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Use of English » A2 Use of English Tests » A2 English
test 1 – text with multiple choice gaps

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Use of English Test – A2

Read the text and choose the correct

answer for each gap.

Gabriela Loyo Rodríguez

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Correct answers: 14/15.

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When I 1 started my job two

years ago I 2 used to love it. The

truth is that I have a very high salary and

the o"ce is very close to home, but the

problem is that since the day I started I

3 have had very few free

weekends and I always work until very

late in the evening. I often have to cancel

plans with friends 4 because of

work or I miss family celebrations, and I'm

usually very tired and stressed. I'm not

sure I can keep 5 doing this. I

don't sleep enough, and I don't eat 6

healthily , because I don't have 7

enough time to cook.

Apart from that, sport has always been

very important in my life. I like being fit,

and 8 do sports is how I stay well

and reduce stress. 9 However ,

nowadays I don't have 10 any time

to exercise. With all these bad habits, I

feel that I am putting my health at risk.

I really need some advice. What would

you do if you 11 were me? My

salary is very high, and I can walk to work,

but I feel horrible; I don't have a social life

and I don't have a healthy life. Two years

ago, before taking this job, I was much

12 fitter and very happy. Now I am

28 and I have a lot of money in my bank

account, but nothing else. The problem is

that the jobs that 13 are o!ered in

the area where I live don't pay much, and

I'm afraid of making a decision 14

which I might regret. So, what do

you think? 15 Should I quit my job?


1 Correct answer: started

➪ We use the past simple to talk

about actions or events that happened
in the past. We know or we say when
the events happened (two years ago).
➪ To review the past simple tense, go
to » Grammar points » A2 » Past
simple – Form and use

2 Correct answer: used to

➪ We use used to + infinitive with non-

action verbs (be, have, etc.) to talk
about past states: things that were
true in the past, but they are not true
any more.
➪ To review used to, go to » Grammar
points » A2 » used to, didn’t use to –
past habits and states

3 Correct answer: have had

➪ We use the present perfect

with how long, for, since to talk about
actions or situations that started in the
past and still continue or are still
true now.
➪ To review the present perfect, go
to » Grammar points » A2 » Present
perfect or past simple?

4 Correct answer: because of

➪ We use because of + noun to

introduce the reason why something
➪ To review clauses of reason, go to »
Grammar points » A2 » however,
although, because, so, and time

5 Correct answer: doing

➪ We use an -ing verb after certain

verbs, such as keep.
➪ To review infinitives and gerunds, go
to » Grammar points » A2 » Infinitives
and gerunds – verb patterns

6 Correct answer: healthily

➪ We form adverbs of manner by

adding -ly to an adjective.
➪ We use adverbs of manner
after after a verb to describe the verb.
We use an adverb of manner to say
how something happens or how we do
➪ To review adverbs of manner, go
to » Grammar points » A1 » Adverbs of
manner (slowly) – or adjectives

7 Correct answer: enough time

➪ In negative sentences we use (not)

enough + noun to say that something
is less than we want or we need.
➪ To review this grammar topic, go
to » Grammar points » A2 » too, too
much, too many, enough

8 Correct answer: doing

➪ We use the -ing form of a verb

when we use that verb as a subject in
a sentence.
➪ To review infinitives and gerunds, go
to » Grammar points » A2 » Infinitives
and gerunds – verb patterns

9 Correct answer: However

➪ However is normally used at

the beginning of a sentence, before a
coma (,) and after a full stop (.) or a
semicolon (;).
➪ To review clauses of contrast, go
to » Grammar points » A2 » however,
although, because, so, and time

10 Correct answer: any

➪ We
use some in a"rmative sentences
and any in negative sentences
and questions.
➪ We use no with a positive verb.
➪ To review quantifiers, go to »
Grammar points » A2 » much, many,
little, few, some, any – quantifiers

11 Correct answer: were

➪ This is a second conditional

➪ We use if + past to talk about an
imaginary present or future situation
(although the verb is in past, the
meaning is present or future). And we
use would + infinitive to talk about the
result or consequence of that
imaginary situation.
➪ To review the second conditional,
go to » Grammar points » A2 » Second

12 Correct answer: fitter

➪ We add -er to a one-syllable

adjective to make the comparative
➪ If one-syllable adjectives end in
consonant + vowel + consonant, we
need to double the second consonant
and then add -ed.
➪ To review comparative adjectives,
go to » Grammar points » A2 »
Comparative and superlative
adjectives and adverbs

13 Correct answer: are o#ered

➪ In this sentence, we need a passive

verb because the subject is the
'receiver' of the action, and not the
'doer' of the action.
➪ To review the passive voice, go to »
Grammar points » A2 » Present and
past simple passive: be + past

14 Correct answer: which

➪ In a relative clause, we use which or

that to refer to things and animals.
➪ To review relative clauses, go to »
Grammar points » A2 » Defining
relative clauses – who, which, that,

15 Correct answer: Should

➪ We use should or shouldn’t to give

somebody advice and to say what is or
isn’t the right thing to do.
➪ To make questions, we use should +
subject + infinitive.
➪ To review should go to » Grammar
points » A2 » should, shouldn’t

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