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MOTIVATION FOR WORK……………………..………...…...07

PROBLEM STATEMENT…………..……………………….......11

LITERATURE SURVEY………………………………...……....13


ABOUT DATASET………………………………………….....…17

WORKFLOW & FLOWCHART …………………...………......19

REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS……………………...…….....24

SQL QUERIES…………………………………………………....27

MS EXCEL DASHBOARD………………………………………31

POWER BI DASHBOARD………………………………………34

PYTHON PROGRAM……………………………………………36







In the bustling and dynamic landscape of the food industry, where culinary trends ebb and flow like
tides, businesses face an unending quest for innovation and adaptation. In this relentless pursuit of
success, the convergence of traditional craftsmanship with modern data analytics emerges as a beacon
of opportunity, offering businesses a pathway to navigate the complexities of the market and unlock the
full potential of their operations.

This project embarks on a transformative journey, transcending the realms of conventional analysis to
explore the boundless possibilities inherent in pizza sales data. It is not merely an exercise in number-
crunching but a symphony of data-driven insights, each note resonating with the promise of
revolutionizing business strategies and redefining industry standards.

At the core of this journey lies the labyrinthine corridors of SQL Server, where data is not merely
stored but revered as the lifeblood of business intelligence. Here, meticulous attention to detail ensures
that every data point is a beacon illuminating the path to profitability. The extraction and cleansing
process is akin to a delicate dance, where anomalies are purged and outliers embraced, all in the pursuit
of a singular goal: clarity amidst complexity.

As the journey progresses, Excel emerges as a virtuoso, wielding its arsenal of functions and formulas
to sculpt raw data into a masterpiece of insight. Pivot tables pivot and twist, unraveling the tangled web
of sales patterns with mathematical precision, while charts and graphs transform abstract numbers into
tangible narratives of consumer behavior and market trends.

But it is in the realm of Power BI that the true magic unfolds. Here, data becomes more than just
numbers on a spreadsheet; it becomes a living, breathing entity, pulsating with the rhythm of market
dynamics. Dashboards come alive with the flick of a switch, offering stakeholders a panoramic view of
the data landscape and inviting them to explore its depths with the curiosity of pioneers charting
uncharted territory.

Yet, the journey does not end here. Python emerges as the final frontier, a realm where algorithms
reign supreme and predictive analytics hold sway. Here, the past is not just a prologue; it is a blueprint
for the future, a roadmap to success forged in the crucible of data science. From forecasting sales trends
to segmenting markets and optimizing marketing strategies, Python stands as a beacon of innovation,
guiding businesses towards the promised land of sustained growth and prosperity.

In conclusion, this project is more than just an analysis of pizza sales data; it is a testament to the
transformative power of data-driven decision-making in the modern era. Through the seamless
integration of SQL Server, Excel, Power BI, and Python, businesses are equipped not only to survive
but to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape, where the only constant is change, and the only certainty is
In the bustling world of the food industry, few delights captivate palates as universally as pizza does.
Its allure transcends cultural boundaries, offering a savory canvas upon which flavors from around the
globe converge. From the classic Margherita to the adventurous BBQ Chicken, pizza stands as a symbol
of culinary innovation and gastronomic indulgence.

However, behind every delicious slice lies a trove of data waiting to be explored, analyzed, and
leveraged for business success. In this data-driven era, understanding consumer preferences, optimizing
operational efficiency, and uncovering market trends are paramount for businesses seeking to thrive. To
this end, harnessing the power of data analytics becomes indispensable.

Pizza sales data encapsulates a wealth of information, ranging from customer demographics and
preferences to sales trends and operational metrics. Analyzing this data not only enhances decision-
making processes but also enables businesses to adapt strategies, tailor offerings, and capitalize on
emerging opportunities. By discerning patterns and understanding consumer behavior, businesses can
tailor their menu offerings, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns to meet the ever-evolving
demands of their clientele.

This journey into pizza sales data analysis begins with the utilization of SQL Server for data retrieval
and preparation. SQL Server serves as a robust foundation for data management, allowing seamless
extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) of pizza sales data. Through SQL queries, relevant
datasets can be efficiently retrieved, data cleaning tasks performed, and data integrity ensured, laying
the groundwork for subsequent analysis. Whether aggregating sales data from multiple locations or
identifying outliers in transaction records, SQL Server provides the necessary tools to prepare the data
for deeper analysis.

Excel stands as a ubiquitous tool for data analysis, offering a plethora of functionalities for
visualization, statistical analysis, and trend identification. Leveraging Excel's capabilities, analysts delve
into pizza sales data to uncover patterns, correlations, and insights that inform strategic decision-making.
From simple pivot tables to complex regression analyses, Excel empowers analysts to extract actionable
insights from vast datasets with ease.

Power BI takes data analysis a step further by empowering users to create dynamic, interactive
visualizations that facilitate intuitive exploration of complex datasets. Transforming raw pizza sales data
into compelling dashboards and reports enables stakeholders to gain actionable insights at a glance.
Whether tracking sales performance over time or drilling down into customer segmentation, Power BI
provides the necessary tools to transform data into actionable insights.

Python's versatility and rich ecosystem of libraries make it a formidable tool for conducting
exploratory data analysis. Through Python, analysts dive deeper into pizza sales data, employing

statistical techniques, machine learning algorithms, and advanced visualizations to extract deeper
insights and uncover hidden patterns. From clustering analysis to predictive modeling, Python enables
analysts to unlock the full potential of their data, revealing insights that drive strategic decision-making
and fuel business growth.

As we embark on this journey of pizza sales data analysis, our objective is clear: to unravel the
underlying stories embedded within the data and empower businesses to make informed decisions, drive
innovation, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of the food industry. Through the seamless
integration of SQL Server, Excel, Power BI, and Python EDA, we embark on a transformative voyage
that transcends mere data analysis, paving the way for actionable intelligence and sustainable growth.

1.Unraveling the Tapestry of Pizza Sales Data:

Yet, behind every delicious slice lies a trove of data waiting to be explored, analyzed, and leveraged
for business success. In this data-driven era, understanding consumer preferences, optimizing
operational efficiency, and uncovering market trends are paramount for businesses seeking to thrive. To
this end, harnessing the power of data analytics becomes indispensable.

2.The Significance of Pizza Sales Data Analysis:

Pizza sales data encapsulates a wealth of information, ranging from customer demographics and
preferences to sales trends and operational metrics. Analyzing this data not only enhances decision-
making processes but also enables businesses to adapt strategies, tailor offerings, and capitalize on
emerging opportunities. By discerning patterns and understanding consumer behavior, businesses can
tailor their menu offerings, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns to meet the ever-evolving
demands of their clientele.

3.Utilizing SQL Server for Data Retrieval and Preparation:

SQL Server serves as a robust foundation for data management, allowing seamless extraction,
transformation, and loading (ETL) of pizza sales data. Through SQL queries, we can efficiently retrieve
relevant datasets, perform data cleaning tasks, and ensure data integrity, laying the groundwork for
subsequent analysis. Whether it's aggregating sales data from multiple locations or identifying outliers
in transaction records, SQL Server provides the tools necessary to prepare the data for deeper analysis.

4.Excel: Unveiling Patterns and Trends:

Excel stands as a ubiquitous tool for data analysis, offering a plethora of functionalities for
visualization, statistical analysis, and trend identification. Leveraging Excel's capabilities, we delve into
the pizza sales data to uncover patterns, correlations, and insights that inform strategic decision-making.
From simple pivot tables to complex regression analyses, Excel empowers analysts to extract actionable
insights from vast datasets with ease.
5.Power BI: Crafting Interactive Visualizations

Power BI empowers users to create dynamic, interactive visualizations that facilitate intuitive
exploration of complex datasets. By harnessing Power BI's capabilities, we transform raw pizza sales
data into compelling dashboards and reports, enabling stakeholders to gain actionable insights at a
glance. Whether it's tracking sales performance over time or drilling down into customer segmentation,
Power BI provides the tools necessary to transform data into actionable insights.

6.Python EDA: Delving Deeper into Data Insights

Python's versatility and rich ecosystem of libraries make it a formidable tool for conducting
exploratory data analysis. Through Python, we dive deeper into the pizza sales data, employing statistical
techniques, machine learning algorithms, and advanced visualizations to extract deeper insights and
uncover hidden patterns. From clustering analysis to predictive modeling, Python enables analysts to
unlock the full potential of their data, revealing insights that drive strategic decision-making and fuel
business growth.

As we embark on this journey of pizza sales data analysis, our objective is clear: to unravel the
underlying stories embedded within the data and empower businesses to make informed decisions, drive
innovation, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of the food industry. Through the seamless
integration of SQL Server, Excel, Power BI, and Python EDA, we embark on a transformative voyage
that transcends mere data analysis, paving the way for actionable intelligence and sustainable growth.


