Revati Kalpa (Puspagni Ref Pcod)

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Yadterearera: CHAPTER (SIX?) ON SACRED PRECEPTS OF REVATI Surat tattered carrera: 11811 Thus now (1) shall expound the sacred precepts of revati. sft & Be STAY HVAT: (1211 2, As propounded by lord Kasyapa. ‘qhe story about birth of jataharini ( verses 3-7) gorated Gg & Se wae ade! a aretartsgae| act aateretis ger AHS Mea ayavarateetiss aaecctisr | srt a rarafetert, aa: YeaTaT, egg arafertrerferae, Pista, aera afer rerrerdtfer| a sitet: qqerdrerra— : ST Sitch get rege werd sifira siteefieferear get area | aA TST 3 genafeeitate rennet ceremdig, Teg a A Cs eae! sett onfora oitereliat | wemreete: eater WoT: teil fa aRnUad, a corafaeguent apt arch reerq! aa: a aT: afer reer it Rigs sie HAA: ooTafeta yUndig: | A weisyAHTERt, ASAT 1 ea), Bera ae, BC) OE recog 1 eeareg ot Os FF : : 3, Initially, definitely. only Prajépati alone Wa all in all be reste ail created Fata (time), then devas: ASU ‘pers, hurnan beings, seven HT and wid animals, drugs and plants. Definitely, he the Prajapatt dee f t pun a wi Born, that hunger entered he ny ati himself, he felt aversion <1 uta to do any thing, that-ls why hungry is aversed OF disinclined to do 2n thing, He looked (towards) the drags for counteracting the hunger. He took the He by burning (digesting? the drugs became free from hunger. That-is-why the Trang beings after ingesting drugs, Beco Tree from hunger and indulge in work 4, Ashe, the Prajépatl first of all took the essence of these (drugs), that-is-why pe became satisfied. The living beings eat the Juice of drugs whose essence has le become hungry daily hat-is-why the peoP’ ir (of drugs) essence, He, (time); then, he, the hung the satiated Pra y kala (time) st een taken out t 5. Definitely Prajapati ate ‘the implanted that hunger in Kala eating devas and asuras (devils). 6. Those gods and devils being eate! © pralapail himsel. He preached nectar to both (gods (the sea) for the nectar and obtained it. Who will eat it first? Th ate it. That-is-why the gods became undecaying or ever young and ‘These gods defeated hunger and kala (time) (both) by nectar He Ti terre), took away these bhitas from him (Prajapati, then devils ata" 0% the gods, Both these indulged in war with each other. Now, she the daughter ff deviisnamed dirghajihvi, decreased (destroyed) the army of gods. Tt nose god ee dirghajihv is destroying our strength, contro! her. He said yo ah n by kala (time) reached to the shelter devils). They churned ly gods nort (the defeated) bate 228 iiliered ‘Om’; He said, | am one with vasus, one with ae ‘he gods pronounced ‘Om’; He becarne the samt {, dhara, agni, matariSva, prabhasa, pratylisa and aha’ were seve? ay KALPA-STHANAM, 353 amongst those (he) became the 8th named dhruva, that it definitely becomes jn the world, the one who knows it. Initially aja, ekapada, ahirbrdhna, hara, nara, bahuripa, tryambaka, visvarupa, sthanu, and iva rudra were ten s, amongst these the guha became the eleventh narned Sankara that his (welfare) will be similar in all the worlds (the one who knows it). Initially indra, , pasa, aryama, mitra, varuna, dhata, vivasvana, améa, bhaskara, twasta vyisnu these were twelve adityas; amongst these the guha became thirteenth ed ahaspati, that-is-why his is the extra thirteenth month (of the year), (he) heated and becomes free from all the pains, the one who knowsiit. That-is-why ‘all the worlds, in all the verses, in all the gods, skanda is said to be the king commander. All the works should be started saying him ‘namo, nama, (his all the works) becomes successful the one who knows it. 7. Nowhe sent only revati for dirghajihvi, She (revati) impersonating she-jackal tarted killing the army of devils. Now, first of all (she) ate only dirghajihvi. After beings and non human-beings assuming various shapes. Now revati saw these Is in featuses of human-beings and non human-beings, then (she) killed them oming jataharini. That-is-why jataharini destroys the menstruation, destroys body-mass, destroys the fetuses, destroys the born (children), destroys the ing born or