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oe MR-NI2- 01-01 7 REQUEST FOR INSPECTION ScI einen eater e—n-=| Rag, NO NM2-SCI-HT-1-CON-IR-0698 ‘To: NM2 Employer's Engineer (LJ Hydro Consultancy) Date: 04/06/2024 6 Civil © Geologist o H&M oc E&M oHSE wac Survey © River Diversion © Power Ink 3 Access Road 3 Diveston Tuned Intake Slope © Temporary Access Rod © pata Cotes © lake Foundation 2 Operation Road 2 Dawe Coffer & Headace Channel olOperston Cup © Main Drm © Power Tunnel Scape Rarsbune 5 Dam Body ‘@ Headrace Tunnel @ Camp at Headwork 5 Left Dam Abutment 5 Vertical Sha Stic 6 Right Dam Abutment 8 Penstock 9 Temporary Racin Auxiliary Dan «Powerhouse platform iS coatiea Pinte a Left Dam Abutment 1G Powerhouse Platform on Other. * 6 ight Dam Absent 2 Powerhouse Building eee 5 Spillway Powerhouse Slope = — a ee © Spillway © Tailrace Channel im Quarrywert co Chute Switehyard oO H&M atthe. 5 Plinge Pol Siting Basin | 9 Aualliny Tunnel 2 EM at the = Spilvay Slope GAdtT 0 Adi? ten | [ead a Omer, 1_o W © Has follows: “The NM2_EPC Contractor is hereby informing/requesting inspection + | _ Location (Elevation, Station) | item for Inspection | pero" | Proposed Date and Time Remarks Rebar: Checking and concrete pouring for 7 Lettie i 04/06/2024 Haedrace Tunel for Block: TP-049-050 19:00 Location: Headrace Tunnel section 1 1) _Inspeetion purpose: an ‘A-Punch List D-Re-evaluation of NCR ‘G-Material’s manufactaring a ste B-QC completion inspection E-Notificaton of NCR deficiency of correction Field testing and inspection (C-Definition of construction detail__| F-General inspection during work others Requested by SCI AP/QCE/QCM: Received by EE: Name: Xayphone Name Employer / Engineer QC Remarks According fo te aHached documents By Employer Engineers Qt Dorp Name: Dontri LOENGNISAL Signature: Date: f/6 sete ‘The Consortium of SCI MR-NM2-05-01 Rof. QCPC-NM2-05 Sc ] Inspections Before Concrete | mt RF No Placement ‘Checklist No. CP- [] main Dam site [—] PHsite [—] PowerWaterways [—] switchyard [_] other Project : Nam Mo 2 Hydropower Project Date: 4 /€/4024 Cone. Type:_(hO— 9-7 Structure: Concate fo Heaclrewe Sub Contractor: Location: Tuam aeion 4 Refirence DWG:_ eH Required/Completed Inspections Required Inspections | 44,4] Completed | conection | Comeetions | Inspection T Foreman a} Com Carried out | Accepted | FO (ves/ Noy | Required | Camisdout | Asseped | a" | tas Layout (by Surveyor): Reinforcement Stel Sir Embedded Items Ser Formwork I Surface Preparation, Cleanliness, Free from Yq Standing Water Geological Mapping a Construction/Expansion Joints i Ye Steel Reinforcement: Bars Assembling i Z Tying Ve Cover ZI Formwork Preparation Alignment yr ve Supports Ver va) | Cleaned fs Yi Form Oil oe Embedded Items. / " f Water stops = Recesses, Openings eo Rain Protection f af 7 ‘Concrete Fquipment ood Yer Y4_| Others as Z j Note OE pfs ts wh Fc wi work Remarks! Checked by AP