Date of Birth Clarification Certificate For Pan CARD Correction

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To DATE 01.04.2024
The Income tax department,
Govt of India
Subject: clarifica on Date of birth for PAN Correc on
I am SATYARANJAN BISWAS, I have given date of birth Correc on of my pan card to NSDL
pan card unit, and due to same date of birth[DOB -01.01.1963] of aadhaar card and voter
card I want to fix my date of birth so that I don't face any problem later. My
acknowledgment number is- N-881039293396430
Qualifying that the date of birth men oned in my Aadhaar card and voter card is the date of
birth men oned in my PAN card I have a ached the electronic copy of my voter card.

Signature of applicant

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