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Name : Roll No : Class : IX

Date : Subject : SOCIAL SCIENCE

Mohali Topic : Disaster Management Preparedness


Disaster Management can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities
for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in
order to lessen the impact of disasters.
Prepare a project file on A-4 sheets. The project must include the following:
a) Cover page
b) Title page
c) Acknowledgement
d) Index
e) Introduction
f) Content
 What is a Disaster?
 Type of Disasters.
 What is Disaster Management?
 Need for Disaster Management
 How to be prepared for disaster management?
 Case study- to make a comparison between the type of disasters [natural and man-made] that have
struck Punjab and Odisha[ subject to change] in past, the amount of devastation caused in terms of
life and property. Mention the measures made by the government [State/ Centre] to fight against
such disasters in future.

g) Fire-
A- Causes of fire
B- Fire safety norms
C- Immediate action to be taken during fire
D- First aid to be given
h) Bibliography


1 Well labeled and meaningful representation

3 Informative content

1 Neatness

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