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6 Saturday, June 15, 2024

Editorial Delhi

Reimagining Indian federalism

n June 4, 2024, the Bharatiya Janata looking forward with glee to a fresh Census and a Vilas) — have for now contented themselves with
Party (BJP) tripped up short of the new delimitation exercise. The major concern of securing cabinet births (not even major or pivotal
Food factor majority mark in the Lok Sabha,
compelling it to hobble towards power
many federalists is that this could lead — given
both demographic realities and the BJP’s own
ministries) and greater perquisites for their own
States (such as demanding special status for
Policymakers must keep in mind that by leaning heavily on its partners in the National inclinations — to the Hindi-speaking States of the Andhra Pradesh and Bihar). While they may keep
Democratic Alliance, all of which are regional “cow belt” acquiring a two-thirds majority by the BJP on a relatively short leash, stanching the
inflation hits the poor the hardest parties. Aside from placing fetters on the BJP’s Shashi Tharoor themselves, in effect disenfranchising the tide of the Hindutva project and demanding that

ay’s provisional headline retail inflation overweening arrogance and decelerating our is the fourth-term southern States. This would give the BJP a contentious schemes (such as Agniveer) be
may have marginally eased to a 12- descent into majoritarian autocracy, the return to Lok Sabha Member of permanent stranglehold on our Parliament and reconsidered, they are not necessarily likely to
month low of 4.75%, but food price New Delhi of coalition governance offers another Parliament (Congress) would lead to a severe crisis of our democracy as rally around the cause of strengthening
gains remained unrelenting last month giving lit- hope: that of revitalising India’s beleaguered for well as our federalism. cooperative federalism. Seeking a larger slice of
tle reason to cheer. Yet again, vegetables and federal structure, which has sustained countless Thiruvananthapuram, The BJP’s hyper-nationalist desire for the pie for their own States is self-interest, not
pulses were key contributors in keeping food in- death blows over the past decade. and the Sahitya uniformity was already evident in its decision in federalism.
flation as measured by the Consumer Food Price Akademi award 2017 to change the terms of reference of the When he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat,
Index little changed at 8.69%, with urban con- A brand of federalism winning author of 25 Fifteenth Finance Commission to base allocations Narendra Modi was an unwavering federalist who
sumers feeling the heat more than their rural books, including
As I argued in the Lok Sabha last year — while on the 2011 Census, instead of 1971’s (following championed decentralised policy-making. In his
‘Ambedkar: A Life’
counterparts as the pace of year-on-year change opposing the Government of National Capital the same rationale) This proved pernicious, view, in a country as diverse as India, there could
in food prices in India’s cities and towns hit a Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Act, 2023 — what sending even more tax money from the south to never be a universal, Union Government-devised
three-month high of 8.83%. Vegetable inflation we have repeatedly seen since 2014 is an the north than previously. Commentators spoke panacea for the ills of all States, so, each should
not only continued to hover above 27% for a sixth insidious, inexorable effort to curtail the of the government rewarding “brute be able to innovate and tailor solutions to their
straight month, at 27.3%, but month-on-month autonomy of our States. Despite Prime Minister demographic advantage … over a state’s peculiar problems. Each State in India, argued
gains too accelerated by almost 200 basis points Narendra Modi’s rhetoric of cooperative performance,” adding that the Fifteenth Finance then Chief Minister Modi, ought to forge its own
to a six-month high of 3.22%. Tomato, onion and federalism, all we have seen is the rise of a Commission decisions were “a stunning rebuke development path, engaging with other States in
potato prices led the charge, with these heavy- coercive and combative brand of federalism that of success”. a spirit of “competitive” federalism, which meant
weights in the vegetables sub-group logging se- seeks to centralise power at the expense of the attracting investment and improving governance,
quential gains of 1.5%, 0.5% and a bruising 15.1% States. The concerns of the southern States and stoutly resisting the encroachment of the
in the case of potato. Nor is the outlook for veget- This Modi-fied brand of federalism has been Most people in the south are staunch Indian central government on States’ rights. And, in
able inflation particularly reassuring with June’s manifest in seeking to foist Hindi upon our nationalists who recognise full well the need to many ways, Mr. Modi exemplified these tenets —
retail price trends as well as the lag from escalat- southern States; deploying independent correct regional imbalances, and for richer States until he became Prime Minister, that is.
ing wholesale costs pointing to more pain ahead regulatory and investigative agencies (such as the to subsidise poorer ones. But we must ensure that
for consumers running their household budgets. Enforcement Directorate, the Central Bureau of this balancing act does not become financial Revive the Inter-State Council
Data from the Department of Consumer Affairs Investigation and Income-Tax agencies) to clamp persecution of our southern States. For, unlike Can Opposition-ruled States, especially in the
Price Monitoring Division show the all-India aver- down on political opponents from regional most federal systems, India’s revenues are going south, leverage the BJP’s reduced majority to the
age retail price of tomato, onion and potato, as on parties; using an obscure provision of the Disaster disproportionately to its worst-performing States, benefit of cooperative federalism? The abolition
June 14, were 21%, 14% and 8% higher, respective- Management Act to impose a nationwide those with rampant illiteracy, high rates of of the Planning Commission has deprived them
ly, month-on-month, and a significantly steeper lockdown without consulting the Chief Ministers fertility and population growth, while the of a vital forum. If that cannot be undone, a good
35%, 58% and 44% costlier, respectively, when who had to implement it; creating and misusing high-performing southern States get short shrift. starting point would be extracting the Inter-State
compared with their year-earlier prices. At the the ‘Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief On June 10, 2024, Uttar Pradesh received a Council from the throes of desuetude. Though its
wholesale level, sequential inflation in tomato, in Emergency Situations (PM CARES) Fund, whopping ₹25,069 crore of tax devolution, a rationale had long been outlined in Article 263 of
onion and potato was disconcertingly faster at which limited the flow of cash to State-run Chief figure greater than all our five southern States the Constitution, it was convened only in the
28%, 18% and 9%, respectively, underlining the Minister’s Distress Relief Funds; and robbing collectively received. Bihar and Madhya Pradesh 1990s on the recommendation of the Sarkaria
challenges policymakers face in containing pric- Jammu and Kashmir of Statehood and abrogating got the next largest allocations. Commission. But, despite having the potential to
es through trade measures. Article 370 in a manner that sets an ominous The concerns of our southern States about become a formidable forum of deliberation, the
Food inflation also manifested last month with precedent for all other States. One must add to delimitation are not unfounded: Uttar Pradesh Council has degenerated into a mere appendage
a quickening in price gains in the category’s lar- this litany, the tendency to undermine the careful and Bihar are likely to together outweigh them all of the Ministry of Home Affairs, in whose shadow
gest constituent — cereals and products — to a balance in our fiscal federalism that previous combined. May we dare hope that one of the it scarcely has any authority. So the Inter-State
five-month high of 8.69%. Retail cereal prices governments had maintained, distributing BJP’s two crutches, with 16 seats in the Lok Council must be overhauled and revived to serve
from the price monitoring division’s daily dash- revenues in a way that left it to our States to Sabha, the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, N. as an independent arena for consultation,
board show rice was 13% costlier than on June 14, pursue their own priorities. This balance has Chandrababu Naidu, will refuse to make the decision-making, dispute resolution, and
2023, wheat was 5.7% more expensive and infla- been disturbed using a number of cynical tools, mistake of allowing such a fate to befall South coordination between States and various
tion in wheat flour (atta) was 4.7%, signalling that such as levying cess on a large number of items. India? Whether he does or does not, the other governmental departments and levels of
here again the prospects of a let-up in price pres- Unlike tax, cess does not go into the divisible southern Chief Ministers are bound to be government on issues that affect the States.
sures are remote, at least for now. Pulses saw in- revenue pool and does not need to be shared speaking to each other, to ward off the threat of In a country such as India, whose diversity is
flation quicken again, after a mild slowing in April with States. political disenfranchisement. The interests of held together by a sense of common belonging
to 17.1% with the pace of sequential price rise hit- Another shadow hangs over the federal system millions are entwined with the success of this but whose civic nationalism must accommodate a
ting a six-month high of 1.53%. Official price data with the impending lapse of the 91st Amendment exercise, in which the principles of equitable range of States with divergent levels of
for June 14 showed gram dal, tur, urad and moong in 2026. This guarantees that the share of redistribution and representation should weigh development, it is essential that all feel that their
costlier by 17%, 27%, 13% and 8.5% than a year parliamentary constituencies across States would heavily. All States, ultimately, must work together common nationhood is a winning proposition for
earlier, respectively. Rainfall data from the India be based on the 1971 Census, in order not to to devise a solution. them. In a country where regional, religious, and
The return of
Meteorological Department as on June 14 that punish those States that had empowered their There are no early signs that the large number linguistic tensions are never far from the surface,
show a 12% deficit since June 1 is also a cause for women, improved human development coalition of regional parties in the NDA might bolster an answer such as, “We have more people, so we
mild concern, an ‘above normal’ monsoon fore- indicators and curbed their population. The governance India’s federal structure. Most regional members will have more money and power”, risks
cast notwithstanding. With food inflation partic- ruling party has made it clear that they have no to New Delhi — chief among them the Telugu Desam Party, rupturing the fragile bonds that hold us all
ularly hitting hardest the poorer sections, policy- intention of renewing this provision and are offers hope Janata Dal (United) and Lok Janshakti Party (Ram together.
makers can ill afford to drop their guard.

One more chance

Israel will have to accept the ceasefire
India growth story has a ‘beneficial ownership’ hurdle
proposal or face isolation

oreign investments will play a crucial role began receiving notices from the RBI regarding their compliance with the PN3 Requirement.

