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The Forewood of the Dean

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

Praise is always to Allah, the Almighty, for the opportunity to organize the 3th International Conferenec on
Mathematics and its Application (Icomathapp) 2022 which is supported by IndoMS (Indonesian
Mathematical Society), and PPPMI (The Community of Graduate School of Math Education in Indonesia).
I would also like to give my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the excellent keynote speakers, including
Prof. Dr. Jaap Top from University of Groningen, Netherland, Kirsten Pfeiffer, Ph.D from National
University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, Prof. Dr. Cholis Sa'dijah, M.Pd., M.A from Universitas Negeri
Malang, Indonesia, Prof. Manabu Oura from Kanazawa University, Japan, and Prof. Ken Seng Tan from
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Icomathapp 2022 is successful due to the sum of many
important parties who have contributed in planning and organizing the conference very well. I would like
to take the chance to extend my greatest appreciation to all the committee. I also appreciate and thank all
the participants for attending our conference. Enjoy the 3th Icomathapp 2022. I hope that you find it fruitful
and insightful.

Malang, August 2022

Prof. Dr. Hadi Suwono, M.Si.

Dean of FMIPA UM

Greetings from the Committee
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

On behalf of the committee, it is an honor to welcome you all in Malang, Indonesia, virtually, at the 3th
International Conferenec on Mathematics and its Application (Icomathapp) 2022.

The event is organized by the faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang,
Indonesia, supported by IndoMS (Indonesian Mathematical Society), and PPPMI (The Community of
Graduate School of Math Education in Indonesia). We thank all the committee for the hard work in
organizing this conference very well.

I would like to thank all distinguished keynote speakers, Prof. Dr. Jaap Top from University of Groningen,
Netherland, Kirsten Pfeiffer, Ph.D from National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, Prof. Dr. Cholis
Sa'dijah, M.Pd., M.A from Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, Prof. Manabu Oura from Kanazawa
University, Japan, and Prof. Ken Seng Tan from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Almost 100 papers are submitted and ready to be presented at Icomathapp 2022 in online mode. Hopefully,
Icomathapp 2022 will enhance our insight and contribute in the research on mathematics and math
education. Therefore, we proudly present icomathapp 2022 under the theme “The Latest Trends and
Opportunities of Research on Mathematics and Mathematics Education”.

The Icomathapp 2022 is successful because of the support from many parties, including the rector of
Universitas Negeri Malang, Prof. AH. Rofi’uddin; the dean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Malang, the head of Mathematics Department, Dr. Susiswo, M.Si., and all dedicated
committee who have been doing fantastic job to make this event run smoothly.

Finally, have a nice and insightful conference to all of you.

Malang, August 2022

Mochammad Hafiizh, Ph.D


Table of Contents
The Forewood of the Dean ..................................................................................................... ii
Greetings from the Committee .............................................................................................. iii
Keynote Speakers ................................................................................................................ 25
Invited Speakers .................................................................................................................. 25
Schedule for Plenary Session .................................................................................................. 4
Schedule for Parallel Session ................................................................................................ 25
Student Research: Some Examples ....................................................................................... 25
Using Proof Evaluation Exercises to Enhance Learning of Mathematics ................................. 26
The Trends of Research on Mathematics Education .............................................................. 27
On Weight Enumerators ...................................................................................................... 28
Optimal Risk Pooling for Area-Yield Insurance: A Behavior-based Machine Learning Approach
........................................................................................................................................... 29
Refining the Declarative Knowledge of Prospective Teacher Students about Algebraic Forms 30
After 2 Years of the Pandemic: Self-Regulated Online Learning of Secondary High School
Students .............................................................................................................................. 31
Analysis of Mathematics Students’ Problem-Solving Skills in Making Predictions Based on
Mathematical Representations ............................................................................................ 32
An Investigation of Lecturer’s Plausible Reasoning Process in Solving Mathematical Task ..... 33
Problem-Based Tasks in Secondary School: Opportunities and Challenge for Teachers .......... 34
The Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) to Improve the Character of
Students' Responsibilities .................................................................................................... 35
Applying the Discovery Learning Model in Improving the Concepts' Understanding of Students
in Trigonometry ................................................................................................................... 36
Students’ Mathematical Representation in Problem Solving Based on Cognitive Style on
System of Linear Equations with Two Variables .................................................................... 37
Misconceptions Based on Students' Understanding on the Concept of Geometric
Transformation ................................................................................................................... 38
Analysis of Mathematical Literacy of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Question .............. 39
The Effect of Designing Activities of Numeracy Assessment Instrument on Student’s Numeracy
........................................................................................................................................... 40
Divergent Thinking in Developing Mathematics Assignment: Exploration Case of Teacher
Candidate-Students’ Creativity............................................................................................. 41

