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Enhancing students memorization through BINGO games of Grade 11-


A Research Presented to the Faculty of:

Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College

College of Teacher Education

Tagudin, Ilocos Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the: SSE 201 Integrative

Methods in teaching Social science Discipline in basic education


May 2024

Background of the study

Memory games for the classroom are activities designed to help students
improve their memory skills. Use these learning games to help students
remember information for tests and quizzes, or simply to help them improve
their overall memory capacity. Play memory games individually or in groups,
and adapt them to any age group or level of ability.
Memorization is a fundamental aspect of learning that requires repetition,
engagement, and reinforcement. Traditional memorization techniques can
sometimes be monotonous and uninspiring for students. However, the
incorporation of gamification, such as Bingo games, can revolutionize the
memorization process by making it interactive, engaging, and enjoyable. The
effects of Bingo games on student memorization are multifaceted and can have
a significant impact on learning outcomes. Bingo games also offer cognitive
benefits and skill development opportunities for students. Playing Bingo can
improve cognitive skills such as attention, concentration, pattern recognition,
and quick recall. These skills are essential for effective memorization and can
be honed through regular practice with Bingo games. The gamified nature of
Bingo can make learning more enjoyable and memorable, leading to a positive
learning experience for students.
Moreover,Educational games enable students to communicate positively with
each other and gain the skills and abilities to understand their lessons which
are important tools that are used in this process. (Güven & Özerbaş, 2020).
These games can be used as an effective method in improving imagination
creativity and problem-solving skills, it also enables students to gain
experience through independent thinking. (Aykaç & Köğce, 2021). As claimed
by Muntean (2011) emphasizes that learners display a positive attitude towards
gamification and gamification fosters learner motivation and generally helps
learners receive positive feedback during teaching process.
Furthermore, Bingo can be an effective tool to improve students' memory and
cognitive skills in the classroom. According to a study by the University of
Southampton, bingo players perform better on tests of memory, speed, and
cognitive function than non-players. Bingo can also help students develop
concentration and critical thinking skills, which are important for intellectual
Overall, the effects of Bingo games on student memorization are multifaceted,
offering a blend of engagement, reinforcement, social interaction, skill
development, and positive learning experiences that can enhance students'
ability to memorize and retain information effectively.
Based on the observation that conducted in TNHS , the researcher found some
problems related to the remembering and learning process. The traditional

method is usually used by introducing new topics and and students supposed
to understand and memorize that highlights the lesson. They were lazy to
memorize the unfamiliar words,names,events that they heard or read in the
text. They had difficulties in memorizing coverage of their lessons.
Based on the phenomena above, the researcher tries to find the effective
solution to improve the students‟ memorization by using Bingo Game in the
teaching learning process. Bingo Game is a game for the whole class that
encourages students to study. There are some reasons why I choose Bingo
Game to improve their mastery of the lessons. First, Bingo Game it can attract
the students‟ attention and their involvement in the teaching and learning
process. Second, students can learn how to work and cooperate as a group and
also learn how to appreciate each other. Third, Bingo Game can create an
enjoyable environment. Students can enjoy fun and joyful learning. Fourth,
Bingo Game can help students to enhance their memorization .
Based on the problems and the potentials of Bingo Game in improving
students‟ memorization” the researcher intended to improve the students
mastery through Bingo Game. Therefore, this study was important for Tagudin
National High Scin order to improve the students mastery in the teaching and
learning process.

Problem Identification
The identified problem in the Grade 11 HUMSS class at Tagudin National High
School revolves around the students' struggles with memorization skills,
particularly in the areas of vocabulary retention, events, and information
processing. Upon assessment, it was observed that students are facing
difficulties in encoding, consolidating, retrieving, and recalling information,
indicating a need for targeted interventions to enhance their memory
capabilities. Failure to address these challenges effectively could potentially
impede students' academic progress and future professional success.could
hinder their academic progress and future professional success.
By incorporating interactive games like Bingo students can engage in a fun
and stimulating learning experience that may help enhance their memory
retention and information processing skills. This research initiative has the
potential to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of using
gamification to support cognitive skills development and improve academic
performance among Grade 11 HUMSS students at Tagudin National High

Review of Related Literature


The following related studies and literature are being presented:

