S4 - Eng1 - Q&A - 1920 - YE 2

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Yuen Long Public Secondary School

Yearly Examination 2019-2020 Name

S4 English Language Paper 1

Class S4 ________

Reading Class No

Question-Answer Book

Date: 13 July 2020

Time: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

(Max. Mark: 88)

Marker Use ONLY
1. Write your Name, Class and Class Number in
the spaces provided on this cover.
Part A / 43
2. Answer ALL questions in Part A and Part B in
this Question-Answer Book. Part B / 45
3. For multiple-choice questions, mark only ONE
answer to each question. Two or more answers
will score NO MARKS. Total
4. Each question carries one mark unless otherwise 88

5. Marks will not be deducted for wrong answers.

1920/YE/S4/Eng1/QA bk/P.1 of 10
Read Text 1 and answer questions 1-22. (43 marks)

1. Find a synonym for the word ‘save’ in paragraph 1.

2. What is the writer’s tone in paragraph 1?

A. humorous
B. excited
C. ironic A B C D
D. tense

3. Why was Robert Miller’s arm ‘shaking’ (line 2)?

He was very nervous about being .

4. What does ‘this technology’ (line 7) refer to?

5. Name THREE kinds of virtual reality users mentioned in paragraph 2. (3 marks)


6. An ‘acrophobe’ (line 10) is someone who …

A. likes to use virtual reality.
B. is a medical professional.
C. has a mental illness. A B C D
D. is scared of heights.

7. What is the benefit of ‘the treatment’ (line 8), according to Miller in paragraph 3?
It makes him .

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8. Read paragraphs 2 and 3 and decide whether the following statements are True, False, or the information is Not Given.
(3 marks)

i) Robert Miller didn’t feel that the VR experience was very realistic.
ii) VR is not commonly thought of in terms of medical treatment.
iii) Robert Miller was alone during his VR experience.

9. What does the word ‘This’ (line 14) refer to?

A. the fact that VR has not lived up to expectations
B. the fact that the writer is not a fan of VR
C. the fact that VR is hugely popular now A B C D
D. the fact that VR is an old technology

10. What has ‘opened up a whole new range of possibilities for using VR’ (line 17)?
the fact that VR technology

11. Below is a summary of paragraphs 4 and 5. In FOUR of the lines, there is ONE mistake. If you find a mistake, underline
the mistake and replace the word with one that expresses the correct idea. Write the word in the space on the right. If there
is no mistake, put a ‘tick’ () in the space. The first one has been done for you. (4 marks)

Summary Correction

e.g. VR has not proved as popular as sellers predicted experts

i) but is finding a new use in skin treatments ‒

ii) treating entrepreneurs suffering from PTSD.

iii) The low cost of the special handsets needed for VR

iv) nowadays means they can be used in many settings.

12. According to paragraphs 6 and 7, how has the treatment for soldiers suffering from PTSD progressed from 100 years ago?
(2 marks)
i) Then:
ii) Now:

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13. Based on the information given in paragraphs 8 and 9, match the following triggers for Sergeant Johnson’s PTSD to the
trauma he suffered: (2 marks)
i) a small bang
ii) an area with lots of people

14. What is Albert Isaac’s tone in paragraph 10?

A. unimpressed
B. cautious
C. nervous A B C D
D. weary

15. Based on the information in the text, complete the following leaflet about using virtual reality to treat PTSD. Use ONE
word to fill in each blank. (6 marks)

Treating PTSD with Virtual Reality

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common mental health problem among veterans who have been
deeply affected by their (i) _____________________ in the field of combat. Virtual reality is a pioneering new
treatment that can help returning soldiers adjust to (ii) _____________________ life and better deal with the
(iii) _____________________ of their condition.

Initial studies have found the following advantages of using VR to treat PTSD:
‒ Effective in treating paranoia and (iv) _____________________
‒ Scenarios can be (v) _____________________ to individuals
‒ Therapists can coach patients on how to react to specific (vi) _____________________

16. Match the correct subheadings (A-E) to the paragraphs in Text 1. Write the correct letter in the spaces next to the paragraph
numbers. One of them has been done for you as an example. (4 marks)

Subheadings Paragraph No.(s) (A-E)

A. Customizable treatment 5-6 B
B. Advancing treatment 7-8
C. A more normal life 9-10
D. Who’s in control? 11
E. Virtual recreations 12

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17. How does the ‘extreme version of exposure therapy’ (lines 40-41) differ greatly from normal life?

18. According to paragraph 12, what is Dr. Stern’s opinion on allowing virtual reality therapy to go on sale to the general

19. Match the following statements to the people in the text who are most likely to say them. (3 marks)

I have doubts over With our app you can The VR treatment takes
whether interacting with a receive treatment at home me out of my comfort
machine will ever be as any time of day ‒ for a zone but I am slowly
effective as with a person. cheap price. seeing improvements.

i) ii) iii)

20. What does ‘out-and-out’ (line 54) mean?

A. costly
B. cheap
C. virtual A B C D
D. absolute

21. Based on the information given in paragraph 14, identify TWO responsibilities of mental health professionals. (2 marks)

22. According to paragraph 14, what is the writer’s attitude towards the use of VR in treating mental health problems? Support
your answer by quoting a phrase from the same paragraph. (2 marks)
i) Attitude:

ii) Quote:


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Read Text 2 and answer questions 23-52. (45 marks)

23. Why does the writer give the examples of ‘Racing heart, anger or tears’ (line 2)?
A. to show how they react to stress
B. to show common reactions to stressful situations
C. to show that we can choose how to react to stress A B C D
D. to show that these three reactions always happen together

24. According to paragraph 2, where does mindfulness originate from?

25. Based on the information given in paragraph 2, name one advantage of mindfulness that has contributed to its popularity.

