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Asia is the largest continent in the world by a considerable margin, and it is rich in
natural resources, such as petroleum, forests, fish, water, rice, copper and silver.

Asia shares the landmass of Eurasia with Europe, and of Afro-Eurasia with both Europe
and Africa

Festival Extravaganza: Asia is renowned for vibrant festivals like Diwali, the "Festival of
Lights" in India, and Songkran, the Thai New Year, known for playful water fights.

This continent has the highest number of billionaires in the world.

The life expectancy in Japan is the highest in the world. The life expectancy in Japan is
84.2 years.

Russia and Turkey are the two Asian countries that lie partially in Europe

Around 90 per cent of the rice produced is consumed in the Asian countries.

Russia is the largest country in the world, covering almost 11% of the Earth’s land.

Indonesia is the country that has the highest number of active volcanoes (almost 150).

The Yangtze is the third-longest river in the world, located in China, Central Asia.

Asia has the largest city in the world, Tokyo, Japan.


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