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Revised 6/15/2024



1. Paperwork Validation

a. All student folder information is complete and correct.

b. Evaluate folder for the following, including inconsistencies.

 Pilot Certificate
 Minimum Second Class FAA Medical
 Photo ID – State/Government Issued
 Acceptable Account Balance
 Complete and signed 8710-1 Application
 Flight Course Enrollment Certificate
 Flight Course Graduation Certificate
 Practical Test Endorsement
 FAA Knowledge Test Results

2. Oral Quiz - Instrument PTS

A. Weather Information

 What is a:
 TAF?
 FD?
 WA?
 WS?
 WST?
 How long are:
 METARs good for?
 TAFs good for?
 FDs good for?
 In a METAR/TAF are visibilities Statute or Nautical?
 In a METAR/TAF are cloud heights MSL or AGL?
 In a METAR/TAF are winds true or magnetic?
 What weather reports give you real time WX?
 What weather reports give you forecasted WX?
 What weather reports give you Instrument conditions?
 Where can you find ceilings/freezing levels/fronts?
 What is a UA or UUA? What is the difference?
 If a UA states no ice and the forecast is for icing can you fly?
 What is a radar report?
 What is a(n):

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 What is contained in a(n):
 How long are:
 AIRMETs good for?
 SIGMETs good for?
 What are the different types of AIRMETS?
 What is CAVOK?
 What is considered:
 VFR?
 IFR?
 What information can you get from FD’s?
 What is a prog chart?
 What information can you get from an FA?
 What is ATIS?
 What is a severe weather outlook?
 When would use each of the reports or charts?
 Where can you get weather information?
 What are the requirements for an alternate?
 How do you obtain weather information in-flight or on the ground?
 At what rate does atmospheric pressure decrease with an increase in altitude?
 What is the standard atmosphere?
 How are the characteristics of a high/low pressure system?
 Why do the winds aloft flow parallel to the isobars and the winds at the surface flow at a
90 degree angle?
 When do you expect to see dew, fog or clouds?
 What primary factor determines the type and vertical extent of clouds?
 What is the difference between a stable and unstable atmosphere?
 What are the two main types of Icing?
 What are the four types of structural icing?
 What temperatures are you most likely to encounter structural icing?
 What type of structural icing is more dangerous?
 What factors do you need to form a thunderstorm?
 What are the stages of a thunderstorm and how can you tell?
 What are the different types of thunderstorms?
 How is fog formed?
 What is the difference between flight / prevailing / and runway visibilities?
 What is a TWEB?

B. Cross-Country Flight Planning

 Why did you choose _________ Altitude?

 Why did you plan for _______% power?
 How did you determine the power settings to be used?
 How is the wind going to affect this flight?
 What is the fuel reserves required for the flight?
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 Will there have to be a fuel stop? Where? Why?
 How do you file a SID or STAR?
 What is the takeoff and landing distance at each airport of intentional landing?
 What approaches do you expect to receive? Why?
 How do you find Pressure Altitude or Density Altitude for the flight?
 Where do you find NOTAM information?
 How do you obtain a proper weather briefing?
 What are the different types of NOTAMS?
 How did you file this route? How are we going to get to the destination?
 Explain your Weight and Balance for the flight.
 Why or why would you not file direct?
 Where is the top of climb/descent?
 What happens if radio communications are lost?
 How do you know what approach to be used?
 What is GPS? RAIM?
 Can you fly direct to a destination with an outdated database?
 How can you obtain a clearance on the ground? In the air?
 When is an instrument rating required?
 What do you have to do to remain instrument current?
 What is a safety pilot?
 Can a private pilot be a safety pilot?
 What must a pilot in command be familiar with before every flight?
 What are the fuel requirements for an IFR flight?
 What are the control surfaces of the aircraft?
 What do the control surfaces do for the aircraft?
 How does the constant speed propeller work?
 What do you do with an overspeeding propeller?
 How do you know there is a propeller problem in preflight?
 Why do we do a propeller check on run up?
 What does the air intake do?
 How would you know if the air intake was clogged?
 What would the indications be if it were clogged?
 How much fuel does the aircraft hold?
 What type of fuels may be used?
 What happens if you sumped out clear liquid?
 What aircraft instruments/equipment are required for IFR operations?
 What are the required tests and inspections of aircraft and equipment to be legal for IFR
 What documents must be on board an aircraft?
 When is an IFR flight plan required?
 What are the alternate airport requirements?
 What minimums are to be used upon arrival at alternate?
 What altitude do you put in the block for the FAA flight plan?
 What are preferred routes and where can they be found?
 What are enroute low altitude charts?
 How long are they good for?