The motivation behind undertaking the pizza sales data analysis project using SQL Server, Excel,
Power BI, and Python EDA stems from several key factors that underscore the significance and value
of this endeavor:

1. Business Optimization:

In the fiercely competitive food industry, businesses are constantly seeking ways to optimize their
operations, enhance efficiency, and maximize profitability. By analyzing pizza sales data, organizations
can identify areas for improvement, streamline processes, and fine-tune strategies to stay ahead of the
curve. From optimizing inventory management to refining supply chain logistics, data-driven insights
pave the way for operational excellence and cost savings.

2. Customer-Centric Insights:

Understanding customer preferences, behaviors, and demographics is crucial for businesses striving
to deliver exceptional experiences and cultivate customer loyalty. Through data analysis, companies can
gain valuable insights into customer preferences, enabling them to tailor offerings, personalize
marketing campaigns, and enhance customer satisfaction. By leveraging customer segmentation and
purchasing patterns, businesses can create targeted promotions and loyalty programs that resonate with
their audience, fostering long-term relationships and repeat business.

3. Strategic Decision Making:

Informed decision-making lies at the heart of organizational success. By leveraging data analytics tools
and techniques, businesses can make data-driven decisions backed by empirical evidence rather than
relying solely on intuition or gut feelings. This approach enables companies to mitigate risks, capitalize
on opportunities, and align their strategies with market trends and consumer demands. Whether it's
expanding into new markets, launching product innovations, or adjusting pricing strategies, data-driven
insights serve as a compass guiding strategic direction and resource allocation.

4. Competitive Advantage:

In today's fast-paced business landscape, gaining a competitive edge is essential for long-term viability
and growth. Through comprehensive data analysis, organizations can uncover unique insights, identify
niche markets, and differentiate themselves from competitors. By harnessing the power of data,
businesses can innovate, adapt, and thrive in an increasingly dynamic environment. From predicting
consumer trends to optimizing marketing ROI, data-driven decision-making positions companies for
success in the face of fierce competition.

5. Continuous Improvement:

The journey of data analysis is not a one-time endeavor but rather a continuous process of exploration,
discovery, and refinement. By regularly analyzing pizza sales data and monitoring key performance
indicators, businesses can identify evolving trends, evaluate the effectiveness of strategies, and adapt
their approaches accordingly to stay agile and responsive to changing market dynamics. Continuous
improvement becomes ingrained in the organizational culture, driving innovation and fostering a
proactive mindset towards addressing challenges and seizing opportunities.

6. Empowering Stakeholders:

Data analysis empowers stakeholders across all levels of an organization, from executives and
managers to frontline staff. By providing actionable insights and relevant information, data analysis
enables stakeholders to collaborate more effectively, align their efforts towards common goals, and drive
collective success. From guiding strategic planning sessions to informing day-to-day operational
decisions, data-driven insights foster a culture of transparency, accountability, and shared ownership,
empowering individuals to contribute meaningfully to organizational objectives.

7. Market Intelligence and Trend Analysis:

Keeping a pulse on market trends, consumer preferences, and industry developments is crucial for
staying ahead of the competition. Through comprehensive data analysis, businesses can gain valuable
market intelligence, uncover emerging trends, and identify untapped opportunities. By monitoring sales
data in real-time and conducting trend analysis, organizations can adapt their strategies proactively,
capitalize on market shifts, and position themselves as industry leaders. Whether it's identifying rising
consumer preferences for plant-based toppings or capitalizing on seasonal demand spikes, data-driven
market intelligence enables businesses to make informed decisions that drive sustainable growth and
market leadership.

8. Innovation and Product Development:

Innovation is the lifeblood of the food industry, driving product differentiation, customer engagement,
and market relevance. By analyzing pizza sales data, businesses can glean insights into evolving
consumer tastes, preferences, and demands, informing product development initiatives and innovation
strategies. From experimenting with new flavor profiles to introducing innovative packaging solutions,
data-driven product development enables businesses to stay ahead of evolving consumer trends and
preferences. By leveraging data analytics tools and techniques, organizations can iterate rapidly, test
new ideas, and launch successful products that resonate with their target audience, driving revenue
growth and brand loyalty.

9. Operational Resilience and Risk Management:

In an increasingly volatile and uncertain business environment, building operational resilience and
mitigating risks are paramount for business sustainability. Through data analysis, organizations can
identify potential risks, vulnerabilities, and operational inefficiencies that may impact their bottom line.
By conducting scenario analysis, predictive modeling, and risk assessments, businesses can develop
proactive strategies to mitigate risks, enhance operational resilience, and safeguard against unforeseen
disruptions. Whether it's optimizing inventory levels to mitigate supply chain disruptions or
implementing contingency plans for adverse market conditions, data-driven risk management empowers
organizations to navigate challenges with confidence and agility, ensuring business continuity and long-
term viability.

10. Regulatory Compliance and Governance:

With stringent regulations governing data privacy, consumer protection, and food safety, ensuring
regulatory compliance is a top priority for businesses in the food industry. Through data analysis,
organizations can monitor compliance with regulatory requirements, identify areas of non-compliance,
and implement corrective actions to address gaps and mitigate risks. By leveraging data analytics tools
and techniques, businesses can maintain transparency, accountability, and integrity in their operations,
building trust with regulators, customers, and stakeholders. Whether it's ensuring adherence to food
safety standards, GDPR compliance, or data protection regulations, data-driven governance frameworks
enable businesses to navigate regulatory complexities effectively and uphold their commitments to
ethical business practices.

11. Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration:

Effective stakeholder engagement and collaboration are essential for driving organizational
alignment, fostering innovation, and achieving shared goals. Through data analysis, businesses can
facilitate collaboration among internal teams, external partners, and stakeholders, enabling cross-
functional insights and knowledge sharing. By providing stakeholders with access to relevant data and
actionable insights, organizations can foster a culture of transparency, collaboration, and collective
problem-solving. Whether it's collaborating with suppliers to optimize procurement processes or
engaging with customers to co-create new product offerings, data-driven stakeholder engagement
strengthens relationships, drives innovation, and enhances organizational performance.

12. Talent Development and Skills Enhancement:

Building data analytics capabilities and fostering a culture of data literacy are critical for unlocking
the full potential of data-driven decision-making within an organization. Through data analysis projects
like pizza sales data analysis, businesses can provide employees with opportunities to develop their
analytical skills, gain hands-on experience with data analytics tools, and contribute meaningfully to
strategic initiatives. By investing in talent development and skills enhancement programs, organizations
can build a robust analytics workforce capable of driving innovation, solving complex problems, and
unlocking business value through data-driven insights. Whether it's providing training on SQL Server,
Excel, Power BI, or Python, investing in employee development fosters a culture of continuous learning
and empowers individuals to harness the power of data for organizational success.

In essence, the motivation behind undertaking the pizza sales data analysis project extends beyond
mere business objectives to encompass a broader vision of driving innovation, fostering resilience, and
empowering stakeholders. By leveraging data analytics to gain market intelligence, drive innovation,
mitigate risks, and enhance stakeholder engagement, organizations can position themselves for long-
term success and leadership in the competitive landscape of the food industry.


Our objective is to analyze key indicators for our Pizza Sales data to gain insights into our business

Specifically, we aim to calculate the following metrics:

1. Total Revenue:

- Understanding the total revenue generated provides a holistic view of the financial performance of
the pizza business. It encompasses all sales proceeds, reflecting the overall revenue-generating capacity
and business viability.

2. Average Order Value:

- The average order value offers insights into customer spending habits and purchasing behavior. It
helps in evaluating the effectiveness of pricing strategies and promotional offers, indicating whether
customers tend to make higher-value purchases or opt for lower-priced items.

3. Total Pizza Orders:

- Summarizing the quantities of pizzas sold provides a fundamental measure of product demand and
popularity. It serves as a key performance indicator for assessing sales volume and market acceptance
of different pizza varieties.

4. Total Orders:

- Identifying the total number of orders placed gives a comprehensive understanding of customer
transaction volume. It highlights the frequency of customer interactions with the business and aids in
forecasting demand and resource allocation.

5. Average Pizzas Per Order:

- Calculating the average number of pizzas sold per order elucidates customer preferences and
consumption patterns. It indicates whether customers typically order single pizzas or multiple items per
transaction, guiding inventory management and menu planning efforts.

6. Daily Trend for Total Orders:

- Observing the daily trend of total orders unveils short-term fluctuations and patterns in customer
demand. It enables businesses to identify peak hours, allocate staffing resources efficiently, and optimize
operational workflows for enhanced service delivery.

7. Monthly Trend for Total Orders:

- Illustrating the monthly trend of total orders over the year provides insights into seasonal variations
and long-term consumption patterns. It facilitates strategic planning, promotional scheduling, and
inventory forecasting to align with changing market dynamics.

8. Percentage of Sales by Pizza Category:

- Analyzing the distribution of sales across different pizza categories sheds light on product preferences
and market demand. It aids in identifying top-selling menu items, refining product offerings, and
allocating marketing resources effectively to capitalize on popular choices.

