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States Patent (19 (11)
Mar. 13, 1979
(75) Inventor: Myron Koenig, Mamaroneck, N.Y. 3,125,453 3/1964 Simonds ................................. 106/10
(73) Assignee: M. Argueso Co., Inc., 3,854,962 12/1974 Speyer ................................. 106/38.7
Mamaroneck, N.Y. Primary Examiner-Lorenzo B. Hayes
(21) Appl. No.: 783,207 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Parmelee, Johnson, Bollinger
& Bramblett
22 Filed: Mar. 31, 1977
Related U.S. Application Data Investment casting wax compositions having improved
63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 653,359, Jan. 29, 1976, properties and characteristics and improved usefulness
abandoned, which is a continuation of Ser. No. in investment casting processes comprises base wax
533,633, Dec. 17, 1974, abandoned. compositions having incorporated therein hexamethy
(51) Int. C.’................................................ B28B7/34 lenetetramine, HMTA, as a filler in an amount of from
(52) U.S. C. ................................... 106/38.8; 106/230; about 5 to 60% by weight based on the weight of the
106/272; 260/28.5 R final composition.
(58) Field of Search ................... 106/38.8, 38.25, 38.7,
106/38.6, 268,272,230; 260/28.5 R 9 Claims, No Drawings
4,144,075 2
with repeated injections, large ambient temperature
WAX COMPOST ON FOR INVESTMENT variations and the like, all further combine to produce a
CASTING AND CASTING METHOD considerable loss of precision in the mass reproduction
RELATED APPLICATIONS of pattern dimensions.
5 This problem in investment casting caused by distor
This application is a continuation-in-part of copend tion of the patterns due to shrinkage has long troubled
ing application Ser. No. 653,359, filed Jan. 29, 1976 the art. Solution of this problem has been attempted by
which is a continuation of Ser. No. 533,633, filed Dec. inclusion of various filler materials in the investment
17, 1974, both now abandoned. casting wax composition. While this feature has met
10 with some degree of success, it has also introduced
some new problems as well as leaving other problems
This invention relates to wax compositions for invest unsolved.
ment casting and to the use of such compositions for For one thing, the wax composition must be safe to
investment casting. More particularly, this invention handle as a solid and must be capable of convenient
relates to a filler for wax compositions for investment 15 melting or burning out of a mold. It is also essential that
casting. the wax composition have a low ash content; that is,
DESCRIPTION OF THE PRIOR ART about 0.03% or less. It is also necessary that such wax
compositions be of sufficient strength and be hard
Since very ancient times, going back at least to the enough at room temperature, so that the patterns be
Shang Dynasty in China, the so-called "lost-wax' pro 20 self-supporting and can be handled without damage.
cess has been employed for the manufacture of castings. Among the various materials that have been sug
Essentially, this process comprises forming a pattern of gested as useful fillers for such investment casting wax
wax or blends of various suitable waxes and resins. This compositions but which have not met all the desirable
finished pattern is then invested with a suitable medium, physical properties for pattern making or have resulted
such as a ceramic or refractory slurry, which is then 25 in new problems there may be mentioned the following
solidified and becomes a mold around the wax pattern. filler materials:
The pattern material or more commonly the wax is then 1. Carbon black has been used on occasion but be
removed from the mold by melting it and/or by burn cause
ing, and a molten metal is poured into the now empty cult toofhandle. its fine particle size it has been extremely diffi
mold to produce the finished part. Further description 30
of investment casting are found in U.S. Pat. Nos. Pat.2. No. Polystyrene beads can be used as suggested by U.S.
3,465,808; however, during autoclave removal
3,263,286 and 3,667,979, as well as in the Investment of the wax,
Casting Handbook of the Investment Casting Institute, residue thatthe wax melts outfirst leaving a polystyrene
tends to tear the ceramic mold wall.
Such a process has many obvious advantages for ous dicarboxamidesinbeU.S.
35 3. It is suggested Pat. No. 3,316,705 that vari
making parts, especially intricate parts, which cannot be such fillers partially dissolve in theasbase
employed fillers. However,
wax diminish
made, for example, by machining. However, the prop ing its desired function of decreasing shrinkage, and the
erties of the casting waxes are extremely important for wax composition becomes inconsistentin properties and
the production of such parts in modern day usage of this composition. Additionally, because of their high melt
A summary of some of the requisite physical proper ing points and viscosities, only small batches of the wax
compositions can be prepared at a time.
ties of such pattern materials is found in the British 4. Another group of suggested filler materials are
publication entitled "PATTERN MATERIALS AND phthalic acid compounds
THEIR USE IN INVESTMENT CASTING” of the 3,655,414. Such acidic fillerssuggested affect
in U.S. Pat. No.
ceramic molds, and
Pattern-Making Committee of the B. I. C. T. A. 45
One of the major drawbacks in the use of investment they tend togum up the moltenwaxathigh temperatures.
