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Members of the group :

• Rafi Ramadhan.I

• S.Chelsy Christin

• Tania Pratiwi

• Yanwar Ahmad.F




Praise be to the presence of Almighty God for His grace and guidance, so that this
paper can be completed well. The title of this paper is "Making Black Glutinous Tapai
Fermented Food".

We also do not forget to thank all parties and group collaboration, to our supervisors
and parents who have guided and supported, so that the paper "Making Fermented Black
Glutinous Tapai Food" can be completed, of course it won't be optimal if we don't get
support. from various parties.

In making this trial report, we have tried our best, but we realize that making this
trial report still has many shortcomings. For this reason, we expect constructive criticism and
suggestions for the perfection of future experimental reports and we hope that the
completion of this experimental report can provide information to readers.


Foreword ................................................ ................................................ ........................i

Table of

contents ....................... ................................................ ................................................ .........ii



Background.............................................. ................................................................ .................

......1 B. Problem

Formulation ...................... ................................................................ ........................................

....1 C.

Objectives...... ................................................................ ...........................................................

..... ..........................1 D.

Benefits.................. ................................................................ ...................................................

............. .........2


A. Tapai Black Sticky

Rice .................................................. ................................................................ .................3 B.


Yeast............................ ................................................................ ..............................................

..3 C .

Fermentation ................................................ ................................................................ ............



A. Product name/Product

Type ........................................... ................................................................ .....4 B.

Materials.................................................. ................................................................ .................

.........................4 C.

Tools.... ................................................................ ................................................................ .....

...........................4 D. How it
Works............. ................................................................ ...........................................................

..... ..........4-5


A. Experimental results.............................................. ................................................................

.....................6 B. Traditional Food from

Java ...................... ................................................................ ....................6 C. Preserving

Traditional Food .................................. ................................................................ ............7 D.

Content/nutrition in sticky rice

tapai ............................ ................................................................ ...........8


A. Conclusion................................................... ................................................ ............................9

B.Saran.......................................... ................................................... ...................................9 ii




Tapai sticky rice is a typical West Javanese food. Tapai is quite well known and
much liked, especially by rural communities. Tapai can also be processed as a mixture
of foods such as cakes and ice. Especially traditional snacks or market snacks.

Tapai ketan is a snack made from sticky rice, both white and black sticky rice,
which is steamed and given a certain amount of yeast.

Meanwhile yeast oryeast which is a single-celled living creaturefamily from

mushrooms. Yeast is commonly used to make food or cakes. Yeast has
substancecarbon dioxidewhich makes the dough expand and form pores.

Making sticky rice tapai uses solid yeast which contains

mushroomssaccharomyces cerevisiae.

B. Problem Formulation

The problem formulation raised as the basis for writing is as follows:

1. How does black sticky rice smell after fermentation?

2. What is the water content in tapai sticky rice after fermentation?

3. What are the factors that influence the quality of sticky rice tapai?

C. Goals

The objectives in making black sticky rice tapai are as follows: 1. To find out
how to make black sticky rice tapai.
2. To understand the fermentation process in making black sticky rice tapai.

3. To find out the fungus in black sticky rice tapai.

4. Fulfill and complete second semester assignments.

E. Benefits of Trial

The benefit of this experiment is that it is hoped that the general public will
be able to practice making black sticky rice tapai easily and simply at home.
Understand the fermentation process that occurs during the process of making black
sticky rice

A. Tapai Black Sticky Rice

Black sticky rice is a fermented product from black sticky rice which has gone
through a fermentation process by certain yeast or bacteria. The fermentation
process produces a unique color change and aroma in black sticky rice, as well as
increasing its nutritional content. Tapai black sticky rice is often used in various
traditional dishes or specialty cakes, giving it a distinctive touch and different taste
with additional nutritional benefits from the fermentation process.