9. Percentage of Sales by Pizza Size:

- Understanding the percentage of sales attributed to different pizza sizes helps in optimizing portion
sizes, pricing structures, and inventory management strategies. It informs decisions regarding product
bundling, upselling tactics, and profitability analysis.

10. Total Pizzas Sold by Pizza Category:

- Comparing the sales performance of different pizza categories provides actionable insights into
product performance and market trends. It guides menu engineering efforts, promotional campaigns, and
menu pricing strategies to maximize revenue and customer satisfaction.

11. Top 5 Best Sellers by Total Pizzas Sold:

- Identifying the most popular pizza options allows businesses to capitalize on high-demand products,
tailor marketing messages, and optimize menu layouts. It assists in inventory forecasting, production
planning, and ensuring consistent availability of customer favorites.

12. Bottom 5 Worst Sellers by Total Pizzas Sold:

- Identifying the least popular pizza options highlights potential areas for menu optimization, product
innovation, and marketing intervention. It enables businesses to streamline menu offerings, eliminate
underperforming items, and allocate resources more effectively to maximize profitability.


As the global pizza industry continues to expand, with its roots firmly embedded in Italian cuisine, the
Indian pizza market has emerged as a fascinating subject of study. This literature survey aims to explore
existing research, studies, and industry reports pertinent to the analysis of the Indian pizza market. By
synthesizing findings from various sources, we seek to gain insights into the dynamics, trends,
challenges, and opportunities shaping the landscape of pizza consumption in India.

1. Growth and Evolution of Pizza Consumption in India:

- "Pizza in India" by Euromonitor International (2020): This comprehensive report delves into the
historical evolution and current state of the pizza market in India, highlighting key players, market size,
growth drivers, and consumer preferences.

- "India Pizza Market Analysis Report" by IMARC Group (2021): This market research report
provides an in-depth analysis of the Indian pizza market, covering aspects such as market trends,
competitive landscape, distribution channels, and growth projections.

- "Pizza Retailing in India: Evolving Consumer Preferences and Market Dynamics" by Mintel (2022):
Mintel's research examines the evolving consumer preferences and market dynamics shaping the pizza
retailing landscape in India, including insights into flavor preferences, consumption occasions, and
emerging market segments.

2. Consumer Preferences and Behavior:

- "Consumer Behavior towards Fast Food Outlets in India: An Empirical Study" by Kumar and Sharma
(2016): This academic study investigates consumer preferences and behavior regarding fast food,
including pizza, in urban India, shedding light on factors influencing purchase decisions and
consumption patterns.

- "Understanding the Preferences of Indian Consumers towards International Fast Food Chains: A
Conjoint Analysis Approach" by Nagpal et al. (2019): Through a conjoint analysis approach, this
research examines Indian consumers' preferences for international fast food chains, offering insights into
the appeal of pizza vis-à-vis other fast food options.

- "Exploring the Role of Social Media Influencers in Shaping Consumer Attitudes towards Pizza
Consumption in India" by Gupta et al. (2021): This study explores the impact of social media influencers
on consumer attitudes and behaviors towards pizza consumption in India, investigating the role of online
platforms in shaping brand perceptions and purchase decisions.

3. Localization and Adaptation Strategies:

- "Localization of Global Food Chains in India: A Study of Indian Fast Food Industry" by Jain and
Singh (2018): This study explores localization strategies adopted by global fast food chains operating in
India, including pizza brands, to cater to the diverse tastes and preferences of Indian consumers.

- "Indianizing Pizza: Domino’s Success Story in India" by Garg and Sharma (2017): Focusing on
Domino's Pizza, this case study analyzes the brand's localization strategies, menu innovations, and
marketing initiatives tailored to resonate with Indian consumers.

- "Adapting to Local Tastes: Exploring Menu Customization Strategies of International Pizza Chains
in India" by Patel et al. (2020): This research investigates menu customization strategies adopted by

international pizza chains operating in India, examining the role of localized flavors, ingredients, and
cultural adaptations in driving consumer acceptance and brand loyalty.

4. Challenges and Opportunities:

- "Challenges and Opportunities for Pizza Chains in India" by Business Today (2021): This article
discusses the challenges faced by pizza chains operating in the Indian market, such as intense
competition, pricing pressures, supply chain complexities, and changing consumer preferences, while
also highlighting growth opportunities in tier II and tier III cities.

- "Emerging Trends in the Indian Food and Beverage Industry" by Deloitte (2022): Deloitte's report
examines emerging trends and opportunities in the Indian food and beverage industry, including the
pizza segment, with a focus on innovation, sustainability, and digital transformation.

- "Navigating Regulatory Challenges in the Indian Food Retail Sector: Implications for Pizza Chains"
by Kapoor and Reddy (2019): This study explores regulatory challenges faced by pizza chains operating
in the Indian food retail sector, including compliance issues, food safety regulations, and government
policies impacting business operations and expansion strategies.


The methodology for analyzing pizza sales data in India involves a systematic approach that integrates
various tools and techniques to derive actionable insights.

Below is a proposed methodology for conducting the analysis:

1. Data Collection and Preparation:

- Data Sources: Gather pizza sales data from internal databases, POS (Point of Sale) systems, or
online ordering platforms. Additionally, collect demographic data, regional information, and
promotional campaign data if available.

- Data Cleaning: Clean the data to remove duplicates, handle missing values, and correct any
inconsistencies or errors. Ensure data integrity and reliability for accurate analysis.

2. Database Setup and SQL Server Integration:

- Database Design: Design a relational database schema to organize the pizza sales data efficiently,
including tables for orders, customers, pizzas, transactions, etc.

- SQL Server Integration: Import the cleaned data into SQL Server for further processing and
analysis. Utilize SQL queries to perform data transformations, aggregations, and calculations required
for deriving key metrics.

3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with Excel:

- Data Exploration: Use Excel to conduct initial exploratory data analysis (EDA) to understand the
distribution, trends, and patterns in the pizza sales data.

- Visualization: Create charts, graphs, and pivot tables to visualize sales trends over time, regional
variations, popular pizza toppings, etc.

4. Key Metric Calculation:

- Total Revenue: Calculate the sum of the total price of all orders to determine the total revenue
generated from pizza sales.

- Average Order Value: Divide the total revenue by the total number of orders to compute the
average amount spent per order.

- Total Pizza Orders: Sum the quantities of all pizzas sold to ascertain the total volume of pizza

- Total Orders: Count the total number of orders placed by customers.

- Average Pizzas Per Order: Divide the total number of pizzas sold by the number of orders to find
the average number of pizzas sold per order.

5. Power BI Dashboard Development:

- Data Modeling: Create a data model in Power BI by importing data from SQL Server and defining
relationships between tables.

- Visualization: Develop interactive dashboards and visualizations in Power BI to present key

metrics, sales trends, geographical analysis, customer segmentation, etc.

- Drill-Down Analysis: Enable drill-down capabilities to allow users to explore data at different levels
of granularity and gain deeper insights.

6. Advanced Analysis with Python:

- Data Preparation: Preprocess the data using Python libraries such as Pandas to handle complex
transformations, feature engineering, and data normalization.

- Statistical Analysis: Conduct statistical analysis, correlation studies, and hypothesis testing to
identify significant factors influencing pizza sales and customer behavior.

- Predictive Modeling: Build predictive models using machine learning algorithms to forecast future
sales, identify potential market opportunities, and optimize promotional strategies.

7. Insights and Recommendations:

- Interpretation: Analyze the findings from the data analysis to extract meaningful insights regarding
business performance, market trends, customer preferences, etc.

- Recommendations: Based on the insights derived, formulate actionable recommendations to

improve marketing strategies, product offerings, pricing strategies, etc., to enhance business growth and
customer satisfaction.

8. Documentation and Reporting:

- Documentation: Document the entire analysis process, including data sources, methodologies,
findings, and insights.

- Reporting: Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the analysis results, key findings,
actionable insights, and recommendations for stakeholders' review and decision-making.


This dataset encompasses a wide range of pizza types, sizes, and categories, along with their
corresponding sales details. It allows for various analyses, including but not limited to:

- Sales trends over time: Tracking the fluctuation in pizza sales volume and revenue over different time
periods, including daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal trends.

- Popular pizza categories and sizes: Identifying the most popular pizza categories and sizes based on
sales volume and revenue.

- Customer preferences for specific pizza types: Analyzing customer preferences for specific pizza types,
ingredients, and flavors, based on order frequency and quantity.

- Pricing analysis: Evaluating the impact of pricing strategies on sales performance, including analyzing
price elasticity and price sensitivity.

- Seasonal variations in pizza sales: Identifying seasonal patterns and variations in pizza sales, including
peak seasons and off-peak periods.

Dataset Details

- Total Entries: The dataset comprises 48,620 entries, capturing a comprehensive snapshot of pizza sales

- Columns:

1. pizza_id: A unique identifier for each pizza item.