Students’ Mathematical Creative Reasoning with Adversity Quotient in Problem Solving ..... 42
Analysis of Student Error in Solving Story Problem System of Three Variable Linear Equations
(SPLTV) Based on Newman Procedure on Online Learning .................................................... 43
Mathematics Teachers’ Obstacles in Aligning Cognitive Levels of the Assessment and
Curriculum to Develop HOTS for High School Students .......................................................... 44
Developing Students’ Worksheets based on Teams Games Tournaments with a Realistic
Mathematics Education Approach to Optimize Students’ Achievement ................................. 45
The Perspective of Islamic Boarding School-Based Mathematics Teachers in Interpreting Two-
Variable Linear Equations System ........................................................................................ 46
Newman’s Error Analysis in Mathematics Problem Solving ................................................... 47
Applying Problem Based Learning To Improve Students' Math Problem-Solving Skills On
System Of Linear Equations With Two Variables ................................................................... 48
Analysis of Academic Hardiness Factors Affecting Student Emotional Exhaustion in Malang
Using Logit and Probit Models ............................................................................................. 49
The Pet Health Cost Model Using Multiple Linear Regression to Determine Pet Health
Insurance Premiums ............................................................................................................ 50
Modeling The Impact of Quarantine and Intense Medical Care Intervention on The Dynamics
of COVID-19 ......................................................................................................................... 51
Study of GVNS-RVND Hybrit Algorithm on Split Load Vehicle Routing Problem With
Simultaneous Delivery And Pickup (Slvrpsdp) And Its Implementation .................................. 52
Performance Study of GA-VNS Hybrit Algorithm on Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem
(MDVRP) ............................................................................................................................. 53
Study of VNS-GA Hybrid Algorithm on VRPSDP Variant and Its Implementation .................... 54
The Performance of the ALNS-TS Algorithm on VRPTW and Its Application to Transport Issues
........................................................................................................................................... 55
Study of ILS-RVND Hybrid Algorithm on MTVRPTW Variant and Its Implementation ............. 56
Numerical Solution to the Differential Equation System of Lotka-Volterra Model by using
Heun Method ...................................................................................................................... 57
Comparison of Hyperbolic Mean Curvature Flow and Wave Equation .................................. 58
Fractal Dimensions Implementation Using Box-Counting Method For Classification Some
Types of Skin Diseases ......................................................................................................... 59
Optimization of Production With Goal Programming Model Using Branch and Bound Method
........................................................................................................................................... 60
Hots Analysis of Students in the Statistical Method Course Through Metaphorical Thinking .. 61
Applying Discovery Learning to Improve the Concepts' Understanding for Polyhedrons ........ 62

Interactive Flipbook Learning Material on Trigonometric Ratio ............................................ 63
Developing Interactive Worksheet Learning Media Based on Geogebra Classroom on The
Topic of Sets Operation for Junior High School Students ....................................................... 64
Developing Video-Based Learning Media with Problem Based Learning Approach on
Pythagorean Theorem ......................................................................................................... 65
Application of STAD Type Cooperative Learning to Improve Understanding of the Concept of
Lines and Angles .................................................................................................................. 66
Developing Students’ Worksheets based on Ethnomathematics Assisted by Geogebra .......... 67
Analysis of Mathematics Teacher Knowledge in Using Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS)
Based on the TPACK Framework .......................................................................................... 68
Investigating the effect of challenge-based gamification on mathematics learning in SMP
Laboratorium UM ................................................................................................................ 69
Metacognition Strategic Use in Improving Students’ Geometric Thinking on Solving PISA Test
........................................................................................................................................... 70
Developing a Student Self-Efficacy Scale in Mathematics Learning: Construct Validity
Instrument .......................................................................................................................... 71
Value at Risk Analysis Using Automated Threshold Selection Method In Property Insurance . 72
Expected Tail Loss with the Monte Carlo Process (MC-ETL) for Analyze Risk of Commodity
Futures Based on Holt-Winters Model .................................................................................. 73
Lasso Regression Method in Overcoming Huarity in Factors Affecting Hdi in Papua .............. 74
I-MR Control Chart for Johnson 𝑺𝑼 Distribution on 𝑺𝑶𝟐 Contained in Superium Hoofd Suiker
(SHS) at PG. Kebon Agung Malang ....................................................................................... 75
Developing the Graph of Process Capability Analysis based on Kumaraswamy Distribution in Brix
Level of PG. Kebon Agung Malang ................................................................................................ 76
The Poisson Inverse Gaussian Regression Model in the Analysis of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Case in Central Java ............................................................................................................. 77
Forecasting Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Prices with Arfima-Figarch Method .................................. 78
Modeling GRDP and Unemployment in East Java using Generalized Method of Moment
(GMM): Spatial Durbin Error Model (SDEM) Panel Data Simultaneous Equation Approach .... 79
Title: Life Insurance with Cox Proportional Hazard Regression Affected by Areal Spatial Factor
........................................................................................................................................... 80
Modeling The Number Of Children Born Alive In Every Woman Of Childbearing Age In East
Java Province Using Ordinal Logistic Regression Analysis...................................................... 81
Panel Data Regression Approach for Analysis of The Open Unemployment Rate in Indonesia 82