C. Aircraft Flight Instruments and Navigation Equipment

 What are the pitot-static instruments?

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 Explain in detail the:
 Altimeter
 Airspeed Indicator
 Where is the pitot static port on the aircraft?
 What are the limitations of an altimeter?
 What is the maximum allowable error for the altimeter?
 Define:
 Indicated Altitude.
 Density Altitude.
 Pressure Altitude.
 Absolute Altitude.
 True Altitude.
 What happens if the pitot tube is clogged?
 What happens if the static port is clogged?
 What happens if both are clogged?
 What happens if the drain hole is clogged?
 What are the limitations of the airspeed indicator?
 Define:
 Indicated Airspeed.
 Calibrated Airspeed.
 Equivalent Airspeed.
 True Airspeed.
 Groundspeed.
 What are the limitations of the VSI?
 What do we have if the pitot-static probe freezes?
 What indications do you expect if you need to use alternate air?
 What are the gyroscopic instruments?
 Upon which principles do gyroscopes operate?
 Who do you know when gyroscopes fail?
 How are each of the gyroscopes powered?
 What are the limitations of the attitude indicator?
 What are the limitations of the DG?
 What is the maximum precession for the DG?
 What limitations apply to the turn coordinator?
 How do you compute standard rate if your turn coordinator fails?
 How does the magnetic compass work?
 What are the limitations of the mag compass?
 What are the different compass errors?
 What are the differences between turn and bank and turn and slip?
 How do we check for proper operation of the mag compass?
 What does VOR stand for?
 How does a VOR operate?
 What are the positives and negatives of a VOR?
 What are the limitations of a VOR?
 How do you do a VOR Check?
 What records must be kept for the VOR check?
 How long is a VOR check good for?
 What is the accuracy of a VOR?
 How does the vacuum system operate?
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 How will you know that a VOR is out of service?
 What are you looking for in the Instrument cockpit check?
 What is DME?
 What is the cone of confusion and zone of ambiguity?
 What are the service volumes of:
 VOR’s
 ILS’s
 NDB’s
 What are the limitations of DME?
 What are the limitations of an NDB?
 What are the frequencies used by NDB’s?
 What are the components of an ILS?
 What can be used in lieu of the:
 OM?
 MM?
 IM?
 What frequencies are used for VOR/ILS?
 What does the transponder do for us? Mode C and Mode S?
 What does STBY/ALT mean on transponder
 What does it mean to IDENT?
 What are the transponder codes that should not be used unless in an emergency?
 What is the correct transponder action in case of a communications failure?
 What is the difference between homing and tracking?
 What is the sensitivity of the GPS in the following modes?
 Enroute
 Terminal
 Approach
 What is the difference between GPS and VOR?
 What instrument is not required to be working?
 How do you check if your radios are working?
 Explain an Instrument Cockpit Check.
 What is the four step test?
 What is an MEL?
 What does the FARs state we need to do before each instrument flight?
 What does PIC mean to you?
 When can you cancel your IFR flight Plan?
 What is a composite flight plan?
 What does “cleared as filed” mean?
 What items are given in an abbreviated briefing?
 What is a Clearance Void Time?
 What does Hold for Release mean?
 What is a Clearance Limit?
 What is VFR on Top?
 What is a cruise clearance?
 What is a SID/STAR?
 Must you accept a SID/STAR?
 What are the minimums required for takeoff under part 91?
 How do you tell if there are non standard take off minimums?
 What is the standard minimum climb gradient for an instrument departure?
 If you need to climb out at 250 feet per nautical mile, how many FPM is that?
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 What does “At Pilots Discretion” mean?
 What information will be given if a hold is required?
 What is a holding pattern?
 When do you have to slow down prior to a holding pattern?
 What are the three types of entries? Explain each.
 Explain how wind affects a holding pattern?
 Give an example of a holding pattern and draw it on the board.
 What is the difference between standard and non-standard holding pattern?
 What are the holding speeds and altitudes?
 When do you start your time for the outbound/inbound leg for a hold over a(n):
 VOR?
 NDB?
 Intersection?
 Waypoint?
 What is the benefit of a holding pattern? Why do we do them?
 What is the standard length of a holding pattern below 14,000’MSL? Above 14,000’ MSL?
 What differs if you are given a DME Hold?
 Why do we need an EFC for a holding pattern?