2. order_id: A unique identifier for each order.

3. pizza_name_id: An identifier for the type of pizza.

4. quantity: The quantity of pizzas ordered.

5. order_date: The date of the order.

6. order_time: The time of the order.

7. unit_price: The price per unit of pizza.

8. total_price: The total price of the pizzas ordered.

9. pizza_size: The size of the pizza (e.g., S for small, M for medium, L for large).

10. pizza_category: The category of the pizza (e.g., Classic, Veggie, Chicken, Supreme).

11. pizza_ingredients: The ingredients used in the pizza.

12. pizza_name: The name of the pizza.

Key Insights

- The dataset captures sales transactions of various pizzas across different sizes and categories, providing
a comprehensive view of consumer preferences and purchasing behavior.

- Each entry details the quantity ordered, unit price, total price, order date, and time, enabling detailed
analysis of sales performance and trends.

- Pizza ingredients are listed, offering insight into the composition of each pizza and potential
opportunities for menu innovation and customization.

- Sales data is available for different pizza sizes, ranging from small to large, allowing for analysis of
size preferences and pricing strategies.

- Pizza categories include Classic, Veggie, Chicken, and Supreme, indicating diverse consumer
preferences and potential market segments.

Potential Analyses

- Market segmentation: Segmenting customers based on pizza categories, sizes, and ordering behavior
to tailor marketing strategies and promotions.

- Customer profiling: Creating customer profiles based on demographic information, ordering frequency,
and preferences to better understand and target key customer segments.

- Menu optimization: Analyzing ingredient popularity and sales performance to optimize menu offerings
and maximize customer satisfaction.

- Promotional strategy: Evaluating the effectiveness of promotional campaigns and discount offers on
sales performance and customer engagement.

- Operational efficiency: Identifying opportunities to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve
service quality based on sales data and customer feedback.

This dataset provides a rich source of information for analyzing pizza sales trends, customer behavior,
and market dynamics in the Indian pizza market. It enables businesses to make data-driven decisions to
enhance their offerings, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately, drive business growth and


1. Data Collection and Preparation:

- Gathering pizza sales data from various sources is essential to ensure a comprehensive understanding
of the market landscape. These sources might include POS systems, online orders, and customer
feedback platforms.

- Checking data quality and completeness involves scrutinizing the collected data for inaccuracies,
inconsistencies, or missing values that could potentially skew the analysis.

- Cleansing the data is a crucial step in preparing it for analysis. This process includes removing
duplicate entries, handling missing values through imputation or removal strategies, and correcting any
errors in the data to maintain its integrity.

- Ensuring data integrity and reliability is paramount for making informed business decisions based on
the analysis results. Data integrity checks involve validating the accuracy and consistency of the data
throughout the analysis pipeline.

2. Database Setup and SQL Server Integration:

- Designing a relational database schema tailored to the specific needs of the pizza sales analysis
facilitates efficient data management and retrieval.

- Importing cleaned data into a SQL Server database centralizes data storage and enables seamless
integration with other analytical tools and platforms.

- Performing data transformations and calculations using SQL queries streamlines the analysis process
by leveraging the power and flexibility of SQL's querying capabilities.

3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with Excel:

- Importing data from SQL Server into Excel provides a familiar and user-friendly environment for
conducting exploratory data analysis.

- Conducting initial data exploration and descriptive statistics in Excel allows for a quick overview of
key metrics such as total revenue, sales trends, and customer demographics.

- Visualizing sales trends, regional variations, and other patterns through charts and graphs in Excel
aids in identifying actionable insights and trends.

- Identifying outliers and anomalies in the data helps in understanding potential anomalies or
irregularities that may require further investigation or data cleansing.

4. Key Metric Calculation:

- Calculating key metrics such as total revenue, average order value, total pizza orders, total orders,
and average pizzas per order provides essential insights into the performance and dynamics of the pizza
sales business.

- These metrics serve as foundational indicators for assessing business performance, identifying areas
for improvement, and making strategic decisions to optimize sales and profitability.

5. Power BI Dashboard Development:

- Connecting to the SQL Server data source from Power BI Desktop facilitates real-time data
visualization and analysis.

- Creating a robust data model with relationships between tables ensures accurate and meaningful
insights are derived from the data.

- Developing interactive dashboards and visualizations using Power BI Desktop empowers

stakeholders to explore data dynamically and uncover actionable insights.

- Incorporating slicers, filters, and drill-down features enhances user interactivity and enables
stakeholders to focus on specific aspects of the data relevant to their needs.

6. Advanced Analysis with Python:

- Preprocessing data using Pandas for tasks such as data normalization and feature engineering
enhances the quality and relevance of the analysis.

- Conducting statistical analysis using Python libraries like NumPy and SciPy enables deeper insights
into the underlying patterns and relationships within the data.

- Building predictive models for forecasting sales or customer segmentation using machine learning
libraries such as Scikit-learn or TensorFlow empowers businesses to anticipate future trends and make
proactive decisions.

7. Insights and Recommendations:

- Analyzing findings from EDA, SQL queries, Excel, Power BI, and Python synthesizes insights from
multiple perspectives to derive comprehensive conclusions.

- Identifying key insights related to sales trends, customer behavior, regional preferences, and other
factors informs strategic decision-making and business planning.

- Formulating actionable recommendations to improve marketing strategies, product offerings, pricing,

and operational processes leverages the insights generated from the analysis to drive tangible business
8. Documentation and Reporting:

- Documenting the entire analysis process, including methodologies, tools used, and key findings,
ensures transparency and reproducibility of the analysis.

- Preparing a comprehensive report summarizing analysis results, insights, and recommendations

communicates the value of the analysis to stakeholders and facilitates informed decision-making.

- Including visualizations, tables, and graphs in the report enhances clarity and comprehension of the
analysis findings, enabling stakeholders to grasp complex information more effectively.

Certainly! Let's further elaborate on the workflow and flowchart for analyzing pizza sales data by adding
more points:

9. Data Enrichment and Augmentation:

- In addition to data collection and preparation, businesses may enhance their dataset through data
enrichment techniques. This involves integrating external data sources such as demographic data,
weather patterns, or social media trends to provide additional context and insights into customer behavior
and sales trends.

10. Segmentation Analysis:

- Conducting segmentation analysis allows businesses to divide their customer base into distinct
groups based on various criteria such as demographics, purchasing behavior, or geographic location.
This segmentation enables targeted marketing efforts and personalized offerings tailored to the specific
needs and preferences of each customer segment.

11. Time-Series Analysis:

- Time-series analysis involves examining data points collected over successive time intervals to
identify patterns, trends, and seasonality in pizza sales. By analyzing historical sales data, businesses
can forecast future sales trends, plan inventory levels, and optimize staffing schedules to meet demand
fluctuations efficiently.

12. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Analysis:

- Calculating the customer lifetime value provides insights into the long-term revenue potential of
individual customers. By analyzing CLV, businesses can prioritize customer acquisition and retention
strategies, allocate resources effectively, and maximize profitability over the customer lifecycle.

13. A/B Testing and Experimentation:

- Implementing A/B testing or experimentation allows businesses to test different marketing

strategies, product offerings, or pricing structures to determine their impact on sales performance and
customer engagement. By systematically testing hypotheses, businesses can identify optimal strategies
for driving growth and increasing revenue.

14. Social Media and Sentiment Analysis:

- Incorporating social media and sentiment analysis enables businesses to monitor online
conversations, reviews, and feedback related to their brand and products. Analyzing sentiment trends
and customer sentiment scores provides valuable insights into brand perception, customer satisfaction
levels, and areas for improvement in product quality or service delivery.

15. Geospatial Analysis:

- Geospatial analysis involves mapping and analyzing spatial data to understand geographic patterns
and trends in pizza sales. By visualizing sales data on maps and identifying hotspots or underserved
areas, businesses can optimize their store locations, target marketing efforts, and expand into new
markets strategically.

16. Predictive Maintenance:

- Implementing predictive maintenance techniques allows businesses to anticipate equipment failures

or maintenance needs in advance. By analyzing data from kitchen equipment or delivery vehicles,
businesses can schedule preventive maintenance tasks, minimize downtime, and ensure smooth
operations to meet customer demand consistently.

17. Feedback Loop and Continuous Improvement:

- Establishing a feedback loop enables businesses to gather insights from stakeholders, including
customers, employees, and partners, to inform ongoing improvements and optimizations. By soliciting
feedback, analyzing performance metrics, and iterating on strategies, businesses can adapt to changing
market dynamics, address customer needs, and drive continuous improvement in their operations.

By incorporating these additional points into the workflow and flowchart for analyzing pizza sales data,
businesses can create a comprehensive and iterative process that enables them to derive actionable
insights, drive strategic decision-making, and ultimately, achieve sustainable growth and success in the
competitive food industry landscape.