Geometry Learning Design With Crazy Bamboo Dance Context Using Realistic Mathematics
Education (RME) Approach Assisted by Geogebra Classroom ................................................ 83
Developing E-LKPD Based on Learning Model of Team Assisted Individualization Using On Social Arithmetics ........................................................................................... 84
The Mathematical Literacy Process of Students in Solving AKM Problem Based on Keirsey
Personality Theory ............................................................................................................... 85
Application Of Problem Based Learning To Improve Written Mathematical Communication
Skills Of Students In Class XI.IA.2 SMA Negeri 2 Blitar ........................................................... 86
Developing the Teaching-learning Materials of Flipped Classroom Assisted by Liveworksheet
on the Topic of Presenting the Data ..................................................................................... 87
Obstacles Student Mathematics Semantic Representation to Solving Geometry Problems .... 88
Applying Cooperative Learning Model of Jigsaw with Edmodo to Improve Students' Active
Learning in The Pythagorean Theorem ................................................................................. 89
The Process of Students' Mathematical Connection in Solving Mathematical Problems ......... 90
Exploring Mathematical Knowledge of Teaching of In-Service Teacher in Teaching Practice: A
Case of Teaching Permutation and Combination .................................................................. 91
Decision Making Ability in Solving Differential Equation Problems Figured Out By Pre-Service
Teachers .............................................................................................................................. 92
Design of Geometry E-Modules for Junior High School Students Based on Gamification Using
The ADDIE Model ................................................................................................................. 93
The Complement-Edge Dimension of Corona Graphs ............................................................ 94
The Complement Bi-Metric Dimension of Corona Graphs ...................................................... 95
Rainbow Connection Number of 𝒌-Corona Product of Graphs ............................................... 96
A New Class of Unicyclic Ramsey 𝑷𝟑, 𝑷𝟔 − Minimal Graphs ................................................. 97
Strong Rainbow Connection Number of Prims Graph With Pendant Edges ............................ 98
Improved General Variable Neighborhood Search (IGVNS) Algorithm for Solving Multi Depot
Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) ....................................................................................... 99
On Super 𝒂, 𝒅 − 𝑪𝟒 −Antimagic Total Labeling of Graph 𝑷𝟒 × 𝑷𝒏 ..................................... 100
Partition Dimensions of Amalgamation of Sunlet Graphs ................................................... 101
The Rainbow Connection Number on Corona Product of Sandat Graphs.............................. 102
n-Magic Labelling of Anti Fuzzy Graph and Anti Fuzzy Graph Bipolar For Some Graph ......... 103
An Edge Coloring of Anti Fuzzy Graph................................................................................. 104
COVID-19 Detection Based on Chest X-Ray Images using InceptionV3-BiLSTM..................... 105

