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Dear Kim, Geoff, and William,

Thank you very much for allowing me to spend 3 wonderful

months with you! It was so nice to be able to enjoy William’s
Christmas magical moments. As always, the delicious Christmas
Dinner… Wonderful Family time…..

I am grateful that I was able to make the trip! There were de nitely
challenges and look forward to when things become much more
manageable and safer for all of us.

Your home is so welcoming and organized, and it was a pleasure to

be able to help any way I can. You both do an amazing job
running the home, and raising my lovely grandson….He is such a
delight, and gentle soul. I am so pleased I had the opportunity to
bond with him, and I know we will always have something special
together. The visit created memories William will have of his
Grandma. Miss you already!

Thank you for the lovely Christmas gifts. The electric tooth
brush, runners for walking the beach, and the photos that will be
displayed in a special place in my home. Lime Tree tea towels! The
nice outings, swimming lessons, pastries with coffee on the patio,
SALT, boat ride, and expo….plus manicures, massages, and
dinners/breakfasts, and on and on.
Thank you Geoff, for looking after my teeth, and the whitening
gel. I checked and I had pink before also. Your clinic is amazing
and I am thrilled your new receptionist Is working out. It is hard
work running a clinic, and I am sure things will be easier once
running the way it is suppose to. Good Luck and wishing you a
wonderful year. Find Balance, and look after yourself!

I am now in Day 6 of my quarantine…so far so good. I check in on

the app every day at 7:00 am. They email a symptom form to ll
out… and today at 9:45 a.m. a health of cer arrived at my door.
He wanted my passport, DL, and wanted to know how I was
getting food, if anyone has been in my home and if I left the

I am sorting out mail, and plan on doing a huge spring clean. I

realize my cupboards need to be organized more like the Sharpe
Household… That should take a few days…ha ha…

I hope this note nds you well and enjoying a nice weekend after a
busy week. Hugs, to you….and a huge hug to my little meatloaf!!

Thank you again, for allowing me to be part of your family.

Love you,
Mom, Grandma

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