Analyzing pizza sales data in India offers a wealth of insights with applications across diverse sectors,

1. Retail and Fast Food Chains:

- Major pizza chains and fast-food restaurants can delve into sales data analysis to fine-tune their menu
offerings, pricing strategies, and promotional campaigns.

- By discerning trends in popular pizza toppings, favored flavor combinations, and regional
preferences, chains can tailor their offerings to cater to local tastes, driving customer engagement and

2. Marketing and Advertising Agencies:

- Marketing agencies can harness the power of pizza sales data analysis to craft targeted advertising
campaigns and promotions for pizza brands.

- Armed with a deep understanding of consumer behavior and preferences, agencies can craft
compelling marketing messages and choose media channels that resonate with the target demographic,
maximizing campaign effectiveness.

3. Food Delivery Platforms:

- Food delivery platforms operating in the Indian market can leverage sales data analysis to optimize
their delivery operations.

- Insights into peak ordering times, popular pizza varieties, and delivery preferences enable platforms
to optimize delivery routes, allocate resources efficiently, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

4. Supply Chain Management:

- Pizza suppliers and distributors stand to benefit from sales data analysis by gaining insights to
streamline their supply chain operations.

- By forecasting demand, managing inventory levels effectively, and optimizing logistics based on
sales trends, suppliers can ensure timely delivery of fresh ingredients to pizza chains and restaurants,
minimizing wastage and maximizing profitability.

5. Market Research and Consulting Firms:

- Market research firms can conduct comprehensive analyses of pizza sales data to offer valuable
insights to clients in the food industry.

- Consulting firms can leverage data-driven insights to provide strategic guidance to pizza brands and
restaurants, helping them identify growth opportunities, optimize operations, and stay competitive in the
dynamic food market landscape.

6. Financial Institutions and Investors:

- Investors and financial analysts can utilize sales data analysis to evaluate the performance and
potential of pizza chains and fast-food franchises as investment opportunities.

- By analyzing key financial metrics such as revenue growth, average order value, and customer
retention rates, investors can make informed decisions about allocating capital in the food sector,
mitigating risk and maximizing returns.

7. Government and Public Health Agencies:

- Government agencies and public health organizations can employ sales data analysis to monitor
dietary trends and consumption patterns related to pizza and fast food.

- Insights derived from the analysis can inform evidence-based policy initiatives aimed at promoting
healthier eating habits, combating obesity, and improving public health outcomes nationwide.

Certainly! Let's continue expanding on the real-world applications of analyzing pizza sales data in India:

8. Hospitality and Tourism Industry:

- Hotels, resorts, and tourist destinations can leverage pizza sales data analysis to enhance guest
experience and drive revenue growth.

- Understanding the preferences of tourists and visitors regarding pizza varieties and dining
preferences allows hospitality businesses to tailor their menus and offerings to meet customer
expectations, thus boosting satisfaction levels and encouraging repeat visits.

9. Educational Institutions and Cafeterias:

- Schools, colleges, and universities with cafeteria services can benefit from analyzing pizza sales data
to optimize menu planning and food service operations.

- Insights into students' pizza preferences, dietary trends, and consumption patterns enable cafeteria
managers to offer appealing and nutritious options, promoting student satisfaction and fostering a
positive dining experience on campus.

10. Health and Wellness Industry:

- Health-conscious consumers increasingly seek healthier alternatives, even in fast food options like
pizza. Analyzing sales data can help health and wellness companies identify opportunities to introduce
healthier pizza options without compromising taste.
- By offering whole grain crusts, lean protein toppings, and fresh vegetable options, pizza brands can
cater to health-conscious consumers and tap into the growing market demand for nutritious fast food

11. Technology and Data Analytics Startups:

- Startups specializing in technology and data analytics can develop innovative solutions and services
tailored to the pizza industry based on sales data analysis.

- By leveraging machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics, startups can offer solutions for
demand forecasting, customer segmentation, and personalized marketing strategies, empowering pizza
businesses to optimize their operations and drive growth.

12. Environmental Sustainability Initiatives:

- Analyzing pizza sales data can contribute to sustainability efforts by identifying opportunities to
reduce food waste and minimize environmental impact.

- Insights into ordering patterns, peak hours, and seasonal variations enable businesses to optimize
production processes, minimize excess inventory, and implement sustainable packaging solutions,
thereby reducing carbon footprint and promoting environmental stewardship.

13. Community and Social Impact Programs:

- Pizza sales data analysis can support community outreach and social impact initiatives by identifying
underserved areas or demographics with limited access to affordable and nutritious food options.

- Collaborating with local nonprofits or community organizations, pizza brands can develop outreach
programs to address food insecurity issues, offer discounted or subsidized meal options, and contribute
to the well-being of vulnerable populations.


A. KPI’s
1. Total Revenue:
SELECT SUM(total_price) AS Total_Revenue FROM pizza_sales;

2. Average Order Value

SELECT (SUM(total_price) / COUNT(DISTINCT order_id)) AS Avg_order_Value FROM pizza_sales

3. Total Pizzas Sold

SELECT SUM(quantity) AS Total_pizza_sold FROM pizza_sales

4. Total Orders
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS Total_Orders FROM pizza_sales

5. Average Pizzas Per Order

AS Avg_Pizzas_per_order
FROM pizza_sales

B. Daily Trend for Total Orders
SELECT DATENAME(DW, order_date) AS order_day, COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS
FROM pizza_sales

C. Hourly Trend for Orders

SELECT DATEPART(HOUR, order_time) as order_hours, COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) as
from pizza_sales
group by DATEPART(HOUR, order_time)
order by DATEPART(HOUR, order_time)

D. % of Sales by Pizza Category
SELECT pizza_category, CAST(SUM(total_price) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) as total_revenue,
CAST(SUM(total_price) * 100 / (SELECT SUM(total_price) from pizza_sales) AS DECIMAL(10,2))
FROM pizza_sales
GROUP BY pizza_category

E. % of Sales by Pizza Size

SELECT pizza_size, CAST(SUM(total_price) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) as total_revenue,
CAST(SUM(total_price) * 100 / (SELECT SUM(total_price) from pizza_sales) AS DECIMAL(10,2))
FROM pizza_sales
GROUP BY pizza_size
ORDER BY pizza_size

F. Total Pizzas Sold by Pizza Category

SELECT pizza_category, SUM(quantity) as Total_Quantity_Sold
FROM pizza_sales
WHERE MONTH(order_date) = 2
GROUP BY pizza_category
ORDER BY Total_Quantity_Sold DESC

G. Top 5 Best Sellers by Total Pizzas Sold

SELECT Top 5 pizza_name, SUM(quantity) AS Total_Pizza_Sold

FROM pizza_sales
GROUP BY pizza_name
ORDER BY Total_Pizza_Sold DESC

H. Bottom 5 Best Sellers by Total Pizzas Sold

SELECT TOP 5 pizza_name, SUM(quantity) AS Total_Pizza_Sold

FROM pizza_sales
GROUP BY pizza_name
ORDER BY Total_Pizza_Sold ASC












import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Import dataset
df = pd.read_excel(r'C:\Users\MY PC\Downloads\PizzaSales.xlsx')




# Data Cleaning



number_of_pizza = df.pizza_name.nunique()
print(f"Plato's Pizza sells {number_of_pizza} types of pizzas!")

# Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

# 1. For each order, what is their total price
order_price = df.groupby(['order_id']).agg({'total_price':'sum'})
sns.histplot(order_price, bins=20, palette = "Dark2", legend = False, kde = True)
plt.xlabel('Price of orders')
plt.title('Distribution of order prices');

# 2. Which size of pizza is ordered the most?

total = len(df) # total number of orders
L = len(df[df.pizza_size == 'L']) / total # % of Large pizzas to total no. of orders
M = len(df[df.pizza_size == 'M']) / total # % of Medium pizzas to total no. of orders
S = len(df[df.pizza_size == 'S']) / total # % of Small pizzas to total no. of orders
XL = len(df[df.pizza_size == 'XL']) / total # % of Extra Large pizzas to total no. of orders
XXL = len(df[df.pizza_size == 'XXL']) / total # % of Extra Extra Large pizzas to total no. of orders

# Plot the pie chart

figure, ax = plt.subplots()
patches, texts, pcts = ax.pie([L,M,S,XL+XXL],
labels = ["L","M","S","XL+XXL"],
autopct = '%.1f%%',
wedgeprops={'linewidth':1.0, 'edgecolor': 'white'},
textprops = {'size': 'x-large'},
shadow = False)

# Title of pie chart

ax.set_title('Pizza sizes by orders (%)', fontsize = 15)