5. Imides of polycarboxylic acids are disclosed in U.S.
casting wax compositions is that conventionally the
wax must be injected at temperatures somewhat above ent Pat. No. 3,717,485. The major drawback to their pres
room temperature, i.e., 105 F. to 190 F. Waxes are 50 6.use is the current higher costs of these imides.
More recently, pentaerythritol and related com
non-Newtonian fluids so that when injected under pres pounds
sure, they are subjected to shearing forces causing them such as,have been suggested as suitable filler materials,
for example U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,801,355; 3,854,962
to become somewhat more fluid. It is not necessary to and 3,884,708. However, when the autoclave method is
heat waxes until they are completely liquid in order to
completely fill the interstices of a die; nevertheless, they used to dewax a nold, these fillers tend to cake on the
must be heated to some extent. Thus, when injected into 55 mold wall and then coke up in the burn-out oven. An
a complicated die, thin wax sections cool relatively extremely long period of time for burn out is then re
quickly, reproducing that particular section with a high quired to oxidize the coke.
degree of dimensional accuracy, but the wax in heavier years 7. Decachlorinated biphenyl has been used in past
sections will shrink considerably more. Additionally, as a filler material; however, it is a PCB com
because of these different rates of cooling and shrink Environmental and as such has been banned from all use by the
age, considerable strain can be imposed on the wax Protection Agency.
pattern, and when removed from the die, the pattern It has been a recent problem in the use of most of the
may readily distort in order to relieve the strain. above fillers in waxes, that during autoclave dewaxing
To a limited extent, such dimensional problems can of ceramic shells, there is an excessive breakage of these
be compensated for by retooling of the master die. Such 65 ceramic shells, such that they become unsuitable for use
retooling is a complicated procedure at best, and in as molds for receiving molten metal. This recent occur
addition, such a tailoring of a die is costly and is not rence of excessive shell mold breakage is not yet fully
completely reliable. Moreover, heating up of the die understood by the industry.
3 4.
It is apparent that a need still remains for an accept containing investment casting wax compositions can be
able filler wax composition which has all the desirable used quite well in such shell processes.
physical properties for investment casting and does not Because HMTA has a much lower melting point than
possess the disadvantages of the other types of fillers isophthalic acid and deca chlorinated biphenyl, and
presently in use. . . starts to sublime before melting, autoclave dewaxing
An object of the present invention is to overcome the will be much more effective in removing the wax, and
difficulties of the wax composition as presently in use unlike pentaerythritols, HMTA does not exhibit the
and as described hereinbefore. caking that results in steam autoclave removal of that
Another object of this invention is to provide an particular pattern wax product.
investment casting wax which due to the inert filler 10 The flammability of HMTA is particularly advanta
present hardens considerably faster than non-filled in geous. It not only burns with a smokeless flame but it is
vestment casting wax and subsequently becomes stron a solid fuel and combusts completely. It is not an eco
ger due to its filler content. logical pollutant as is deca chlorinated biphenyl, which
Additionally, another further object of this invention remains substantially unchanged at high temperatures.
is to provide an investment casting wax that overcomes 15 Since HMTA is readily flammable, it is considerably
the dimensional problem of excessive shrinkage by the easier to burn out both in the flash dewaxing process as
use of a filler material that has a desirable melting point, well as in the autoclave firing process than any of the
is not soluble in molten wax, is of essentially harmless known fillers which leave residues, tear the mold sur
flammability or combustibility, economical, of low tox faces, cake, or char. The use of this filler overcomes the
icity, and low ash content. traditional problems of wax-resin blends, which by their
A still further object of this invention is to provide very nature harden slowly and once hardened, tend to
such an investment casting composition than can be lack the needed strength in the necessary subsequent
used with any of the known dewaxing processes with handling.
out resulting in any of the problems that have devel HMTA filled investment casting wax compositions
oped with the use of previously used filler materials. 25 enjoy low shrinkage characteristics with the result that
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION the dimensions of the refractory molds more closely
correspond to those of the final metal castings.
