Sample Essays

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Variant 1. Major cities in the world are growing fast, as well as their problems. What are the
problems that young people living in those cities are facing? Suggest some measures that could be
taken to deal with these problems.
Instruction: This specific type of prompt can be challenging to write as it specifically requires the
specification of characteristics of a group of individuals – in this case, young people – which can then be
matched with a certain set of external conditions – in this case, cities. Failures to address both of them can
lead to a Task Response of under 6.0. Further deductions must be taken into account and 6.0 is only the
maximum score achieavable under the mentioned problems. In short, you must think of what problems that
young people are exceptionally susceptible to encounter when living in cities.
Sample essay: The exorbitant rate of urbanization has led to an unprecedented expansion of cities’
size around the world, and inevitably, more problems for their dwellers. Among these individuals, young
people’s susceptibility to these arising issues is exceptionally high given their lack of real-life experiences.
However, the collaboration between governments and the collective action of each person could be the silver
bullet against a majority of these problems.
It is evident that the enlargement of metropolises could have devastating impacts on young people’s
mental well-being. One of the primary reasons behind this relentless expansion of cities is the migration of
people, incentivized by the promise of better job and educational opportunities. This trend has made it
extremely competitive to live in urban areas as every single chance to become successful would always be
inclusive of immense effort and time commitment, which can drain anyone’s mental resilience. As young
people often lack insight into their own mental health, their coping mechanisms may be insufficient to handle
escalating stress levels, potentially leading to mental illnesses.
As devastating as the issue may sound, there is still light at the end of the tunnel if the government
and each person can be cooperative in addressing it. The government, with its broad power in terms of
finance and legislation, should discourage living in urban areas. This can be achieved by promoting universal
access to job and learning opportunities and investing more effort into modernizing non-urban areas without
urbanizing them. This approach could help young people avoid a stressful environment, thereby preventing
them from the aforementioned consequence. Moreover, each young individual who is already determined to
become a city dweller should be aware of the challenging aspects of their preferred place of living. They
should strive to develop coping strategies or resilience techniques to manage stress. With proper preparation,
hardships can still arise, but they may be overcome and eventually provide young people with invaluable life
In conclusion, although the potential drawbacks of settling in cities are clearly present for younger
people, the government can still take preventative measures to avoid overcrowding cities. Simultaneously,
each young person can become more situationally aware of cities’ intense competitiveness to overcome their
problems without compromising their mental well-being.

The document is an intellectual property of The Forum Education Vietnam.


Variant 2. Some people believe that success in sports depends on physical ability while others
believe that there are more important factors. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
Instruction: In response to the prompt that requires discussing both views, writers should adopt a
balanced approach to the specific situation or belief. This particular prompt debates the value of physical
superiority against other "important factors" in determining success in sports. Consequently, the essay must
first address the potential advantages conferred by a high level of physicality that could contribute to success
in sports. Subsequently, the essay should analyze the contributing factors to success in sports that cannot be
achieved through sheer physical strength alone, thereby emphasizing the need to consider other factors.
Additionally, writers should not forget to clearly present their own opinion on the matter.
Sample essay: Some individuals are of the opinion that physical superiority is a critical factor in the
formation of a successful athlete. Others, nevertheless, promote the idea that success in sports is determined
by other aspects that have an even higher level of importance. Although both schools of thought hold merit,
my personal perspective expresses an alignment with both of them in the sense that a combination of factors
is what makes a sportsperson successful.
It is undeniable that physical ability is a foundational component in sports training, and lacking it
could put any individual in a disadvantageous position to become successful. Regardless of their form, sports
are ultimately competitions to determine who is physically superior. Based on this purpose, the training for
sports generally follows the strategy of building physical advancement and shaping it into specific fields based
on the unique requirement of each sport. Without physical ability, further specialized training could not be
accomplished, leading to a significant reduction in chances of success in sports.
Nevertheless, the value of intellectual capabilities and mental strength can never be overlooked,
especially when it comes to elite players and their successes. As sports science has been refined and developed
exponentially, the understanding of how to build a person’s physical strength has become more achievable
through meticulous nutrition calculation and careful planning of training regimens. As a result, top athletes in
a majority of fields can have their desired physique achieved, making physical superiority no longer a massive
competitive edge. This is where the ability to adapt to situations and devise intelligent strategies becomes
important. Also, in endurance sports, such as tennis, mental strength becomes crucial as a match approaches
its final stages. Mental fragility can make the physically strongest person incapable of handling simple
situations, and the one who does not succumb to that type of pressure would emerge as the winner.
In conclusion, although there are controversial opinions on determining which qualities should be
the most important in making a person an accomplished sports player, I think it is the combination of
physical and intellectual abilities. While the body must be built in a way that can handle strenuous situations,
the mind must be highly adaptive to know how to utilize its bodily asset.

The document is an intellectual property of The Forum Education Vietnam.

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