Inspected by QCE Verified by SQM Employer Engr tat Don DO VIET ws XAYPHONE PM. DINHTUANANH | _Dontti LOENGNISAL Date: 4/67 aor (Dae: ep /é fo 24 | Dawes 2f 16/2 | Dae: ap) C7 a0Re, — 38a in Dam Site 2 Piste Project: Nam Mo 2 Hydropower Project simewre: Conenh Lor Headrace Location Tunnel — Soetinn 4 Casting concrete Record 13 Power Waterways. Ref. RFINo. © Other LADY Mix design: ClO GE Bevaion; Stattine: ee é Concrete ration and Test results Before start Casting concrete ‘Volume (m') Gaet[ Fash War A Daten [Acta 385 7 aus SF ”q Required/Compeed Posing Cone No. rua, | Maas Stamp et Fined | pena 1 |hgc-¢29e6| 9 2 3 6 7 3 9 0 n B B u 5 16 a For Contractor For Consultant Chasked VAP Traps yO Tapia Er — ae ey 7 | LA} Onis = DO aetmne XAYPHONE PM_| _DINH TUAN ANH | Dontri LOENGNISAT Date: Y/Ef eer Lf 6 Lh YS /bS toe | BG f/bf 2E2Y — ‘Request No: NM2-SCI-HT-1-CON-IR-0698 Location: Headrace Tunnel Date: 4=Jun-2028 i THE CONSORTIUM OF SCI NAM MO 2 HYDROPOWER PROJECT Dia chi (Location): Mok-Xiengkhuang-Lao . Phi8u 56 (No): PHIEU XUA'T BE TONG (DELIVERY TICKET) Neay (Date) 04/06/2024 ‘Tram Tron Be Tong Cum Dau M6i ( Batching plan at the Headwork area ) ia dim (Location) Cung eaip én (Deliver aM CHINH GI - CNN | Cho (For): TRUNG QUéC Mie be tong (Mix (Mpa): 20.97. 19 sut (Stump(em)): 20-2 | sotwomg dat ning (Total ordered (m3): | S6'lwgng i et Progressive Total (m3): K.L xe ny (This Truck (m3)) 9 290-83946 ‘Thoi diém roi tram(Time ex-Plant) ; 17:58:46 S6 xe (Truck No): Bom.BT/ Pump : (Y/N) [4] Phu gia them / Extras: Khoi lugng chi tiét mé tron cia xe (Detail of Truck) ‘TT Mé Cat D4 4.75-9.5 | B49.5-19 | D4 19.5-37.5 | Xi mang ‘Tro bay Nuée Phu gia (No) Gand) | sone y [stone | (ones) | CCemen) | cyasiy | cwaen | cade Lima KL dinimts Formal ogy | a3 ° 0 as ° as | 5s 1 | 1003 1136 o o 497.8 00 312.3, 7.09 z 004 | 1198 0 a 4930 [00] —i70| 7.08 a ‘007 | i142 a v 4970 | 00 | ato 7.08 F ¢ ior [1442 a a 497.0 | 09} 3180 | 09 5 1015] 4180 0 0 490 | 00 | —s190 | 709 6 or] 1481 a 0 4920 | 09} ~sa20 [09 7 1009 | 184 0 Q 497 | 00 | 3100 | roe ‘ng cing Forays | 7001] re63 o 0 seria | 00 | 22003 | 49.63 Can bo van hank S 7 TRAN VAN BING Ky thuat Nawot nan hang Buyer Now, Ca dee We, namenctinn) “yy ’ Bit dau dé Ie (Un loading commenced): Bd xong ie (Un oad comple) ‘The Consortium of SCL MR-NM2-05-04 Ret. QCPC-NM2-05 Inspections After Concrete _| Ref. RFINo Placement Checklist No. AA- o Main Dam site || pH site |] PowerWaterways || switchyard |_| other Project : Nam Mo 2 Hydropower Project Date: ef (6 | 263.44 structure: Copotete for tlowefroue ‘Sub Contractor: = Location:_TTunne! — See Reference DWG: Cone, Type: Cao 4b Date of Pouring : Required/Completed Inspections: a ; Correction] Inspection Requit Completed | Correction | © AP QCE , : Carried Out | Accepted Inspections | N/A| (Yes/No) | Required | Cimeh out | Ancenes Initials Elapsed Time prior Removal J | of Forms Formwork Vy Dismantling