# Annotation
for i, patch in enumerate(patches):
plt.setp(pcts, color='white')
plt.setp(texts, fontweight = 600)

# Show the pie chart


# 3. Which category of pizza is ordered the most?

# Show the number of orders for each category of pizza
categories = df.pizza_category.value_counts()
# Find the index of the highest value (highest number of orders)
highest_index = categories.idxmax()
# Set the color of the highest bar to green, and others to blue color
colors = ['green' if i == highest_index else 'blue' for i in categories.index]
# Plot the bar chart
plots = categories.plot.barh(figsize = (10,5), color = colors)
plt.ylabel('Pizza category')
plt.xlabel('Number of orders')
plt.title('Number of orders by pizza categories', fontsize = 15)

# Total number of orders

total = len(df)

# Iterating over the bars one-by-one

for bar in plots.patches:

# Using Matplotlib's annotate function and

# passing the coordinates where the annotation shall be done
# y-coordinate: bar.get_y() + bar.get_width() / 2
# x-coordinate: bar.get_width()
# ha and va stand for the horizontal and vertical alignment
plots.annotate(format(bar.get_width() / total, '.0%'),
(bar.get_width(), bar.get_y() + bar.get_height() / 2),
ha='center', va='center',
size=13, xytext=(-25, 0),
textcoords='offset points', color = 'white', fontweight = 600)

# Hide the right and top spines

plots.spines[['right', 'top']].set_visible(False);

# 5. How many pizzas are we making during peak periods?

# Add two new columns to df: day_of_week, day_name
day_of_week = []
day_name = []

for i in range(len(df)):
# 0 = Mon, 1 = Tue, 2 = Wed, ..., 6 = Sun

# Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday


df['day_of_week'] = day_of_week
df['day_name'] = day_name

# Count number of orders by each day

busiest_day_df =

# Find the index of the highest value (highest number of orders by day)
highest_index = busiest_day_df['total_price'].idxmax()

# Set the color of the highest bar to green, and others to blue color
colors = ['green' if i == highest_index else 'blue' for i in busiest_day_df.index]

# Plot the bar chart

ax = = 'day_name', y = 'total_price', figsize = (15,7), legend=False, color =
plt.ylabel("Total revenue by day")
plt.xlabel("Day of week")
plt.title("Which day tend to be the most busiest?")
rotation = 0);

# Iterating over the bars one-by-one

for i, bar in enumerate(ax.patches):
ax.annotate(format(bar.get_height(), '.0f'),
(bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2,
bar.get_height()), ha='center', va='center',
size=10, xytext=(0, 8),
textcoords='offset points', color = colors[i], fontweight = 600)

# Hide the right and top spines

ax.spines[['right', 'top']].set_visible(False);

# Now we look to investigate Friday times.

friday_df = df[df.day_name == 'Friday']

# Convert order_time into datetime data type

friday_df.order_dummydatetime = pd.to_datetime(friday_df.order_time, format = '%H:%M:%S')

# Define the bins

bins = np.arange(0,26,2)

# Add labels (12 bins, each bin represents 2 hours window)

labels = ['00:00-01:59', '02:00-03:59', '04:00-05:59', '06:00-07:59','08:00-09:59','10:00-11:59', '12:00-
13:59', '14:00-15:59', '16:00-17:59','18:00-19:59','20:00-21:59','22:00-23:59']

# Add the bins to friday_df

friday_df['time_bin'] = pd.cut(friday_df.order_dummydatetime.dt.hour, bins, labels=labels,


# The number of orders during each time bin

orders_per_bin = pd.DataFrame(friday_df.time_bin.value_counts())
orders_per_bin.columns = ['time_bin','count']
orders_per_bin['time_bin'] = pd.Categorical(orders_per_bin['time_bin'], categories=labels,
sorted_df = orders_per_bin.sort_values('time_bin', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
# Display the DataFrame (sorted by time bins from 12am to 11:59pm)
sorted_df.set_index("time_bin", inplace=True)

sorted_df.plot.barh(legend = False, figsize = (15,7), color = 'blue')

plt.xlabel('Number of orders per time bin')
plt.title("The peak times of the pizza restaurant on Fridays (number of orders from each time bin)");

# Revenue earned from each time bin
revenue_friday_df = pd.DataFrame(friday_df.groupby('time_bin').total_price.sum())
revenue_friday_df = revenue_friday_df.sort_values("time_bin",ascending=False)
revenue_friday_df.set_index("time_bin").plot.barh(figsize = (15,7), legend = False, color = 'blue')
plt.xlabel("Total revenue earned from each time bin")
plt.ylabel("Time bin")
plt.title("The peak times of the restaurant on Fridays (revenue earned from each time bin)");

# 6. What are our best and worst selling pizzas?

print(f'The best selling pizza is: {df.pizza_name.value_counts().nlargest(1)}' '\n')
print(f'The worst selling pizza is : {df.pizza_name.value_counts().nsmallest(1)}')

# 7. What's our average order value?

print(f'Mean: USD {df.total_price.mean():.2f}')
print(f'Median: USD {df.total_price.median():.2f}')

# 8. What is the total revenue up to the latest order date?


# 9. What is the total number of orders up to the latest order date?


# 10. Visualize the number of orders per day

df.groupby('order_date').agg({'order_id': 'count'}).sort_values('order_id', ascending=False)

df.groupby('order_date').agg({'order_id': 'count'}).plot(kind = 'line', figsize=(15,7), legend=False,
plt.ylabel('Number of orders')
plt.title('Number of orders per day');

# 11. Visualize revenue earned per day

df.groupby('order_date').agg({'total_price': 'sum'}).plot(kind = 'line', figsize=(15,7), legend=False,
plt.title('Revenue per day');

12. Which month was revenue earned the highest?
# Extract the month and month_name from order_date
month = []
month_name = []
for i in df.order_date:
# 1 = January, 2 = February, ..., 12 = December

# January, February, ..., December


df['month'] = month
df['month_name'] = month_name
total_revenue = df.total_price.sum() # total revenue = sum of prices of all orders

# Create a colormap from red to yellow

cmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["green", "yellow", "red"])

# Find the total revenue by each month using groupby

revenue_per_month_df = df.groupby(['month', 'month_name']).agg({'total_price': 'sum'})

# Rank the monthly total revenue from highest to lowest

revenue_per_month_df['rank'] = revenue_per_month_df['total_price'].rank(method="dense",

# Sort from the lowest revenue to the highest revenue

revenue_per_month_df = revenue_per_month_df.sort_values('rank', ascending=False).reset_index()

# Plot the bar chart

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (15,7))
ax.barh(revenue_per_month_df.month_name, revenue_per_month_df['total_price'],
ax.set_xlabel('Revenue earned by month')
ax.set_title('Monthly revenue in 2015 (from highest to lowest)')

# Annotation: iterating over the bars one-by-one

for i, bar in enumerate(ax.patches):
ax.annotate(f"USD {revenue_per_month_df['total_price'][i]:.2f} ({bar.get_width() /
(bar.get_width(), bar.get_y() + bar.get_height() / 2),
ha='center', va='center',
size=14, xytext=(-100, 0),
textcoords='offset points', color = 'navy', fontweight = 400)

# Hide the right and top spines

ax.spines[['right', 'top']].set_visible(False);


1. Informed Decision Making:

- Analyzing pizza sales data empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions regarding product
offerings, pricing strategies, marketing campaigns, and operational enhancements. By gaining insights
into sales trends, customer preferences, and market dynamics, businesses can identify opportunities for
growth and optimization.

2. Optimized Marketing Strategies:

- Understanding customer behavior and preferences through sales data analysis enables businesses to
refine their marketing strategies. By tailoring promotions, advertisements, and loyalty programs to
resonate with specific customer segments, businesses can enhance engagement, retention, and overall
marketing effectiveness.

3. Improved Operational Efficiency:

- Sales data analysis aids in streamlining operational processes such as inventory management,
production scheduling, and supply chain logistics. By accurately forecasting demand, identifying
seasonal patterns, and monitoring sales performance, businesses can optimize resource allocation,
minimize wastage, and improve overall efficiency, leading to cost savings.

4. Enhanced Customer Experience:

- Personalizing the customer experience based on sales data insights fosters higher levels of satisfaction
and loyalty. By offering customized menus, recommendations, and promotions tailored to individual
preferences, businesses can forge stronger connections with customers, driving repeat business and
positive word-of-mouth referrals.

5. Competitive Advantage:

- Leveraging sales data analysis provides businesses with a competitive edge by enabling them to stay
ahead of market trends and anticipate customer needs. By proactively adapting to changing consumer
preferences and market dynamics, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors, strengthen
their market position, and sustain long-term success.

6. Targeted Expansion Opportunities:

- Analyzing sales data facilitates the identification of potential growth opportunities and expansion
prospects. By pinpointing high-demand locations, assessing market viability, and evaluating consumer
demographics, businesses can make informed decisions about opening new outlets or entering new
market segments, maximizing growth potential and market penetration.
7. Risk Mitigation:

- Sales data analysis helps businesses identify and mitigate risks such as inventory stockouts,
underperforming products, and market saturation. By detecting early warning signs and adjusting
strategies accordingly, businesses can proactively manage risks, minimize potential losses, and ensure
sustained profitability and resilience.