B. Ragi Tapai Sticky Rice

Yeast is a substance commonly used for fermentation. Yeast contains

fungisacchromyces, rhizopus, aspergillus, lactic acid bacteria.There are two types of
yeast on the market, namely solid and dry yeast. This type of yeast has fine grains and
a brownish color, which is generally used in making cakes. Meanwhile, solid yeast
usually has a flat, round shape and is often used in making tapai.

Yeast is given when the sticky rice is cold. So that the yeast works optimally,
because if it is given while the sticky rice is still hot, it will affect the taste of the tapai.

C. Fermentation

Fermentation is a biological process in which microorganisms, such as yeast or

bacteria, convert organic materials into different products through chemical
reactions. This process generally involves the breakdown of sugars or carbohydrates
in the raw material into new compounds, such as alcohol, organic acids, or gases.
Fermentation is often used in making food and drinks, such as bread, cheese, and of
course, sticky rice. Apart from being a method of food preservation, fermentation can
also improve the nutritional value, taste and texture of the final product. This method
produces food that lasts longer and varies in taste.



A. Product Name/Product Type

Product name: Tapai black sticky rice.

Product type: Fermented food using yeast.

B. Materials used

Materials (materials)

-Black sticky rice 1 kg (Black sticky rice 1 kg)

-Ragi ½ ( A half of yeast)

-Air (Water)

C. Tools used

Tool (tools) :

-Stove (Stove) -Large container (big jar)

-Steamer (Steamer) -Sleeping

-Baskom (Basin) -Hid/fan (fan)

-Spoon (Spoon) - Banana leaf (leaf of banana)

-Fabric (Cloth) - toothpick (tooth pick)


D. How to work (Method)

1. Soak the sticky rice overnight.

First of all, soak the black sticky rice over night.

2. Wash using water until clean.

The second, washing the black sticky rice using clean water.

3.Move insidesleep, let the sticky rice sit until it drains. 4The third, move to boboko let the

black sticky rice sit until it drains.

4. Steam half cooked sticky rice.

The fourth, steam half cooked black sticky rice.

5. Once half cooked, then lift and transfer to a bowl.The fifth, once half

cooked, then remove to a basin.

6. Then mix the sticky rice with enough hot water.

The sixth, mix the black sticky rice with enough hot water.

7.Stir until smooth.

The seventh,stir until all of mixed.
8. Boil water to steam the sticky rice again.

The eight,boil the water to resteam the black sticky rice

9. After boiling, steam the sticky rice again.

The ninth,after boiling,the black sticky rice is steamed again.

10. After the glutinous rice is cooked, take it out and fan the glutinous rice using a

toaster or a fan until it cools.

The tenth,once the black sticky rice is cooked take and fan the black sticky rice using a

Hihid/fan until it cools.

11. Once cool, mix the sticky rice with ½ of the ground yeast, stir until smooth. The

eleventh, once cool, mix the black sticky rice with ½ the mashed yeast. 12. Wrap sticky rice

mixed with yeast in banana leaves orjar. The twelfth, wrap the black sticky rice mixed with

yeast, leaf of banana or a big jar. 13. Then store in a large container, close tightly and tie

with cloth, for 3 days.

The thirteenth, save in a big jar close tightly, tie it using cloth for three days.

14. After storing for 3 days, the black sticky rice tapai is ready to eat.
The fourteenth,After saving in a big jar for about three days,the black sticky rice ready to




A. Results
Before After being
given yeast given yeast

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Maturity - - A little It's ripe


Feel - - - sweet

Aroma - - A little Aroma

smell pungent, smells
of alcohol

Color Black Black Black Purplish black

purplish purplish purplish

Water level - - A little Lots

After the black sticky rice tapai is fermented for 3 days, the sticky rice tapai is cooked.
Black sticky rice tapai that has been cooked has a distinctive aroma from the fermentation
process. Tapai sticky rice has a slightly chewy texture, has a sweet taste, its shape is slightly
shrunken compared to before it was fermented. Tapai sticky rice that has been fermented
has a lot of water content. Temperature, humidity, quality of sticky rice, yeast and storage
method during the fermentation process affect the quality of sticky rice tapai.