Optimization based on Bisection Method on Approximation of Type-2 Fuzzy to Type-1 Fuzzy
PERT .................................................................................................................................. 106
Estimating the Project's Duration based on Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
by Applying Quadratic Least Square Method ...................................................................... 107
Refurbishing Decisions with Subsidy-Incentive Mechanism and Level of Interchangeability in
Product Design .................................................................................................................. 108
Economic and Environmental Sustainability on Take-Back Decisions for Retailer Refurbishing
......................................................................................................................................... 109
Combination of Cycle Cancelling Algorithm and Sequential Insertion Algorithm in Distribution
Problem............................................................................................................................. 110
On Continuity Properties of the Improved Conformable Fractional Derivatives.................... 111
Integrated Manufacturer-Retailer Model with Price Discount and Investment in Quality
Improvement and Setup Cost Reduction ............................................................................. 112
Prediction of Indonesia School Enrollment Rate by Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference
System .............................................................................................................................. 113
Modified Self-Attentive Bi-Directional Long Short Term Memory for Detecting Clickbait in
Indonesian News Headline ................................................................................................. 114
Environmental Characteristics Delineation of Lesser Sunda Island by Using Fuzzy C-Means
Clustering Method ............................................................................................................. 115
Order Series And Some Identities Of Ramanujan ................................................................ 116
Efficient Computation of Strong Gröbner Bases Over Principal Ideal Rings .......................... 117
Structure and Properties of Normalistic Soft K(G)-Algebra .................................................. 118
The Existence of Almost Clean Ideal of Matrix Rings 2× 𝟐 Over ℤ𝒑𝟑, 𝒑 Prime ..................... 119
The Construction of Strongly 𝒓-Clean Elements in Certain Matrix Ring 𝟑 × 𝟑 Over ℤ𝒑𝟐, 𝒑
Prime ................................................................................................................................ 120
Some Properties of Almost Primary Ideals of Ring ℤ𝒑𝟐, 𝒑 Prime ........................................ 121
On the Extensions of Goursat’s Theorem to Direct Products of 𝒏 𝑹-algebras ....................... 122
On 𝝅–Clean Rings and 𝝅–Clean Ideals ................................................................................ 123
Hamilton Decomposition in Cayley Graphs with Certain Generator of Dihedral Group ......... 124
I-Orthogonality on Generelized 2-Normed Space and its Properties .................................... 125
Comparison between GM(3,1) Forecasting Model and Fourier Analysis on the Problem of Air
Temperatures .................................................................................................................... 126

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Jaap Top from University of Groningen,


Kirsten Pfeiffer, Ph.D from National University of

Ireland Galway, Ireland,

Prof. Dr. Cholis Sa'dijah, M.Pd., M.A from

Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia,

Prof. Manabu Oura from Kanazawa University,

Japan, and

Prof. Ken Seng Tan from Nanyang Technological

University, Singapore.

Invited Speakers

Dr. Eric Dolores Cuenca

Dr. I Nengah Parta, M.Si,

Dr. Anita Dewi Utami, M.Pd,

Dr. Rinurwati, M.Si

Denis Eka Cahyani, M.Si,

Lathiful Anwar, Ph.D.

Andi Daniah Pahrany, M.Si



Mathematics Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Negeri Malang

Date : Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022
Link zoom :

Time* Program PIC

12.45-13.00 Registration Zoom Host
13.00-13.10 Opening MC
13.10-13.20 Video Indonesian National Anthem Host
“Indonesia Raya”
13.20-13.30 Welcoming and reporting speech by Mochammad Hafiizh, S.Pd, M.Si,
Chairman of ICoMATHAPP 2022 Ph.D
13.30-13.40 Welcoming and opening speech by Prof. Dr. Hadi Suwono, M.Si
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences
13.40-13.50 Praying Asmianto, S.Si, M.Si
13.50-14.00 Photo Session and Attendance MC & Host
14.00-15.00 Keynote Speaker I: Moderator:
Prof. Dr. Jaap Top Lathiful Anwar, S.Si, M.Sc, Ph.D
University of Groningen, Netherland
15.00-16.00 Keynote Speaker II: Moderator:
Kirsten Pfeiffer, Ph.D Latifah Mustofa Lestyanto, S.Si,
National University of Ireland Galway, M.Pd
16.00-17.00 Keynote Speaker III: Moderator:
Prof. Dr. Cholis Sa’dijah, M.Pd, M.A Dr. Tomi Listiawan, S.Si., M.Pd.
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
17.00-17.15 Closing and Announcement MC
*) Local Time in Jakarta

Date : Wednesday, August 24th, 2022
Join Zoom :

Time* Program PIC

07.30-07.50 Registration Zoom Host
07.50-08.00 Opening MC
08.00-09.00 Keynote Speaker IV: Moderator:
Prof. Manabu Oura Ramdhan Fazrianto
Kanazawa University, Japan Suwarman, M.Si.
09.00-10.00 Keynote Speaker V: Moderator:
Prof. Ken Seng Tan Andi Daniah Pahrany,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore M.Si.

10.00-10.15 Announcement and Photo Session MC & Host

Start from Parallel Session
*) Local Time in Jakarta



Mathematics Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Negeri Malang
IcoMathApp 2022
Parallel Session

Room 5

Moderator : Azizah, S.Pd., M.Si

Operator :
Zoom :