resident Joe Biden’s three-phase ceasefire
plan for Gaza got a major boost on Mon- in aiding the government’s goal of a $5 their downstream investments. The industry has However, this may discourage foreign investment
day with the UN Security Council (UNSC) trillion economy by the end of the financial since taken the view that FOCCs will be placed due to potential liabilities.
resolution asking Israel and Hamas to accept the year 2025-26. But, in order to attract foreign under the same restrictions as non-residents on Therefore, there is a pressing need to amend
proposal. The U.S. says Israel has already agreed investment, it is essential to remove all the the aspects on which the law is silent. However, the PN3 Requirement to define “beneficial
to the deal laid out in the resolution, adding that bottlenecks for the Indian companies receiving when this notion was challenged by the RBI owners” comprehensively, including ownership
Hamas’s tough position was the main hindrance this investment, and also foreign investors who Dev Jain recently, investors began to question other thresholds and control tests.
to a ceasefire. This is the second time since the are willing to bet on the India growth story. is a corporate lawyer industry practices on which the FEMA NDI was Second, defining ‘Beneficial Owners’. The
war began on October 7, 2023 that the UNSC is and has previously silent. Even law firms that were once fine with definition of ‘beneficial owner’ should specify a
calling for a Gaza ceasefire. In March, the Coun- Amendment conundrum worked with AZB & adopting a lenient view in cases of beneficial precise threshold for ascertaining beneficial
cil’s call was ignored by Israel. If the U.S. had ab- The amendment to the Indian Foreign Exchange Partners and TTA ownership thresholds, are now advising clients ownership, potentially ranging from 10% (as
stained from voting then, letting the resolution Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019 that they cannot offer assurance by relying on the provided under the Indian company law) to 25%
pass, this time, Washington is the force behind (“FEMA NDI”) through the press note number 3 beneficial ownership thresholds legislated under (as recommended by the Financial Action Task
the proposal. According to the Biden plan, which of 2020, has posed a significant challenge for other laws. Force). The selection of the specific threshold can
the U.S. President says was laid out by Israel, Indian companies, especially start-ups and Further, the obstacle of navigating the prior be customised to align with the government’s
there would be a six-week long ceasefire in the smaller enterprises seeking foreign investments. government approval route is exacerbated by its objective of scrutinising varying levels of foreign
first phase. Israeli troops would pull back from This amendment stipulates that any investments time-consuming nature and high rejection rate. investment across different sectors. For example,
densely populated areas, allow more aid trucks in Indian companies, whether direct or indirect, Although consolidated official data on pending or sectors such as telecom and defence, which are
into Gaza, and release Palestinian prisoners in ex- originating from entities located in countries that rejected applications is not published by the sensitive in nature, may warrant heightened
change for 33 hostages held by Hamas. In the se- share land borders with India (“Neighbouring Government of India, some government officials scrutiny when compared to sectors such as
cond phase, Hamas is to release the remaining Countries”), or where the “beneficial owner” of have stated that proposals worth ₹50,000 crore manufacturing and construction, where India
hostages while Israel is expected to withdraw the said Indian investment is situated in, or is a from the Neighbouring Countries are either requires additional capital.
from the Gaza Strip. The third phase would see citizen of any of these Neighbouring Countries pending, withdrawn or rejected; and a staggering The definition should also specify
the enclave’s reconstruction. would necessitate prior government approval 201 applications have been rejected in the past control-conferring rights, beyond ownership
While the Biden administration, which backs (“PN3 Requirement”). three years. thresholds, to capture entities with significant
Israel’s war on Gaza, is actively pushing for this While the aim of the amendment which was With the PN3 Requirement, the onus of influence. For example, rights regarding board
plan, there are serious hindrances on both sides. promulgated during the COVID-19 pandemic was compliance is on the Indian company that meeting quorums or veto powers over
The U.S. has repeatedly said that the proposal has salutatory — i.e., to curb opportunistic takeovers receives foreign investment, with the regulatory operational matters such as incurring any capital
the blessings of Israel, but the Benjamin Netanya- or acquisitions of Indian companies by authorities having the discretion to impose fines expenditure or availing any loan may confer
hu government has not publicly endorsed the Neighbouring Countries during difficult times of up to three times the investment received. The control and should be outlined. However,
plan. Mr. Netanyahu was politically weakened created by a black swan event — it created vast inherent vagueness within the legislation, along investor value protection rights, such as veto
last week when opposition politician Benny incertitude as the term ‘beneficial owner’ has not with severe penalties, can cast doubts on the powers over mergers or right of first offer, should
Gantz quit the unity government, leaving Prime been explained or defined, and other laws that survivability of these companies. be excluded from the definition, as they do not
Minister Netanyahu more dependent on his far- have a definition of the term are context-specific. Many of these start-ups receive investments far constitute control.
right allies. And the far-right parties in the ruling When the PN3 requirement was first introduced, The amendment beyond their revenue or assets. So, such fines Third, consultation mechanism. Even with the
coalition have threatened to break the govern- the industry in general was comfortable taking a to the Indian could leave them insolvent, even if they liquidate. clarification of control-conferring rights in the
ment if he accepted the ceasefire proposal. So the lenient view, relying on the beneficial ownership Foreign Non-compliance would likely trigger legal battles, definition, some ambiguity may persist due to the
question is whether Mr. Netanyahu could place thresholds that were legislated in other laws. But Exchange adding to India’s already significant backlog of skilful drafting of peculiar clauses in the charter
the country’s interests above his political surviv- since the latter half of 2023, the Reserve Bank of court cases. documents. To mitigate this issue, FEMA NDI,
al. On the other side, Hamas demands an imme- India (RBI) has begun taking a more conservative akin to Indian competition law, could be
view concerning issues on which the law was (Non-debt Issues and solutions amended to incorporate a time-bound
diate Israeli withdrawal from Gaza’s Rafah cross-
ing with Egypt, total freedom in choosing the silent, especially under FEMA NDI. Instruments) First, the indemnity challenge. Indian companies consultation mechanism with regulatory
Palestinian prisoners to be released and guaran- For example, last year, numerous Foreign Rules, 2019 is could consider having foreign investors to furnish authorities, to determine whether specific clauses
tees from China, Russia and Türkiye for a final Owned or Controlled Companies (“FOCCs”) a challenge representations backed by indemnities regarding are control-conferring.
agreement with Israel. As both sides harden their
stances, truce remains elusive. Since the war be-
gan, at least 37,000 Palestinians have been killed LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
by Israel and 2.3 million people displaced. Israel
has repeatedly ignored pleas to protect civilian Conduct of NEET and the future of lakhs of and accountability fixed. awarded grace marks have only a gigantic exercise but clearance for Kerala’s Health
lives, while Hamas has shown little interest in I write this letter as a former aspirants, the national test Dr. D.V.G. Sankara Rao, been cancelled and no will also be inconveniencing Minister to travel to Kuwait,
making concessions to clinch a ceasefire deal. Is- Member of Parliament. The ought to have been Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh other ameliorating action lakhs of aspirants, it is still is unacceptable, to say the
rael wants the hostages to be freed. Hamas wants way a prestigious entrance conducted in a foolproof taken by the National justifiable to re-conduct the least. Did the Central
the war to be over and Israeli troops to be out of examination, for medicine, way. Whatever be the If grace marks were Testing Agency in respect of test. government want to be the
Gaza. They should realise that the only way to was conducted this year, directions from the awarded according to the the other aggrieved Kosaraju Chandramouli, only entity to get the
meet these objectives is to strike a negotiated was most disgraceful (Page judiciary, the government extant rules and candidates. This kind of a Hyderabad accolades? Was this the
deal, rather than prolonging the war that has des- 1, “NTA cancels scorecards must be ashamed for the normalisation formula, it is piecemeal measure is no time to play politics?
troyed much of Gaza and turned Israel into an in- of 1,563 NEET candidates”, sorry state of affairs. All the not understandable why the solution to the larger mess. Playing politics? Thomas Kunnath,
ternationally isolated rogue state. June 14). Given the hopes loopholes must be plugged scorecards of candidates Though a retest for all is not The refusal of political Changanassery, Kerala
Saturday, June 15, 2024 7

Modi and Yogi didn’t realise the

administration...had harassed...people in
the name of temple development
Chief priest, Hanumangarhi temple

feels that in the land of Ram’s birth, Hindutva still

survives: “I am also a Hindu. When I have won
from here, how can Hindutava lose?” His father
was Dukhi Ram; his grandfather, Ram Naval; his
brother, Ram Awadh; and father-in-law, Ram Se-
vak, he says, reiterating his Hindu-ness. “I won
only because lord Ram wanted to tell the BJP they
shouldn’t be perpetuating injustice in his name.”

Difficult days
Lallu Singh, the former MP has stopped attending
public events and is organising booth-level meet-
ings to understand the reasons for his defeat. His
secretary says he is not speaking to the media
now. People in his constituency though, voice
strong opinions on him.
“He was so arrogant as an MP; he was never
there for the people. Whenever we approached
him with grievances, he would mistreat us. I still
remember he told me once that the people of
Ayodhya had voted for Narendra Modi and not
for him, so we should go to Modi with our pro-
blems,” says Niranjan Pandey, a middle-aged
farmer, who owned a plot in Kusmaha village,
where there was massive land acquisition to
build the Ayodhya airport.
Many in the city recall how Singh refused to
meet the delegation of shopkeepers who went to
give him a letter regarding inadequate compensa-
tion by the administration. “Wo kehte the ek-do
gaon vote nahi bhi dega to unka kuch nahi jayega
(He would say that if one or two villagers don’t
vote for him, it wouldn’t make a difference),” says
Sunita Devi, in her late 50s, whose shop was par-
tially demolished for road widening.
Mohd. Naiem, in his 40s, who runs a tea shop,
is not surprised at the BJP’s defeat. “In the last
A couple demolish their house for the widening of the Parikarma marg, in Ayodhya. SANDEEP SAXENA civic body elections held in 2023, Sultan Ansari
had won in Ram Abhiram Das ward,” says Naiem.
the eastern-most part of the constituency. In the The ward, where the Ram temple currently

A saffron sunset in 2022 Assembly polls — the first Uttar Pradesh

elections after the 2019 Supreme Court verdict —
the BJP won four out of the five seats, while the
SP’s Prasad won the Milkipur seat, reserved for
Scheduled Castes (SCs).
stands, is named after the religious leader who is
said to have placed the idol of lord Ram inside the
Babri mosque. “The victory was a sign that peo-
ple are tired of the Hindu-Muslim divide created
by the BJP,” says Naiem.

a temple town
This time, Prasad, 77, was declared SP’s Lok While the BJP is analysing its defeat in Ayod-
Sabha candidate with the slogan, “Na Mathura, hya, Raju Das, the chief priest of the Hanuman
na Kashi, ab ki baar Awadhesh Pasi’ (Neither Garhi temple, says that people had no complaints
Mathura, nor Kashi; this time it’s Awadhesh Pasi,’ against PM Modi or Chief Minister Yogi; it was the
Pasi being a representation of his caste). This was fault of the bureaucracy.
a reaction to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s post- “Modi and Yogi didn’t realise that the adminis-
Babri slogan: “Ayodhya tho sirf jhanki hai; abhi tration in Ayodhya had harassed and looted peo-
The Ram temple is a symbol of the merger of state and religion in India, with the Prime Minister presiding over Mathura-Kashi baaki hai (Ayodhya is just a ple in the name of temple development. They
glimpse; Mathura and Kashi are left [to be ac- were shown the best pictures and were never
its consecration. Ishita Mishra finds that in the Lok Sabha elections, the politics that propelled the Hindutva quired thereafter]. made to meet people,” Das says. He says the BJP
movement took second place to the basic needs of the people who live in Uttar Pradesh’s Ayodhya “This slogan worked wonders for the SP, and hasn’t lost in Ayodhya, but has come out 4,000
the saffron party lost the temple town around votes stronger than 2019; it was the other four As-
which they were trying to build their Hindutva sembly constituencies where their numbers
n a Tuesday evening, Sonal Gupta name of lord Ram for political gains, the BJP suf- bastion,” says Anil Singh, who teaches Hindi liter- dipped. In fact, many whose shops were demol-

O (name changed to protect privacy),

21, walks over to Hanuman Garhi, an
area with a temple second in popular-
ity only to the Ram Janambhoomi, in Ayodhya,
Uttar Pradesh (U.P.). She stares at the selfie point
After trying
all they
could, even
fered an embarrassing defeat in Faizabad. This
shows that even lord Ram warned them against
looting, harassing, and fooling people in his
name,” says Sunil Kumar, 42, whose shop was al-
so demolished for the construction of Ram Path,
ature at Faizabad’s K.S. Saket P.G. College. He
adds that Prasad’s victory is significant, because a
Dalit leader has contested from a general seat for
the first time since Independence, winning with a
significant margin (54,567 votes), defeating the
ished voted for the BJP.

Hate and hard talk

After the June 4 results, social media was flooded
with hate messages directed towards the people
adjacent to the ancient Hanuman mandir. She a road leading to the temple. BJP, which is both at the Centre and the State. of Ayodhya. Pilgrims were asked to stop giving
using the
comes here often. Sometimes, devotees ask her Kumar and his family were BJP supporters; Prasad holds law and post-graduate degrees. business to local shopkeepers and hoteliers.
to take photos of them on the steps of the now- name of lord this time they have voted for the Samajwadi Par- Singh feels the election results in Faizabad are “Boycott Ayodhya” was trending on X (formerly
public place, at the Ram tilak point. Mostly Ram for ty (SP) that got 37 seats. He now sets up shop on a repeat of 1993, when [SP founder] Mulayam Twitter). “Jo Ram ko laaye tumne unhe hi dhokha
though, she looks up at the temple, and cries. political the pavement, and is often evicted by the police, Singh Yadav decided to keep the communal forc- dia,” (You have betrayed those who brought Ram
“My shop and home used to be here until the gains, the BJP leading a difficult life. es out of UP. “After the Babri mosque demolition home),” a social media post reads. A comment on
government demolished it under the Ram tem- suffered an Nine-time MLA and six-time Minister in the by right wing forces, he joined hands with Bahu- this says, “History says that people of Ayodhya
ple project,” she says, of her 30x30 foot space. embarrass- U.P. government, Awadhesh Prasad of the SP is jan Samaj Party (BSP) founder Kanshiram. The fa- have always betrayed its king.” The BJP MP from
“My father died in trauma and my mother has the new parliamentarian of Faizabad. He defeat- mous slogan coined at the time was ‘Mile Mu- Unnao, Sakshi Maharaj expressed shock in a TV
ing defeat in
never recovered. She has lost everything: her ed the BJP’s Lallu Singh, two-time MP, in 2014 layam-Kanshi Ram, hawa mein ud gaye Jai Shri interview that Ayodhya had chosen an SP MP.
husband, our house, the shop.” It has been two Faizabad and 2019. “Like us, many have either not voted Ram’. SP-BSP supporters together voted the BJP Prasad is pragmatic: “Those boycotting Ayod-
years now, but Gupta tears up quickly. SUNIL KUMAR for the BJP or have not voted at all, which caused out of power from the State,” he says. hya are not Ram bhakts (devotees). A person who
Shopkeeper whose
The family got ₹1.95 lakh as compensation premises were
the party to lose this land of the Ram temple,” Singh believes Prasad was a terrific candidate cannot respect democracy and the democratic
from the administration, too small an amount to demolished says Nandan Sharma, in his 40s, another shop- choice, considering the population dynamic in rights of the people can never be a Ram bhakt,”
build a house and a shop, and start afresh. She keeper in Ayodhya who sells cloths with prints of Faizabad that has an over-50% combined voter- he says.
wonders whether, in the balance of life, a ‘selfie gods and goddess on them. count of SCs/STs, Muslims, and OBCs. Krishna Kant Gupta, a lawyer practising in Fai-
point’ was more important than homes and live- He says the district administration assured Jeetan Ram Pasi, from Milkipur assembly seg- zabad, feels that the cow, considered a universal
lihoods. In the build-up to the inauguration of the those whose shops were demolished the allot- ment says the bahujan samaj (traditionally subju- mother in Hinduism, was one of the contributing
Ram temple, 10-15 shops were demolished just ment of new spaces, but to get them they would gated people) felt threatened and unsafe when factors for the BJP’s loss. “Farmers were so angry
for the selfie-point, to make way for wider roads have to deposit ₹25 lakh. “The administration BJP MP Lallu Singh gave a speech at a public here because of stray cattle, destroying their
and ‘beautification’. had said that after 20 years, they would take back meeting in April this year in Faizabad, saying that fields. Even after making tall claims of cow pro-
The Ram temple, one of the 2014 Lok Sabha that shop. How can poor people like us get 25 for a new Constitution, the party needed a two- tection, the BJP was never managed cattle. The
poll promises of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lakh? Even if we take loans, we won’t be able to third majority. The video of his speech went viral. ban on the slaughter of non-milch animals [from
and a resolution of the Sangh Parivar (RSS) pay it back in 20 years and by then, we will also “This was the last nail in the BJP’s coffin,” says 2017] was a problem,” says Gupta.
in 1986, was consecrated amidst political lose the shop. This is injustice and poor policy,” Pasi, adding that the members of the bahujan sa- Nirmala Gautam, in her 50s, who used to sell
pomp by Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Sharma says, still angry. maj in Faizabad had collectively decided that if all tea near Saryu Ghat until her shop was torn
Modi in January 2024, months before the upper-caste people could set their differences down, says that many temples and mosques were
general election mid-year. Political pummelling aside and vote for the BJP, they could do the same demolished to make way for a ‘beautiful’ Ayod-
It was followed by a massive out- Faizabad comprises five Assembly seats: Dariya- to vote the party out of power. hya. “The gods have cursed the BJP with defeat,”
reach of the BJP, with the party tak- bad, Rudauli, Milkipur, Bikapur, and Ayodhya in Prasad, who is currently in Delhi, however, she says, adding that the city has turned into a
ing thousands of people from ‘curfew’ zone for residents, with daily VIP visits.
across the country to Ayodhya on “The newspapers are full of reports of deaths
special trains and buses. The aim when patients got stuck in traffic jams.”
was to keep the noise of the temple ‘tri- Dilip Tiwari, 35, who lived in Dharampur vil-
umph’ high, as the party pitched for lage, which was acquired for the airport project,
“Ab ki baar 400 paar (This time more complains that the compensation he got was low-
than 400 seats [out of 543])”. er than circle rates. It’s not only the money that
When the results were declared, the BJP got troubles him. Tiwari and his family moved to
only 240 seats countrywide, lost the Faizabad Ashapur village in Ayodhya district, where the
parliamentary constituency under which Ayod- U.P. government allotted them land. He says he
hya falls, and came down to 33 seats out of 80 had to spend over ₹20 lakh to construct a new
from its previous 62 in Uttar Pradesh that was house, whose papers still show it as government
considered its northern fortress. land. There are also social problems: “People like
us are not being respected here. They refuse to al-
In the name of Ram low us to use their cremation ritual centres, as we
Across three years, since 2020, hundreds of are outsiders for them. The BJP will never know
shopkeepers in Ayodhya, including Santosh Gup- what they have done to us.”
ta, 49; Suresh Singh, 50; and Gopalu, 34, had While a shiny new temple has come up on the
their shops demolished to make the town pili- rubble of a medieval mosque, Prerna and Sachin
grim-ready. The Supreme Court in 2019 Novem- (names changed), from Mirzapur Mafi village in
ber ordered the disputed land — where the Babri Faizabad, live in a two-room home. Sachin is a
mosque once stood until 1992, when it was construction worker. “After building homes for
brought down by karsevaks — to be handed over others through the day, my husband comes
to a trust to build the Ram Janmabhoomi temple. home every evening to demolish our own house.
The court had also asked the government to allot A part of it falls on the Parikrama marg (road),”
five acres of land for the construction of a mos- Prerna explains, clearing the debris.
que, which the Muslim community has not been The couple was given a choice to pay the go-
able to build, due to several hurdles. vernment to break it down or do it themselves.
“After trying all they could, even using the Shopkeepers, some of whose premises were demolished for a selfie point near Hanuman Garhi temple, in Ayodhya. SANDEEP SAXENA They have no money to give the government.
4 . bl . think

