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Ward No.5, Lokmanya Tilak Nagar Chandauli (U.P.)

Subject- Pharmacotherapeutics Subject Code-ER20-24T
D.Pharm 2nd Year
Pre Board Test Examination – 2023-24

Time: - 2.30 Hrs Total Marks: - 80

Answer any six questions. Each question carries equal marks. [6x5=30]
1. What is the role of hospital pharmacist in patient care and how do they contributes to health care team.
2. Compare and contrast decentrailized and centrailized drug distribution systems in hospital including their advantages
n disadvantages.
3. What are the essential components of an effective inventory management in hospital pharmacy and how does it impact
patient care.
4. What is the role of hospital pharmacist in infection control and how do they ensure proper handiling and prepration of
sterile products.
5. Describe the role of clinical pharmacist in medication management ,including their responsbilitiesand activities.
6. What strategies do hospital pharmacist use to reduce medicationerrors and how do they pramotemedication safty.
7. What is the role of poison control center in guiding treatment for poisonig and how the hospital pharmacistutilize this
resource to ensuere optimal patient outcomes.

Answer any ten questions. Each question carries equal marks. [10 x 3 = 30]
1) Write short note on (a) Tuberculosis (b) UTI
2) Write the difference between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
3) Write the etiopathogenesis and non-pharmacological management of HIV.
4) Define and write the clinical manifestation of angina.
5) Define and write the clinical manifestation of pneumonia.
6) Write short note on rheumatoid arthritis.
7) Write short note on psoriasis.
8) What are the purposes of the National list of essential medicine.
9) Explain standard treatment guidelines
10) Write short note on stroke.
11) Write short note on epilepsy.
One Liner Questions / Fill-in the blanks. Answer all questions. Each question carries equal marks.
[20x1 = 20]
1) What is the definition of hypertension?
(a) Abnormal low blood pressure (b) abnormal high blood pressure (c) abnormal heart rhythm (d) abnormal heart valve
2) What is the etio pathogenesis of angina and myocardial Infarct.
(a) excessive cholesterol intake (b) inadequate blood supply to the heart muscles (c) Excessive physical activity (d) genetic
3) What is the etio pathogenesis of copd
(a) exposure to environmental pollution (b) viral infection (c) genetic predisposition (d) all of the above.
4) What are the clinical manifestation of asthma
(a) chest tighteness and cough (b) wheezing and shortness of breath (c) fever and chills (d) no specific symptoms.
5) What is non pharmacological management of CHF
(a) regular exercise (b) quit smoking (c) low salt intake (d) all of the above.
6) What is the non pharmacological management of diabetes
(a) regular exercise (b) weight loss (c) low sugar diet (d) all of the above.
7) What is the definition of epilepsy
(a) neuro degenerative disorder (b) chronic pain syndrome (c) recurrent seizures (d) progressive muscle weakness.
8) What is the clinical manifestation of peptic ulcer disease
(a) abdominal pain and discomfort (b) chest pain (c) shortness of breath (d) edema.
9) Ehat is the clinical manifestation of stroke
(a) sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body (b) chest pain (c) shortness of breath (d)edema.
10).......... affects the air sac in the lungs as well as the walls between them they become damaged and are less elastic
(a) chronic bronchitis (b) emphysema (c)asthma
11) Too much release of thyroid hormone in the body causes
(a) hypothyroidism (b) hyperthyroidism (c) goiter (d) none of the above
12) The hormone that is secreted by the Alpha cells of the pancreas that raises blood glucose when levels are low is
(a) glucagon (b) insulin (c) epinephrine (d) cortisol
13) Which amongst the following is a treatment of peptic ulcer disease
(a) Proton pump inhibitors (b) prostaglandin analogue (c) anticholinergics (d) all of the above
14) Helicobactor pyroli is a causative agent of which disease
(a) inflammatory bowel disease (b) alcoholic liver disease (c) peptic ulcer disease (d) GERD
15)........ is a digestive disorder that affects the ring of muscles that is lower oesophagen sphincters
between the oesophagus and your stomach
(a) Inflammatory bowel disease (b) alcoholic liver disease (c) peptic ulcer disease (d) GERD
16) Anaemia is of particular concern in
(a) young children (b) pregnant women (c) older individuals (d) all of the above
17)DOTS is a pharmacological treatment of which disease
(a) pneumonia (b) malaria (c) tuberculosis (d) syphilis
18) Which amongst the following is not a malarial parasite
(a) P. falciparum (b) P. vivax (c) P. ovale (d) P. nesseria.
19)Write full form of COPD.
20)Define clinica etiopathogenesis.

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