreements(or) deed (s) with tenant(s), to receive rents, advances and to give valid receipts, to terminate the lease whenever necessary in respect of the scheduled mentioned properties. 19.To pay all taxes, public dues, charges etc., to the Govt. Panchayat, Local bodies, or any other authority or body in respect of the schedule mentioned properties. 20.To pay water charges, electricity charges, phone bills and other dues to the government, panchayat, local bodies and other authorities for the scheduled mentioned properties. 21.I agree and undertake to ratify and confirm whatsoever my power agent may lawfully do by virtue of the power hereby given. 22.To maintain proper accounts and produce whenever required by principal. 23.No consideration has been passed by the virtue of this deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE PRINCIPAL HAS SET MY HAND AND SIGHED THIS GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY ON THIS (XX) DAY OF (Month) 2011 IN THE PRESENCE OF WITNESSES:


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