D. Other

 What is an HSI?
 What is an RMI?
 When is DME required?
 What makes a precision approach?
 What are three different precision approaches?
 Name some non precision approaches
 What is the difference between an MDA and DA? When are each used?
 What are the four segments of an approach?
 When being radar vectored when can you start your descent to a lower altitude?
 What obstacle clearance is normally given guaranteed during an approach?
 How do you navigate between the enroute phase of flight to the approach phase?
 What does Cleared for the visual mean?
 What is a feeder route?
 What is a contact approach and when will one be issued?
 What is a visual approach and when will one be issued?
 When do you not have to perform a procedure turn?
 What are the limitations placed on a procedure turn?
 On an ILS what are the visual and aural cues when crossing OM, MM, IM?
 What are the distances of the
 OM,
 MM,
 IM?
 When is an IM used?
 How do you maintain glideslope?
 What do you do if you encounter wind shear while on an approach?
 What is the frequency range for localizers?
 Where is the localizer / transmitter antenna installation located?
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 Where is the glideslope antenna installation located.
 What is the sensitivity of the localizer compared to a VOR?
 When can you descend below MDA or DH?
 What is a PAR or ASR?
 Explain a No Gyro approach?
 What is a VDP?
 How do you define an FAF on a non precision approach? Precision approach?
 If there is no FAF, where do you begin the final approach segment?
 What is the difference between a SDF and LDA?
 What criterion determines whether or not you may attempt an approach?
 What is a step down fix?
 What is meant by a straight in approach?
 What is a GPS – A?
 What is a circle to land approach?
 When do circling minimums apply?
 For circling approaches, what are:
 Categories
 Speeds
 Distances
 What are the restrictions on the circle to land maneuver?
 When do you have to execute the missed approach procedure on an approach?
 How is a missed approach point determined on a non-precision approach?
 If there is no FAF, where is the missed approach point (MAP)?
 Where is the MAP on a precision approach?
 Do you have to follow the missed approach procedure on the chart?
 When do you execute the missed approach procedure when full scale deflection has
 What is a low approach?
 When are you considered established on the approach?
 How do you perform an arc?
 What is needed in order to perform an arc?
 Can GPS substitute for an NDB on an approach? If that approach was to be used as an
alternate airport?
 What is a MSA?
 Where is the MSA centered, what does it provide and for what radius?
 What are the different parts to an instrument approach plate?
 How do you know that the plate is current?
 What day of the week are all Jeppesen approach plates published on?
 Can you use an outdated chart?
 When do you start the time on a non precision approach?
 What does the operation of a rotating beacon during the day mean?
 How long is the Runway Touchdown zone on a precision approach?
 How far down the runway are the Runway Aiming point Markings?
 Define:
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 What is the minimum altitude in which one can fly IFR?
 What are compulsory reporting points?
 What reports must be made to ATC under radar AND non-radar enviornments?
 What are the required reports with an equipment malfunction?
 What does a malfunction report consist of?
 If your number two VOR fails do you have to report it?
 If your NDB fails do you have to report it?
 What are the fundamental skills involved in attitude instrument flying?
 What is the primary secondary method of instrument flying?
 What is the control performance method of instrument flying?
 What are the Pitch/bank/power instruments?
 What is primary for straight and level/turns/climbs/descents/climbing turns/etc?
 Explain how you level off from a climb at 500 fpm?
 If you have encountered icing inadvertently, how would you change your approach and
 What are the conditions for structural icing to occur?
 What are the dimensions of the Victor airways?
 What is the Victor airways called above 18000?
 What is the difference between even and odd numbered airways?
 Explain Change over point.
 Explain Waypoint.
 Are the courses on an enroute chart true or magnetic
 Explain the different airspaces
 What is required to enter the airspaces
 Explain special use airspace, will you get to fly through them on an IFR flight plan?
 What is EFAS?
 What is TWEB?
 What is hypoxia?
 Why do we care about hypoxia?
 How do we counteract hypoxia?
 What are the different types of hypoxia?
 What is hyperventilation?
 How do you tell the difference between hypoxia and hyperventilation?
 What is carbon Monoxide poisoning?
 What are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and what do you do?
 When do you need oxygen?
 Take out SIDS/STARS/ Approach plates /enroute charts and ask questions about each.
Just flip to an approach and ask how will that student how will they fly that approach?
 Jeppesen en route and approach plate symbology.
 NACA en route and approach plate symbology.

