Xii 4a Law and Susainable Development Worksheet

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SESSION: 2023-24

Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

1. What does sustainable development aim to achieve?

a) Economic growth at any cost
b) Environmental protection without social considerations
c) Meeting current needs without compromising future generations' needs
d) Limiting technological advancements for environmental preservation
2. Which international organization focuses on promoting environmental protection and
sustainable development worldwide?
a) World Trade Organization (WTO)
b) World Health Organization (WHO)
c) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
d) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
3. Which article of the Indian Constitution is related to the protection and improvement of
the environment?
a) Article 21
b) Article 48A
c) Article 14
d) Article 19
4. The Environment Protection Act was enacted in India in the year:
a) 1972
b) 1986
c) 1991
d) 2000
5. The primary role of the Pollution Control Board in India is to:
a) Promote industrial growth without considering environmental impact
b) Enforce regulations to prevent pollution and protect the environment
c) Provide licenses to industries without evaluating their environmental practices
d) Advocate for increased pollution to boost economic activities.

Formative Questions

6. Define sustainable development and discuss its three main pillars.

7. Describe two major international initiatives that aim to address environmental
8. Explain the importance of Article 48A of the Indian Constitution in promoting
environmental protection.
9. Discuss the key provisions and objectives of the Environment Protection Act 1986.

Summative Questions

10. Imagine you are a policymaker working to promote sustainable development in

your country. Outline three specific initiatives you would implement and explain their
potential impact on the environment and society.

11. Conduct research on a significant environmental case or incident in India and its
outcome under the Environment Protection Act 1986. Analyze the effectiveness of the
Act in resolving environmental issues.

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