SATURDAY - JUNE 15 - 2024

SATURDAY - JUNE 15, 2024

India needs a long term
Europe’s Right turn
development model
ndia aspires to be in the league of
developed countries by 2047 and
legitimately and deservedly so.
EU Parliament polls suggest anti-immigration mood Over the last three decades, the A NEW FRAMEWORK. Such a model should evolve a range of
country has been on the reform
ooking at Europe today Karl Marx might well strategies for managing resources, to promote shared prosperity

path. Some of the reforms like
have said that “a spectre is hanging over jettisoning the licensing system,
introduction of GST, and deregulation
Europe, the spectre of the Far Right”. And of banking and finance are highly
the reason is that in France, the Right wing National consequential. There have been a series
Rally (RN) received 31 per cent of the vote in the of incremental reforms as well and all
these have cumulatively helped the
June 9 election to the European Parliament. In country achieve a GDP of $4 trillion. But
Germany, the far Right Alternative for Germany it is time for a long-term economic
came second. In Austria, the anti-immigrant model/development path to take the
country to the coveted developed nation
Freedom Party won for the first time. In Italy the status.
Right won 28 per cent. And so on. It’s an Globally two distinct economic
unmistakable trend. models/systems are worth debating.
One goes by the name Washington
So why is Europe shifting to the Right? Consensus and the other, Beijing
After all, for the last 60 years much of it has Consensus. The suggestion is not to
replicate or copy-paste any one of these
prided itself on having politics that placed a models, but to develop a roadmap that is
premium on rejecting aggressive appropriate to our own context and
nationalism, embracing Christian contingencies.
compassion and being socially responsible
for the welfare of the world. These values This model revolves around 10 policies
led it to adopt policies that are loosely popularly known as Decalogue. These
labelled as Left and liberal whose hallmark principles are: fiscal discipline;
was benignity. This stance happened re-prioritisation of public expenditure policies and argue that economic times in two decades. Contrary to been hindered by too many pauses,
towards neglected fields with high development is too complex and serious popular belief the implementation is mostly driven by electoral cycles.
because Europeans, after the excesses of economic returns, improving income to be left to the markets. marked by great degree of As India embarks on a new journey, it
the Nazis between 1933 and 1945, their distribution, and high investment in In India, the 1991 reforms and decentralisation. Flexibility and is time we have a broader inclusive
own colonial excesses and the looming health and education; provide incentives thereafter had some elements of the adaptability are the other two important economic development path that
malignant shadow of the USSR developed a and broaden tax base; positive real Washington Consensus. hallmarks and this is better explained by evolves into a New Delhi Consensus,
deep yearning for a more humane society. interest rate and market determined Deng Xiaoping’s Cat Theory — it does which can be a model for the Global
interest rates; competitive exchange BEIJING CONSENSUS not matter whether the cat is black or South like our Public Digital
To their credit, they succeeded in creating rate; trade liberalisation and move An alternative model for economic white as long as it catches mice. It is less Infrastructure.
one. Europe became a haven for both ideas towards a uniform tariff of around 10 per development and political principles ideological and more data driven. It Such a Consensus will give a
and people. Tolerance has been the defining cent; foreign direct investment — goes by the name Beijing Consensus, a relies more on ground level survey to consistent and sustainable long-term
feature. foreign and domestic firms shall be term coined by Joshua Cooper Ramo. understand people’s needs rather than direction with flexibility and
allowed to compete on equal terms; It is radically different from the theoretical models and thus it is more adaptability. The Modi 3.0 government
Broadly, this worldview earned the name privatisation; deregulation; and Washington Consensus, not least in focussed on improving the quality of life can probably draw on the experience of
‘social democracy’ because governments property rights. ideology. Its design emphasis is on: of ordinary citizens. renowned, dissimilar economists like C
ruled with a light touch, and because of This consensus was unveiled over innovation; experimentation; equality; Rangarajan, Arvind Panagariya and
wholehearted cooperation from the people. two-and-a-half decades ago by British self-determination; and sustainable NEW DELHI CONSENSUS Raghuram Rajan to develop the New
economist John Williamson reflecting development. India successfully navigated the fallout Delhi Consensus — essentially a
But that has been changing for about 15 the mood of the day in the Western As opposed to market of the global financial crisis and Covid political and economic roadmap for
years now. The people are refusing to markets. This consensus has the backing fundamentalism in Washington 19. But it does not have a long-term India to be a top developed country by
cooperate with liberal ideas and of the World Bank and IMF. The basic Consensus, state capitalism is central to development path or framework on the 2047.
governments are adopting an increasingly philosophy revolves around virtual Beijing Consensus. Markets and lines of the Washington and Beijing The Consensus would essentially be a
heavy hand. It’s hard to say exactly why but combination of political democracy and competition also had a role. This model Consensuses. There are some elements compendium of strategies for
free markets. But the assumption is that has delivered superior and fast of these Consensuses in our economic mobilisation and allocation of resources
the proximate reason is immigrants from free markets deliver best economic economic growth in China and per policies. However, over the last three and the design of institutions to navigate
strife-torn north African countries, West prospects. It argues that government capita income grew by a massive eight decades, since the 1991 reforms, India the same. The new narrative is shared
Asia, the Ukraine war and the overall intervention misallocates resources and has jettisoned its policy of the state prosperity. The government may
distress in the economy. Europe is sliding even represses creativity and as such Over the last three controlling the commanding heights of constitute a bipartisan New Delhi
disfavours. It is not hard to miss its the economy. Though not fully market Consensus Commission. This is not
downward and it’s natural for it to direct emphasis on market fundamentalism for decades, since the 1991 oriented, markets have carved out a role revival of the Planning Commission.
the blame outwards. This shift of voter best outcomes. reforms, India has to play, though a far cry from State Governments are critical to
preferences is now large enough to The reforms in many poor and Washington Consensus standards. success and they need to be involved.
eventually cause major political changes. developing countries are inspired by the jettisoned its policy of Though several economic reforms This must be top on the agenda of the
Indeed, such has been the impact of this Washington Consensus with mixed the state controlling the have been initiated from time to time, first 100 days of Modi 3.0.
results. There is no shortage of they have been halting. In terms of
that the French president has called for economists who dismiss these commanding heights of intention and direction one may discern The writers are Mentor and Chairman, respectively, of
snap election. Others may follow. principles as an unjust set of neo-liberal the economy. political bipartisanship, but the pace has SYFX Treasury Foundation
There have also been wounded and
panicky calls by the Left to “take the right
wing bull by the horns”. Many of them fear
that they may already have lost the battle
which was joined in earnest a couple of
Drugs, guns, hush money and elections
years ago. An entire way of life now seems
in danger. All the things that are dear to the
First indications are the convictions of Trump and Hunter Biden have hardly had any impact on the minds of voters
Left — immigration, green policies and efforts against President Biden have had been urging the rank and file not to make
welfare — now appear to be at risk, not Sridhar Krishnaswami a heady mix of Hunter Biden but till date any linkages between the travails of
least because of the defensive strategy of little to nothing has surfaced; and the Hunter Biden and President Biden

wo weeks ago Donald Trump was impeachment process itself appears to knowing full well it could be
the Centrists copying the Right. This has convicted of 34 felonies, putting be losing steam. But in Biden Jr’s counter-productive. The tie-in, one
happened recently in many countries, him in history books as the first Delaware courtroom drama, the right perception goes, could actually garner
including India where both BJP and the former President to have suffered such a wing crowd had no dad-son nexus even if more sympathy given that numerous
Congress have been imitating each other. fate. And, a few days ago, Hunter Biden, in different contexts former president families are torn apart from drug related
The hope is that both the far Right and the son of President Joe Biden, became the Trump has alleged that President Biden violence, with or without firearms. If the
first child of a sitting President to be is at times high on substances and Bidens have rallied around Hunter,
far Left will move to the centre. But as it slammed on drugs and guns charge. Both apparently at one point even suggesting including many in the family being at the
often happens the centre also moves. Or as Trump and Biden Jr. await sentencing, that one pre-condition of any courthouse and testifying and President
said to be weeks away. Presidential debate was that President BIDENS. In a spot of bother Biden being at the Delaware airport
the English poet William Butler Yeats
wrote in 1918: “Things fall apart; the centre The contrasts could not be starker but Biden must be tested, something so hugging his son after the verdict, it was
still the temptation to draw inferences to outrageous that it did not merit a serious both Trump and President Biden are something that Americans could relate
cannot hold…the best lack all conviction, the Presidential election of November response from the White House. actively wooing more or less stayed with to. Or as President Biden put it, “I am the
while the worst are full of passionate 2024. Trump was found guilty on a the mainstream sentiments: four out of President, but I am also a dad.”
intensity.” $130,000 hush money payment to a NOT AN INFLUENCING FACTOR five saying Biden Jr’s conviction would Given the charges, a potential of 25
adult actress with whom he allegedly had First indications are that neither the not influence their voting; and 60 per years in prison could be in store for
an affair but one that surfaced in the Hunter Biden trial nor the conviction cent feeling that way about Trump’s Hunter Biden — could also be that he
course of the 2016 campaign trail. seem to have had any impact on the conviction. Looking at registered voters, will see no real jail time given the nature
POCKET: BIZ DIZRUPTION RAVIKANTH Hunter Biden’s had to do with lying to minds of voters. Two-thirds of 16 per cent took the view that Biden Jr’s of offences and the first time conviction.
authorities in the process of procuring a registered voters, in a Reuters/Ipsos poll, conviction would make them less likely But the larger message has not been lost.
gun and hiding the fact that he was a said they had heard a “fair amount” of to vote for President Biden and just 4 per Aside from staying away from any
drug addict. the trial of Biden Jr but 80 per cent said cent maintained that they would be courtroom drama and spectacle,
The Republicans, the far right that this will have no bearing on the more likely to do so. On Trump’s President Biden has made one thing
especially, have been gunning for Hunter likelihood to vote for President Biden on Manhattan conviction, 24 per cent of clear: No Pardon. And that should count
Biden for a long time hoping to link his November 5. In the hush money registered voters said that they would be for something, even if commutation may
father to some of business dealings the conviction of Trump only 61 per cent less likely to vote for the former be on the cards.
son may have had when dad was had said that it would have no impact on president and 14 per cent took the more
Vice-President in the Barack Obama their voting decision. likely to do so option. The writer is a senior journalist who has reported from
administration. In fact the impeachment Importantly, Independent voters that Senior Republicans in Congress have Washington DC on North America and United Nations

LETTERS TO EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859-860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.