26. Complete the sentence below using information given in paragraph 3. Use ONE word for each blank. (2 marks)

Mindfulness can be roughly defined as a mental (i) __________________ that focuses on the
(ii) __________________ by accepting one’s feelings.

27. What does ‘nail down’ (line 9) mean?

A. identify precisely
B. hold down
C. imagine
D. reject A B C D

28. What does the writer imply about ‘exclusive therapists or spiritual retreats in the woods’ (line 11)?
A. They are very effective.
B. They are not effective.
C. They are expensive.
D. They are cheap. A B C D

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29. Complete the following table about the apps mentioned in paragraph 5. (4 marks)

App Important feature Target users

i) ______________________________
Stop, Breathe & Think explaining what mindfulness is

ii) ______________________________ iii) people suffering from _____________

______________________________ ______________________________

iv) ______________________________
Insight Timer those who like a community feel

30. How does a ‘freemium’ (line 18) app work? Number (1-4) the following steps according to the order in which they take
place. Use ‘1’ for the first step.
The entire content becomes accessible. _____
A limited amount of content is available. _____
Users make a payment. _____
Users download the app. _____

31. What does ‘shone a light on’ (line 21) mean?

A. to have agreed
B. to have disagreed
C. to have explained A B C D
D. to have questioned

32. Based on the study mentioned in paragraph 6, name TWO things that were reduced in users of mindfulness apps.
(2 marks)

33. What is the advantage of mindfulness, according to Dr. Williams in paragraph 7?

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34. Based on the information given in paragraph 8, does the writer think the wellness movement is likely to slow down?
Support your answer by quoting a phrase from the same paragraph. (2 marks)
i) Answer:
ii) Quote:

35. Why do you think the writer mentions ‘activated charcoal smoothies’ and ‘baggy yoga pants’ (lines 27-28)?
A. to show he/she is a fan of those products
B. to show the prices of those products are going up
C. to show the wellness movement is widely popular A B C D
D. to show the prices of those products are going down

36. ‘Conservatively estimated’ (line 28) suggests that the value of the wellness movement is likely to be …
A. less than US$4 trillion.
B. exactly US$4 trillion.
C. impossible to work out. A B C D
D. more than US$4 trillion.

37. What does ‘monetize mindfulness’ (line 30) suggest about the purpose of some of the mindfulness apps?

38. According to paragraph 9, what worry does the writer have about the development of mindfulness apps?

39. i) What does ‘pseudo-scientific’ (line 34) mean? (1 mark)

A. not related to science
B. scientifically accurate
C. not based on true scientific research A B C D
D. newly discovered scientific evidence

ii) What is the problem with wellness apps that are pseudo-scientific? (1 mark)

40. According to paragraph 11, what is ironic about practising mindfulness?

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41. i) According to paragraph 12, why do people often give up before reaching their goals? (1 mark)

ii) What do academics call this phenomenon? (1 mark)

42. According to paragraph 12, what is Professor Matthews’s attitude towards mindfulness apps?
A. neutral
B. doubtful
C. supportive A B C D
D. condemning

43. Find words with similar meanings to the following words in paragraphs 12 and 13. (3 marks)
i) unimportant
ii) abundance
iii) unenthusiastically

44. According to paragraph 14, which aspect of mindfulness do the apps tend not to address properly?

45. According to paragraph 15, what attribute of mindfulness is its weakness?

46. According to paragraph 15, in what way should mindfulness apps be considered differently from other smartphone

47. What evidence does the writer give in paragraph 15 to show people could be more committed to practising mindfulness?

48. i) According to paragraph 15, what step should people take if they want to truly benefit from practising mindfulness?
(1 mark)

ii) What evidence does the writer give to support this argument? (1 mark)

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49. What is the tone of paragraph 16?
A. cautious
B. surprised
C. optimistic A B C D
D. humorous

50. Which of the following are factors that would help somebody benefit from mindfulness? Put a ‘tick’ () next to the
ones mentioned in the text.

□ dedicating a long period to practising mindfulness

□ choosing apps backed by scientific research
□ buying lots of different mindfulness products
□ developing their own techniques
□ attending lessons given by qualified instructors

51. Match the main ideas with the paragraphs by writing the letters (A-E) in the table below. (5 marks)

Main ideas
A. Some mindfulness products are not as good as they seem.
B. The real key to effective mindfulness is hard work.
C. People need to start with achievable goals and engage fully.
D. Mindfulness is effective in dealing with stress.
E. Mindfulness is part of a larger business trend.

Paragraph No(s). Main idea


52. Which of the following is the best alternative title for the text?
A. Mindfulness is science
B. The dark side of mindfulness
C. Put your mind to mindfulness A B C D
D. A spiritual advancement in technology
End of Paper

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