to-be-born (children), specially (she) kills those who are children ‘devils and non-religious persons, and those seized with non-religiousness. dha-Jivaka! in this way, she, the revati assuming so many shapes is called arint and pilipicchika, is also said raudri and is also said varuni. She, by ission of great skanda, who-so-ever are non religious in all the castes, ‘them stupid and is for destruction of untruthfuls / bad ones. Vrddha Jivaka! iely her etiology, arrival (mode of seizure), prodromal features, eradication ent will be preached by me. How, with its contact besides devils and ls even sages are killed ? After contact the jataharini is seen by devine religious and virtuous act is said as its method of eradication. srarerot fergitor wer at areerfeott| vate quent TaATAT FIAT HIFol errant arena rag treet at are seers: zeit ewfrarffeendea eat ASIA! aT A qa fecoaearrareary 122! agentes (enferht) sareerieoft | were afer yaeaTeTegy a NF3I! hagt afer & sireraafen arenreerfeott ie. $11 definitely the woman who has left religion, auspicious ceremonies, Sworship of god, is zealous of gods, cows, brahmanas, teachers, aged - persons; is dissolute, egoistic, fic! es enmity, strife, meat KALPA-STHANAI 455 een, seeping wd ex phew: eroous, fs Beare and fearless, all of sudden laughs, all sudden becomes sad and speaks lies; \s sald Wo be voracious ‘who hes given up beneficial diet end preaching; does Klls (he child) born from others, is selfish, delays the works her husband, does not love son, takes thelr oath daily; insults sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and preceptor and other important there; angrily burns (cauterizes/hits) and curses ther; (she the) d looks co-wife with evil eyes, treats her with hymns, vitiates ‘other bad deeds; hits the child over the head, and does pleasure and pains, keeps malice to friends; always speaks ; does not perform pacification, oblation in sacred fire, prayers, charities, sacrifices, benediction, spitting, kissing or embra- ‘Own persons inspite of availability of proper place; to her afflicts nl through the pores created due to above mentioned unrighteous ‘other inauspicious deeds, (effect of deeds) of previous life, use ‘eating, sleeping and exercise, Now (if) her husband also becomes practice; to them the jataharinI becomes incurable. Now if only one couple becomes unrighteous, it becomes difficult to cure. In righteou- “honesty, freedom from pride and disease of both the partners, progeny ‘When woman during her first pregnancy maintains close contact with ost her child or others being impure, inauspicious, unchaste, th non-human (evils) or Jataharin!, eats with her, bathes with her, gives hes and ornaments; attacks their places of bathings, urination and attacks thelr (cut) hair of scalp and body, (cut) nails, unguents, and other cuttings ‘soaked with menstrual blood; uses their left-over ‘drink, left-over medicines, left-over perfumes, left-over flowers, Jhtahbrint siezes. When a wornan inher first pregnancy has beautiful ss corpulent hips, breasts, thighs, arms and face; possesses has beautiful hair, big eyes with redness in corners, increasing romaraji y unctuous or glistening palm, foot, nail, vision (eyes) and skin; is withstand pain and can not work hard; whose fetus is progressing “effect of time, body is developing properly, the milk is being formed then the wicked person see her with evil eyes; if pacificative measures for her, then to her jataharini seizes, due to this very reason Skat yet, steit meres a stat Sf Gree tee eg) ml ce et sminetfvdt wafer | sreit org:-ariaai(ar) ferafraremydiat 2 - a aaa sreetoerssfaet yewftger: ef: wequfies, afar ey Lad Hache, deqate, dyctstrratnts, sat weyghinicretrg pees ual See at vicar Seeerftoat wafer) anit ong:-miat feragprttnatiing| a ae raarie: | This very method is She-donkey, she-mares she-mule, she-camel, she-hoy jagoliks (a snake like Guadruped creature), she-iguang fety of scorpion) and she-dear etc, (quadruped jataharinn) the woman who Kills oF makes others to kill, a she-snake T not in the house, to her snake jataharini seizes, it ig (snake). It is