Tolerances of Structure and Vy Dimensions Surface t Finishing Vy Concrete Defects, f Honeyeombing Curing of the Surfaces Ye a Concrete ]| Repair / / i Joint Filling J ‘Note: OCE puts his initials only when he is a witness fo the work Remarks: Checked by AP Inspected by QCE Verified by SQM. Employer Eng’r 2 | Bt |) dos DO VIET HUNG XAYPHONE PM DINH TUAN ANH Dontri LOENGNISAL Date: Y/ &fetoa4 | Date: op/Efavru | Date: (6 /<0: Date: 1/6/2624 COORDINATE OF CONCRE’ BLOCK: TP-49-50 JRFACE AFTER POURING CONCRETE, x y Z 1 2110808.323 399782.8429 7.730 2 7110801.48 399784.5334 1274480 3 7310799.638 399786.2224 1271.730 4 2110202.95 3997824362 1271690 5 210803.107 399784.1267 1274440 6 2310799.265 309785 8158 1271690 SCISurveyor QC Engineer Employer's Engineer 0 ‘ he aK Dory Name: Nga VO Pl [Name: Shey Phone by Lo BNGNISH Date lef song Date ples say 46 [2224 SCI NAM MO 2 HYDROPOWER COMPANY LIMITED 88, Nongbeuk-Tay village, Sikhottabong district, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR ne NAM MO 2 HYDROPOWER PROJECT- LAO PDR LJ Hydro Consultancy APPROVED AS - BUILT DRAWING HEADRACE TUNNEL CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT BLOCK: TP-49-50 Project Management Unit SQM CMON Gr ee) FES ASeaupsfooecss (aang ENT BOARD) } Noa as AY > Su Seyseer S$ 8 _______ Construction area Block : TP-49-50 _DETAIL A ‘SCALE 1:25~ fgpeceee mae ‘Stoo! mosh 0816,.200 ‘Stee! mesh 0546 2200, Se 0 ya tears tstas] , WA st crovng ris ack ~ - SS Le a Gi eee. NTO} "WA MO 2 HYDRO POWER PROJECT CONDRETE FOR steel rs tub even MWe POU Ca (PHORBIE NT 8 ine ene ‘APPROVED [NGUYEN VAN KIEN DESCRIPTION leurvover evcnecr:| LHC Company 2 HYDROPOWER, COMPANY UMITED Lane SCI-—= [seer] SCALE [ORAWNG No, 2-SO-HI-4-RO-06-C0D8-AnASE The Consortium of SCI rl iniet Spillingg bolts alternate on arch db28, a=1.5m, I=4m Concrete 20 fil back arch 1 Bé téng chén vi C20 SECTION 1 | SCALE 1:250 Block: TP-049-050 Tl. | a Amount I Total Ne Fame (ot | | Length Total a supa siza wad 8! aa febes ett }2 | | fm) | ment Total | my |e 1 Concrete C20 : _ +4 1 2 126 see arch | 2 +1000 16 2000 | 3939 39 6156 7660 ts | 7660 | 5 | 5 | 7660 60.45 | | T z 7 —T 4 Steel mesh B40 8st | 1000 20 2000 3939 30 | 88 L aaa i is as i - Weight of steel with diameter 16 = 236.51 kg; Length = 149.85 meters - Weight of steel with diameter ©20 = 207.16 kg; Length = 84 meters -As-but craving fortis ok | HHI és sit aronings nave been made Foienon [ane aan TEFERONSE DRAWS ERS | RR aoe DATE Spake z t REO ESCROW one a wine NAM MO 2 HYDRO POWER PROJECT oy Gq [prow cron LHC Company = Tue 7] Nai Ysa bate aT RA Line = prepare [AV Prone | 6/2004) ‘OONORETE FOR steel rs NAM MO 2 [orang rion 5/24 siorotovee |S [re counacron The Consort of SCI = Tesco pati ware” [oon] soar Jonawme ve per] oven SOMPANY UNITED. = [APPROVED [NGUYEN VAN KEEN 05/2024 mwanso-en-+-ne-ce-cone-a-ase Trev | A

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