These and other objects of the invention are accom An additional advantage of the use of HMTA is the
plished by employing hexanethylenetetrainine, also lack of solubility, even over a week's period, in the
known as HMTA and methenamine, as a filler for in other components of the wax composition and thus does
vestment casting compositions. The HMTA is en not result in a change of the other components.
ployed in an amount of from about 5 to about 60% by Also with the use of HMTA as a filler there is no
weight, more generally from about 15 to 55% by agglomeration of the filler at the normal temperatures
weight, and most preferably in an amount of from about of use. Similarly, such HMTA containing compositions
20 to 45% by weight based on the total weight of the 35 do not present any significant problems with slurries or
final wax composition. adversely affect the pH of the slurries.
The HMTA employed in the composition of this In accordance with this invention, HMTA in an
invention is of a particle size such that generally about amount of from about 5 to about 60% by weight is
95% by weight will pass through a 100 mesh screen and incorporated into a base wax composition suitable for
at least 90% by weight will be retained on a 170 mesh use in investment casting and particularly for use as a
screen. (U.S. Standard Sieve series.) pattern wax,
The wax composition of the present invention thus
contains HMTA in any suitable base wax composition.
The wax generally constitutes from about 40 to 95% by
HMTA has a relatively low specific gravity of 1.27 45 weight, more generally from about 45 to 85%, and most
gm/cc compared to previously used fillers and, there preferably from about 55 to 80% by weight of the final
fore, stays in suspension better, resulting in a more uni composition.
form product which does not clog the injection ma Suitable base wax compositions can include petro
chine pumps. Heretofore, in attempting to overcome leun waxes, natural vegetable or mineral waxes, syn
this problem, the fillers were ground finer. However, 50 thetic waxes and various resinous materials derived
this resulted in a greatly increased surface area, so that from the refining of petroleum and wood resins, ter
the filler content had to be reduced to achieve an equiv pene-type resins or mixtures of these materials or any of
alent fluidity and workability. Among the advantages of those waxes disclosed in the prior art patents mentioned
HMTA is that it is less likely to settle out of suspension previously. The base wax compositions can thus contain
when the wax is molten. Also, due to its comparative 55 one or more hydrocarbon materials or other organic
low specific gravity when compared to most other filler materials having for instance, oxygen-containing
materials, a wax filled with HMTA will yield more groups, as in the case of stearic acid or abietic acid, or
patterns per pound than the same wax filled with the nitrogen-containing groups such as in the case of an
same weight percent of most other fillers. ides. The base wax compositions usually melt attemper
Another important and unexpected result from the atures in the range of about 120 to about 180 F.
use of HMTA as a filler for investment casting waxes is A suitable base wax consists essentially of 0 to 15%
the fact that although HMTA is water soluble, to the vegetable wax, 20 to 60% of petroleum wax consisting
extent of 67 grams per 100 ml water, and whereas previ of mixtures of paraffin waxes having a melting point of
ously it was thought that only fillers with little or no from 120 to 160 F. and microcyrstalline waxes having
water solubility could be employed since some of the 65 a melting point of from 135 F. to 195° F., 1 to 12% of
patterns come in contact with water during subsequent synthetic waxes such as Fisher-Tropsch waxes, polyeth
handling and processing especially in the investment ylene, ethylene vinyl acetate, or amides, and about 13 to
shell process, it was unexpectedly found that HMTA 70% of various resins, such as chlorinated aromatic
4,144,075 6
hydrocarbon resins, such as Aroclor 5460, or resins EXAMPLE III
derived from the refining of petroleum or of wood
products, particularly those known as polyterpene res weight percent Polyterpene resin 115" C. (ASTM/E28)
ins, such as Nirez. "Aroclor" is the trademark of Mon 35
santo for its brand of polychlorinated polyphenyls. The 5 (Nirez 1115)
19 Paraffin Wax 145 F. (AMP)
preferred vegetable waxes are candellila and carnauba 2.5 t Microcrystalline Wax 178' F.
waxes. "Nirez" is now a trademark of Reichhold Chem 3.S Polyethylene 130 C. (ASTM/E28)
icals, Inc. (formerly a trademark of Tenneco Chemicals, 30 HMTA
Inc.) for its brands of polyterpene resins, terpene phe O
nols and zinc resinates. These base waxes are well Nirez 1115, a polyterpene resin product, has a specific
known in the art and, therefore, they need not be de gravity of 0.995 (25/25 C.) and a ball and ring soften
scribed further. ing point of about 115 C.