A complex instrument the system. The lack of significant complex issues are awaiting trading. For every individual who (June 14). It cannot be a coincidence
This refers to ‘MF’s trade in credit market in CDS was one of the main resolution. Most of the urban and makes some money there are that as many as 67 students have
default swaps, a good move’ (June reasons India was not significantly rural areas in the State lack basic thousands and thousands of those topped the exams and on top of it six
14). Credit default swaps (CDS) are affected by the chain of defaults amenities like drainage facilities, who lose it. Instead of discouraging students from the same centre did it.
complex derivative products that, if during the 2008 mortgage crisis. drinking water and proper roads such trading, there are many There is definitely more to it than
not used prudently, can lead to Srinivasan Velamur besides erratic supply of power. so-called analysts on mainstream TV meets the eye.
financial turmoil. The 2008 mortgage Chennai Towards funding the various channels actually encouraging it by During the exams we witnessed how
crisis is a classic example of this risk. projects, the State could look to offering how to make money by one racket was busted, wherein a
The level of risk that the buyer of a Agenda for Naidu crowd-funding and public-private following their advice. The impunity whopping ₹25 lakh was charged
CDS is exposed to depends on the With reference to the editorial, ‘Man JVs in all the major capital with which they get away, causing from students to provide proxy
rating of the quality of assets of the of the moment’ (June 14), the new expenditure plans. To attract foreign heavy losses to retail traders, cannot candidates to take the exams. Some
underlying institution, which is AP government lead by investments a provision for setting be condoned. Monthly settlements, students complained that even after
determined by rating agencies. If Chandrababu Naidu has the uphill up a GIFT city at Vizag may be as was the practice earlier, could help having scored 650 out of 720 marks
these ratings are not accurate, it can task of completely revamping the planned and the city should be curb this form of trading. they were not getting admission into
lead to default risk for the seller. State whose exchequer is in a developed as a major IT hub. Anthony Henriques any of the reputed colleges. So there
Allowing mutual funds to trade in shambles. Apart from the huge Sitaram Popuri Mumbai are a series of anomalies which must
CDS increases the capital expenditure proposed for Bengaluru be addressed and investigated
interconnectedness of various re-building Amaravati as a NEET issues thoroughly by National Testing
institutions through these contracts, world-class capital and completion Curb F&O trading This refers to ‘74 students have Agency.
meaning the failure of one institution of the giant hydel power project SEBI had recently expressed concern scored 100% in NEET-UG since Bal Govind
could lead to a cascade of failures in which stopped abruptly, so many over the spurt in futures and options inception, a whopping 67 in 2024’ Noida

Published by Nirmala Lakshman and Printed by Praveen Someshwar at HT Media Ltd. Plot No.8, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P.201306, on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT. LTD. Chennai-600002. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRP Act). ISSN 0971 - 7528

YK . . . . . . . . ND-NDE

Economic shortsightedness is jeopardising Italy’s G7 ambitions

Africa Summit earlier this year. It aims and failed policies. The economic ration- Italian SOEs have not always been condu- per cent on R&D between 2000 and 2002. approach provides only short-term relief.
to establish international development ale for reducing public debt through rigid cive to transformational change. In fact, The semi-public firms that survived, like Despite Ms Meloni’s attempt to present
partnerships focused on energy, growth, fiscal rules is based on a misinformed and their historical trajectory reflects the coun- Eni, often lacked a mission-oriented, an innovative development vision, her
and immigration. short-term view of government finances try’s economic struggles. The energy crisis whole-of-government industrial strategy. government’s embrace of outdated
The plan is named after Enrico Mattei, that overlooks the long-term macroeco- of the 1970s, for example, affected state- These trends reflect the broader chal- theories produces failed policies that jeop-
the founder of Italian oil giant Eni. In the nomic impact of mission-oriented public owned steel producers, as technological lenges facing the Italian economy: ardise the G7’s economic agenda and part-
1950s, Mattei broke the monopoly of the investment, especially its ability to crowd efficiencies and demand shifts led to wide- Political and managerial shortsightedness, nership with Africa. Instead of fostering a
major oil companies by offering develop- in private capital and stimulate economic spread job redundancies. With layoffs lack of direction, inadequate public and greener, more inclusive economy driven
ing countries more favourable partnership growth. Italy’s economic history is a case proving politically toxic, intense price private investment in R&D, and insuffi- by investment and innovation, Ms Meloni
agreements. These agreements often in point. Both private and public invest- competition resulted in heavy losses and cient human-capital formation. The has adopted the same shortsighted
MARIANA MAZZUCATO & allowed developing economies to retain ment declined between 2009 and 2016, budget shortfalls, leading to increased labour-market reforms of the 1990s and approach that is responsible for many of
GIOVANNI TAGLIANI 75 per cent of the profits, in contrast to the and started to rise only after public invest- state support. This, in turn, led to excessive 2000s led to precarious work conditions, Italy’s problems. Despite its branding, Ms
less equitable terms imposed by the dom- ment increased in 2019. government influence and triggered calls disincentivising long-term investment in Meloni’s government has failed to live up

taly is hosting the 50th G7 summit in inant oil giants. Mattei also viewed state- Ms Meloni’s privatisation plan is indi- for privatisation. skills and training and reducing produc- to Mattei’s legacy of public ownership and
Fasano. Ahead of the meeting, Prime owned enterprises (SOEs) as an essential cative of Italy’s short-termism, aimless- In the 1990s, Italy initiated the largest tivity. Ms Meloni’s flawed privatisation international cooperation. To address
Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government component of national development ness, and absence of a serious industrial privatisation programme in continental plan is representative of a broader global Italy’s economic challenges, policymakers
announced an ambitious Africa-centered strategies and considered personal entre- strategy. Well-governed SOEs can boost Europe, dismantling much of its industrial trend. Although the International must walk the talk and adopt a forward-
development plan and invited the preneurship a public duty. economic development and create tech- backbone instead of fostering innovation. Monetary Fund has recognised that aus- looking industrial strategy.
leaders of several African countries and Ironically, Eni is now part of Ms nological spillovers, sectoral complemen- For example, while the telecommunica- terity does not reduce debt-to-GDP ratios
the African Union to attend — the largest Meloni’s €20 billion ($21 billion) privati- tarities, and economies of scale and scope. tions conglomerate STET allocated 2 per and hurts growth, European policymakers Mazzucato is founding director of the UCL
number of representatives from the con- sation plan, which involves selling SOE Moreover, SOEs can provide patient cap- cent of its revenues to research and devel- still cling to obsolete fiscal rules that push Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose.
tinent at a G7 summit since 2017. Ms shares to reduce the public debt. Ms ital and enhance a country’s technological opment (R&D) between 1994 and 1996, our governments to sell industrial assets to Giovanni Tagliani is a researcher at the UCL
Meloni unveiled her Africa initiative, Meloni’s privatisation programme is a mis- capabilities, both independently and calculations show that its privatised suc- reduce public debt. Instead of promoting Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose.
known as the Mattei Plan, at the Italy- guided combination of outdated theories through their supply chains. To be sure, cessor, Telecom Italia, spent roughly 0.4 sustainable industrial strategies, this ©Project Syndicate, 2024


Which way the Sangh blows

Occasional lovers’ tiffs have marked the history of RSS-BJP (national interest). The RSS had no com-
plaints with the BJP. It is just that it wasn’t
relations. To think that Nagpur will bring about any change in its time yet.
leadership is a misreading of both its intent and its power In 1998, the RSS celebrated the rise of the
first BJP-led coalition under Atal Bihari

hat was the Rashtriya Swayamsevak (Prime Minister Modi) won’t listen to us. But Vajpayee. His personality and temperament,
Sangh (RSS) thinking when it at least listen to Mohan Bhagwat.” In this however, clashed with that of then sarsangh-
decided to unleash a flurry of state- brave new post-June 4 universe, the RSS chalak K S Sudarshan, and by 2003, the
ments, widely seen as expressing disapproval chief is seen as less illiberal — and more strain was visible to all. The RSS was again
of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) govern- acceptable — than the Modi-Shah BJP. less than enthusiastic in the 2004 election,
ment for its ahankaar (arrogance)? This is an incredible misreading of the sit- which Vajpayee and L K Advani advanced
The four specific instances include uation. The fact is that occasional lovers’ tiffs by about five months. This is when they lost

Navigating a MAD world Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat’s speech at have marked the history of RSS-BJP rela-
the conclusion of the RSS workers’ training, tions. These rarely change anything substan-
and a specific reference to ahankaar by tively. To think that Nagpur will bring about
Indresh Kumar, a member of the Sangh’s any change in leadership is a misreading of
power, albeit narrowly.
Many of these irritants were underlined
by Sudarshan in a two-part WalkTheTalk
interview for NDTV in April, 2005. To be
far more powerful than an B will retaliate, and both in charge of launch codes executive committee and chief patron of the both its intent and its power. sure, the approach for the interview had
“atom bomb”, is hard, but will suffer losses; and, if rational and sane? Nobody RSS-backed Muslim Rashtriya Manch. Mr This election has shown Mr Modi’s critics come from the sarsanghchalak’s office. I had-
not necessary. Even an old- Nation B thinks Nation A knows much about the san- Kumar said that Bhagwan Ram had pun- that he is beatable. It will, however, require n’t asked for it, because RSS chiefs rarely, if
fashioned World War II atom has launched, nation B will ity of North Korea’s leader- ished the BJP’s arrogance by limiting it to much hard work over the next five years, one ever, give interviews. Sudarshan’s tone, after
bomb can flatten a city. also launch before its ship. Whatever the outcome 240 seats, way below the halfway mark. He state election after another, to achieve that. It Vajpayee had lost power, was “Serves him
Processing radioactive arsenal is destroyed. of US elections in also said the justice of Ramrajya ensured that can’t happen through any internal coup what- right. If only he had listened to us.” By this
material to make it This scenario of MAD, or November, the football will, the INDIA bloc was kept even lower at 237 soever, whether blessed by the RSS or not. time, the RSS had also noted the rise of a
weapons-grade is a big mutually assured destruc- one way or another, be held because it is “Ram virodhi” or anti-Ram. Plus, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, to much younger leader in Narendra Modi, way
stumbling block, even tion, is the keystone to most by one of two old men, who Ratan Sharda, an RSS intellectual often suggest that the RSS is in the mood to unsettle more faithful to its ideology.
though spent fuel from strategies designed to pre- are both believed to have articulating the organisa- its own government. Fast forward another 20 years and the
nuclear power plants can be vent nuclear war. Arguably, cognitive issues by their tion’s viewpoint and ideology If they are the guru and itch came in the run-up to the 2024 cam-
VIEWPOINT reprocessed to weapons- nukes are the reason why detractors. on TV channels and in news- the current BJP leadership paign. The BJP now believed that all it
grade. Israel has twice the Cold War never became Yet another nuclear paper op-eds, had more spe- their shishyas, see this crit- needed to do was campaign in Modi’s name,
DEVANGSHU DATTA attacked facilities in Syria “hot”, since Nato and the power is led by somebody cific criticism over the BJP icism as a disappointed that it would be a one-man campaign for
and Iraq, acting on suspi- Warsaw Pact nations were who claims “non-biological” undermining its own ideo- teacher upbraiding their them by him. The RSS might have felt a little

