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Listening to Music

What type of music do you most like to listen to? (Why?/Why not?)
- Actually, I don’t have a specific taste for music, I’d go with anything that sounds catchy and has good
lyrics. I find that mellow music helps me to unwind and de-stress after a busy day, and
it allows me to reflect and just be in the moment.
Have you always liked the same type of music? (Why?/Why not?)
- No, t think it depends on what I do. Like when I work I like some background
music to focus on. Or When I do the household chores I enjoy dance with remix
When do you usually listen to music? (Why?/Why not?)
- Everyone has their own habits. Except for listen to music to relax and to focus on my
work. I’m into listening when I have bath. I tell my secret I’m a singer, a bathroom
singer. I found out when I sing in the bathroom my voice similar to the profession singer.
Do you prefer listening to music alone or with other people? (Why?/Why
- To be honest, I would prefer to music alone, I’m love immersing the rhythm of
music and hum along with them. Bisides I also like to listen with other people yo
know in concert sing and dance together
18. Staying up late

Do you often stay up late at night? (Why/Why not?)

- Before, I’m definitely a night owl. It make me not wide awake and can not concentrate on
studying or working in the morning. Then, I know that this is so unhealthy, but I can’t help it.
Maybe I need to find ways to stop scrolling Tiktok at night. I practise how to go to bed before
12p.m and get up early.

Did you stay up late more often when you were younger? (Why/Why not?)
- because when I was a younger, I had a lot of me-time during the day, so I didn't
have to sacrifice my sleep time to do something more important. I was totally an
early bird.
How do you feel the day after you have stayed up late? (Why?)
- Well, when I don’t have enough sleep, I often feel exhausted and find it difficult to
concentrate on my work or study the next morning. It’s definitely not a great feeling, so I usually
regret what I have done and I’ve told myself to give this bad habit up.
What do you generally do when you stay up late? (Why/Why not?)
- Well, normally it’ll be because I’m working on my projects or cramming for my
exams. But I also speak to my friends on social networking sites, for example,
Facebook or Zalo.

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