B. Traditional Javanese Food

Tapai sticky rice is one of the traditional foods. Tapai sticky rice is a traditional food
originating from West Java, Indonesia. This food is made from glutinous rice fermented with
yeast or tapai. This fermentation process gives tapai sticky rice a distinctive and slightly
alcoholic taste. This food is often served as a snack or snack at various events or as a dessert.
The manufacturing process involves soaking sticky rice, then mixing it with yeast, then
leaving it to ferment for several days. After the fermentation process is complete, the sticky
rice tapai is ready to be served and usually has a sweet and slightly sour taste. In the cultural
aspect, making sticky rice tapai also maintains local culinary heritage and traditions,
enriching cultural diversity and eating habits in various regions.

C. Preserving Traditional Food

Preserving traditional food plays an important role in maintaining the cultural

heritage and culinary riches of a region. One of the traditional foods is sticky rice tapai.
Steps to preserve traditional food include comprehensive documentation of recipes and
manufacturing processes, promotion via social media, exhibition events, and
collaboration with government agencies and local communities.

Apart from that, education about the cultural values contained in traditional food
needs to be strengthened, both through formal and informal education programs. This
may include cooking classes, seminars, or workshops that reveal the history, nutritional
value, and importance of traditional foods in a society's cultural identity.

Support of local producers and traditional farming practices is also very

important. This can be done through technical assistance, funding and training programs
to improve the quality and quantity of traditional food production. In addition,
recognition of the economic value of traditional food in a global market context can also
encourage the sustainability of this industry.

Integrating traditional foods into restaurant menus, organizing culinary events or

cultural festivals is an effective way to introduce and popularize these foods to the
younger generation and the general public. This provides an opportunity for the younger
generation to appreciate and understand the uniqueness and deliciousness of traditional
food, as well as strengthening social ties and cultural identity among communities.

D. Content/nutrition in sticky rice tapai

Content or nutrition / Benefit
100 gram

Black sticky rice Protein 4 gram. 1. Source of energy and

Fat 1.2 grams. nutrients. 2. Prevent
Carbohydrates 37.3 grams. constipation.
Fiber 0.3 grams. 3. Reduce risk
Calcium 9 milligrams. chronic disease.
Phosphorus 144 4. Prevent anemia.
milligrams. 5. Maintain good
Iron 1.7 milligrams. bacteria in the
Sodium 9 milligrams. intestines.
Potassium 18.4 milligrams. 6. Helps support body
Calories 181 kkl cells.

Tapai sticky rice Water 50.2 grams 1. Launch the system

Calories 166 grams Digestion.
Protein 3,8 gram 2. Makes it easier for the
Fat 1.0 grams body to digest food. 3.
Carbohydrates 34.4 grams Increase body immunity.
Fiber 0.3 grams 4. Control blood sugar
Calcium 8 milligrams levels.
Phosphorus 106 milligrams 5.Improve function
Iron 1.6 milligrams Heart.
Sodium 5 milligrams
Potassium 12.0 grams



A. Conclusion

Making sticky rice tape is done using conventional biotechnology, namely

using tapai yeast (saccharomyces fungus, Rhizopus, Aspergillus, lactic acid bacteria).

Tapai sticky rice is fermented for 3 days. The fermentation process for sticky
rice tape must be tightly closed so that it is faster than open sticky rice. The length of
fermentation affects the alcohol content in the sticky rice.

Making sticky rice tapai must pay attention to the ratio between mixing yeast
and sticky rice. As well as the process of mixing and storing tapai to produce good


We hope that making tapai in the next practicum will be better than this
practicum. As well as paying more attention to how to store and mix yeast and sticky

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