8. Continuous Improvement:

- By continuously analyzing sales data and monitoring key performance indicators, businesses can
iterate and refine their strategies over time. This iterative approach to improvement enables businesses
to adapt to evolving market conditions, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and maintain agility and
relevance in a dynamic business environment.

9. Product Innovation and Development:

- Analyzing pizza sales data provides valuable insights into customer preferences, allowing businesses
to innovate and develop new products that resonate with consumer tastes. By identifying emerging
trends, flavor profiles, and ingredient combinations, businesses can introduce innovative menu offerings
that differentiate them from competitors and attract new customers.

10. Resource Allocation Optimization:

- Sales data analysis enables businesses to optimize resource allocation by identifying high-demand
products, peak sales periods, and resource-intensive processes. This insight allows businesses to allocate
resources effectively, whether it be staffing levels, marketing budgets, or production capacity,
maximizing operational efficiency and profitability.

11. Supplier Relationship Management:

- By analyzing sales data, businesses can strengthen relationships with suppliers and vendors.
Understanding purchasing patterns and demand fluctuations helps in negotiating favorable terms,
managing inventory levels, and ensuring timely delivery of ingredients, fostering mutually beneficial
partnerships and enhancing supply chain resilience.

12. Customer Segmentation and Targeting:

- Sales data analysis facilitates effective customer segmentation based on factors such as
demographics, purchase behavior, and order history. By segmenting customers into distinct groups,
businesses can tailor marketing efforts, promotions, and product offerings to meet the specific needs and
preferences of each segment, increasing overall customer satisfaction and engagement.

13. Regulatory Compliance and Reporting:

- Analyzing sales data assists businesses in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and
reporting standards. By tracking sales transactions, revenue streams, and tax obligations, businesses can
maintain accurate records and generate timely reports for regulatory agencies, minimizing the risk of
penalties or fines and ensuring legal compliance.

14. Predictive Analytics and Forecasting:

- Utilizing historical sales data, businesses can employ predictive analytics and forecasting models to
anticipate future trends and demand patterns. By extrapolating past sales trends and incorporating
external factors such as seasonality and market dynamics, businesses can make informed decisions about
inventory management, production planning, and resource allocation, mitigating risks and maximizing

15. Employee Performance Optimization:

- Sales data analysis can be used to evaluate employee performance and incentivize productivity. By
tracking sales metrics, order fulfillment rates, and customer satisfaction scores, businesses can identify
top-performing employees, provide targeted training and incentives, and optimize staffing levels to meet
demand fluctuations, enhancing overall service quality and operational efficiency.

16. Brand Reputation Management:

- Analyzing sales data allows businesses to monitor and manage their brand reputation effectively. By
tracking customer feedback, reviews, and satisfaction scores, businesses can identify areas for
improvement, address customer concerns promptly, and uphold brand integrity, fostering trust and
loyalty among customers and stakeholders.


1. Data Quality Issues:

- Poor data quality, such as inaccuracies and inconsistencies, can compromise the reliability and
validity of analysis results.

- Incomplete or unreliable data may lead to erroneous conclusions and misguided decision-making,
undermining the effectiveness of business strategies.

2. Data Privacy and Security Concerns:

- Handling sensitive customer data raises concerns regarding data privacy and security.

- Non-compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR or India's Personal Data Protection
Bill, can result in legal repercussions and damage to brand reputation.

3. Limited Data Accessibility:

- Access to comprehensive pizza sales data may be restricted due to proprietary data ownership or
confidentiality agreements.

- Limited access to relevant data sources may impede the depth and breadth of analysis, limiting the
insights derived from the data.

4. Sampling Bias and Representativeness:

- The availability of sales data may be biased towards certain regions or demographic groups, leading
to sampling bias.

- Analysis results may not accurately reflect the diversity of consumer preferences and market
dynamics, particularly in underrepresented regions or demographic groups.

5. Complexity of Analysis:

- Analyzing large volumes of data requires advanced analytical skills and technical expertise.

- Complexity in data processing and interpretation may pose challenges for organizations lacking the
necessary resources or expertise to conduct in-depth analysis effectively.

6. Overreliance on Historical Data:

- Historical sales data may not fully capture emerging trends or market disruptions.

- Relying solely on historical data for decision-making may result in missed opportunities or failure to
adapt to evolving market conditions.

7. Inaccurate Assumptions and Interpretations:

- Assumptions made during data analysis may be incorrect or misleading.

- Misinterpretation of analysis results may lead to flawed conclusions and misguided strategic

8. Cost and Resource Constraints:

- Implementing data analytics solutions requires investment in technology infrastructure and skilled

- Small businesses or organizations with limited financial resources may face challenges in allocating
budget and manpower for data analysis initiatives.

9. Competitive Intelligence Risks:

- Sharing sensitive sales data with third parties may pose risks of intellectual property theft or
competitive intelligence breaches.

- Safeguarding proprietary information is crucial to protect the competitive advantage of pizza brands
and businesses.

10. Ethical Considerations:

- Ethical considerations related to data privacy and responsible data usage must be addressed
throughout the analysis process.

- Ensuring transparency and accountability in data collection and decision-making is essential to

maintain trust and integrity.

11. Data Integration Challenges:

- Integrating data from disparate sources can be challenging, leading to inconsistencies and
discrepancies in the analysis.

- Incompatibility between data formats and systems may require additional resources and technical
expertise to ensure seamless integration and data harmonization.

12. Bias in Data Collection:

- Bias in data collection methods, such as reliance on certain sales channels or customer feedback
mechanisms, can skew analysis results.

- Failure to account for bias in data collection may lead to inaccurate insights and misrepresentation
of market trends and consumer behavior.

13. Technical Infrastructure Requirements:

- Analyzing large volumes of data requires robust technical infrastructure and computing resources.

- Businesses may incur significant costs in building and maintaining infrastructure capable of
processing and storing large datasets, posing challenges for smaller enterprises with limited resources.

14. Data Governance and Compliance Burdens:

- Adhering to data governance practices and compliance requirements adds administrative burdens
and overhead costs.

- Ensuring data integrity, security, and regulatory compliance throughout the data lifecycle requires
dedicated resources and ongoing monitoring, diverting attention and resources from other business

15. Dependency on External Factors:

- Analysis of pizza sales data may be influenced by external factors beyond the control of businesses,
such as economic conditions, weather patterns, and socio-political events.

- Dependency on external factors introduces uncertainty and volatility into analysis results,
complicating forecasting and strategic decision-making processes.

16. Long-Term Sustainability Concerns:

- Overreliance on short-term sales data analysis may hinder long-term strategic planning and

- Focusing solely on immediate sales trends may obscure broader market dynamics and strategic
imperatives, leading to shortsighted decision-making and missed opportunities for innovation and

17. Skills and Talent Gap:

- Analyzing complex datasets requires specialized skills and expertise in data analysis, statistics, and
data visualization.

- Businesses may struggle to attract and retain talent with the necessary technical skills and domain
knowledge, limiting their ability to derive meaningful insights from sales data analysis.


To conduct a comprehensive analysis of pizza sales data, businesses can leverage a variety of tools
and modules that offer advanced functionalities for data collection, processing, analysis, and
visualization. Some of the key requirements and tools include:

1. SQL Server:

- A robust database management system used for storing, querying, and processing structured data.

- SQL Server facilitates data cleaning, transformation, and aggregation operations, ensuring data
integrity and reliability throughout the analysis process.

2. Excel:

- Widely-used spreadsheet software that facilitates basic data analysis, visualization, and reporting.

- Excel is suitable for conducting initial exploratory data analysis (EDA) and creating basic charts and
graphs to visualize sales trends and patterns.

3. Power BI:

- A powerful business intelligence tool that enables the creation of interactive dashboards and

- Power BI integrates seamlessly with SQL Server and other data sources, allowing for data modeling,
analysis, and visualization in a user-friendly interface.

4. Python:

- A versatile programming language with extensive libraries and modules for data analysis, machine
learning, and visualization.

- Python is ideal for advanced exploratory data analysis (EDA), statistical analysis, and predictive
modeling tasks, offering flexibility and scalability for complex analysis workflows.

5. Pandas:

- A Python library for data manipulation and analysis, offering high-performance data structures and
tools for cleaning, preprocessing, and transforming data.

- Pandas simplifies data wrangling tasks, enabling businesses to efficiently prepare and organize pizza
sales data for analysis.

6. NumPy:

- A fundamental Python library for numerical computing, providing support for mathematical
operations and array processing in data analysis tasks.

- NumPy enhances computational efficiency and performance, particularly in scenarios involving large
datasets and complex calculations.

7. Matplotlib and Seaborn:

- Python libraries for creating static and interactive visualizations, including charts, plots, and graphs.

- Matplotlib and Seaborn are essential for visualizing data distributions, trends, and relationships,
facilitating insightful data exploration and interpretation.

