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Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Trâm 050610221443
Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Hoa 050610220938
Tạ Diễm Như Quỳnh 050610220506
Võ Lê Thị Trúc Mai 050610221075
Lê Tường Huy 050610220952

Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Trâm-050610221443

The chart comparing wage growth of job switchers and job stayers in the US from 1998
to 2024 provides valuable insights into the impact of job switching on earnings.The gap
between the two groups widens over time, indicating the long-term benefits of job
The chart shows that the wage growth of job switchers was generally higher than that of
those who stayed in the same job over the entire study period. Since 1998, the wage
growth of job-switchers has Job switching increases steadily while the wage growth of
job-engaged people remains relatively stable. , job switchers saw a notable increase of
5.9%, while job stayers experienced a slightly lower growth rate of 5.1%. By 2024, the
cumulative wage growth of job-switchers will be significantly higher. compared to
people who are attached to their work.
This chart shows that switching jobs can be an effective way to increase your income
over time. However, it's important to note that this is just a general trend and actual salary
growth can vary depending on many factors, such as industry, education level, experience
and job position.
Many American workers are likely to leave their current jobs to look for a new job by
There are many reasons why American workers leave their jobs, but the top reasons
include wanting a higher salary and not feeling like there are opportunities to grow at
their current job. Other reasons include receiving better benefits, escaping a toxic work
environment, and better work-life balance
Data shows that job switching, meaning when an employee jumps from one job to
another at short notice, can be a successful strategy for boosting pay. However, experts
recommend being strategic when doing this. There are downsides to consider, including
the fact that companies may reward loyalty and longevity with higher salaries over the
long term. Additionally, some employers may make short-term employment less
desirable for employees.
To be wise when leaving your job, focus on skill development rather than salary in the
early stages of your career. This will help you gain valuable skills that will make you
more attractive to employers in the long run. Consider the general job market before
leaving your current job. If the job market is tough, it may be difficult to find a new
position quickly. Be clear about why you're leaving and what you're looking for in a new
job. This will help you target your job search and make better decisions about potential
Ultimately, deciding how long to stay in a job is a personal decision. There is no right or
wrong answer, but by considering the factors mentioned above, you can make a more
informed decision.
Võ Lê Thị Trúc Mai-050610221075

The given graph illustrates the wage growth trends of job switchers and job stayers in the
United States from 1998 to 2024. Throughout this period, individuals who changed jobs
experienced consistently higher salary increments compared to those who remained in
their current positions. Notably, in February 2024, job switchers saw a notable increase of
5.9%, while job stayers experienced a slightly lower growth rate of 5.1%.
Career experts emphasize the importance of strategic decision-making when considering
job changes. While switching jobs may offer immediate financial benefits, it's crucial to
weigh other factors such as long-term career prospects, professional development
opportunities, and overall job satisfaction.
Moreover, loyalty to one's current employer should be balanced with personal career
goals and aspirations. While job hopping may lead to short-term gains, staying with a
single employer can also result in rewards such as promotions and increased
responsibility over time.
In conclusion, the graph highlights the significant disparity in wage growth between job
switchers and stayers in the US labor market. Strategic career planning, considering both
short-term gains and long-term prospects, is essential for individuals navigating their
professional journeys.

In 2024, a significant portion of the American workforce is contemplating leaving their
current employment for various reasons. This phenomenon prompts an exploration of the
factors driving such decisions and strategies for prudent job transitions.
It is observed that a considerable proportion of American employees are considering job
transitions in 2024. This essay will analyze the underlying reasons for this trend and
propose strategies for making informed decisions when leaving one's job.
One primary motivation for job transitions is the pursuit of higher salaries. Research
indicates that a substantial percentage of workers seek better financial prospects
elsewhere. Additionally, the desire for career advancement plays a crucial role.
Individuals often leave stagnant roles in search of opportunities for growth and
To navigate job transitions wisely, individuals should adopt strategic approaches. Firstly,
it is essential to assess long-term career goals and evaluate how a new job aligns with
these aspirations. Secondly, prioritizing skills development over immediate financial
gains ensures readiness for future career advancements. Moreover, individuals should
consider factors beyond salary, such as company culture and work-life balance, to ensure
overall job satisfaction.
In conclusion, while the inclination to leave current jobs among American workers in
2024 is evident, it is imperative to understand the underlying motivations and approach
job transitions strategically. By prioritizing long-term career goals, skills development,
and holistic job satisfaction, individuals can make informed decisions that contribute to
their professional growth and well-being.

Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Hoa _ 050610220938

WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below compares wage growth of job switchers and job stayers in the U.S.
from 1998 to 2024. Write at least 150 words.

The line graph illustrates the trend in wage growth for American workers who switch
jobs compared to those who remain with the same employer from 1998 to 2024. Overall,
job switchers experience a steeper increase in salary compared to those who stay put.
This analysis reveals interesting trends in wage growth, job switching behavior, and
factors influencing career decisions.

From the line graph, it is clear that the average salary increase for job switchers has
consistently been higher than for job stayers throughout the period from 1998 to 2024.
Notably, the gap between these two groups' wage growth has varied over the years,
indicating shifting dynamics in the job market.The data shows that job switchers
consistently had a higher wage growth rate compared to job stayers. In February 2024,
job switchers saw a 5.9% year-over-year salary increase, while job stayers experienced a
5.1% increase. This trend is driven by the current job market sentiment, where a
significant portion of American workers (95% in 2024) are actively considering seeking
new opportunities. Financial motivations are a key driver, with 45% of workers citing the
desire for a higher income.

Moreover, the gap between the average wage increases of job switchers and stayers has
shown an increasing trend in recent years. For example, in 1998, the average wage
increase for job switchers was 1.3% higher than for job stayers. By 2024, this difference
had decreased to 0.8%. This indicates that while job switchers still benefit more in terms
of wage growth, the advantage has slightly narrowed over time.The average wage
increase for both job switchers and job stayers has generally risen from 1998 to 2024,
although not uniformly. The highest average wage increase for job switchers was 6.3% in
both 2000 and 2024, while the lowest was 3.7% in 2009. Similarly, for job stayers, the
highest average increase was 4.8% in 2022, and the lowest was 2.8% in 2009. These
fluctuations reflect broader economic conditions and market dynamics.

In conclusion, the data indicates that American workers who switch jobs tend to
experience more substantial wage growth compared to those who remain with the same
employer. This suggests that job switching can be a more effective strategy for salary
advancement, although the advantage has varied over time.

WRITING TASK 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic: Many American workers are likely to leave their
current jobs for a new one in 2024.
• Why do people in the U.S. leave their jobs?
• How to be smart about job quitting?