No Title Author (s) Time*

1 Value at Risk Analysis Using Automated Andi Daniah Pahrany**, Lita 10.30 – 10.45
Threshold Selection Method In Property Wulandari Aeli and Utriweni
Insurance Mukhaiyar
2 Expected Tail Loss with the Monte Carlo Wisnowan Hendy Saputra, 10.45 – 10. 55
Process (MC-ETL) for Analyze Risk of Verencia Pricila and Yeni
Commodity Futures Based on Holt- April Lina
Winters Model
3 LASSO REGRESSION METHOD IN Trianingsih Eni Lestari and Sri 10.55 – 11.05
OVERCOMING Pradnyapramitha Arolla R. O.
4 I-MR Control Chart for Johnson S_U Hendro Permadi, Alifia Nur 11.05 – 11.15
Distribution on SO_2 Contained in Riskha and Mochammad
Superium Hoofd Suiker (SHS) at PG. Hafiizh
Kebon Agung Malang
5 Developing the Graph of Process Hendro Permadi and Firda Elsa 11.15 – 11.25
Capability Analysis based on Mawardani
Kumaraswamy Distribution in Brix Level
of PG. Kebon Agung Malang
6 The Poisson Inverse Gaussian Regression Fani Rahmawati and Azizah 11.25 – 11.35
Model in the Analysis of Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever Case in Central Java
7 Forecasting Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Prices Trianingsih Eni Lestari and 11.35 – 11.45
with Arfima-Figarch Method Maulidya Maghfiro

8 Modeling GRDP and Unemployment in Dyah Laillyzatul Afifah, 11.45 – 11.55

East Java using Generalized Method of Swasono Rahardjo, Vita

Moment (GMM): Spatial Durbin Error Kusumasari, Purwanto, Toto
Model (SDEM) Panel Data Simultaneous Nusantara, Nur Atikah and
Equation Approach Nadia Kholifia
9 Life Insurance with Cox Proportional Lita Wulandari Aeli, Andi 11. 55 – 12.05
Hazard Regression Affected by Areal Daniah Pahrany and Sapto
Spatial Factor Wahyu Indratno
10 Modeling the Number of Children Born Ismaini Zain, Erma Oktania 12.05 – 12.15
Alive In Every Woman of Childbearing Permatasari and Anita Syafira
Age in East Java Province using Ordinal Irfan
Logistic Regression Analysis
11 Panel Data Regression Approach for Erma Oktania Permatasari, 12.15 – 12.25
Analysis of The Open Unemployment Rate Vita Ratnasari and Alivia
in Indonesia Mutiara Nurfadila
*) Local Time in Jakarta
**) Invited Speaker

Combination of Cycle Cancelling Algorithm and Sequential
Insertion Algorithm in Distribution Problem
Arifah Huwaidah, Vita Kusumasaria), Desi Rahmadani

Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang,
Jl. Semarang No. 5 Malang
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Minimum cost flow problem aims to find the minimum cost of distributing goods from producers to consumers
in a network flow. Distribution sends goods/objects from supply (source point) to demand (destination point). The
algorithm used in this study is the cycle cancelling algorithm combine with the sequential insertion algorithm. Cycle
cancelling algorithm is one of the methods in solving the network model optimization problem. The steps of cycle
cancelling algorithm are based on the optimal condition of the negative cycle, starting with a feasible flow 𝑥 is a minimum
cost flow if and only if the residual network 𝐺(𝑥) contains no negative cycle. Some of the steps in cycle cancelling
algorithm are combined with sequential insertion algorithm. Basically, sequential insertion algorithm is a method that uses
steps by inserting a node/customer that has not been assigned or visited into a route for route formation. The combination
of cycle cancelling algorithm with sequential insertion algorithm produces an optimal solution of 124 km with a total cost
of distribution is Rp 189.200. The combination of these algorithms can provide an optimal route solution, fast, and easy to
use than the cycle cancelling algorithm.

On Continuity Properties of the Improved Conformable
Fractional Derivatives
Dahliatul Hasanah1, a)
Mathematics Department FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The conformable fractional derivative has been introduced to extend the familiar limit definition of the classical
derivative. Despite having many advantages compared to other fractional derivatives such as satisfying nice properties as
classical derivative and easy to solve numerically, it also has disadvantages as it gives large error compared to Riemann-
Liouville and Caputo fractional derivatives. Modified type of conformable derivative has been proposed to overcome the
shortcoming. The improved conformal fractional derivative is declared to be a better approximation of Riemann-Liouville
and Caputo derivatives in term of physical behavior. In this paper, properties concerning continuity of the improved
conformable fractional derivative are investigated. We prove the relation between 𝛼 differentiable and continuity of a
function and corresponding interior extremum theorem. We also prove that the improved conformable fractional derivatives
do not satisfy Rolle’s theorem and Mean Value Theorem as the conformable fractional derivative.