he US, Russia, China, cions that these facilities wary about MAD. origins, and that nation’s logical commitment by favourite pupils for indif- slighted, particularly at the ground level, in
France, the UK, could create weapons-grade Game theorists dealing western neighbour has a inducting many known ferent performance. It isn’t spite of the fact that so many aspects of the
India, Pakistan and material. Iran’s nuclear pro- with nukes assume that (1) fractured polity where it isn’t critics of the RSS, and as if the RSS and the BJP ideological project — Kashmir-Article 370,
North Korea acknowledge gramme was also hit by a accidents will not happen, even clear who holds the thereby paying the price. haven’t been at odds at dif- Ram Mandir, triple talaq abolition — had
possessing nuclear sophisticated cyber-assault and (2) individuals in charge football. Another nuclear The fourth is an article in ferent points in time. We been achieved. Mr Modi was also careful to
weapons. Israel is believed said to have been authored of launch orders are ration- nation is led by a man who the RSS mouthpiece, will list three. But this, after give Mr Bhagwat pride of place at the Ram
to have a secret arsenal. Iran by Israel, or Israel and the al. On several occasions, has turned Gaza into an Organiser, blaming the alli- NATIONAL INTEREST the election results, isn’t Mandir consecration.
may also be on the verge of US in tandem. false alarms triggered by apocalyptic hellscape with- ance with the Ajit Pawar-led one such. The ideology was never undermined, but
developing nukes. ICAN (the International technical glitches in warn- out even using nukes. Nationalist Congress Party SHEKHAR GUPTA the swayamsevak was just made to feel that
South Africa dismantled
its arsenal but it is “nuclear-
latent”, meaning it could
Campaign to
Nuclear Weapons) esti-
mates the acknowledged
abolish ing systems have nearly
caused nuclear shootouts.
Proliferation increases
Another nuclear nation
is embroiled in an unending
war in Ukraine, and it has
for the debacle in
Maharashtra. Read together, these four T his BJP was formed in
1980 from the wreck-
instances look like the first coordinated crit- age of the original Bharatiya Jana Sangh,
he wasn’t so indispensable anymore. Mr
Bhagwat said in his speech earlier this week
that the RSS did in this election what it
rebuild an arsenal quickly nuclear nations plus Israel potential flashpoints. issued repeated nuclear icism of the BJP under Narendra Modi by after the Janata Party, with which it had always does: Fine-tuning public opinion.
if it chose. There’s a long hold over 12,000 warheads Ukraine, for example, could threats in the last three the RSS in the past decade. In fact, Mr merged in 1977, crashed. Since then, we can But the BJP itself had stated that it believed
list of nations like South between them. That’s be a trigger point. So could years. Yet another nation Bhagwat in his speech counselling restraint see how a 20-year-itch has marked the RSS- it had grown up and could walk on its own,
Africa, which are all a enough to cause mass the subcontinent, Korea, recently war-gamed an said he’d prefer pratipaksh (the other side) BJP relationship. Each time, the BJP without needing the RSS’s little finger to
“screwdriver’s turn” away extinction many times over. Taiwan, or Gaza. Also warn- invasion of Taiwan. Looking to virodhi (Opposition). Which brings us to emerged chastened. Think of 1984, 2004, hold on to. This is where the relative indif-
from possessing nukes. Just a few of those devices ing systems and missiles are on the bright side, however, our next question: What is the RSS trying to and now 2024. ference could have come from.
There are also 28 nations going off could trigger a increasingly likely to be while the UK is headed into achieve? Caught in this flutter are all sides The first, 1984, was not the BJP’s fault. It That, however, was before the results. The
(apart from ones with “nuclear winter”, where semi-autonomous and con- elections, the next Prime with stakes in power politics or a voice in is just that the RSS, concerned about the cri- point is made, and it’s over. This government,
nukes) that “endorse” the sunlight is blotted out by trolled by artificial intelli- Minister will likely be sane, the political debate. sis in Punjab, was swayed by what it saw as the power of Modi and Shah, are indispen-
use of nukes, including the dust and debris for years, gence or AI, which is one and France’s President First of all, it is most certainly amused by the imperative of national interest. In those sable for the RSS, particularly as it is set to
North Atlantic Treaty killing all vegetation. reason to fear AI causing seems rational. the ready celebration of its latest “interven- weeks of crisis, it concluded that India was launch its 100th anniversary celebrations.
Organization (Nato) and It is impossible to guar- extinction events. This scoreline doesn’t tion” by the liberal side. For a community going to be more secure under Rajiv Gandhi That’s why its words merely mean chastise-
the Collective Security antee that a preemptive first But as of now, human inspire much confidence that fought the RSS ideology for decades to than under another coalition government ment from a doting teacher to a favourite
Treaty Organization strike will cause sufficient beings handle the “nuclear since the world could edge now find solace in its chief’s non-specific that might include the BJP. There was also pupil. Reading anything more into this would
(CSTO) members, South damage to prevent a retal- footballs”, though different into MAD if a madman is in criticism is ironic as well as desperate. Even that storied meeting between Rajiv and then be very poor judgement — and wishful think-
Korea and Taiwan. iatory second strike or a ter- nations have different sys- charge of just one of the some in the Congress have expressed the sarsanghchalak Balasaheb Deoras. ing for Mr Modi’s pratipaksh. Mr Bhagwat,
The technology to make tiary strike. Nuclear subma- tems for nuke control. (The nuclear powers. This is one same wish, partly to tease the BJP, but partly I covered that election, especially in as we write this, is in Gorakhpur, discussing
a Hiroshima-type device has rines, for example, will nuclear football is the brief- of the many scenarios also in the belief that it will weaken Narendra Madhya Pradesh and Delhi, and found the with Yogi Adityanath the next moves to
been around for 80 years. survive strikes on land- case where the US stores where one is left to wonder Modi. There’s been a flurry of articles and RSS workers not just absent from the BJP strengthen the BJP in rural Uttar Pradesh.
Making a thermonuclear or based missiles. So, if Nation launch codes). what is wrong with the way social media posts with Mr Bhagwat’s quotes, campaign, but often spreading the word to
“hydrogen bomb”, which is A launches a strike, Nation Are all the human beings geopolitics works. generally saying, “We understand that you vote Congress for stability and rashtrahit By special arrangement with ThePrint

Airbrushed existence A toxic triangle

EYE CULTURE Uttar Pradesh border in the
northeastern part of Delhi, which is
tackle a crisis that demands year-
round attention.
heroism, and demagoguery, like
Alexander or Cyrus. Second is
Politics, films, sport — all these
fields produce charismatic
Swapnava Bodhasya, Yogo
Bhavati Dukhasya”, which is a
VEENU SANDHU home to a large resettlement colony. A section of Delhi will pull out air traditional authority, which, for heroes. A few of them live up to call for mitigating sorrows by
Bad air is an equaliser. purifiers; the ones who have the example, facilitates acceptance the image, but many are seen, moderation in eating and recre-

he compulsory art class back Uncontained by physical borders and luxury of time and means will head to of the son of the founder as the especially with hindsight, to ation, by balance in work, and
in school had a certain consis- social boundaries, it impacts cleaner destinations for those visibly new chief executive officer in a have been incompetent, toxic, by regulation of sleep.
tency about it. The art everybody. However, dialogues and problematic months; and folks such family-managed enterprise. or fraudulent.
teacher’s “paint a landscape” instruc- affirmative actions around air as the women who were part of Third, and most modern, is All combined
tion would trigger what could be pollution don’t extend to everybody. “Hawa Mein Baat” will likely go on as rational-legal authority, which Cult Why is the combination of cult,
called photocopied creativity: Brown They have blind spots. These women usual, breathing in air that would imputes authority to an admin- It is an organised group whose megalomania, and charisma
peaks, sometimes sharp, sometimes represented one such blind spot. then be many times more toxic. istrative position, for example, purpose is to deify an individ- toxic? Because the leader starts
mound-like, with a dash of white Working with textile, waste The creative world has for long BUSINESS & an appointed judge or bureau- ual. Members are manipulated to believe in his divinity and
atop for snow; an undulating green
terrain; a little cottage with a door in
material and knick-knacks, they
conveyed their experiences and
had a close relationship with the
environment. A fascinating research
PURPOSE crat. There are other definitions,
but these are the important
through psychological and pres-
sure strategies, and they brook
defies mortality and fallibility.
The leader who is trapped in a
the middle, windows by the side and dreams. A tapestry, for instance, published by the National Academy R GOPALAKRISHNAN sources of authority that are at no criticism of their leader. In syrup of megalomania, char-
a tree nearby; a duck pond in front of depicted a park scene, with trees, of Sciences last year studied some the root of megalomania. turn, the leader nurtures an isma, and cult displays what

the cottage or else a stream running people and clean skies, much like 100 artworks by Joseph Turner and nly some leaders com- imagined existential threat from author Morgan Housel terms
from the mountains; a couple of those picturesque art-class Claude Monet to find that their bine charisma, megalo- Charisma unnamed outside forces. The “the dumber side of smart
birds; a cheerful sun; and blue skies landscapes. Titled “Mehengi Hawa” paintings depicted trends in 19th mania, and cult. The According to sociologist Max cult members regard the leader people”. These are: First, very
pinned with white, cotton-like clouds (expensive air), it expressed the century air pollution. Turner, an combination is rare and toxic, Weber, charisma is the perceived as the exclusive authority to smart people try to intelligently
— the fair-weather cumulus. desire for clean air that was out of English Romantic painter, lived from and the outcome is lethal. In my supernatural quality of an indi- know the “right” path. Such explain every little event, like
The lack of imagination this reach. Jars of dirty water spoke of 1775 to 1851, his lifespan coinciding column last month, I wrote vidual that sets that person apart leaders love praise for sure. why the stock market moved up
idyllic scene reflected would later what happens to clothes if left with the First Industrial Revolution. about what happens when meg- from other human beings. For During his lifetime, when or down yesterday; second,
start to worry art teachers in new-age outside on a balcony for a few days in And Monet, the French artist often alomania combines with cult. centuries, charisma (a subjective Gandhiji was referred to as smart people feel so much pres-
schools that pride themselves on the areas where the women live. identified as the Father of One reader asked the outcome perception) and rationality (an “Mahatma”, he expressed his sure to maintain their intellec-
encouraging children to forge their An India-focused study published Impressionism, lived from 1840 to if charisma was added to the objective reality) could not coex- disapproval of being so called. tual reputation that they fail to
individual identities and find their in the Scientific Reports journal last 1926 — the period of the Second leadership menu of megaloma- ist. Weber opined that the tri- While he was alive, Jamsetji Tata change their mind even when it
own expression. year established that socially Industrial Revolution. nia and cult. The answer is blow- umph of post-enlightenment did not brand any venture as is called for; third, being smart
Cloned creativity aside, you could disadvantaged populations are Industrialisation, the ing in the wind. Western society was that the Tata. His early ventures were makes it difficult to listen to
tell that if you stepped into one of disproportionately exposed to air researchers found, “altered the Harvey Weinstein is charis- individual and office had been Alexandra Mills, Empress Mills, people, especially if you believe
those paintings and took a deep pollution. Initiatives such as Clean environmental context in which matic. As a film producer, he is separated through a rational and Indian Hotels. After his that they are less smart than you!
breath, the air that would fill your Air Fund, which are working to tackle Turner and Monet painted”... and also a cult figure. Since upcom- view of authority. Charisma is death, his successors associated Which is more dangerous —
lungs would be cool and sweet — not air pollution across geographies, also their paintings captured “changes ing youngsters believe that asso- like the price of shares; it is based his name with new ventures. megalomania, charisma, or cult?
the kind we breathe in cities like Delhi. emphasise that low-income in the optical environment ciation with him is worth a huge more on expectations of per- Through the practices of his suc- Charisma by itself cannot be con-
Last month, Delhi’s air quality, communities are often least associated with increasingly price, megalomania sets in. formance. This is why celebrities cessors, “TATA” became the sidered dangerous. When a char-
which is the worst among the world’s responsible for air pollution but are polluted atmospheres during the Watch the Netflix movie about recommend products ranging most admired and valuable cor- ismatic leader acquires cult
capital cities, was in focus, yet again, most exposed to it. Industrial Revolution”, thereby Mr Weinstein to appreciate the from underwear to pan masala. porate brand in India, worth status, and, further, becomes
in the form of an unusual public art Academia and civil society have moving towards hazier contours. cumulative effects — it is titled Their charisma is assumed to several billions of dollars now. megalomaniacal, then beware.
project. Called “Hawa Mein Baat” been trying to draw attention to or Speaking of haze, a colleague She Said. transfer to the product. Too much or too little of a You have a sure recipe for danger.
(conversation in the air), it had over 40 address this largely invisible villain. pointed out how even films set in big Readers would be familiar good thing is dangerous. Hence
women from various sectors of Delhi’s The governments, not so much. In Indian cities always appear to lack Megalomania with the charisma attributed to the value of moderation. In The writer is an author. His new
informal economy creating artworks three to four months from now, as the visual sharpness, that smog-free Authority derives from three business leaders like J R D Tata chapter 6, verse 17 of the book, Embrace the Future: the soft
that highlighted their experiences of temperatures begin to cool and air washed look one finds in movies sources. First, and oldest, is char- and Keshub Mahindra. From Bhagavad Gita, it is stated science of business transformation,
air pollution. The exhibition was put pollution becomes visible, they will set in the Western world. They ismatic authority, which comes the world of gurus, there are Sri “Yuktahara Viharasya, Yukta was published in February 2024.
up at Nand Nagri, an area near the get into action mode again to do indeed. from achievements, character, Sri Ravishankar and Sadhguru. Chestasya Karmasu, Yukta
JUNE 15, 2024


E S TA B L I S H E D IN 1 9 24

Why the Jammu

Modi’s foreign terror strikes call
policy stamp
The G7 Summit is as good a place as any to
for a new resolve
begin India’s global push in PM’s third term years in the recent Lok Sabha polls, with the
The latest attacks are dark spots Kashmir Valley witnessing a 30-point jump in
he world is a messy place right now. It is thus only

