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✅ From outside reading module (40-45 marks)

 25 Points from Read Aloud (Spek)

 10-12 Points from Highlight Incorrect Words. (Lis)
 4-5 Points from Summarize Written Text. (Writ)
 1-2 Points from Highlight Correct Summary. (Lis)

✅ Important Reading Tasks (40-45 marks)

 Reading Blanks
 R & W Blanks
 Re-order Paragraph

⚠️Some Don’t for Reading Module

 Don’t spend more than 2-2.30 minutes per question.

 Mcq Multiple & Mcq Single Don’t spend 30 Sec.


✅ Important tasks from SPEAKING Tasks (almost 45% marks)

 Speaking Repeat Sentence

 Speaking Re-tell Lecture.
 Speaking Answer Short Questions

✅ Important Listening Tasks (40-45 Points)

 Listening Fill in The Blanks

 Summaries Spoken Text
 Write from Dictation
 Highlight Incorrect Words (Negative Marking Both Red & Lis)

⚠️Some Don’t for Reading Module

 Don’t spend more than 2-2.30 minutes per question.

 Mcq Multiple & Mcq Single Don’t spend 30 Sec.

☹ Re- tell Lecture Template:(Speaking)

The speaker was discussing .... topic.

He/she mentioned keyword 1.

After that The Lecturer /He/she described keyword 2.

Then He/she also talk about keyword 3.

He/she discussed keyword 4.

Finally, He/she suggested keyword 5.


Template 1!

One of the most important trends of today’s world is the sudden upsurge in the statement that
(essay topic). This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the above
statement, which refers to the fact that (main keyword from the essay topic) using a
pragmatic approach.

To commence with there are several arguments in favor of my stance. The most significant
one not only includes the betterment of society, but also includes the positive development of
every individual of the planet. Because of the countless benefits, not only can gain more
when it comes to being successful and effective, but also improve efficiency and
convenience. The other factors impacted by the topic are (keyword 1, 2 .3).

Another crucial factor in the statement is that it is not only likely to assist on to flourish,
progress, and excel in variety of fields and disciplines. Consequently, one when an individual
adheres to such a system, they can expand their horizons and skills, and acquire qualities such
as commitment, discipline, and perseverance. Hence, it is evident why many favor and fact
that, (main keyword from the essay topic). Moreover keywords 4, 5, 6 are also important to
be considered.

To conclude, in my opinion, the government of Australia is taking a great initiative in

education its citizens against the negative impact of the statement that (Essay Statement).
Citizens are beginning to be encouraged to follow the applicable laws and rules, regulations
to promote prosperity, productivity, and a positive environment in the world.
Template 2!

First Paragraph

In today's complex world, numerous issues and topics are subject to debate. One such topic is
[topic]. While it is true that every topic has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, my
view is that [ ]. This essay will explore the various scenarios of the topic and demonstrate the
viewpoint with a logical narrative.

Second Paragraph:

To begin with, one prominent aspect of [topic] is _______. This means [provide specific
details to support]. To quote a recent instance, [provide an example that illustrates the
advantage]. In conclusion, the aforementioned points justify the viewpoint.

Third Paragraph:

Secondly, one notable feature is [ ]. This is due to the fact that [provide supporting ideas].
For example, a recent report by the prestigious University of the West proves the validity of
the statement with all the available logical evidence. Therefore, the discussed assertion
validates the facts supporting my viewpoint.

Fourth Paragraph

I see that there is equally potential evidence to support the arguments I have provided, and
hence, I logically conclude my statement in a conclusive manner.

To what extent do you think that organic farming can feed the world population?

In today's complex world, numerous issues and topics are subject to debate. One such topic is
that organic farming can feed the world population. It is a very controversial topic. There are
many people on both sides, and the topic has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
This essay will explore the various scenarios of the topic and demonstrate the viewpoint with
a logical narrative.
To begin with, one prominent aspect of organic farming is that organic farming is truly very
healthy, and if we can produce organic farming, that will cause a large food shortage around
the world. To illustrate, in different developing countries, the mass population has already
started organic farming to not only consume fresh food but also export the food to other
regions as well.

Secondly, one notable feature is , organic farming also makes our environment suitable for
living. This is because it makes our environment more green, produces more oxygen, and
consumes carbondioxied . For example, a recent report by the prestigious University of the
West proves the validity of the statement with all the available logical evidence. Therefore,
the discussed assertion validates the facts supporting my viewpoint.

I see that there is equally potential evidence to support the arguments I have provided, and
hence, I logically conclude my statement in a conclusive manner.

Own Template: Summarize Spoken Text

The lecture was all about the Topic and the speaker discussed some challenges, and
information regarding Keyword 1 and during his speech, he also mentioned different
information Keyword 2, Keyword 3, Keyword 4, Keyword 5 and definitely the Keyword 6 and
he concluded his speech by saying Keyword 7 & 8

The lecture was all about environmental conservation and the speaker discussed different
elements of the environment, for example, freshwater, and clean air and then he also
mentioned biodiversity, ecosystem, and endangered species and he talked about pollution,
deforestation, and climate changes as well and finally he suggested some fundamental needed
for environmental conservation.

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