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The Milkmaid and Her Pail

Good morning to the honourable judges, respected teachers, and my

friends. My name is _________. I am from 2 ____. Today I am
here to tell a story entitled "The Milkmaid and Her Pail."

Once upon a time, in a picturesque village surrounded by lush fields

and fragrant flowers, lived a young milkmaid named Molly. Every
morning, Molly would wake up early to milk the cows and fill her pails
with fresh, creamy milk. Her job was to transport the milk to the
market, where she would sell it to earn money for her family.

Molly was a hard-working and diligent girl, but she also had a habit
of daydreaming. As she filled her pails with milk one fine morning,
her mind started to wander. She began to think about all the
wonderful things she could buy with the money she would earn that

As she walked down the street towards the market, Molly's

imagination took flight. "What should I buy today?" she wondered.
"Maybe I should buy a delicious cake to share with my family. Or
perhaps a basket full of fresh, juicy strawberries." The thought of
these treats made her smile.

As she continued on her way, she noticed a chicken pecking at the

ground nearby. Suddenly, an idea struck her. "I know!" she
exclaimed. "I'll buy my very own chicken with the money I earn
today. When that chicken lays eggs, I can sell both milk and eggs for
a profit! I'll make so much money, and then I can buy even more

Excited by her plan, Molly's thoughts raced ahead. She imagined

herself with a whole farm of chickens, each one laying eggs and
providing her with a steady income. She pictured herself buying new
clothes, delicious food, and even little gifts for her friends. The
possibilities seemed endless.

Lost in her daydreams, Molly began to skip down the road, her heart
full of joy and excitement. She was so caught up in her thoughts
that she completely forgot about the pails of milk she was carrying.
As she skipped and twirled, the milk in the pails began to slosh and
spill over the edges.

Before she knew it, the milk had spilled entirely, leaving her pails
empty. Molly stopped in her tracks and looked down in horror. "Oh
no!" she cried. "All the milk is gone! How will I ever afford to buy a
chicken now?"

Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the gravity of her

mistake. With her empty pails, she had no milk to sell at the market,
and without the money from selling the milk, she couldn't buy the
chicken or anything else she had dreamed of.

Dejected and with a heavy heart, Molly returned home. Her mother,
who had been waiting for her, saw the empty pails and knew
something was wrong. "Oh, my goodness!" exclaimed her mother
when Molly explained what had happened. "Molly, my dear," said her
mother gently, "how many times have I told you? Don't count your
chickens before they hatch."

Molly hung her head in shame. She knew her mother was right. She
had let her daydreams distract her from her task, and now she had
nothing to show for her efforts.

Her mother hugged her and said, "Remember, Molly, it's important
to focus on completing your tasks successfully. Daydreaming is fine,
but you mustn't let it interfere with your work.

Molly nodded, wiping away her tears. "I'm sorry, Mother, I promise
to be more careful and focused from now on." she said.

The moral of the story is to focus on completing your tasks

successfully before letting your mind wander to future rewards.
Thank you for listening to me.

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