E. DA-40 Systems

 Describe the V speeds of the DA-40 and the significance of each.

 Describe the construction design of the DA-40.
 What is the purpose of the trim?
 Discuss how the trim control operates and the aerodynamics involved.
 What safety systems are built into the ailerons to allow them to neutralize if the wing stalls.
 What is the purpose of the flaps?
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 What flap positions does the DA-40 have?
 What is the purpose of the static wicks?
 Are the static wicks required for flight in IMC? How many?
 Describe the engine on the DA-40.
 What is vapor lock?
 What safety feature does the DA-40 possess to retain power in the case of induction
 Describe the propeller system.
 Describe the landing gear on the DA-40.
 Describe the fuel system on the DA-40.
 How many fuel pumps does the DA-40 have?
 What is a gascolator?
 How many sumps do you check in the preflight?
 What should you look for when examining fuel during any preflight?
 How should you properly dispose of the fuel after sumping it from the tank(s)?
 How many quarts of oil should be in the system for IFR flight? VFR?
 Does the DA-40 use hydraulic fluid? What type?
 Describe the break system.
 Discuss the possible brake system failure scenarios.
 Describe and discuss the electrical system of the DA-40.
 What are the back up systems incase of an alternator failure?
 Ask various questions concerning the GNS 430 transponder and audio panel related to
their operation and limitations.
 What are the Pitot-static instruments?
 Which instruments run off the static source only?
 Which run off pitot and static?
 Discuss the operating principles of the altimeter.
 Discuss the operating principles of the airspeed indicator.
 Discuss the operating principles of the VSI.
 Discuss the possible failures related to the Pitot-static system.
 What is the appropriate action to take if such a failure should occur?
 What are the gyroscopic instruments?
 Discuss the operating principles of the DG.
 Discuss the operating principles of the A.I.
 Discuss the operating principles of the turn coordinator.
 What is an inclinometer?
 Describe the heater the heater on the DA-40.
 What considerations must you take when operating the heater?
 Differentiate between deicing and anti-ice systems.
 While preheating the DA-40, where do place the nozzle of the heater?

The following sets of questions are specific to the GNS 1000.

(Note: Check Instructor knowledge of this system is very important in order to properly
evaluate the students’ knowledge and understanding of the system. If you are not proficient
in its operation, seek the appropriate assistance)

 What are integrated avionics?

 What is the significance of an LRU (line replaceable unit)?
 Describe the matrix of the GNS-1000.
 What is the air data computer and where is it located.
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 What information does it supply to the GIA?
 Where does it receive its information?
 What is the result and indication of an ADC failure?
 What is the AHRS (attitude heading reference system)?
 Where is the AHRS located?
 What information does it supply to the GIA?
 How does the AHRS work?
 What is the magnetometer and where is it located?
 What is its significance to the system?
 How do know when the magnetometer has failed?
 How do know the AHRS has failed?
 What are the appropriate actions to take in the event of an AHRS failure?
 How does the GEA 71 engine airframe interface work?
 What is the reversionary mode?
 What type of transponder does the GNS 1000 utilize?
 Why is this significant?
 What is a GIA?
 Why is it considered the “brain” of the system?
 Which is the primary GPS?
 What happens when GIA # 1 fails?
 What happens when GIA # 2 fails?
 How do you know if the system is operating on backup information?
 Describe the Primary flight display.
 Describe the Multi Function display.
 Since both units are the same piece of hardware (GDU 1040), what causes one to operate
as a PFD, while the other primarily operates as an MFD?
 Why is the OAT sensor so important to the GNS 1000 system?
 What type of auto pilot is in the aircraft?
 When is it safe to use the auto pilot?
 Are there any special run up operations? If so what are they?
 Describe the difference between the “roll,” “heading,” “nav,” and “approach” modes.
 What is the appropriate action if a “trim failure” occurs?
 Describe the traffic information service (TIS).
 What are its limitations?
 What is the difference between topography and terrain modes on the moving map?
 Ask scenario based questions concerning appropriate usage of the system during and IFR

F. Instrument PTS Introduction

 What is the purpose of the PTS?

