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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree MASTERS OF


Submitted by: - Ashish Kumar Singh

Under the Supervision of: -

Shweta Agnihotri

Assistant Professor

Mini Project Report is one of the important part of the MBA program, which has helped me to gain a lot of

Experience , which will be beneficial in my succeeding career. For this with an ineffable sense of gratitude I


this opportunity to express my deep sense of indebtedness and gratitude to Dr. Shweta Agnihotri , Head of


Administration Department, for their encouragement, support and guidance in carrying out the project.

I am very much thankful to, my Project Guide________, MBA Department for his/her interest, constructive

criticism, persistent encouragement and untiring guidance throughout the development of the project. It has


my great privilege to work under his inspiring guidance.

I am also thankful to my parents and my friends for their indelible co-operation for achieving the goals of this

Ashish Kumar Singh

Table of Contents

• Chapter 1 : Introduction - Product Details Description with Diagram

• Chapter 2 : Importance and Relevance of Innovation , SWOT Analysis

• Chapter 3 : Feasibility Analysis , Marketing strategy , Production Plan ,

Financial Plan , Marketing Plan

• Chapter 4 : Detail Description companies operating and their

competitive advantage


Chapter 1


In An era where connecting drives convenience Sony has been at the forefront Bluetooth technology. Today our

homes are not just spaces”, They are interconnected ecosystems Where devices seamlessly communicate making

life simple and more enjoyable. This presented delves into various home applications, offering unparalleled.

Control and enhancing the overall living experience.


1. Sony’s Smart Home Array


Explore the breath of SONY’s Bluetooth enabled devices, from entertainment systems like speakers and TVs to

utility – Focused Application and gadgets.

2. The Power of Bluetooth Integration

Highlight the Significance of Bluetooth connecting in providing users with Flexible, wireless control over their

devices. Emphasize the case of managing multiple appliances through a unified interface.
3. Users -Centric Design

Showcase Sony’s commitment to user’s friendly interfaces and intuitive application that ensure a seamless and

enjoyable home control experience.

4. Real life Application

Illustrate practical scenarios where Bluetooth integration simplifies daily routines from managing entertainment

setups to controlling smart home application.

Chapter 2 Importance and Relevance of the Innovative product

Product Details Description with Diagram

• Product Name: Smart Home Connect

Product Overview: Smart Home Connect is an integrated home automation system that leverages Bluetooth

technology to offer seamless control and management of household devices through a dedicated mobile

application. Key Features Bluetooth Connectivity: Utilizes Bluetooth technology to connect and control

compatible smart devices within the home. Device Compatibility: Works with a wide range of smart appliances

including lights, thermostats, security cameras, kitchen appliances, and more .Mobile Application: Offers a


friendly mobile app interface for easy and intuitive device control from anywhere .Remote Access: Enables


to remotely monitor and adjust devices, providing convenience and peace of mind. Customizable Settings:


customization of device schedules, preferences, and automation routines to suit individual needs. Description:

Smart Home Connect revolutionizes the way homeowners interact with their living spaces. By utilizing


technology, it creates a cohesive ecosystem where various smart devices seamlessly communicate with each

and the user’s smartphone. The mobile application acts as a centralized hub, offering an intuitive interface to

effortlessly control and manage devices within the home. Users can remotely monitor and adjust settings, such


adjusting room temperatures, turning lights on or off, checking security camera feeds, and even starting kitchen

appliances—all through the convenience of their smartphones. The system's flexibility allows for personalized

schedules and automation, providing an environment tailored to individual preferences .This innovation not


enhances convenience but also promotes energy efficiency and security. Smart Home Connect represents a

significant step towards a more connected and intelligent living experience, offering users greater control and

peace of mind within their homes.


Objective of innovation

Controlling home applications via Bluetooth aims to enhance convenience, efficiency, and automation within

households. The objective of this innovation is to offer users seamless control over various devices and systems

within their homes using their smartphones or other Bluetooth-enabled devices. This approach enables:

1. Convenience: Users can remotely manage and monitor appliances, lighting, security systems, and

other devices from anywhere within the Bluetooth range.

2. Efficiency: Automation and remote control allow for more efficient energy usage by scheduling and

managing devices to operate only when necessary.

3. Customization: Personalized settings and configurations tailored to individual preferences improve user

experience and adapt to changing needs.

4. Security: Implementing secure communication protocols ensures data privacy and prevents unauthorized
access to home devices.

Overall, the innovation aims to simplify daily routines, save energy, increase security, and offer greater comfort

by enabling centralized control of various home applications through Bluetooth connectivity.

Need of innovation

The implementation of home application control via Bluetooth addresses several needs in modern living:

1. Convenience: Bluetooth-enabled control allows users to manage various home devices from a single

interface, eliminating the need to manually operate each device separately.