The final form of the wax composition containing the Completely acceptable patterns are made with the
HMTA filler can be in flake, slab or billet form. Such 15 aforementioned wax compositions containing HMTA
compositions are of low ash content, generally below as a filler according to known investment casting tech- .
about 0.02% by weight. Additionally to be suitable as a niques.
wax for investment casting, the wax must be of suffi In another aspect of this invention, a method of in
cient hardness to form acceptable patterns with minimal vestment casting is provided wherein the HMTA con
shrinkage. Such HMTA containing investment casting 20 taining wax compositions are utilized. In such a process
waxes have a hardness based on the ASTM D-5 needle a low shrinkage, dimensionally stable, fast setting cast
penetration test using the Investment Casting Institute ing wax-having HMTA as a filler, such as those de
modification of a 450 gm total weight on the needle scribed in Examples I and III, is injected into a suitable
point, of between 5 to 15 and possibly from 2 to 25 or 30 die for making a wax pattern. The hardened wax pat
tenths of millimeters (dmm). This Investment Casting 25 tern is removed from the die. The pattern (or a cluster
Institute needle penetrometer testing procedure is de of such patterns) is (are) gated to a wax sprue. Then, the
scribed in the publication dated Nov. 1971, entitled: sprued pattern or patterns are utilized in either the solid
Standard Material Specification for Pattern Materials by mold investment casting process or the investment shell
the Investment Casting Institute, in the section entitled: casting process.
"Determination of Consistency-Needle Penetration 30 In the solid mold investment casting process, the
sprued pattern(s) is invested in a mold slurry which is
allowed to harden.
The following specific examples are illustrative of the In the investment shell casting process, the sprued
improved investment casting wax compositions of the pattern(s) is dipped in a slurry of finely divided ceramic
present invention and their use. Exemplary investment 35 material, and a refractory grain is then sifted onto the
casting wax compositions of this invention are de coating. After suitable drying time, this process of dip
scribed in Examples I to III. ping and sifting is repeated several times to build up a
EXAMPLE desired shell thickness.
In either of the above processes, the HMTA contain
ing wax composition is removed from the ceramic mold
6.2 weight percent Carnauba wax by melting in an oven, over a steam bath, or in an auto
29.9 F. Chlorinated Polyphenyl Resin, 100' C.
softening point (Aroclor 5460)
clave. The ceramic mold is then fired at high tempera
6.8 n Microcrystalline Wax 178' F. ture to remove the last traces of the wax composition
(ASTM/D127) and to cure the ceramic mold itself. Molten metal is then
AA Microcrystalline Wax 171 F.
Paraffin Wax 145 F. (AMP)
45 poured into the ceramic mold and allowed to harden.
.8 Polyethylene 222' F. (ASTM/E28) The mold material is then broken away from the cast
42.8 HMTA ings, the castings removed from the resultant metal
sprue, and suitably finished. A more detailed descrip
Aroclor 5460 is a chlorinated polyphenyl compound, tion of these investment casting processes can be found
a product of Monsanto Chemical Co. which contains
50 in the Investment Casting Handbook referred to above.
It will be appreciated that, as previously stated,
590-60.6% of chlorine, has a specific gravity of 1.670 HMTA is not soluble in the other components and in
(25/25° C) and a distillation range of 280°-335 C. at 5 fact cannot be and still provide an acceptable invest
millimeter of mercury. ment casting wax. The presence of solvents in invest
EXAMPLE II 55 ment casting wax compositions results in excessive
shrinkage and unacceptable variation in properties of
the wax composition.
40 weight percent Polyterpene resin 135' C. (ASTM/E28) While it has previously been disclosed to add HMTA
(Nirez 1135)
Paraffin 156 F. (AMP)
to wax polish compositions as an antislip agent to de
14.4 FA Mi ine Wax 178 F. crease the slipperiness of the film resulting from the
(ASTMMD127) deposition of the wax polish on a surface, such antislip
4.0 r Polyethylene 244-262 F. (ASTM/D566) property is undesirable for investment casting waxes.
Moreover, such wax polish compositions contain sol
vents for the wax and thus are completely unsuitable as
Nirez 1135, a polyterpene resin product of the New 65 investment casting waxes and additionally such wax
port Division of Tenneco Chemicals, Inc., has a specific polishes are unacceptably soft and subject to excessive
gravity of 0.995 (25/25° C) and a ball and ring soften shrinkage as the solvent evaporates and are thus com
ing point of about 135 C. pletely unacceptable as investment casting waxes.