said that she should be snakes family oF aunthill amidst hundred aunt-hilis ovides her progeny with its own share ‘ever happens (seizes), the one who due to venum. The one creeping in Said that her progeny dies di bedewed either in-between 5 ‘This only is expiation. She (the snake) pe or destiny. To her she-snake jataharini n Sees not kill snakes, her progeny als does not die who knows it. Now VrddhaJivaka! the one (woman) who kills fish, makara (a sea monster + dolphin), timingala (a variety sometimes confounded with crocodile, shark © ofbig fish), crocodile, (insect of) Conch-shellor slugand oyster etc. aquatic animals, fhen due to this unrighteous act, angered revati kills her progeny. This (revati) pecoming (assuming the shape of) fish, crocodile, oyster or conch-shell titilates in dreams and then kills her definitely, her progeny dies in the water (drowning) ‘or due to hydrophobia or one OF the other disorders (related to water). It is said: that it should be refuted by bathing during rohini constellation, this only tr fts explation. The one who does not kill the fish, to her fish jataharini does not seizes, the one who knows it Now Veddhevivaka! the woman who destroys the held or unheld plants, from fem god vanaspati gets annoyed. Agni named vaiswanara, soma named pitt adie rammed sive, ap named varuna, Dhami named nirti, gau named viyat and gau named Sloka, deva named pavamana, Aditya named piisa, digas named jeéstha, Indra named varuna and vayu named prana, these are twelve gods of flora, (All) these (twelve gods of vanaspati) kill those who destruct the flora Ik is sald that those gods situated amidst the vegetation should be worshiped Wwith sthallpaka (@ dish of barley or rice boiled in milk used as an oblation) ‘The agni with ghrta, the soma with syamaka (barnyard-millet), the Siva with payasa (rice boiled with milk and sweetened), the ap with curd, the bhami with oe a Pe ul Pe gaui or agni with grama-dhipa (fumigation materi lages), the pavamana with meat, the piisa with cereals, the 1 This reference isin context of quadry als, the word ‘gopa' used in text refers to cow-herd mar jped animals, the word ‘gopa’ rent ee Intextrefersto cow-herd/man vir KALPA-STHANAM 369 wine and indra with food for oblation (should be worshiped). Now with on ise vanaspati gives progeny, the one who does not destroy vegetation yo her Creal gods jataharinis do not happen (seize), the one who knows it iction by jataharini ( verses 70-71) aoe gee FOIFEAT LA CTT | CATS TTTAHST TATA: deol gets TOE A TAT FT: (ttre erat ar fiesta gers ga the! re are verses gol Due to extreme unrighteousness, the revati gets the pores (the passage dnuy in the body), reaching these pores, getting extremely angered and ~ earlier described or other very terrific shapes, kills her progeny or (the a and) woman together (mother and child both together) or both these , separately. features of child seized with jataharini ( verses72-79) arene Ferett eanfer & ayoy) et act g as ager Noell Br savers wetter: | feritftrarct Aawed get at orogdtaa ileal! dead arqyite: sete) qe qaeHet Sad: oTUgHTAe |lvll Affe qet drone at aeig: | gat ares atte vfidteaie a aUTT 94! a ye: fear waee 7 geste gwranet ert 7 aferraf iietll Fer yrafene rg: ferergergat rete wafefeosil drerarcitia areory| ateftent sae AAT a ert cA TA llc! Bast a quits a) aisaed: get art creates Wes! from me, the features of child seized with jataharini, their feature and that is the child cries loudly with fear. Initially (then the child becomes seized and suffers from) fever hot appearance in head, severe discolouration or pink ‘diarrhoea, hoarseness of voice, dryness of palate, horripila ‘on face/oral cavity, erysipelas, anemia and jaundice; (the cries severely, hits or suffers from pain repeatedly, , sneezes and becomes cold in a moment, staying a moment becomes conscious, does not get nurtition derive pleasure in breast (does not like breast-fee- agitated looking the people never seen before and ‘the words of cats, mongooses or rats. Even with gets excessively frightened during sleep and does

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