 Discuss the difference between the terms “shall” and “must” versus “should” and “may.”
 Which is required to be accomplished first, the ground or flight portion?
 What is an Area of Operation?
 What is a Task?
 What is the purpose of sections labeled as “NOTE?”
 Name at least four (4) sources that the PTS is based on.
 If a Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) elects to begin a particular Area of Operation, how
many Tasks in that Area of Operation must they complete?
 To what degree must each Task be evaluated?
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 How are simulated emergency procedures to be conducted?
 Name at least five (5) special emphasis areas that the DPE must evaluate.
 What is required of the airplane that is supplied for use in the Practical Test?
 What is required of the radio equipment that is supplied in the airplane for use in the
Practical Test?
 If using a G1000 DA-40 for the Practical Test, how does the PTS refer to its LCD screens?
 How would you except failures to be accomplished by the DPE when using a G1000 DA-
 Who is responsible for supplying the view-limiting device for the Practical Test and what
is required of this device?
 When using an aircraft with an autopilot, is the Applicant required to use it? If so, in what
 What must happen if the supplied aircraft has an operable GPS and if you have received
training for that GPS?
 Can Task(s) be accomplished in a Flight Training Device (FTD) or Flight Simulator
 Can you accomplish all of the required Instrument Approaches in a FTD or Sim?
 What is the Flight Instructor’s responsibility concerning the PTS?
 What is the DPE’s responsibility when conducting a Practical Test?
 Should you expect, as the Applicant for this Practical Test, expect the DPE to ever stop
asking questions, especially during the flight portion of the Practical Test?
 Under what flight conditions must all Tasks be completed?
 Can a DPE ever act as a required crewmember during a Practical Test? If so, when/why?
 Explain what would happen if the DPE evaluates a Task as Incomplete.
 Give at least three (3) examples of a Satisfactory Performance.
 Can you fail the Practical Test if only one (1) Task is failed?
 Who may allow the Practical Test to continue if a Task has been failed?
 Describe the Retest procedures.
 List at least three (3) grounds for disqualification.
 What is a Letter of Discontinuance?
 What must an Applicant do with a Letter of Discontinuance?
 Define Single-Pilot Resource Management and its role in the Practical Test.
 What is the purpose of a DPE causing realistic distractions?

3. Preflight, Taxi, and Run-up with Oral Quiz - Evaluated to IFR PTS

a. During Preflight, ask questions with special emphasis on IFR flight.

 Cockpit instrumentation—Gyro operation, pitot/static and electric instruments
 Pitot/Static mast
 Static wicks
 Antennae
 Areas where ice will form first (i.e. stall strips)
b. During Taxi, ask questions with special emphasis on IFR flight.
 Instrument taxi check
 DA-40 electrical system emergency modes (essential bus, red emergency switch)
c. During Runup, ask the student why they test the things they test and what results they are
looking for.
 Alternate static source, alternate air, pitot heat, etc.
 Evaluate GPS and radio setup for beginning of cross-country
 Autopilot (GNS 1000 specific)
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 PFD and MFD set up (GNS 1000 specific)

4. Flight Test to IFR PTS

A. Area of Operation III: Air Traffic Control Clearances and Procedures

 Air Traffic Control Clearances
 Compliance with departure, En Route, and Arrival Procedures and Clearances
 Holding Procedures
B. Area of Operation IV: Flight by Reference to Instruments
 Basic Instrument Flight Maneuvers
 Recovery From Unusual Flight Attitudes
C. Area of Operation V: Navigation Systems
 Intercepting and tracking navigational systems and DME Arcs
D. Area of Operation VI: Instrument Approach Procedures
 Nonprecision Approach
 Precision Approach (PA)
 Missed Approach
 Circling Approach
 Landing From a Straight-In or Circling Approach
E. Area of Operation VII: Emergency Procedures
 Loss of Communications
 Approach With Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators
F. Area of Operation VIII: Post flight Procedures
 Checking Instruments and Equipment
G. Make sure all MTSU safety practices and procedures are followed while conducting the above

5. Debrief

a. All aspects of the flight portion of the Stage Check should be debriefed and discussed.
b. Make suggestions or recommendations to help the student improve.
c. Answer any questions the student may have.
d. Complete all the necessary paperwork.

 Student Logbook – Remarks done by Check Instructor

 Folder:
 Circle the lesson number while grading.
 Check Instructor and Student Signatures for the Jepp Tri-fold entry.
 Account Balance Sheet – calculated and signed.
 Sign the Flight Check section of the folder.
 Sign the Stage Check Authorization form (Pass or Fail).
 Fill out the back of the Stage Check Request Form so the flight instructor will know
how the flight went. A copy of this Plan of Action may be left in the student’s folder
as part of their records.

E. Return folder to the appropriate cabinet.

IFR EOC – Page 12 of 13

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