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● improve the safety of the event to address health concerns of concertgoers and

assure the secure and smooth use of credit cards during the festival.

45 For the 2023 festival season, Anders approved the following measures:
● only using electric vehicles to transport personnel, equipment, and supplies
● banning plastics in all packaging and using bamboo plates and cutlery
● hiring a circular water company to ensure efficient water management and waste
water treatment to protect farmland reservoirs from pollution.

50 In addition, BON will set up medical booths with free emergency services including
ambulance transport and voluntary COVID testing. The festivals will start accepting cash and
digital wallets as payment options to reduce difficulties with credit card use. BON will also
donate 5% of all ticket sales to support various climate-related projects.

BON announced these initiatives in April 2023, declaring that it is now setting the standard
55 for sustainable festivals. The backlash was swift. Environmental activists called this
greenwashing. EcoWatch pointed out that the measures were not enough to make
significant reductions in their carbon footprint as BON still relies on diesel generators to
power the festival, including the concerts, campsite, and all the drinks and food booths.

Moreover, the company is not addressing the carbon emissions from audience travel to these
60 festivals. According to a recent study by the University of Norway, this is the industry’s
biggest climate problem. Professor Lars Anderson says, “Concertgoers from around the
world attend these festivals and their collective carbon emission from travel is huge.” He
added that BON should calculate its carbon footprint and be transparent with the data.

65 BON called the accusation of greenwashing unfair. In a statement released to the media,
Anders stated, “We are sincere in our efforts to be more sustainable. While we cannot offset
the carbon emissions from audience travel, we promise to do more to be climate-neutral by

He immediately hired a consultancy firm to monitor and collect the festival’s carbon
70 footprint. He also asked his management team to come up with a viable alternative to
replace their diesel generators.

The production manager suggested using solar power. This will require an investment of $10
million in portable solar panels and solar-powered generators. However, there will be savings
75 on fuel costs, eliminate noise pollution from diesel generators, reduce carbon footprint, and
will enhance BON’s brand image. The marketing manager is in favor of this proposal but the
finance manager is concerned about the current interest rate and is studying all options to
fund the investment.

In the meantime, Anders is considering two growth options:

80 a) selling its own line of festival T-shirts made from organic cotton and non-toxic dyes
b) enter the China market where the booming youth population is driving the music
festival industry to double-digit growth.

Companies, products, or individuals named in this case study are fictitious and any similarities
with actual entities are purely coincidental.

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