Memory is that the school of the mind by that info is encoded, stored, and
retrieved (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968). Memory is vital to the experience.
Without memory, we are not us. If we have a tendency to couldn't keep in mind
past events, we could not learn or develop language, relationships, nor
personal identity (Eysenck, 2012).
In the literature, along with the notion of educational game, the concept of
gamification is also frequently encountered. Gamification is an entertaining
instructional method that allows for repetition in an environment which is fun
to be for the students (Bayat, Kılıçaslan & Şentürk, 2014; Güler, 2011).
In a study according to Canbay (2012) stated that gamification offers students
opportunities for cooperation, competition and active participation in learning
process. However, like other teaching methods, gamification might also have
some limitations. In the studies done related to this, it is indicated that slow
learners may be negatively affected in the competitive environments (Coşkun,
As founded in the study of Landers 2014,the relationship between gamification
and learning in education is further explained by theories such as the theory of
gamified learning, which suggests that gamification has the potential to
positively impact both instructional content and learning outcomes.Manzano-
León et al. (2021) also highlighted gamification as a highly effective tool in
promoting the development of curricular, and cognitive competencies. Another
support is proposed by Doff, Adrian (2010), he states: Bingo Games can
enhance learning by enabling learners to take responsibility for reviewing,
organizing, and consolidating existing knowledge and material; understanding
its basic structure; filling in the gaps; finding additional meanings, and
reformulating knowledge into new conceptual frameworks. Also, In Bingo
Games, students are engaged in active learning, not passive learning. For
example, when using bingo games, the students are working cooperatively and
following the procedure, actively asking each other questions, responding,
correcting mistakes, and providing feedback. Active learning has been shown
to be more effective in promoting student achievement as opposed to simply
watching and listening to the teacher (passive learning) (Lewis, Michael and
Hill, Jimmie, 2007).In recent years, gamification has been frequently applied
to create highly motivating learning environments that help to overcome
the lack of student interest and to increase students’ knowledge retention
levels . Additionally, gamification has been shown able to increase students’
engagement as well as extrinsic and intrinsic motivation . This has important
implications for motivational research, since students that are intrinsically
motivated tend to have a higher level of in-class participation and achieve
better results.

Overall, playing bingo can provide cognitive benefits by promoting mental

agility, improving memory, enhancing hand-eye coordination, providing
entertainment, as well as promoting social interaction.
Theoretical Framework
Social cognition theory.
Badura's theory also argues that any form of observing and modelling human
learning behaviours in a human society includes four essential conditions I.e.
attention, motivation, reproduction, and retention.
Observational learning is a key concept in behavioral theories, which focus on
how people learn through their interactions with the environment. According to
these theories, behavior is shaped by the consequences that follow it. If a
behavior is reinforced, it is more likely to be repeated in the future. Bandura's
emphasis on the role of reinforcement in observational learning highlights the
importance of positive feedback in shaping behavior.
By paying attention to the models around us and reproducing their behavior,
we can learn new skills and adopt new attitudes and beliefs. Retention of what
we have learned is also important, as it allows us to apply our knowledge in
new situations. Overall, Bandura's social learning theory offers a valuable
framework for understanding how we learn from the world around us.
Serial Processing Theory
The origins of information processing theory can be traced back to George
Miller, a cognitive psychologist and computer scientThis theory proposes that
information is processed one step at a time in the order received.Each piece of
information is held in short-term memory until the next piece of information
comes in, and then it is transferred to long-term memory or discarded if it is no
longer relevant. According to this theory, the human mind is seen as an
information processor similar to that of a computer. This model suggests that
events comprise individual pieces of information that are processed in stages
such as encoding, storage, and retrieval.

