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No davarzi are iguanas

SET-1 D. Some reptiles are skinks
1. In a mixed-gender school, all students must study at least two E. All skinks are davarzi
foreign languages out of French, German or Spanish. No boy
studies all three foreign languages. 4. All students from High School received a grade ‘A’ in Science
and no student in High School received a grade ‘B’ in History.
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the Senior School admits students only if the student has a grade
following options: ‘A’ in History.
A. No girl studies only French
B. All of the boys study two foreign languages Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
C. More girls than boys study foreign languages following options:
D. More girl than boys study three foreign languages A. Carol studied at High School before moving to Senior
E. At least one boy and at least one girl study the same School so she must have received grade ‘A’ in both
pair of foreign languages Science and History
B. Senior School does not offer a Science course
2. In a car park there are 50 vehicles, of which 30 are cars and the C. As Monica attended High School , she did not obtain a
rest are vans. Hald of the cars are blue and half are red but grade ‘B’
none of the red vehicles are vans. D. No High School student can be admitted to Senior
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the E. Sam received a grade ‘B’ in History so he did not
following options: attend High School
A. Some of the van are blue
B. The only red vehicles are cars 5. Not all the people present at the literature festival were poets.
C. All of the vans are blue or white All the poets at the literature festival were authors and some
D. There are more blue cars than blue vans poets were not storytellers.
E. There are more red cars than red vans
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
3. Skinks and iguanas are two different types of lizard. following options:
All davarzi are skins and all lizards are reptiles. A. At least one storyteller at the literature festival was an
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the B. At least one author at the literature festival was both a
following options: poet and a story teller
A. No lizards are skinks C. All the authors at the literature festival were either
B. All davarzi are reptiles poets or storytellers.
D. Not all authors at the literature festival who were poets
were storytellers 8. All aspects of a business are either manageable or
E. All the storytellers at the literature festival who were unmanageable but none of the unmanageable aspects of the
poets were authors business are related to finance or technology. Employee
satisfaction is mangeable aspect of the business.
6. In this forest, not all deciduous trees are objects of admiration.
However, all deciduous trees in this forest are 20 feet tall Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
except for Potentilla and Daphne. following options:
A. Some aspects of the business are manageable
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the B. Employee satisfaction is the only manageable aspect of
following options: the business
A. Some of the objects of admiration in this forest are 20 C. All aspects of the business related to finance or
feet tall technology are unmanageable
B. If maple is a deciduous tree found in this forest, it is 20 D. All unmanageable aspects of the business are related to
feet tall neither finance nor technology
C. Not all objects of admiration in this forest that are 20 E. Not all manageable aspects of the business are related
feet tall are deciduous trees to finance and technology.
D. If a 20 feet tall deciduous tree in this forest is an object
of admiration, it is neither Potentilla nor Daphne. 9. In a university, there are two different types of biologist:
E. Potentilla and Daphne are objects of admiration that are zoologists and botanists.
either more than 20 feet tall or less than 20 feet tall Viv the viologist is not a botanist.
Some biologist are male
7. All people who live in the house, except for Jim, like tea. More
than one person in the house like coffee. Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
following options:
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the A. Viv is a zoologist
following options: B. Viv, who is not a botanist, must be male
A. Jim likes coffee C. Some botanists are male
B. If a person in the house does not like coffee, they must D. At least one of the biologists is female
like tea. E. Not all zoologists are female
C. If a person in the hose does not like tea, it must be Jim.
D. If only two people in the house like coffee, one must be 10. All rice is inedible unless it has been boiled.
