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Ward No.5, Lokmanya Tilak Nagar Chandauli (U.P.)

Subject- Community Pharmacy & Management Subject Code-ER20-22T
D.Pharm 2 Year
Pre Board Test Examination – 2023-24

Time: - 2.30 Hrs Total Marks: - 80

Answer any six questions. Each question carries equal marks. [6x5=30]
1) Define prescription and parts of prescription?
2) Define verbal communication skill and explain its various type?
3) What are the various barriers to effective counseling and its strategies to overcome these barriers?
4) Write down the factor affecting non adherence and strategies to overcome non adherence?
5) Define community pharmacy and professional responsibility of community pharmacists?
6 )Explain inventory control and different method used for inventory control ?
7) Write a short note on SOPs?

Answer any ten questions. Each question carries equal marks. [10 x 3 = 30]
1) Write a short note on GPP?
2) Define communication skill and explain its various type?
3) Write short note on: ancillary label, pictogram, main label?
4) Explain patient information leaflets?
5) Write patient counseling points on: COPD, Diabetes?
6) Legal requirement to set community pharmacy?
7) What are day book and cash book?
8) What are vendor selection and ordering?
9) Define community pharmacy and its professional responsibility?
10) Define health screening services and write its various importances?
11) Write a short note prescription handling?
One Liner Questions/Fill-in the blanks. Answer all questions. Each question carries equal marks [20x1 = 20]
1) Write down the example of OTC medication?
2) Define Patient Counseling?
3) Define Medication adherence?
4) Name the accountancy book in Community Pharmacy?
5) Write the Full form of CRM?
6) Community pharmacy is also known as………..?
7) FIP stands for ------?
8) SOP and GPP are the abbreviation used for………?
9) Define CPM?
10) Minimum qualification is required to start community pharmacy………..?
11) Full form of BMI?
12) Minimum area required for medical store?
13) Names some Pharmacy operation software?
14) Define telephonic communication?
15) Write dispensing error?
16) GDP stands for?
17) Define body Language?
18) OTC stands for?
19) Define Cashbook?
20) Define Inventory Management?

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