Conceptual Framework
Cognitive Load Theory (CLT)
Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) is an instructional design theory that deals
with how the human brain processes and stores information. Teachers should
be familiar with the basic principles of CLT as it helps educators consider how
learners process knowledge. Although this theory was published in the Journal
of educational psychology a number of years ago, it has only relatively recently
received the attention deserves.Classroom teachers need to know how they can

reduce cognitive load as there are profound implications for learning outcomes.
At its most basic level, we need to acknowledge that we all have a
limited mental storage capacity and once this has been used, we begin to see
negative cognitive load effects on memory and comprehension.
Metacognitive theory.
Metacognitive theory Flavell defined metacognition as "one's knowledge
concerning one's own cognitive processes or anything related to them". He
believed that people have knowledge of their cognitive processes, and that some
people are better able to regulate them than others. Flavell also stated that
metacognition psychology is a deliberate activity to achieve an objective.
Metacognition is the process of thinking about one's own thinking, including
planning, monitoring, and assessing one's understanding and performance. It
involves being aware of one's thinking and learning, and of oneself as a thinker
and learner. Research studies have shown that metacognition can help
students improve their academic performance and achieve their academic

Student -Teaching
Teacher Teacher-
Strategy Studen
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Mental Elaboration
Information Processing (IP) Theory is a cognitive theory that studies
how people acquire, process, store, and retrieve information. It was
developed in the 1950s by American psychologists and is based on the
idea that people process information rather than just respond to
stimuli. The theory compares the mind to a computer, which analyzes
information and determines how to store it. The Information
Processing Theory addresses how people respond to the
information they receive through their senses and how they
further process that information with steps of attention,
forgetting, and retention.

.Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to enhancing students memorization through BINGO

games in Aralin Panlipunan subject of Grade 11-HUMSS

Specifically, this research sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the effect of using bingo game on students memorization?

2.Does the use of BINGO game improve or hinder students memorization?
3. How is the influence of using Bingo game on students mastery?
4. What is the overall effect of gamification on students’ learning outcomes?

Significance of the Study

This study aimed the Influence of Social Media on Students
Memorization at Tagudin National High School :
Learners.The learners in using Bingo game will help the learners easier to
memorize,enjoy with the game which is help them in techniques in
memorizing .It is able to make the students more active in learning process.
Teachers. This research will help the teacher in considering what technique
that good for the students in improving students memorization,manage the
classroom effectively, and to effectively address student challenges.

Future researchers. The findings of the study will serve as a valuable

reference for future researchers interested in investigating similar or related
problems. .
Researchers. By conducting research in this area, researchers can contribute
to the improvement of educational practices and may provide insights for
future educational practices.

Definition of Terms
For a clearer understanding of the study, the following terms are defined
Tagudin National High School. This is the school where the study was
conducted located in Barangay. Quirino, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur.
Gamification .Gamification uses game elements like points, badges, and
challenges to make learning more engaging and rewarding. This can help
students retain information better over time because of the repeated exposure
and application.
Memorization. Memorization is the process of committing something to
memory. It is a mental process undertaken in order to store in memory for later
recall visual, auditory, or tactical information.
Educational games. Educational games are games that are designed to help
people learn concepts, develop problem-solving skills, and gain domain
knowledge. They can be intentionally designed for education or be
entertainment games that have educational value. Educational games are often
used in the classroom to supplement traditional instruction and can be used
by students of all ages.

Bingo .Bingo is a game that can be used in the classroom as a fun activity or
to help students learn new subjects. In bingo, players listen to prompts and
mark off squares on their bingo cards with counters when they match the
prompt. The first player to cover a row with counters calls out "Bingo" to win.

Student.Student is a person who goes to school to learn something. Students

can be children, teenagers, or adults who are going to school, but it may also
be other people who are learning, such as in college or university.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). This refers to the strands equip
students with a wide range of discipline with the use of their experiences and
skills into the investigation and inquiry of human situations and the group of
students of Tagudin National High School who served as the respondents of the

This chapter presents the research design, population and locale of the
study, research instrument, data gathering procedures, statistical treatment
data categorization and ethical consideration in this study.
Research Design

The researchers made use of one-group pre-test and post-test

quantitative design to enhance students memorization through Bingo game of
Grade 11 HUMSS learners of Tagudin National High School.
The one-group pretest-posttest design is a type of quasi-experiment in
which the outcome of interest is measured 2 times: once before and once after
exposing a non-random group of participants to a certain
intervention/treatment. Then, the intervention is given, and it is followed by a
follow-up test (posttest) to find out any changes or effects after the intervention
is implemented (Campbell DT, Stanley JC). The effect of the intervention was
measured by comparing pre-test and post-test measurements (George Chouiery
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. add that this research design is useful
for evaluating the efficiency or effect of an intervention within a group without
a control or comparison group. This allows researchers to examine group
changes over time and evaluate competency levels after intervention
Population and Locale of the Study
The target population of the study are Grade 11 HUMSS students of
Tagudin National High School. The participants will be 5 students from each
sections including Special class will be chosen randomly.
With the total numbers of 30 students, the researcher will consider a
sample shall be randomly selected through simple random sampling.