Jim Salt is necessary to make rice edible.
E. Someone in the house likes coffee and tea.
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the 13. There is a drawing on the wall of every room in Sol’s house,
following options: except one.
A. If rice is edible, it must have been boiled. There are photographs in several of the rooms, and all the
B. If rice has been boiled, it must be edible. drawings and photographs are of landscapes.
C. Edible rice must have been boiled and salted.
D. If rice has been salted, it must be edible. Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
E. If rice has been boiled, it must have been salted. following options:
A. Some of the rooms have photographs and drawings in
11. In Frank’s house the spoons are gold or silver or stainless steel. them.
Frank never puts a silver spoon in his hand, but everyone else B. There is a drawing or a photograph in every room.
in the house uses a stainless spoon. C. There is at least one room that has no photographs in it.
D. There is at least one room that has a drawing and a
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the photograph in it.
following options: E. There is at least one room with more than one
A. Someone in the house uses a silver spoon. landscape.
B. Frank uses a gold spoon.
C. A peson using a silver spoon cannot be Frank. 14. Many students come late to the class.
D. Someone in the house does not use a silver spoon. Not all students who come late to the class are disinterested in
E. At least one person in the house uses a gold spoon and a the curriculum.
stainless steel spoon.
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
12. There are males and females in my family. following options:
Some of the females like golf but the other members of my A. No students come late to the class.
family are having a meal. B. At least one student does not come late to the class.
C. At least one student is disinterested in the curriculum.
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the D. All the students who are disinterested in the curriculum
following options: come late to the class.
A. None of the females are having a meal. E. At least one student who comes late to the class is
B. If a family member likes golf, they must be female. interested in the curriculum.
C. Some of my family having a meal like gold
D. If a female is having a meal, they must not like golf. 15. Among all the hospitals in the region, few follow the
E. If a family member is at the meal, they must be female biomedical waste management protocol.
or not like golf. All the licensed hospitals in the region follow the biomedical
waste management protocol.
D. If she is guilty of following dogmas, she does not
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the embrace the downtrodden.
following options: E. Anyone who is truly spiritual and is guilty of following
A. Some hospitals in the region are not licensed. dogmas would embrace the downtrodden.
B. Some hospitals outside the region are licensed
C. The hospitals in the region either follow the biomedical 18. A few questions in the test were based on extended thinking
waste management protocol or are licensed. only.
D. If a hospital in the region is licensed, it must be The rest of the question in the test were based solely on
following the biomedical waste management protocol. understanding or solely on application
E. If a hospital in the region follows the biomedical waste
management protocol, it must be licensed. Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
16. Courage is the greatest virtue of all. following options:
Absence of fear is not the greatest virtue, having the conviction A. None of the questions in the test were based on
to act despite fear is. recalling facts
B. Not all questions in the test were based on
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the understanding of application.
following options: C. At least one question that was based on extended
A. Being fearless is one of the virtues. thinking was not based on understanding.
B. Being fearless is the greatest virtue D. All the questions in the test were based on extended
C. Courage is the conviction to act despite fear thinking or understanding or application.
D. Courage is having the conviction to act fearlessly E. A few questions based on application were also based
E. There is no virtue greater than the conviction to act on extended thinking and application.
despite fear
19. The entire cost of this project, apart from the land acquisition,
17. None who embrace the downtrodden are guilty of following was borne by federal authorities.
dogmas. Few who are guilty of following dogmas are truly Federal authorities bear costs for large infrastructure projects
spiritual. only.