4,144,075 8
It should be evident that considerable modification ing Institute modification of a 450gram total weight on
can be made to the exemplary base formations men the needlepoint, having a measurement of from 2 to 30
tioned hereinbefore without departing from the spirit tenths of millimeters.
7. A low shrinkage, dimensionally stable investment
and scope of the present invention. casting wax composition having sufficient hardness to
I claim:
1. An investment casting wax composition for use in form acceptable patterns for use in the investment cast
the investment casting wax process which consists es ing wax process which consists essentially of a base wax
sentially of a base wax melting in the range of 120' to melting in the range of 120' to 180' F. and hexamethy
180' F. and about 5 to 60% by weight of the final com lenetetramine as a filler, and being of the following
position of hexamethylenetetramine as a filler, said wax 10 composition: 6.2 weight percent of Carnauba wax; 29.9
composition having sufficient hardness to form accept weight percent of chlorinated polyphenyl resin having
able patterns, and said wax composition being dimen a 100 C. softening point, said resin containing
sionally stable and having a hardness measurement 59.0-60.6% of chlorine and having a specific gravity of
based on the ASTM D-5 needle penetration test using 15 1.670 (25/25° C) and a distillation range of 280°-335
the Investment Casting Institute modification of a 450 C. at 5 millimeters of mercury, 6.8 weight percent of
gram total weight on the needlepoint, of from 2 to 30 microcrystalline wax having a softening point at about
tenths of millimeters. 178 F, 3.9 weight percent of microcrystalline wax
2. A composition of claim 1, wherein the hexamethy having a softening point at about 171 F, 9.6 weight
lene-tetramine is of a particle size such that 95% by 20 percent of paraffin wax having a softening point at
weight passes through a 100 mesh screen and at least about 145 F., 0.8 weight percent of polyethylene hav
90% by weight is retained on a 170 mesh screen. ing a ball and ring softening point at about 222 F., and
3. A composition of claim 2, wherein the base wax 42.8 weight percent of said hexamethylenetetramine
comprises about 0 to 15% vegetable wax, about 20 to filler, said hexamethylenetetramine filler having a parti
60% petroleum wax consisting of a mixture of paraffins 25 cle size such that 95% by weight passes through a 100
having a melting point of from 120-160' F. and micro mesh screen of the U.S. Standard Sieve series and at
crystalline waxes having a melting point of from about least 90% by weight is retained on a 170 mesh screen.
135 to 195 F., about 1 to 12% synthetic waxes and 8. An investment casting wax composition of claim 1
about 13 to 79% of resins selected from chlorinated of the following composition: 40 weight percent of
aromatic hydrocarbon resins and resins derived from 30 polyterpene resin having a specific gravity of 0.995
the refining of petroleum or of wood products.
4. A composition of claim 3, wherein the vegetable (25/25 C.) and a ball and ring sofening point of about
135 C.; 21.6 weight percent of paraffin wax having a
wax is carnauba wax.
5. A composition of claim 3, wherein the vegetable softening point at about 156' F.; 14.4 weight percent of
microcrystalline wax having a softening point at about
wax is candellila wax. 178 F.; 4.0 weight percent of polyethylene softening in
6. An investment casting wax composition for use in 35 the range of 244-262 F. and 20 weight percent of said
the investment casting wax process which consists es hexamethylenetetramine filler.
sentially of a base wax melting in the range of 120 to 9. An investment casting wax composition of claim 1
180' F. and about 5 to 60% by weight of the final com of the following composition: 35 weight percent of
position of hexamethylenetetramine as a filler, said 40 polyterpene resin having a specific gravity of 9.995
hexamethylenetetramine being of a particle size such (25/25 C.) and a ball and ring softening point of about
that 95% by weight passes through a 100 mesh screen 115 C.; 19 weight percent of paraffin wax having a
(U.S. Standard Sieve Series) and at least 90% by weight softening point of about 145 F.; 12.5 weight percent of
is retained on a 170 mesh screen, said wax composition
being of low ash content, generally below about 0.02% 45 microcrystalline wax having a softening point of about
178 F.; 3.5 weight percent of polyethylene having a
by weight, and said wax composition being dimension ball and ring softening point of about 130 C.; and 30
ally stable and having sufficient hardness to form ac weight percent of saidt hexamethylenetetramine filler.
ceptable patterns, said hardness, based on the ASTM t sk
D-5 needle penetration test using the Investment Cast



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