Integrated Manufacturer-Retailer Model with Price
Discount and Investment in Quality Improvement and Setup
Cost Reduction

Nughthoh Arfawi Kurdhi1, a), Pringgo Widyo Laksono2, b), Ririn Setiyowati1, c)
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta,
Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. A model of an integrated manufacturer-retailer supply chain is discussed in this study. The suggested study looks
into a continuous review production-inventory model that includes setup cost savings, a backorder price discount, and
process quality investment. To raise the process quality, an investment function is employed. The lead time demand's
probability distribution serves as the foundation for the model's construction. Demand for lead times follows a normal
distribution. By taking quality improvement into account, our model seeks to lower the overall system cost. To minimize
the joint total estimated cost for the producer and retailer, an algorithm is developed. The model is then demonstrated using
some numerical examples.

Prediction of Indonesia School Enrollment Rate by Using
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System
Bibit Waluyo Aji1, a) Neza Zhevira Septiani1, b) Wyne Mumtaazah Putri1, c) Bambang
Irawanto1, d) Bayu Surarso1, e) Farikhin 1,f)

Author Affiliations
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia.

Author Emails
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System is a combination of Fuzzy Inference System and Artificial Neural Networks.
The purpose of this study is to create a good model for predicting school acceptance rates in Indonesia. From the model that has
been built, an evaluation is carried out using the R square score (Coefficient of Determinant) and Mean Square Error methods. The
evaluation results from existing research are as follows, for ages 7-12 years 0.967868 at r square score 0.0018153 at Mean Absolute
Percentage Error, for ages 13-15 years 0.9830110 at r square score and 0.0067957 at Mean Absolute Percentage Error, for ages 16-
18 years 0.977719 on the r square score and 0.0152986 on the Mean Absolute Percentage Error, for ages 19-24 years 0.977426 on
the r square score and 0.0383772 on the Mean Absolute Percentage Error.

Modified Self-Attentive Bi-Directional Long Short Term
Memory for Detecting Clickbait in Indonesian News
Muhaza Liebenlito1, b), Ivansyah1, c), Madona Yunita Wijaya1, d), Ramdhan
Fazrianto Suwarman2, a)

Author Affiliations
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Universitas Negeri Malang
Corresponding author:

Abstract. One source of income for online news media comes from advertisements posted on their web pages. This
business model forces some news sites to use various ways to increase visitors to their sites, one of which is through
clickbait, which can indirectly worsen the image and credibility of the news site. Researchers are interested in detecting
clickbait in Indonesian online news through its news headlines. A recurrent neural network that enforces an attention
mechanism to process textual information on headlines of the news, followed by concatenation with other relevant
structural variables, and topped by a sigmoid classifier was trained to detect clickbait. This model uses a total of 10,000
training data from CLICK-ID: A Novel Dataset for Indonesian Clickbait Headlines and is able to produce an accuracy
value of 0.829 and an F1-Score of 0.78. This value indicates that the model has correctly detected 82.9% clickbait in
Indonesian news headlines, with an average correct classification for each class of 78%.

Environmental Characteristics Delineation of Lesser Sunda
Island by Using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Method
Evellin Dewi Lusiana1,3, a), Suci Astutik2), Nurjannah2), and Abu Bakar Sambah3
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang,
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The coral triangle (CT) is a triangle tropical ocean area that has been a primary concern of biodiversity
conservation provisions. The CT contains numerous ecoregions, including the one that relates to the Lesser Sunda
geographic area. We presented geophysical and chemical environmental delineation of the Lesser Sunda island using the
global environmental data package. A principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized to reduce the dimension of
environmental matrix. Moreover, a Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering technique was used to classify the Lesser Sunda
region based on its environmental characteristics into five classes. It was expected that areas within each class would have
identical attributes and ecological processes. Our work served as a baseline for academic research and ecological
assessments, and this will help with marine protected areas strategy and conservation efforts in Lesser Sunda island.

Order Series And Some Identities Of Ramanujan
E. Dolores-Cuenca1, a)
Department of mathematics Yonsei University 50 Yonsei-Ro, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul 03722
Corresponding author:

Abstract. We explain how the formalism of order series gives a new perspective on the work of Ramanujan on Eulerian
numbers. From our point of view, Ramanujan worked with series inheriting the structure of the disjoint union of posets.
We then compute new series that involve zeta values and coefficients closely related to the Stirling numbers of the second

The Existence of Almost Clean Ideal of Matrix Rings 2× 𝟐
Over ℤ𝒑𝟑 , 𝒑 Prime
1, a) 1, b) 2, c)
Vella Nafisatul Ilmiah , Santi Irawati , and Hidetoshi Marubayashi

Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Malang
Department of Mathematics, Naruto University of Education, Japan
Corresponding author:

Abstract. A unital ring R is called almost clean if every of its element can be written as the sum of a regular and an
idempotent element in R. This article aims to construct a general form of almost clean ideal of matrix ring 𝑇2 (ℤ𝑝3 ), 𝑝
prime, which is a follow up of clean ideal and nil clean ideal. The procedure is finding all regular and idempotent elements
in 𝑇2 (ℤ𝑝3 ), 𝑝 prime and then constructing all general forms of its almost clean elements. The result shows that from these
almost clean elements, there exists an almost clean ideal by adding some condition.