8. Scikit-learn:

- A comprehensive Python library for machine learning algorithms and tools, offering support for
predictive modeling and advanced analytics.

- Scikit-learn enables businesses to build predictive models based on pizza sales data, allowing for
forecasting, classification, and clustering analysis.

Certainly! Let's further expand on the requirements, tools, and modules for analyzing pizza sales data:

9. Jupyter Notebook:

- An interactive computing environment that allows for code execution, data visualization, and
documentation in a single interface.

- Jupyter Notebook is well-suited for conducting exploratory data analysis (EDA), creating data
analysis workflows, and sharing analysis results with stakeholders.

10. Data Visualization Libraries (Plotly, Bokeh):

- Additional Python libraries for creating interactive and dynamic visualizations.

- Plotly and Bokeh offer advanced visualization capabilities, including interactive charts, maps, and
dashboards, enhancing the presentation and interpretation of pizza sales data.

11. Geospatial Analysis Tools (GeoPandas, Folium):

- Python libraries for geospatial data manipulation and visualization.

- GeoPandas and Folium enable businesses to perform geospatial analysis of pizza sales data, such as
mapping sales distribution, identifying regional trends, and analyzing spatial relationships.

12. Time Series Analysis Libraries (statsmodels, Prophet):

- Python libraries for time series analysis and forecasting.

- statsmodels and Prophet provide tools for analyzing time-dependent patterns in pizza sales data,
detecting seasonal trends, and making accurate sales forecasts for future periods.

13. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Libraries (NLTK, spaCy):

- Python libraries for text analysis and sentiment analysis.

- NLTK and spaCy can be used to analyze customer reviews, feedback, and social media comments
related to pizza sales, extracting insights into customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and brand

14. Cloud Computing Platforms (AWS, Google Cloud Platform):

- Cloud-based infrastructure and services for scalable data storage, processing, and analysis.

- AWS and Google Cloud Platform offer cloud computing solutions that enable businesses to handle
large volumes of pizza sales data, leverage distributed computing resources, and deploy advanced
analytics workflows.

15. Collaboration and Version Control Tools (GitHub, GitLab):

- Platforms for collaborative development, version control, and project management.

- GitHub and GitLab facilitate teamwork, code sharing, and documentation of analysis workflows,
ensuring transparency, reproducibility, and accountability in the analysis process.

16. Data Governance and Compliance Solutions:

- Software solutions for managing data governance policies, compliance regulations, and data privacy

- Data governance and compliance solutions help businesses enforce data access controls, monitor
data usage, and ensure regulatory compliance throughout the data analysis lifecycle.

17. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipelines:

- Automated workflows for building, testing, and deploying data analysis pipelines.

- CI/CD pipelines streamline the development and deployment of data analysis code, ensuring
consistency, reliability, and reproducibility in analysis results across different environments.


In conclusion, the analysis of pizza sales data in India presents a pivotal opportunity for businesses to
gain actionable insights and drive strategic decision-making in the competitive food industry landscape.
Leveraging a combination of SQL Server, Excel, Power BI, and Python tools and modules, businesses
can unlock valuable insights into sales trends, customer preferences, operational efficiencies, and market

Through meticulous data collection, cleansing, and preparation processes, followed by thorough
exploratory data analysis (EDA) and advanced analytics techniques, businesses can unearth hidden
patterns, correlations, and trends within the vast volumes of sales data. Key metrics such as total revenue,
average order value, total pizza orders, and average pizzas per order provide comprehensive insights
into business performance and consumer behavior, guiding strategic initiatives and operational

The interactive visualizations and dynamic dashboards created using Power BI empower stakeholders
to explore the data intuitively, identify emerging trends, and derive actionable insights in real-time.
Furthermore, Python libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, and Scikit-learn enable businesses to
perform advanced analysis, predictive modeling, and statistical inference, facilitating accurate sales
forecasting, targeted marketing strategies, and enhanced operational efficiency.

By adopting a data-driven approach to analyzing pizza sales data, businesses can make informed
decisions, optimize resource allocation, and capitalize on emerging market opportunities. The insights
derived from data analysis enable businesses to enhance customer satisfaction, drive revenue growth,
and maintain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving food industry landscape.

Moreover, the integration of SQL Server, Excel, Power BI, and Python tools and modules provides a
robust framework for conducting comprehensive analysis of pizza sales data, enabling businesses to
unlock actionable insights and drive sustained business success in the dynamic and ever-changing Indian

In conclusion, the analysis of pizza sales data in India represents a strategic imperative for businesses
operating in the food industry, offering a wealth of insights and opportunities for growth and
optimization. By harnessing the power of SQL Server, Excel, Power BI, and Python tools and modules,
businesses can unlock the full potential of their data assets and drive meaningful outcomes across various
aspects of their operations.

1. Consumer Insights and Market Trends:

- In-depth analysis of pizza sales data enables businesses to gain a deep understanding of consumer
preferences, behaviors, and evolving market trends. By identifying popular pizza flavors, regional

variations, and emerging consumer preferences, businesses can tailor their product offerings and
marketing strategies to meet evolving customer demands effectively.

2. Operational Efficiency and Cost Optimization:

- Through data-driven analysis, businesses can optimize their operational processes, streamline supply
chain logistics, and minimize wastage. Insights derived from sales data analysis can inform inventory
management strategies, production planning, and resource allocation, leading to cost savings and
improved operational efficiency.

3. Targeted Marketing and Customer Engagement:

- Utilizing insights from data analysis, businesses can develop targeted marketing campaigns,
personalized promotions, and loyalty programs tailored to specific customer segments. By leveraging
customer segmentation and purchasing behavior data, businesses can enhance customer engagement,
drive brand loyalty, and increase customer lifetime value.

4. Forecasting and Strategic Planning:

- The predictive modeling capabilities offered by Python libraries such as Scikit-learn enable
businesses to forecast future sales trends, anticipate demand fluctuations, and make data-driven
decisions for strategic planning. By leveraging predictive analytics, businesses can proactively adapt
their strategies and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the market.

5. Competitive Differentiation and Innovation:

- Analyzing pizza sales data empowers businesses to differentiate themselves in the competitive
marketplace and drive innovation. By identifying gaps in the market, monitoring competitor strategies,
and leveraging consumer insights, businesses can innovate their product offerings, introduce new menu
items, and stay ahead of the competition.

6. Customer Satisfaction and Brand Reputation:

- By continuously monitoring and analyzing customer feedback and satisfaction metrics, businesses
can proactively address customer concerns, enhance service quality, and uphold their brand reputation.
Data-driven insights enable businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences, fostering loyalty
and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

7. Agility and Adaptability:

- The iterative nature of data analysis allows businesses to continuously refine their strategies, adapt
to changing market dynamics, and respond swiftly to emerging trends. By fostering a culture of data-
driven decision-making, businesses can cultivate agility, resilience, and innovation, positioning
themselves for long-term success in a rapidly evolving industry landscape.

1. Medium Article: "Pizza Sales Analysis Using SQL"

- This Medium article provides an analysis of pizza sales using SQL. It likely includes SQL queries
to analyze a dataset related to pizza sales. The dataset used in the analysis might cover various aspects
of pizza sales such as sales volume, revenue, customer demographics, etc.

- Author: Muzilatul

- Link: [Pizza Sales Analysis Using SQL](


2. YouTube Tutorial: "Data Tutorials"

- This YouTube video tutorial likely provides guidance on analyzing pizza sales data. It might cover
various data analysis techniques and tools, possibly including SQL, Python, or other data analysis

- Channel: Data Tutorials

- Link: [Data Tutorials - YouTube](

3. Kaggle Dataset: "Pizza Sales"

- This Kaggle dataset contains information about pizza sales. It could include data such as sales
records, customer information, types of pizza sold, sales locations, etc.

- Creator: Shilong Zhuang

- Link: [Pizza Sales Dataset on Kaggle](

4. GitHub Repository: "Pizza Sales Dashboard"

- This GitHub repository contains code and files for a dashboard application that visualizes pizza
sales data. It might include interactive charts, graphs, and tables to explore various aspects of pizza

- Creator: DataVizMaster

- Link: [Pizza Sales Dashboard Repository](


5. Udemy Course: "Mastering Pizza Sales Analysis with Python"

- This Udemy course offers comprehensive training on analyzing pizza sales data using Python
programming language. It covers data manipulation, visualization, and statistical analysis techniques
specific to pizza sales datasets.

- Instructor: AnacondaCoder

- Link: [Mastering Pizza Sales Analysis with Python -


6. Article: "Trends in Pizza Sales: A Market Analysis"

- This article provides an in-depth analysis of trends in the pizza sales market. It covers factors
influencing pizza sales, emerging trends, and forecasts for the pizza industry.

- Author: FoodIndustryInsights

- Link: [Trends in Pizza Sales: A Market Analysis](



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