In 2024, a significant number of American workers are planning to seek new job
opportunities. This trend is driven by various factors, each influencing the decision to
leave current employment for new prospects. Understanding these reasons and learning
how to strategically navigate job transitions is crucial for career advancement and
personal well-being.
The primary reason many American workers consider leaving their jobs is financial. A
survey revealed that 45% of American workers cite the need for a higher income as a
primary motivator for job change. Job switchers often experience a faster salary increase
compared to those who remain with the same employer. For example, in February 2024,
job switchers saw a 5.9% year-over-year salary increase, whereas those who stayed
experienced a 5.1% increase. The quest for higher pay is not the only reason; lack of
promotion opportunities also plays a significant role. Employees often feel stagnant in
positions with limited advancement prospects, prompting them to seek new roles that
offer growth and development. Additionally, factors such as better benefits, escaping a
toxic work environment, and achieving a better work-life balance are also common
reasons for leaving a job.While there are many valid reasons for changing jobs, it is
essential to be strategic about the decision to quit. One important aspect is timing.
Quitting a job without another opportunity lined up can be risky, especially in a
challenging job market. It can take 6 to 12 months to land a new position, and the stress
of unemployment can be overwhelming. Thus, ensuring you have a new job offer before
resigning is crucial. Another strategy is to focus on skill acquisition and career goals
rather than just monetary gains. Career experts advise that job moves should be aligned
with long-term career aspirations and skill development. For instance, taking a temporary
pay cut to gain valuable experience can lead to significant salary increases in the future.
Additionally, it is important to avoid job hopping too frequently. While changing jobs
can lead to quick salary gains, it can also create a perception of instability and lack of
loyalty. Employers may hesitate to invest in employees who seem likely to leave after a
short period. Therefore, staying at a job long enough to develop substantial skills and
achieve notable accomplishments is advisable. This approach not only enhances your
resume but also builds a track record of reliability and performance, which can be
valuable in future job searches.Moreover, understanding your career stage and goals is
vital. Early in your career, there is more leeway for job changes as you explore different
opportunities and develop a diverse skill set. However, as you advance, it becomes more
important to be selective and strategic about job moves. Evaluating the broader economic
conditions and the job market can also inform your decision. In times of economic
downturn, it may be prudent to stay in a stable job while continuing to develop skills and
network for future opportunities.
In conclusion, the decision to leave a job in 2024 is influenced by various factors such as
the desire for higher income, better benefits, and career growth opportunities. Being
smart about job quitting involves strategic planning, focusing on skill acquisition, and
considering the timing and broader economic conditions. By carefully assessing your
career goals and the potential impact of each job move, you can make informed decisions
that enhance your career progression and personal satisfaction.
Lê Tường Huy-050610220952
Writing task 1
The graph shows a striking comparison of average monthly salary increase among job
switchers and job stayers in the United States during a 25-year period, from 1999 to
2024. Clearly, job switchers outscored job holders in terms of income increase
throughout the study period.
From 1998 to 2004, job switchers regularly outperformed job stayers in terms of average
monthly salary increase. The disparity between the two groups widened with time,
eventually reducing to around 0.5% by 2004. After 2004, the pay growth trend for job
switchers and job stayers tended to accelerate until 2008.
Between 2008 and 2010, the two groups salary growth rates reached a historical low of
around 0.5%. As a result, salary growth for both career switchers and job stayers peaked
in 2023, with rises of around 8% and 6%, respectively. By 2024, job switchers will earn
an average of 5.9% more than those who stay at their current employment for more than
three months.
To summarize, while the actual rate of rise or loss varies across the two categories, both
job switchers and stayers see similar patterns of rising and declining earnings.

Writing task 2
The American working environment is seeing a move. Work jumping, once scowled
upon, is getting to be progressively common, especially among more youthful eras. This
paper will investigate the wonder of work jumping within the US, analyzing its causes,
potential benefits and how to stopped your work keenly.

There are some reasons why individuals within the US alter their workplace. Exchanging
companies is the speediest way to induce to that another level part in terms of position
and in terms of your salary level, work bouncing can be a effective apparatus for
compensation transaction. Representatives can use unused offers to secure superior
recompense in their current part or utilize them as a springboard for higher-paying
positions somewhere else. There are a few other reasons for taking off a work incorporate
awkward discussions with directors, looking for superior benefits, getting away a
poisonous work environment, and making strides work-life adjust. In expansion, stagnant
compensation and a need of upward versatility inside companies can thrust workers to
look for superior openings somewhere else. Gen Z and millennials are more slanted to
address in case their current work or career adjusts with their objectives and aspirations.

Whereas stopping a work can be a freeing involvement, exploring the method the off-
base way can have enduring results. Here's how to guarantee your exit is smooth,
proficient, and doesn't jeopardize your future prospects. Firstly, you ought to arrange
your elude course. Don't make a hasty choice. Secure a modern work offer or have a
strong budgetary security net some time recently giving take note. Investigate company
policies on severance bundles and get it your wellbeing protections choices, particularly
if leaving mid-plan. Besides, make a "Quitting" conversation together with your
supervisor. Be proficient, express appreciation for the opportunity, and briefly clarify
your reason for taking off. Center on the positive perspectives of your choice and dodge
bad-mouthing the company or colleagues. At last, clearing out a positive note. In case
conceivable, compose a goodbye e-mail communicating your appreciation to your group
and the company. This last act of polished skill reinforces your notoriety and takes off a
lasting positive impression.

In conclusion, work bouncing could be a complex wonder with both preferences and
impediments for both workers and bosses. As the American work environment proceeds
to advance, it's imperative to discover a adjust. Representatives ought to deliberately use
work bouncing to advance their careers whereas developing transferable aptitudes and
learn how to stopped your work in peace. Bosses, on the other hand, got to make a more
locks in work environment that cultivates dependability and career development openings
to hold best ability.

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