The Construction of Strongly 𝒓-Clean Elements in Certain
Matrix Ring 𝟑 × 𝟑 Over ℤ𝒑𝟐 , 𝒑 Prime
1, a) 1, b) 2, c)
Erlinda Kartika Putri , Santi Irawati , and Hidetoshi Marubayashi

Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Malang
Department of Mathematics, Naruto University of Education, Japan
Corresponding author:

Abstract. A ring 𝑅 with unity is called strongly 𝑟-clean ring if every element 𝑥 ∈ 𝑅 can be written as 𝑥 = 𝑟 + 𝑒 and 𝑟𝑒 =
𝑒𝑟, for some regular element 𝑟 in 𝑅 and idempotent element 𝑒 in 𝑅. This article aims to construct all strongly 𝑟-clean
elements in a certain matrix ring 3 x 3 over ℤ𝑝2 with 𝑝 prime, denoted by 𝑇3 (ℤ𝑝2 ). The research method is determining all
idempotent elements and all regular elements in 𝑇3 (ℤ𝑝2 ), then construct all the strongly r-clean elements. The result showed
there are four general forms of idempotent elements and eight general forms of regular elements in 𝑇3 (ℤ𝑝2 ). Based on the
existence of idempotent and regular elements, it can be constructed twenty general forms of strongly r-clean elements in
𝑇3 (ℤ𝑝2 ).

Some Properties of Almost Primary Ideals
of Ring ℤ𝒑𝟐 , 𝒑 Prime
1, a) 1, b) 2, c)
Alfreda Luis Islamey , Santi Irawati , and Hidetoshi Marubayashi
Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Malang
Department of Mathematics, Naruto University of Education, Japan
Corresponding author:

Abstract. An ideal 𝐼 of ring 𝑅 is called almost primary if for every 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ 𝑅 such that 𝑎𝑏 ∈ 𝐼 − 𝐼 2, implies that either 𝑎 ∈ 𝐼
or 𝑏𝑛 ∈ 𝐼, for some positive integer 𝑛. This article aims to show that the statement of the theorem that every prime ideal is
a primary ideal does not apply otherwise, discusses the preservation of some properties of almost primary ideals on ring
with unity, and shows that the ideal 〈𝑝〉 of the ring ℤ𝑝2 with 𝑝 prime is maximal, primary, and almost primary. The research
method used is to investigate the relationship between primary ideals and almost primary ideals, to investigate the
intersection properties of two almost primary ideals, and to analyze some properties of the almost primary ideals of an ideal
under ring isomorphism and to investigate the ideal 〈𝑝〉 of the ring ℤ𝑝2 with 𝑝 prime which is maximal, primary, and almost
primary. The results showed the durability properties of almost primary ideals on ring with unity and ideal 〈𝑝〉 of the ring
ℤ𝑝2 with 𝑝 prime were maximal, primary, and almost primary.

On the Extensions of Goursat’s Theorem to Direct Products
of 𝒏 𝑹-algebras
Muhsang Sudadama Lieko Liedokto,1, a) Hery Susanto,1, b) and I Made Sulandra1, c)
Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Goursat's theorem in groups describes each subgroup of the direct product of the two groups is determined by
the group isomorphism between the factor groups of the subgroups of the given groups. This paper will extend Goursat's
theorem to direct products of 𝑛 𝑅-algebras.

On 𝝅–Clean Rings and 𝝅–Clean Ideals
1, a) 1, b) 2, c)
Mersa Puji Kinan Tiningtyas , Santi Irawati , and Hidetoshi Marubayashi
Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Malang
Department of Mathematics, Naruto University of Education, Japan
Corresponding author:

Abstract. A ring R with unity is said to be 𝜋-clean if every element 𝑟 ∈ 𝑅 can be expressed as 𝑟 = 𝑥 + 𝑒, for some π −
regular element x and idempotent element 𝑒 in 𝑅. An element 𝑥 ∈ 𝑅 is said to be 𝜋-regular if there exist some positive
integer 𝑛 and y ∈ 𝑅 such that 𝑥 𝑛 = 𝑥 𝑛 𝑦𝑥 𝑛 . This research discusses about 𝜋-clean rings and 𝜋-clean rings with method
procedure identifying some properties of 𝜋-clean elements in R and then investigating the preservation 𝜋-cleanness
properties on rings and ideals. The result showed that (1) In ring 𝑅 with unity, 𝑟 ∈ 𝑅 is 𝜋-clean if and only if −𝑟 and
1 − 𝑟 are also 𝜋-clean, (2) the homomorphic image of 𝜋-clean ring is also 𝜋-clean, (3) the homomorphic image and pre-
image of 𝜋-clean ideals are also 𝜋-clean under some conditions.