T appropriate for Prime Minister (PM) Narendra

Modi, after a long and bruising domestic election
season, to begin the foreign policy push of his third term
in an otherwise encouraging
trend in the fight against terror
in J&K. It is important that a
poll participation compared to 2019. The Chief
Election Commissioner has announced that the
process for holding assembly elections in the
UT will start “very soon”.
Among these positive indicators, increasing
in Italy, where India is a guest country at the G7 swift response is mounted to terrorist activity in the Jammu region stands
Summit. The Summit gives India an opportunity to maintain public confidence out as a dark spot. After many years of calm,
assess from close quarters how the West perceives the the Jammu region has seen a surge in violence
in the last two years. Of the 30 Indian Army sol-
two active wars animating the global stage — in

n June 9, a 53-seater bus carrying diers killed in counterterrorist operations in
Ukraine, where Russia now has the edge, and in Gaza, pilgrims from the Shiv Khori Jammu & Kashmir in 2023, 21 deaths occurred
where Israel’s continued brutality has left the world Shrine to Katra was ambushed by in the Jammu region. Last month, terrorists
terrorists near Teryath village in ambushed an Indian Air Force convoy, killing
outraged and Palestinians devastated. It allows Modi the Reasi district of Jammu one soldier and injuring four. The mixed Hin-
and his team to witness the emerging convergences, region. The driver was killed in du-Muslim demographic composition of the The population of the Jammu region largely opposes terrorist activities, and the local
and continued divergences, between the US and Europe the initial burst of fire, resulting in the bus Jammu region presents a delicate balance that communities have played a significant role in eliminating terrorism from the area (PTI)
plunging into a gorge. At least nine people, could potentially be targeted by terrorists seek-
on how to deal with China. It also gives them a pulse of including a two-year-old boy, were killed, and ing to disrupt communal harmony. In January area, but they operate under separate com- to a sense of alienation in the Gujjar and Bakar-
how leading democratic politicians perceive both the 33 injured in this cowardly attack. Survivors 2023, terrorists selectively targeted members of mand channels. The government could con- wal communities, who were strong supporters
Right-ward shift in Europe, the imminent political shift recounted the terrifying ordeal, describing how one community in the Dangri village of Rajouri sider appointing a unified commander who of the anti-militancy operations.
the terrorists relentlessly fired at the district. The killing of pilgrims has exercises command over all the Army and Pakistan’s involvement in fostering and sus-
in the UK where Labour is set to make a comeback, and mangled bus while the victims, in a led to widespread protests and shut- CRPF troops engaged in counterterrorism taining terrorism is undeniable. The Indian
the big election in the US later this year that can alter all desperate bid to survive, pretended downs across the Jammu region. operations. government has adopted a firm and consistent
geopolitical assumptions if Donald Trump gets elected. to play dead. With the government led by Prime Such an arrangement would lead to efficient policy to address this issue, achieving some
The Resistance Front (TRF), an Minister Narendra Modi beginning a resource allocation, streamlined decision-mak- success. However, terrorists on Indian soil will
Indeed, a key focus of both the Joe Biden administration offshoot of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, ini- new term in office, there is a need to ing, standardised protocols, and a consistent have to be neutralised here.
and its European allies at G7 is to “Trump-proof” as tially claimed responsibility for the Deependra take a hard look at the steps required strategy. A single commander would be In 1975, security expert Bruce Jenkins
much of the West’s existing commitments to Ukraine as attack but subsequently retracted its Singh Hooda to control terrorist activity in the accountable for all operations, making it easier astutely observed, “terrorism is theatre”. His
statement after a flood of outrage on Jammu region. I say hard look to identify and address any issues or failures. assertion underlines that the real targets of ter-
possible. The Summit allows India to get a sense of social media. While there was uni- because the task will not be simple. There is likely to be resistance to this arrange- rorism are not just the direct victims but the
Western assumptions about the global economy, the versal condemnation of the terrorist Security forces operating in this area ment, but this would mainly be for turf protec- wider audience who witnesses the brutality.
climate crisis, supply chain diversification, emerging attack, the statements from both the govern- face some daunting challenges. tion rather than operational considerations. The violence serves to intimidate, coerce, and
ment and the Opposition highlighted a now The terrain in the Poonch, Rajouri, and Reasi In March 2022, the government revived the instil fear among the public. In this ongoing
technologies, maritime security, and other familiar pattern. The government vowed to districts, where the terrorists have been active, Village Defence Committees and renamed them war of narratives, persistent acts of terrorism
transnational issues. All these themes affect India’s bring the perpetrators to justice and said this is sparsely populated and characterised by rug- Village Defence Guards (VDG). The training could undermine the government’s assertions
interests, and the perspectives of others will allow the was a desperate act by terrorists under pres- ged mountains, dense forests, numerous rivers and equipping of VDGs should be given higher of normalcy in the UT. Therefore, terrorist
sure. The Opposition stated that claims that the and streams, and limited roads. The population priority, as in far-flung remote villages, armed activities in the Jammu region should be swiftly
PM to better frame the country’s own positions. situation in Jammu & Kashmir had been density in Reasi district is 184 inhabitants per locals often provide the first line of defence and effectively addressed to maintain public
The Summit also gives an opportunity to Western brought to a state of normalcy rang hollow. square kilometre compared to an average of against terrorist attacks. confidence and uphold the credibility and
leaders to hear from Modi, who has faced a partial The truth, as usual, lies somewhere in the about 750 inhabitants in the Kashmir Valley The population of the Jammu region largely resolve of the State.
middle. In the Union Territory (UT), there has districts. Troops find it difficult to react speed- opposes terrorist activities, and the local com-
domestic electoral setback, but still returned to power been a sharp decline in violence and terrorist ily, and human intelligence is limited and slow munities have played a significant role in elimi- Lt General Deependra Singh Hooda retired as
for a third term — many in his peer group would envy activities since 2023. Tourist arrivals have dou- to flow in. In these circumstances, we need to nating terrorism from the area. To address the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Indian
that record. The diminished numbers allow him to bled since 2021, with 21.1 million visitors in optimise the use of uniformed forces deployed emerging threats, it is crucial to enhance out- army’s Northern Command and is the co-founder of
2023, of which 10 million were pilgrims to the in the area. In the last two years, both the reach efforts to various communities and the Council for Strategic and Defence Research and a
celebrate the power of Indian democracy at a time Vaishno Devi shrine in Katra. The UT also Indian Army and the Central Reserve Police involve them in counterterrorism initiatives. Senior Fellow at the Delhi Policy Group.
when questions and doubts about its vitality were recorded the highest voter turnout in the last 35 Force (CRPF) have sent additional troops to the Some of our actions in the recent past have led The views expressed are personal
increasing. He also gets an opportunity to signal a
political commitment to deeper ties with the West.

NEET under a cloud, govt

India needs Western capital to invest and create jobs entrance exam scores and subsequent aca-
here. It needs deeper tech partnerships with the demic performance, making them a useful tool
for admissions committees. For students from
Western economic-scientific ecosystems that remain diverse backgrounds, entrance exams provide
hubs of innovation. It needs robust trade arrangements
with large Western markets that create room for its
exports. It needs easier immigration norms to enable
must restore credibility a level playing field. Notwithstanding their
importance, there are criticisms. They can
sometimes favour those who can afford exten-
sive preparation. Test anxiety and the pressure
Indians to continue to go out to study, treat the world as he National Eligibility-cum-Entrance less than 660, it’s the end of the road this year they place on students sometimes can be
a global workplace, and for these societies to remain a
safe space for the diaspora. And, most critically, India
needs to be a part of the conversation on great power
competition given its own structural tensions with
T Test (NEET), the country’s annual pre- as far as government medical colleges are con-
medical entrance test, declared its cerned.
results on June 4. However, the results

questions. In less than 48 hours of the

Moreover, given that in 2021 just three aspi-
threw up some startling data and raised many rants scored 720 and the year after no aspirant
got this mark, is 67 aspirants netting
The Tamil Nadu government had constituted
a high-level committee headed by justice AK
Rajan to study the impact of the NEET-based
admission process. The committee’s report,
results getting published, four stu- the perfect score merely a chance hap- based on inputs from various stakeholders,
China. This does not mean that India is in the West’s dents had committed suicide. Who is pening? What is startling is that eight highlights NEET’s anti-poor and anti-social-jus-
camp. As external affairs minister S Jaishankar says, responsible for such a state of affairs? of the top-ranked aspirants — six of tice aspects. The report further states that while
India is non-West but not anti-West. The non-Western The declaration of the results a full them with perfect scores due to grace the share of Tamil-medium students in medical
10 days before the scheduled date of marks for 1,563 candidates that have college seats ranged from 1.6% to 3.27%, the
orientation is reflected in how India’s position has been June 14 was itself rather unusual. The now been reversed — were from the share of English-medium students shot up
distinct from that of the G7 on Ukraine and how India qualification score for a general cate-
SS Mantha same examination centre in Haryana. from 85.12% in 2016-17 to 98.41% in 2017-18, and
continues — for various economic, military and gory student was 164 marks out of 720; In all, there were about 4,100 exam was 98.01% in 2020-21. These, by themselves,
that is just 22.77%. Why was the quali- centres across 550 cities. What is the justified a relook at NEET. Now, the integrity of
geopolitical reasons — its engagement with Moscow. fication score pegged so low? This probability, all factors considered, that the test coming under question adds to the
This non-Western orientation will be further reflected meant 1.316 million aspirants “quali- eight top scorers would have sat from demand.
when Modi continues his external engagements next fied” even as the cut-offs may actually the same centre? Moreover, some The concerns mentioned here, especially in
be quite high — 67 aspirants scored aspirants reportedly scored 718 and the context of the persistent rumours of ques-
month at a meeting of the SCO in Kazakhstan and then full marks (720), in the process getting 719 marks, technically infeasible totals tion paper leak, undermine the credibility of
the BRICS summit later in the year. ranked 1. The unprecedented number Ashok — again due to grace marks. The arbi- the NEET. It is only hoped that NTA, and more
In Modi’s third term, while events will have their own of perfect scores — aspirants with per- Thakur trariness of the award had the The unprecedented number of perfect scores so the ministry of health, addresses the con-
fect scores were a low-single-digit pool Supreme Court, which is hearing mul- raises questions about the integrity of the cerns sooner rather than later. Can test-op-
way of dictating India’s policy in a fluid climate, in terms in previous years — raises questions tiple petitions against NEET 2024, see- examination process itself (ANI) tional or test-flexible admission policies
of foreign policy, it can be reasonably assumed that about the integrity of the examination ing red, and ordering a retest for the emphasising other aspects of a student’s appli-
India’s principal contradiction will remain with China; process itself while the resulting high cut-offs 1,563 candidates. for 700 marks, the rank was 294. In 2024, it is cation be considered? Shouldn’t the clouds over
create their own set of problems as seats are But this will throw up problems of its own. 1,770. In 2023, at 650 marks, the rank was NEET 2024 call for a re-test? We need to pre-
its most significant partner will remain the US; it will limited in prestigious colleges. For such a Will the same level of difficulty as the earlier 6,803; in 2024, it is 21,724. In 2023, at 600 serve the credibility of every exam conducted at
continue to focus on the immediate and extended conundrum, the National Testing Agency test be ensured? A different question paper will marks, the rank assigned was 28,629, in 2024, the national level.
neighbourhood; and it will continue to have a (NTA), which conducts the examination, came eventually be unfair to either those who have to it is 80,468. Entrance exams provide a stan-
up with a rather strange response: Admissions take the test again or those who don’t. dardised method to assess aspirants, against SS Mantha is former chairman, AICTE, and
diversified foreign policy portfolio in its quest to be a may be offered on the basis of “ascending order Even the marks needed for a rank seem to the same criteria, thereby reducing bias from chancellor, RBU, Nagpur, and Ashok Thakur is
friend to as many countries as possible. In a messy of the application number”. Is this a fair sys- have fallen off a cliff. A 99th percentile aspirant differences in curricula, grading systems, etc. former secretary, HRD, GoI.
global order, it may be the right way to go. tem? On the other hand, for students scoring will be assigned a rank close to 24,000. In 2023, Research shows a correlation between The views expressed are personal

Cannes. The way ahead for IFFI 2024 should vious years, this year’s edition of the IFFI will { EDITOR’S PICK }

IFFI needs to build on be understood through the layout and embodi-

ment of 8Rs: Recognition, Revival, Reconfigu-
ration, Reconstitution, Recalibration, Recon-
feature the “75 Creative Minds of Tomorrow”
initiative, focusing on young talent. The Film
Bazaar should be the flagship platform to pro-
HT’s editors offer a book recommendation every Saturday, which provides history,
context, and helps understand recent news events

India’s Cannes success

nection, Reimagination and Relevance. Cannes mote business collaborations and co-produc-
2024 has provided fresh opportunities for the tion agreements with the global fraternity. EXILE AND LIVING
IFFI to reconnect with a more diverse audience The IFFI has integrated itself well with the The death of 49 persons, 45 of them Indians, in a fire
and build its brand identity. The Bharat Parv at OTT boom, enhancing storytelling through at an establishment that housed expatriate workers in
refreshing change this time at the in cinematography, made him the first Asian the Bharat Pavilion at Cannes served as a plat- new perspectives and collaborations. The 51st Kuwait has turned the spotlight on the lives of migrant

A Cannes film festival was the Indian

presence beyond the pull of star
power. India, through the Bharat
Pavilion and Bharat Parv, gave Cannes a new
tapestry of excellence and inclusivity. This
recipient of this award and acknowledged his form for networking and promoting Indian
impact on the global film industry. A standout cinema worldwide. With the theme “Create in
moment was the screening of the restored India”, it facilitated discussions and collabora-
Shyam Benegal classic, Manthan,
as part of Cannes Classics.
tions that enhanced India’s influ-
ence on a global scale. The partici-
edition introduced a hybrid format, blending
in-person and virtual participation. The 52nd
IFFI continued this innovation by screening
over 50 films on OTT platforms and organising
masterclasses with OTT providers. This year,
labour in West Asia. An estimated 9 million Indians, a
majority of them from Kerala, live in Gulf countries.
Remittances from these workers, many living and
working in tough conditions, have lifted millions back
home out of poverty. In recent years, the expat story
year, there was no halt to the applause for The manner in which the jugal- pation of global celebrities who the aim should be to expand its hybrid format, has found expression in popular genres, including
Payal Kapadia’s historic Grand Prix win for All bandi of cinema, fashion, and stars took a keen interest in India at enhancing digital engagement, and fostering films, fiction, memoirs, graphic art, etc.
We Imagine as Light. And, Anasuya Sengupta played out at Cannes is a testament Cannes 2024 must be recreated for collaborations between filmmakers and OTT Temporary People is, perhaps, the first work of fic-
became the first Indian actress to win the Best to the influence of Indian culture. the IFFI. Masterclasses should be platforms. The 55th edition of IFFI needs to tion in English that looks closely at the lives of Indian
Actress award in the Un Certain Regard cate- India’s star-studded lineup, which Chaitanya conducted focused on all catego- position itself as a hub for innovation and cul- migrant workers. Deepak Unnikrishnan, the author,
gory for her performance in The Shameless. included influencers and entrepre- Kumar Prasad ries and aspects of filmmaking. tural exchange in the global film landscape. grew up in the UAE and that rootlessness lends a root-
India’s haul at Cannes also includes the first neurs, at the Cannes Red Carpet Furthermore, the IFFI could edness to this remarkable work. Temporary People is
prize for Sunflowers Were the First to Know, underscored the intersection of expand industry collaboration by With inputs from Zoya Ahmad and about the conflicts, contradictions, and trauma of peo-
directed by Chidanand Naik, and the third films, branding and charisma. hosting workshops and panels fea- Vaishnavie Srinivasan. Chaitanya Kumar ple living, often away from their immediate family, in
place for Mansi Maheshwari’s Bunnyhood at As India gears up to host the 55th edition of turing international film experts. For greater Prasad is former additional director shared accommodation facilities. It talks about the Temporary People:
La Cinef. The Pierre Angenieux ExcelLens the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) visibility, the festival should look for big general, department of film festivals. inner lives of lonely people labouring in a foreign land. Deepak Unnikrishnan
honour for Santosh Sivan, for his stellar oeuvre this year, there are many valuable lessons from launches that will lift its profile. Similar to pre- The views expressed are personal Year: 2017

