Big Top Extravaganza Description

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The lights dim and a hush falls over the crowd.

A second later, a spotlight

illuminates a lithe, elven figure sitting in a silver hoop, suspended above the
center ring by silver ropes.

The elf wears a dazzling suit of diamond-pane mirrors, the arms and silver-white
top hat dripping with sequined fringe. A pair of oversized butterfly wings sprouts
from his back, shining like mithril, the top wings lined with fluffy white
feathers. The bottom wings extend all the way down to the ground, separating into
white and silver silk ribbons that brush the floor.

In his hand, he holds a gilded scepter topped with a ruby red butterfly-shaped
vane, which spins happily and winks in the light. For a moment, he slowly spins
like a disco ball and looks out at the audience, his face filled with joy at the
sight of a happy crowd.

“Welcome, one and all, to this evening’s extravaganza! I am Mister Light. Prepare
to be delighted!”

He opens his hand and throws a wave of sparkling confetti in the air.

Suddenly, 8 fairy dragons of all colors of the rainbow fly through the air from
every corner of the tent, soaring over your heads and diving to pick up one of the
hanging ribbons from Mister Light’s butterfly wings. The dragons begin pulling the
ribbons, ducking and weaving around each other as Mister Light’s hoop spins faster
and faster. As the hoop spins, the wings at Mister Light’s back flutter, and he
floats away from the hoop and gently descends to the ground. As his feet touch the
ground, the ribbons suddenly change color to match the dragons holding them–red,
pink, yellow, orange, green, blue, indigo, and violet–and detach from the wings.
The fairy dragons begin performing a synchronized routine, flitting and flying
around the audience, the ribbons twirling in their wake. You see that these
dragons, too, have painted their wings to resemble those of a butterfly.

As the dragons finish their final pose, they weave the ribbons together to form a
floating butterfly. Mister Light stands at the center of the ring and gestures
towards the dragons overhead. “Ladies and gentlemen–the Fae Fliers!” The dragons
bow in unison as the applause washes over them.

Mister Light introduces each new act that takes the stage. You see a fire-breathing
tiefling blow a stream of fire from the tip of a torch, imp-like beings of flame
and smoke emerging from the billowing mass to flit mischievously through the crowd
before disappearing with a puff. A troupe of acrobats spin, twist, and balance on
all manner of mediums, from hoops to silks to small raised platforms, ending in a
climactic balancing act on a tightrope. A falconer sends a bird of prey swooping
through the audience. Clowns putter about to help clean up and set up the next act,
their playful antics keeping the crowd laughing.

“And now, I present to you–Burly, the Iron Bugbear, and his sensational feats of
From the wings, you see a tall bugbear approach the ring, wearing dungarees and a
helmet made from a jack-o-lantern. He is covered in sandy blonde fur and packed
with muscle. As he turns, you see a pair of teeny tiny bumblebee wings affixed to
his back. He gives the crowd a shy wave.

Burly hefts a heavy chain of iron up from the ground, and lifts it over his head.
He turns before wrapping the chain around his chest. With the chain secured, he
takes in a deep breath before flexing his arms, expanding his ribcage until the
chain breaks around his chest. He takes one of the broken links and begins twisting
and bending the metal until it has wound around itself several times.

Burly goes on to catch a cannonball after it is fired from a rainbow-colored

cannon, barely moving from the impact. He deadlifts a barrel of wine, a horse, and
a ship anchor. As his act begins to come to a close, he crosses his arms and
addresses the audience.

“For my final performance,” he booms, “I require some volunteers.”

Hands begin to shoot up throughout the crowd.

[let party volunteer if they wish]

Clowns make their way through the crowd and escort volunteers to the stage, where a
wooden platform is being set. Volunteers are directed to stand on the platform–and
to be very still.

All told, 20 guests stand atop the platform. Burly spits in both of his hands, rubs
them together, then situates himself underneath the platform, crouching. He places
his hands over his head. A deep inhale….and as he exhales, he lifts the platform
above his head, keeping it perfectly balanced even as the guests sway on their

He holds the pose for but a moment, before setting the platform gently back down.
The crowd erupts into cheers, and he gives a quick flex before waving and walking
off the stage.

Mister Light claps along with the crowd, before turning to address them.

“What an impressive display of physical prowess! It surely gives all new meaning to
the phrase “bear hug”. Without further ado, our final act of the evening–the lovely

A giant, closed clamshell is wheeled out onto the stage, along with ceramic vases
shaped like open-mouthed fish. You see a monochromatic man among the staff helping,
setting down a vase near the front of the stage to complete a circle around the
clamshell. A string quartet with turquoise luna moth wings set up nearby, and as
the lights dim, their wings glow faintly.
The violin begins, the rest of the quartet following as their notes echo through
the tent. The clamshell slowly begins to rise, revealing a beautiful mermaid
sitting upon a central pearl pedestal within. The mermaid’s skin is tinted an
aquamarine blue, her torso adorned with golden and pearl necklaces, bracelets, and
chains. Instead of hair, her crown is adorned with long lavender fins that undulate
softly. Similar fins dot her long, blue tail, which wraps around the pedestal. The
light catches her shimmering scales as she looks out at the crowd, and takes a deep

And then she begins to sing.

It’s as if the rest of the performance–the quartet, the stage, the crowd–melt away,
and you are captivated by the sound of her voice. It’s the most beautiful song
you’ve ever heard, glorious and haunting. She sings in a language you do not
understand, her voice ebbing and flowing like waves.

As she sings, water begins to gently rise out of the vases, forming pillars that
rise and fall along with her melody. Throughout the performance, the water forms
different shapes, living sculptures that bend and spiral with the music.

Just offstage, you see the monochromatic man watching quietly, a sad smile on his
lips. As the song continues, you see a blush of pink spread on his black-and-white
cheeks–and soon, his whole body has a flush of color returned.

As the song reaches its crescendo, the streams of water begin curving to form
arches connecting each vase. Suddenly, rainbow colored fish appear in the streams,
swimming through the archways like bridges, their multi-colored scales catching the
light and sparkling. Palasha triumphantly holds a high note that rings as clear as
a bell, her face serene.

The crowd erupts into applause, and Palasha bows regally.

Mister Light takes the stage once more as the clamshell and vases are carted away.

“Thank you, one and all, for joining us this marvelous evening! I hope very much
that you have enjoyed the performance. But before we leave, perhaps there are
others in the crowd who have a hidden talent of their own–one that longs to be
shared! Do I hear any volunteers for a guest performance?”

[DC 14 Performance check to woo the crowd]

“That concludes our Big Top Extravaganza. Thank you all for joining us–we hope to
see you here again just before dawn for the crowning of our Witchlight Monarch. Who
will it be? Perhaps one of you! Enjoy the carnival!”

He raises his scepter in the air, and as the crowd applauds, the butterfly vane at
its top spins just a little faster.

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