Research Instrument
A teacher-made test was used in the study in determining the level of
memorization skills of the Grade 11 HUMSS learner using Bingo game . It was

a 30-item HOTS question made by researchers with the help of adviser and
teachers of Humanities and Social Sciences.
The test was presented first to the cooperating teacher, head teacher of
Humanities and Social Science and to the adviser and forwarded to the school
research coordinator for checking. A validity index of 4.9 and a descriptive level
of Very High Validity were obtained from the validation data. After it was
checked, the final copy was reproduced and was finally administered to the
Grade 11 HUMSS learners.

Numerical Evaluation Description

5 4.51 – 5.00 Very High Validity
4 3.51 – 4.50 High Validity
3 2.51 – 3.50 Moderate Vadility
2 1.51 – 2.50 Poor Validity
1 1.00 – 1.50 Very Poor Validity

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers started by seeking permission from Mrs. June C. Racca,
the Principal of Tagudin National High School to conduct a study on
“Enhancing students memorization through Bingo games of Grade 11-HUMSS
”. The permission of the Head Teacher of the concerned department was also
sought. The researchers would deploy pre-test and post-test questionnaires as
the major tools in gathering data and information needed in the study. The
questionnaire is designed to obtain the level of memorization skills in
Introduction to World Religion among grade 11 HUMSS students. A set of
questionnaires will be submitted to credible raters from teachers of Humanities
and Social Science Department for the validation.
The pretest was given on January 8, 2025, to thirty (30) Grade 11
HUMSS to determine their level of memorization skills in Introduction to World
After the researchers had proven that the subjects of the study had low
memorization skills, they decided to integrate an intervention material which is
the Bingo game to address the problem.
Statistical Treatment
The data gathered were statistically treated and analyzed. They were
compiled, sorted, organized, and tabulated to answer the questions indicated in
the study. The statistical tools employed were the frequency distribution,
percentage, weighted mean, T-test, and Main gain differences.
1. Formula for Percentage:

P= (f/n) 100%
P= Percentage
F= frequency
N= Number of respondents
2. Mean (x) was used to determine the level of performance of the learners in
the pretest and posttest of the study. The formula is
x = mean
∑ X = summation of scores
X = individual scores
N = total number of learners

3. T-test was used to determine the significant difference between the

scores of the respondents during the pretest and posttest. The formula


2 2
N (Σ D )−( ΣD )
N −1
N=number of learners

∑ D =summation of the difference

∑ 2 =summation of the squared difference

N-1= degree of freedom

4. Mean Gain Difference (D) this refers to the statistical tool employed to
determine if there is a significant difference between the pre-test and
post-test to enhance the conceptual learning of the respondents in Grade
D= Mean Gain Difference
D= Difference in the pretest and posttest
N= Total number of respondents

Data Categorization
The 30- item test was scaled to determine the effectiveness of using
selected Bingo game in enhancing the cognitive skills of Grade 11 HUMSS
learner in the pre-test and post-test as follows:
Scale of Scores Descriptive Equivalent
25-30 Very High Effective (VHE)
19-24 Highly Effective (HE)
13-18 Moderately Effective (ME)
7-12 Fairly Effective (FE)
1-6 Not Effective (NE)

Ethical Consideration
To establish and safeguard ethics in conducting this research strictly
observed the following, the researchers considered the confidentiality of the
information. The researchers did not mention the personal information of the
students who were respondents to the research, the researchers also ensured
that the research is not involved in plagiarism, the owner of the information
used is given due recognition of the research done and it is ensured that the
research conducted is not involved in fabrication and the collected data is not
In addition, proper document sourcing or referencing of materials was
done to ensure and promote copyright laws. Moreover, communication letters
were presented to the principal’s office to seek authority to gather the needed
data for the researcher and it was ensured that the students were not forcibly
taken as respondents of the research and informed them of their role and
rights in the research.

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