Hamilton Decomposition in Cayley Graphs with Certain
Generator of Dihedral Group

Astri Kumala1, b), Hery Susanto2, a), Desi Rahmadani3, c)

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Negeri Malang
Corresponding author:

Abstract. A decomposition of a graph 𝐺 is a collection of edge-disjoint subgraphs 𝐻1 , 𝐻2 , … , 𝐻𝑟 of 𝐺 such that every edge of
𝐺 belongs to exactly one 𝐻𝑖 . In 2020, Hamiltonian decomposition of Cayley graphs in the dihedral-2𝑝 group, where 𝑝 is a single
prime have been studied. In this paper, we study the Hamiltonian decomposition of a Cayley graph of the dihedral-2𝑛 group with
𝑛 ≥ 3. We determine the Hamilton decomposition of the Cayley graphs of a dihedral group on the generator 〈𝑟, 𝑠〉 of a dihedral
group. We show that the Cayley graphs can be decomposed into a Hamiltonian cycle and a perfect matching.

I-Orthogonality on Generelized 2-Normed Space and its
Elsa Febri Dwiyanti1, a) Makbul Muksar1, b)
Department of Mathematics, State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang 5, Malang, East Java, 65145, Indonesia.

Abstract. Orthogonality is a concept that exists in the inner product space associated with the angle of two vectors and 𝑥
orthogonal 𝑦, written (𝑥 ⊥ 𝑦) if 〈𝑥, 𝑦〉 = 0 (Rynne & Youngson, 2008). Some definitions of orthogonality are Pythagorean
Ortogonality or (𝑥 ⊥𝑃 𝑦), Isosceles Ortogonality or (𝑥 ⊥𝐼 𝑦) and Birkhoff-James Ortogonality or (𝑥 ⊥𝐵𝐽 𝑦). This paper
examines the definition and properties of orthogonality developed on generelized 2-normed space, especially for the
definition of I-orthogonality. This research method is the application of literature study by collecting various information
and data from related sources either from books, articles, journals or other things that can support this writing process.
Based on the results of the discussion, I-orthogonality on generelized 2-normed space (𝑋, 𝑁), is defined as 𝑥 orthogonal-I
𝑦, written (𝑥 ⊥𝐼 𝑦) if for every 𝑧 in 𝑋 satisfies 𝑁(𝑥 + 𝑦, 𝑧) = 𝑁(𝑥 − 𝑦, 𝑧). Furthermore, the properties that apply to the I-
orthogonality on generelized 2-normed space are non-degenerate, symmetric, homogeneous and right additive.

Comparison between GM(3,1) Forecasting Model and
Fourier Analysis on the Problem of Air Temperatures

Makbul Muksar1, a) and Siska Purwati1, b)

Department of Mathematics, State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang 5, Malang, East Java, 65145,
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Air temperature is one of the climates that needs to be observed for various purposes so that there is a need for
forecasting to facilitate use. Fluctuating air temperature data is suitable for use with several forecasting methods. The
forecasting used in this study is a Grey Forecasting model and Fourier Analysis. This study will compare the accuracy of
the two methods. The Grey Forecasting model used is GM(3,1) using a differential equation 3-order (third) and 1 (one)
variable. Meanwhile, Fourier Analysis uses Fast Fourier Transform to determine the period and approximation of the
Fourier Series for air temperature forecasting. Based on the calculation using Fast Fourier Transform, the air temperature
period at the Karakates Observation Post, Malang Regency from 2015 to 2021 of 10.5 ≈ 11 months with an approximation
of Fourier Series is 1-order. Furthermore, by using MAPE to determine the error of GM(3,1), a MAPE value of
3.3161 × 105 was obtained in the seventh-eleven data of air temperature and of 1.3690 × 1022 for the entire air
temperature data. Because the error of the GM(3,1) > 50% can be categorized as weak and inaccurate forecasting.
Meanwhile, the error in the Fourier Analysis was 2.6331 in the seventh-11 (eleven) data and 4.9756 for all air temperature
data. This means that the error of Fourier Analysis is less than 10% then it can be categorized as a forecast with a high
degree of accuracy. Thus, the best accuracy of the two the method is The Fourier Analysis.


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