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SSVP is referred to the group of people following the teachings of St.

Vincent de
Paul. People in SSVP usually follows the goal of caring for the poor. Answering this question
“Who is your SSVP?”, I could say that my SSVP are the social workers, community health
workers, volunteers and the educators. I chose these people because they aided and helped the
poor which is the main goal of the SSVP. They not only do this because it is their job but
because they sincerely want to help the people who needs special care. If someone wants to
help the poor, they can join the SSVP. After joining the SSVP, the moderators will teach you
about the life of St. Vincent de Paul and how he takes care of the poor. After learning about
the life of St. Vincent de Paul, they will give lectures about helping the poor and it is a
mission to us given by God that we should help our brothers and sister that needs our help. In
SSVP I’ve learned that we should be self-giving and be generous of our blessings because
there are some people who needs more of this blessing than us. I’ve also learned that we
should see Jesus within the poor. Jesus specifically tells us that He base our love for Him
from our love to the poor. As we continue to receive blessings from God, always remember to
give back His blessing by giving it to the poor.

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