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bination of devotion, will and
UHVHQWDERXWSHUFHQWRIJOREDO*'3DQGZLHOG who was driving a truck, failed
to negotiate a curve in the road,
VXFKDVWKH,0)DQGWKH:RUOG%DQN7KHJURXS V and fell into a deep ravine. He
One the four, Blue, a whippet,
miles, reached a campsite where
of the delay in Garrett's arrival,
,QGLDDLPVWREROVWHULWVHFRQRPLFJURZWKWKURXJKLQFUHDVHGWUDGHDQGLQYHVWPHQW feared that that something ter- for their benefit, has emerged Since animals lacked the expressed in the Vedas,
7KH*HFRQRPLHVDUHVLJQLILFDQWWUDGLQJSDUWQHUVDQGVRXUFHVRIIRUHLJQGLUHFWLQYHVW rible had happened and alerted from the Judeo-Christian capacity to reason, he Upanishads, the great epics,
PHQW(QJDJLQJZLWKWKH*KHOSV,QGLDWRDGYRFDWHIRUIDLUHUWUDGHSUDFWLFHVDFFHVV Garrett's brother, Tyree. The theological tradition and the claimed that "their souls, Ramayana and Mahabharata,
WRDGYDQFHGWHFKQRORJLHVDQGVXSSRUWIRULWVHFRQRPLFLQLWLDWLYHV%HVLGHV,QGLDLV family mounted a search of the anthropocentric world view unlike human souls, did not and the Puranas, give an exalt-
area and Tyree Brandon man- rooted in the Humanist phi- survive their death". ed position to non-human liv-
GHHSO\LQYHVWHGLQWKHJOREDOFOLPDWHDJHQGD$VDGHYHORSLQJQDWLRQIDFLQJWKHGXDO aged to see the truck lying deep losophy of the classical The European Renaissance, ing beings and give them the
FKDOOHQJHVRIHFRQRPLFJURZWKDQGHQYLURQPHQWDOVXVWDLQDELOLW\,QGLD VSDUWLFLSD inside the ravine. Brendan Greeks. Aristotle wrote in which lasted from the late same rights as humans. Swami
WLRQLQ*GLVFXVVLRQVRQFOLPDWHFKDQJHLVFUXFLDO7KH* VFRPPLWPHQWVWRFDU Garrett and the dog were res- Politics that nature made all 14th century to the first half Vivekananda summed up the
ERQQHXWUDOLW\UHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\DQGILQDQFLDOVXSSRUWIRUGHYHORSLQJQDWLRQVDOLJQ cued and treated. animals for the sake of man of the 16th century, and the essence of this heritage when
Needless to say, this was one of and that it was permissible to Enlightenment, which flour- he said in his seminal speech
ZLWK,QGLD VJRDOVRIWUDQVLWLRQLQJWRDJUHHQHFRQRP\,QGLD VSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQWKHVH the numerous accounts of the enslave people who did not ished in the salons of Paris in on Vedantism in Jaffna in
GLDORJXHVLVYLWDOIRUDGGUHVVLQJVHFXULW\FRQFHUQVSDUWLFXODUO\LQWKH,QGR3DFLILF loyalty and devotion the canines possess reason as it was to the 18th, revived the full January 1897.
UHJLRQZKHUH&KLQD VDVVHUWLYHDFWLRQVKDYHUDLVHGDODUPV0RUHRYHUDVDFRXQWU\ harbour towards humans who enslave animals. Saint tradition of Greek human- "In every man and in every
DVSLULQJWREHFRPHDJOREDOWHFKQRORJ\KXE,QGLDVHHNVFROODERUDWLRQZLWK*FRXQ love and care for them, going to Augustine wrote in The City ism, parts of which were animal, however weak or
the extent of even dying for of God, "When we read 'Thou marginalised by scholasti- wicked, great or small, resides
WULHVRQLQQRYDWLRQDQGWHFKQRORJLFDOGHYHORSPHQW3DUWLFLSDWLRQLQ*LQLWLDWLYHVFDQ them. In this case, Blue has sur- shalt not kill', we do not C74A40A4 cism because these were not the same omnipresent, omni-
KHOS,QGLDJDLQDFFHVVWRFXWWLQJHGJHWHFKQRORJLHVIRVWHUUHVHDUFKDQGGHYHORS vived. He, however, ran the risk understand this phrase to 3>D1C;4BBC7>B4 deemed compatible with scient soul. The difference is
PHQWSDUWQHUVKLSVDQGVXSSRUWLWVGLJLWDOHFRQRP\ of being attacked by wild animals apply to bushes, because they Christian faith. The result not in the soul, but in the
and run over by speeding vehi- have no sensation, nor to F7>20A4344?;H was a new emphasis on ratio- manifestation. Between me
cles, as he raced to the campsite. unreasoning animals that fly, nality as the species attribute and the smallest animal, the
?82D1<; Recognition of the deep and lov- walk or crawl, because they of humans as well as the affir- difference is only in manifes-
ing ties with which dogs attach are not associated in a com- 0=3>C74A mation of the latter's supreme tation, but as a principle he
themselves with humans who munity with us by position in the universe as is the same as I am, he is my
care for them, is one side of the reason…Hence it is by a 0=8<0;B:4?C0B expressed in the Greek brother, he has the same soul
story. The other is how humans very just ordinance of the sophist Protagoras's famous as I have. This is the greatest
treat them. There are doubtless Creator that their life and ?4CBA460A38=6 aphorism, "Man is the mea- principle that India has
those who care deeply for their death is subordinated to us." C74<0B50<8;H sure of all things." This led to preached. The talk of the
dogs and other animals kept as This attitude continued a further relegation of the sta- brotherhood of man becomes
pets, regarding them as family through history. In Eternal <4<14AB0=34E4= tus of animals who are treat- in India the brotherhood of
members and even dying for Treblinka: Our Treatment of ed with unprecedented sav- universal life, of animals,
them. There are others who Animals and the Holocaust, 3H8=65>AC74< agery in animal food process- and of all life down to the lit-
believe that all animals have to Charles Patterson points out ing industries, avoidable tle ants - all these are our
be treated with dignity and that like Aristotle, whose medical research, cosmetic bodies …. as our scripture
consideration. There, however, work he incorporated in his products testing, savage tor- says, "Thus the sage, knowing
are others who are indifferent or theology, Saint Thomas ture during bullfighting and that the same Lord inhabits
cruel to animals, killing, injur- Aquinas, perhaps the great- holding of jallikattu, and all bodies, will worship every-
ing, enslaving and exploiting est exponent of medieval mindless displays of sadism. body as such."
them at will. Scholasticism, believed that One sees the same process at (The author is Consulting
The belief that animals are infe- only the reasoning part of the work in India though its pre- Editor, The Pioneer. The views
rior to humans and are meant soul survived after death. dominant spiritual heritage as expressed are personal.)

B_^ccTSSTTaSaX]ZfPcTaX]bXSTcWTXai^^T]R[^bdaT^]PW^cbd\\TaSPhX]?Pc]P ?C8 ;4CC4AB C>C

Madam — Apropos the news story
“Capital to plant over 9 lakh tulips to trans-
form it into ‘City of Flowers’,” published on X]VU^aPUd[[a^[[^dcX]cWTUdcdaTFWX[T3DfX[[
June 13, this is my response. As a daily bcPacfXcWP_X[^c_a^YTRcU^aPUTfR^dabTbX]cWT

QR_edXUQ\dXce``\U]U^dc 29:E
newspaper reader, the initiative to plant
over nine lakh exotic Tulips across Delhi
is truly inspiring. This ambitious project
aligns with Lt Governor Vinai Kumar
9P\XP <X[[XP 8b[P\XP P]S 9PfPWPa[P[ =TWad
eTabXcXTb [XZT 8? D]XeTabXch P]S 0\QTSZPa
into a “City of Flowers,” reflecting a sig-
city’s aesthetic appeal. It’s fascinating to X]RaTPbTS^__^acd]XcXTbU^abcdST]cbP]SQTccTa
n this digital age, people misinformation about health individuals to question and note the rapid increase in the number of dcX[XbPcX^]^UaTb^daRTb7^fTeTacWThPRZ]^f[

I believe online resources

more than fellow human
beings. It’s a common practice
supplements can be far-reach-
ing and profound. Individuals
misled by false or exaggerat-
evaluate the credibility of
online sources, distinguish
between reliable information
Tulips—from 1.5 lakh in 2022 to an
impressive nine lakh this year.
The widespread enthusiasm for these
?aXePcT d]XeTabXcXTb [XZT ;^eT[h ?a^UTbbX^]P[
during our travel; we ed claims may forgo evi- and pseudoscience and make vibrant flowers, which will now adorn key bX^]bhbcT\Ua^\]TgchTPa±aT[TPbTS^] X]V Xcb U[TgXQX[Xch P]S PRRTbbXQX[Xch U^a bcdST]cb
unthinkingly follow whatev- dence-based treatments, delay informed decisions about areas such as the Parliament House and 9d]T "cWWTaTXb\haT_[hCWT_a^_^bP[c^X\_[T >eTaP[[cWXb\^eTP[XV]b8]SXP]d]XeTabXcXTbfXcW
er is told by Google map seeking medical advice, or their health and wellness. popular parks along the Yamuna riverbed, \T]cPQXP]]dP[PS\XbbX^]bhbcT\QhcWTD62 X]cTa]PcX^]P[bcP]SPaSb_^cT]cXP[[hT]WP]RX]VcWT
rather than asking a com- experience adverse reactions People who share misinfor- is heartening. Moreover, the decision to sell XbP_a^\XbX]VbcT_U^afPaScW^dVWXcR^\TbfXcW TSdRPcX^]P[ [P]SbRP_T Qdc aT`dXaX]V RPaTUd[
moner. Even if a local person Health supplements, rang- due to improper use or mation on social media potted Tulips through various nurseries RWP[[T]VTb3T[WXD]XeTabXchP]S^cWTaX]bcXcdcX^]b _WPbTSX\_[T\T]cPcX^]
gives the correct direction, we ing from vitamins and min- dosage of supplements. should also be made account- will allow more residents to participate in X]cWTRP_XcP[PaTR^]bXSTaX]VcWXbRWP]VTPX\ Siya Bhatia | Mangaluru
look at him with scepticism. erals to herbal extracts and Recent studies have shown able and dealt with severely. this beautification effort. This initiative not
For the present generation, dietary supplements, have significant repercussions for Social media platforms only promises to uplift the city’s landscape al producers, enhancing the creation and dren. Children’s dependency on mobile
Google and WhatsApp are become increasingly popular young people who consume should invest in better content but also fosters a sense of community and distribution of documentaries. MIFF’s phones can lead to addiction-like behav-
like libraries and teachers. in recent years. Marketed as dietary supplements that are moderation tools, including pride among Delhi’s citizens. It’s a beau- educational workshops, discussions and iours, impairing their engagement in other
Even in health care, people natural remedies to improve marketed to reduce body fat AI and human moderators, to tiful step towards a greener and more masterclasses foster professional growth vital activities. The risks: eye strain, dis-
believe in using Internet health, boost immunity and or increase muscle mass. quickly detect and remove colourful urban environment. and provide audiences with deeper insights rupted sleep from blue light, affecting
sources rather than a physi- enhance performance, these Consuming excessive fat-sol- false information. Reyansh Tiwari | Tirupati into documentary filmmaking. Such ini- melatonin. Excessive screen time can
cal doctor. products often attract con- uble vitamins, such as vita- Furthermore, stringent regu- tiatives ensure MIFF’s enduring rele- harm health.
In the age of the internet, sumers seeking quick fixes or mins A, D, E and K, can cause latory measures should be =966µC7<?21<69<=9=@13D vance and influence, showcasing its com- The mental and emotional toll is substan-
access to information has alternative treatments for var- the body to accumulate these enforced against manufac- Madam — Regarding the news article mitment to promoting creativity and tial, with high mobile phone usage linked
become easy. Individuals can ious health conditions. vitamins, which can lead to turers propagating such mis- “Spotlight on reality: MIFF’s role in doc- meaningful social discussions in the ever- to increased anxiety, depression and lone-
explore a vast array of topics One of the primary drivers of toxicity. Toxic quantities of information. The manufac- umentary cinema,” released on June 12, changing global film landscape. liness. It also hampers attention spans and
with just a few clicks. online misinformation about vitamin A, for instance, can turers propagating such mis- here is my feedback. As an avid newspa- Khirabdi | Noida academic performance while reducing
However, alongside credible health supplements is the induce symptoms such as informations should be heav- per reader, I find the role of documentary face-to-face interactions essential for
sources and evidence-based commercial interests of man- lightheadedness, nausea and ily penalised. The recent film festivals incredibly significant in =?29<5@8?>5EC1753?>35B>C social skills and emotional intelligence
research, the online land- ufacturers and distributors. changes in the skin. In more Supreme Court ruling against today’s cinema landscape. Events like the Madam — Apropos the news story “The development. To mitigate these risks,
scape is also rife with misin- Profit-driven motives often severe situations, vitamin A a prominent manufacturer Mumbai International Film Festival impact of mobile radiation on children,” parents and guardians should encourage
formation, particularly precede scientific evidence poisoning can also cause to halt misleading advertise- (MIFF) offer a vital platform for non-fic- published on June 13, this is my response. moderate and supervised use of mobile
regarding health supplements. and consumer safety in an damage to organs, such as the ments claiming false cures is tion storytelling, highlighting real-life Smartphones are incredibly versatile and devices, employ hands-free options, limit
From miracle cures to unver- industry valued at billions of liver and bone discomfort. a positive step in this direc- events, societal issues and diverse cultures. indispensable in modern life, keeping us screen time before bed and choose devices
ified claims, the spread of mis- dollars globally. Misleading To counter the spread of mis- tion, but enforcement agen- MIFF, one of Asia’s oldest and most constantly connected. However, the with lower SAR values to reduce radiation
information about health sup- advertisements, exaggerated information about health sup- cies must ensure proper respected festivals, has evolved since its impact of mobile phone usage on children exposure. Balancing technology use is cru-
plements poses significant claims and cherry-picked tes- plements, it is essential to pro- implementation. inception in 1990, now featuring global tal- raises growing concerns among parents, cial to safeguard children’s health and
risks to public health and con- timonials are commonly used mote critical thinking skills (The writer is an adjunct ent and embracing technological advance- educators and health professionals. While development.
sumer safety. Many people fall tactics to promote supple- and scientific literacy among faculty at the National ments. these devices offer numerous benefits— Ananya Gupta | Amravati
into the trap of systematical- ments and exploit consumer consumers. Institute of Advanced The upcoming 18th edition, with the inno- instant communication, access to infor-
ly designed marketing strate- vulnerabilities. Education and awareness Studies, Bengaluru; vative ‘Documentary Film Bazaar,’ promis- mation and social connectivity—they BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
gies companies employ. The consequences of online campaigns can empower views are personal) es to connect filmmakers with internation- pose significant risks, particularly for chil- [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k9D=4 $!!#