Identify one or more logically valid answers from the Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
following options: following options:
A. Few who are truly spiritual embrace the downtrodden. A. This was a large infrastructure project.
B. None who are truly spiritual embrace the downtrodden B. Any development costs were borne by the federal
C. Some who are guilty of following dogmas are not truly authorities.
C. Federal authorities bear all costs of large infrastructure
projects. 22. Beach games used only beach balls, or rounders balls most of
D. The land acquisition cos was borne by public private which were brown.
partnership. All of the beach balls were red except for some of the small
E. Not all costs of large infrastructure projects are borne ones that were yellow.
by federal authorities.
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
20. Mooms, pluders, nizens and kopens are type of fish. following options:
All mooms are pluders. A. A beach game played with a yellow ball must have used
No pluder is a nizen. a small beach ball.
Both pluders and nizens are kopens. B. A small beach ball that was not yellow must have been
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the C. A beach game played with a ball that was not brown
following options: must have used a beach ball.
A. If a fish is a moom, it is a kopen. D. A red beach ball was not one of the small ones.
B. No nizen is a moom. E. All of the brown balls were rounders balls.
C. If an animal is a pluder, it is not a moom.
D. No kopens are mooms
E. If a fish is a pluder but not a moom, it is a kopen.
23. There were only men and women in the room.
21. All of the animals on the green wallpaper were white except All of the men and some of the women in the room wore
for five of the teddy bears, which were brown. jackets.
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the All of the women who did not wear jackets and half of the men
following options: wore white shirts, but te rest of the men wore blue shirts.
A. Any pictures of horses on the wallpaper were coloured
white. Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
B. Some of the cows on the wallpaper were coloured following options:
green. A. Any person in the room who did not wear a jacket must
C. All of the white animals shown on the wallpaper were have been a woman.
farm animals. B. A person wearing a blue shirt must also have worn a
D. There was at least one teddy bear on the wallpaper that jacket.
was white. C. A greater number of people in the room wore a jacket
E. All animals shown on the wallpaper that were not white than did not wear a jacket.
were brown.
D. There were more blue shirts in the room than white Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
shirts. following options:
E. Any woman wearing a jacket must have worn a blue A. There were more diesel and petrol cars in the car park
shirt. than there were red cars.
B. There were more petrol cars than diesel cars in the
24. Golfers are required to wear trousers when playing a round of park.
golf. C. There were more green cars than white cars in the car
However, female members may wear skirts and juniors may park.
wear shorts throughout their game provided they started to play D. A green car that had an electric engine must have
in the morning session. been a hybrid car.
E. A diesel engine car that was neither white nor green
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the must have been red.
following options:
A. Any golfer wearing a skirt or shorts must have started
to play during the morning session. 26. All of the vehicles in the yard had either two or three wheels.
B. Any golfer wearing trousers in an afternoon session All of the two-wheeled scooters were black, but some of the
must be male. two-wheeled cycles that were not black were blue.
C. Golfers wearing shorts who start playing during a
morning session are required to change into trousers if Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
their game lasts into the afternoon. following options:
D. Any person wearing trousers who starts playing during A. Any green scooter in the yard must have had three
the morning session must be male. wheels.
E. A person who wears shorts or a skirt while playing in B. The only black vehicles in the yard were scooters.
the afternoon session must have started playing duitng C. If a cycle was red, it must have had two wheels.
the morning session. D. All of the two-wheeled vehicles were either black or
25. Most of the cars in the carpark just had electric engines, but E. There were at least three different colours of vehicles in
some of the others were hybrid vehicles while there were a few the yard.
patriot engine cars and a smaller number of diesel engine cars.
All of the cars that only had electric engines were red, but most 27. In public life, their leader is a winner. Anyone who is a winner
of the hybrid cars white while these cars that were neither red in public is either disengaged with family or with their inner
nor white were green. self.
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the B. A Frung that is not a Jinx must be a Zoob.
following options: C. All Zoobs are Frungs.
A. Their leader is disengaged with family. D. Some Jinx are Zoobs.
B. No one who is disengaged with family is also E. Not all Frungs are Jinx or Zoobs.
disengaged with their inner self.
C. In public life, if their leader is engaged with family, 30. All of the red flowers were roses except for a few of the
they are not engaged with their inner self. poppies, most of which were yellow.
D. Any leader who is a winner in public life is either The only other flowers were white, but most of the white
disengaged with family or their inner self. flowers were neither roses nor poppies.
E. Someone who is disengaged with their inner self and is
a winner in public life is engaged with family. Identify one or more logically valid answers from the
following options:
28. All the paint came in small or large pots except for blue, which A. None of the white flowers were roses or poppies.
was only available in small pots. B. There were more yellow poppies than red or white
The only colours besides blue were red and green. Altogether poppies.
there were more red than blue pots, but not as many as green. C. The only red flowers were roses or poppies.
D. All of the roses were red.
Identify one or more logically valid answers from the E. There were at least three different types of flower.
following options:
A. There were more small pots of red paint than small pots
of green paint.
B. The only large pots of paint were either red or green.
C. There were more small pots of paint than there were
blue pots.
D. There were more large red pots than small blue pots.
E. There were more green pots than there were red pots.

29. All Jinx are Frungs, but not all Frungs are Jinx.
Some of the Frungs that are not Jinx are Zoobs, but no Zoob is
a Jinx.

Identify one or more logically valid answers from the

following options:
A. There are more Frungs than Jinx.

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