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa





7KHIRXUWKFDWHJRU\LVJRRGSHRSOHWKRVHPRVWO\LQWKHPRGHRIJRRG ivil society requires an accep- ment are inherent parts of civil who lost the election in the cab- scope to detect departures and
C tance of rules, regulations
and practices for the orderly
conduct of affairs. These
rules, regulations and prac-
tices may or may not be documented but
they are generally composed of items
which everyone agrees to confirm.
society. Loose talk and abrasive
postures can, of course, happen,
but they do credit to nobody and
become an indicator of a lower
level of evolution.
The recent elections for the par-
liament are a tell-tale story of the
inet is also justifiable under
prime-ministerial prerogative.
An example being cited is a for-
mer Congressman who lost the
election, under the BJP ticket,
taking oath as a minister.
Another interesting case is of a
deviations from what one believes
should be the norm of cabinet-
making in a parliamentary sys-
tem, cannot be accepted as an
algorithm of decision-making.
No rule or regulation can be fol-
lowed 100 per cent in all excep-
6XFKDFWLRQVHQVXUHJRRGNDUPDSKDODVLQWKHLUQH[WELUWKZKLFKKHOS A commonly referred example is the fact State of health of Indian political BJP functionary in Kerala (the tions and this is what judgment
WKHPWREHSOHDVDQW7KHILIWKFDWHJRU\FRPSULVHVFRPPRQSHRSOHSUL that the United Kingdom does not have processes. On one hand, it is a General Secretary of the BJP and prerogatives are all about.
PDULO\GULYHQE\SDVVLRQOLYLQJWRVXUYLYH7KH\FRQVWLWXWHWKHIRXQGD a written constitution, yet it manages to resounding testimony to the fair- there) without being a member of By and large, the ministry forma-
WLRQDOIDEULFRIVRFLHW\UHLQFDUQDWLQJUHSHDWHGO\ conduct its affairs in a fairly orderly fash- 28E8;B>284CH ness of the Indian electoral any of the two houses of tion of 70+ has been a remarkable
ion. This requires a great deal of self-reg-
ulation and the ability to allow matters A4@D8A4B process and the sheer maturity of
political choices.
Parliament, taking oath as a min-
achievement of balance and poise.
Whether it be the case of Ravi
to function together, even in disagree- 0224?C0=24>5 It truly reflects the thinking of the From a particular State, eight Shankar Prasad/Rajiv Pratap
ment. This enables the orderly conduct electorate, who went to record ministers were chosen, but two Rudy/L Murugan/R ajiv
ZKHUHWKHUHLVKDUGO\DQ\PRYHPHQWDQGRIFRXUVHQRLQWHUDFWLRQ([DOWHG of affairs with or without agreement and AD;4B one’s views in a matter most veterans, former members of the Chandrasekhar, whether for
achievement. A46D;0C8>=B consistent with the individual’s
judgement and inclination. Such
different era cabinets of the party,
notwithstanding their success in
inclusion in the cabinet or exclu-
sion, not too much can be made
Compared to this, there are some coun- 0=3?A02C824B large-scale observance of the the election, lost out for a cabi- out of such decisions.
tries with written constitutions that peaceful exercise of political net berth. A case can be cited of a veteran
GHVWUXFWLYHEHKDYLRUVJXLGHGRQWRYLUWXRXVSDWKV6RFLDOZRUNHUVIRO find it difficult to conduct their affairs 5>A>A34A;H choices can and should fill with Examples are many, but they all BJP leader from Gujarat who took
in an orderly manner and often have to
resort to courts. Appealing to the courts 2>=3D2C4E4= joy any one’s thinking and obser-
carry the stamp of prime-minis-
terial prerogative. A gentleman
the oath in the first and second
Modi’s Government and won
ZKRDUHJRRGDQGPHDQZHOO)RUH[DPSOHLIVRPHRQHZLVKHVWRLQYHQW itself is an acceptable method of conflict F8C7>DC That being said and done, there who was a minister in the outgo- this election but did not make it
VRPHWKLQJZKLFKZLOOEHQHILWPDQNLQG*RGKHOSVKLPEHFDXVHWKHVRXUFH resolution, even though it may be seen are other actions which need ing Government has found a to the cabinet. Such decisions are
LV*RGRQO\3UHDFKHUVDUHKHOSHGE\SURYLGLQJWKHQHHGHGNQRZOHGJH as a less evolved order than working with FA8CC4= thought and some better under- place in Modi 3.0 despite losing to be taken in stride and accept-
mutual agreement.
The ability to manage oneself and man- 3>2D<4=C0C8>= standing of the causative factors.
That some victors of the electoral
the election. This particular gen-
tleman, as noted above, was not
ed for what they are worth.
It can be rightly claimed that con-
age disagreements is a significant con- B7>F20B8=6 process, even if they otherwise only a minister in the outgoing stituting a 70+ ministerial house
stituent trait of civil society. In extreme had the credentials, did not make Government and lost the election is a major feat and it has been
PRUWDOVDPDVVELOOLRQV"*RGLPSDUWLDO\HWSDUWLDOWRVXUUHQGHUHGGHYR cases, withdrawal from participation is B4;5A46D;0C8>= it to the cabinet is an understand- (he has at least the redeeming fea- achieved with consummate
known to happen, but this needs to be
an exception rather than the rule. Put 0=3<DCD0; able aberration.
There is no one’s ‘right’ to be in
ture of being a member of the
Rajya Sabha).
artistry. It is one more testimony,
if any, be needed to the maturity
7KHFRQFOXVLRQLV\RXVWDUWWDNLQJVKHOWHUIURP*RGRUDWOHDVWEHGHVLURXV simply, agreeing to disagree is a gentle- A4B?42C the cabinet and if the Prime There have been some negative of the Indian political process.
manly art which only the evolved can Minister, in his inherent prerog- press reports and commentaries (The writer is a well-known
WRKHOSRWKHUV*RGZLOOWDNHQRWHRI\RX7KHQWKHVN\LVWKHOLPLWDV practice. ative, did not deem it so, he exer- on such examples. It does not management consultant of inter-
GHWDLOHGKHUHLQ Together with this, the use of temperate cised a conscious choice. help a cause. national repute. The views
7KHZULWHULVDVSLULWXDOJXLGHYLHZVDUHSHUVRQDO language and polite methods of disagree- Similarly, the inclusion of some Mounting a telescope on a micro- expressed are personal)

n June 4, the results for reforms. In an editorial writ- has invested its intellectual and global relevance. billion aid to Sri Lanka during relations will be an enquiring

O the Indian Lok Sabha

elections 2024 started
coming in. For many, the
ten by the Prime Minister
himself, he reiterated that
India is being “acknowledged
energy and political strength
embracing the importance of
our civilizational identity. And
Thirdly, it would be interesting
to see India’s diplomatic
manoeuvring and great power
the 2022 crisis. Leaders from
neighbouring countries are
invited to the NDA
concern under the new
Government. We need to find
a new equilibrium in its ties
results came with an element as a strong and important this identity is well shaped by engagements as we keep push- Government’s oath ceremony, with China while building
of surprise, amidst the eupho- voice of the Global South.” the values and culture of the ing for a multipolar world underscoring regional partner- our defence capabilities and
ria created by our Exit polls Modi 3.0 is likely to build on glorious Hindu past. Against order. India’s relationship with ships despite challenges. strengthening strategic with
and expectations of the ruling these continuities and achieve- the backdrop of coalition part- the United States is likely to Lastly, managing relations with like-minded States.
Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP). ments of foreign policy. ners, it would be interesting to deepen further, shaped by China is not going to be an In the given scenario, diploma-
Despite no single party getting 1289C85;@B1D1@ In a complex world, Modi’s see if this question of civiliza- strategic convergence between easy cakewalk for foreign pol- cy under Modi 3 is poised for
the majority, the National B8=67 third term faces new diplomat- tional identity has to emulate both on concerns over China’s icy under Modi 3. BJP’s elec- continuity and comprehen-
Democratic Alliance (NDA) ic challenges and opportuni- any sub-national diplomacy assertiveness and develop- tion manifesto very clearly sive foreign policy reforms,
led by the BJP is set to form the global politics. As an “aspira- ties. Alliance partners may chore given the TDP’s role in ments in the Indo-Pacific pledged to “accelerate the strengthening strategic
next Government. Modi 3, as tional power”, India has influence policy, but key trends the Government and its style nerships, that may well align region. development of robust infra- alliances and India’s leading
we may call it, led by Narendra refused to be drawn into any will shape India’s foreign pol- of politics and pride in Telugu with our major policy goals as Modi 3 will focus on strong structure” along the two coun- role in the Global South.
Modi is well prepared to lead great power rivalries and has icy under the NDA identity. we drive towards building India-US ties, people-to-peo- tries’ border. Amidst the grow- Moreover, India’s role in glob-
the nation once again. remained focussed on Government. For the BJP and Narendra Viksit Bharat (Developed ple connections, business, sci- ing trust deficit, India fully al politics is set to expand and
In the last decade, India has strengthening neighbourhood Firstly, the direction of India’s Modi, the call for a resurgent India) by 2047. ence/tech and strategic coop- recognises the potential threat evolve, as India strives to be a
well-positioned itself as an relations, soft power expan- Foreign policy cannot be India is well shaped and Diplomacy is crucial for eration. India will assert of aggressive and resurgent pivotal player on the world
influential global player. Led by sion, promoting humanitarian understood without any refer- defined by our core and unit- achieving Government goals national interests confidently, China. stage.
the pro-active diplomacy of the aid, building economic coop- ence to the question of our ed civilizational identity. in the global world. Market as seen with Ukraine and The electoral campaign also (The author is an Assistant
Narendra Modi Government, eration, fighting global terror- national identity which Secondly, the role of foreign reforms, free trade agreements, Doklam. Emphasising ‘neigh- witnessed the use of a ‘China Professor in the Department
India has made a shift from ism and climate change, adher- remains well aligned with our policy will be critical in Modi digital infrastructure upgrades bourhood policy,’ India seeks card’ by the opposition against of Political Science at the
being a ‘strategically reticent’ ence to international laws and ancient past and glory. In the 3 in terms of building political and energy security are essen- to improve regional connectiv- the BJP. How diplomacy comes University of Delhi; his views
State to a ‘balancing power’ in seeking UN security council last ten years, our diplomacy alliances and economic part- tial for our economic resilience ity and trade, shown by its $4 out of this pause in bilateral are personal)

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