2. Efficiency: It promotes energy efficiency by enabling users to monitor and regulate device usage
remotely, reducing unnecessary energy consumption.
3. Flexibility: Users can customize schedules and settings based on their routines, making it easier to adapt
home environments to changing needs and preferences.

4. Security: Bluetooth-controlled systems can enhance home security by allowing users to monitor and
control security devices such as locks, cameras, and alarms from a distance.

5. Accessibility: This innovation can be particularly beneficial for individuals with mobility issues or

disabilities, providing easier access and control over various home functions.

In essence, the innovation of controlling home applications via Bluetooth fulfills the growing need for

streamlined, connected, and user-friendly solutions that enhance convenience, efficiency, and security in

our living spaces.

Use of Product

Controlling home applications via Bluetooth involves various products designed to facilitate this functionality:

1. Smart Home Hubs: Devices acting as central control units that connect to multiple smart devices in a

home. They often use Bluetooth along with other protocols like Wi-Fi and Zigbee to communicate with devices

and enable centralized control.

2. Smartphones Tablets: These serve as the primary interface for users to control Bluetooth-

enabled home devices through dedicated apps or integrated functionalities.

3. Smart Appliances: Devices such as lights, thermostats, locks, speakers, and cameras equipped

with Bluetooth connectivity that can be controlled and monitored via compatible apps or hubs.

4. Bluetooth Bridges/Gateways: Devices that facilitate communication between Bluetooth-

enabled devices and other protocols like Wi-Fi, enabling interoperability among different smart


5. Bluetooth-Enabled Sensors: Sensors equipped with Bluetooth capabilities that detect changes

in the environment (e.g., temperature, motion, or humidity) and communicate this data to control

other devices within the home.

6. Bluetooth-Controlled Switches/Plugs: These allow users to retrofit existing appliances with

Bluetooth control, turning them into smart devices that can be managed remotely.

These products collectively create an interconnected ecosystem, allowing users to remotely manage, monitor,

and automate various aspects of their homes using Bluetooth technology.

SWOT Analysis

Certainly , here’s a SWOT analysis for controlling home applications via Bluetooth:


Convenience: Bluetooth offers seamless connectivity, allowing users to control devices within a short

range without the need for internet connectivity.

Ease of Use: Its familiarity and widespread integration in smartphones make Bluetooth an accessible

and user-friendly technology.

Cost-Effective: Implementing Bluetooth technology tends to be more affordable compared to some

other smart home protocols, making it accessible for many users.

Low Power Consumption: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocols help conserve device battery

life, ensuring prolonged use without frequent recharging or replacement.

• Weaknesses:

-Limited Range: Bluetooth has a shorter operational range compared to other wireless technologies,

restricting control to within a specific area.

- Interference and Connectivity Issues: Interference from other devices and obstacles might affect

connectivity. Leading to Potential realibility issues.

- Security Concerns: While improvements have been made, Bluetooth connections may still have

vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited by hackers.

• Opportunities:

- IOT Integration: With the growing Internet of Things (IOT) ecosystem, Bluetooth can expand its

integration with various smart devices, enhancing its application scope.

- Advancements in Bluetooth Technology: Continuous advancements, especially in Bluetooth

Low Energy (BLE), can further improve range, reliability, and security.

- Market Expansion: Increasing consumer interest in smart home technology presents

opportunities for Bluetooth-enabled devices and systems.


Competition: Intense competition exists among various wireless communication

protocols for smart home applications (e.g., Wi-Fi, Zigbee , Z-Wave), potentially

impacting Bluetooth’s market share.

Rapid Technological Changes: Rapid advancements in technology might render Bluetooth

outdated if it fails to keep pace with evolving standards and user expectations.

Security Risks: Ongoing concerns regarding data breaches and privacy issues pose a threat to the

widespread adoption of Bluetooth-enabled smart home systems.

Continued innovation, addressing security concerns, and integration with emerging technologies will be

crucial for Bluetooth-enabled home applications to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate threats.
Marketing strategy

Marketing strategies for Bluetooth-enabled home applications could involve:

• Educational Content: Create guides, tutorials, and videos showcasing the ease of setup and

• use of Bluetooth-enabled devices in home applications. Explain the benefits, convenience, and

possibilities they offer.

• Targeted Advertising: Tailor ads to specific demographics interested in smart home

technology, emphasizing the convenience and ease of controlling home applications via Bluetooth.

• Partnerships and Bundles: Collaborate with device manufacturers or service providers to

offer bundled deals that include Bluetooth-enabled devices, emphasizing their compatibility and

ease of integration.

• Influencer Partnerships: Partner with influencers or tech enthusiasts who can demonstrate
the practicality and benefits of using Bluetooth-controlled home applications through engaging

• Demonstrations and Events: Organize workshops, demonstrations, or participate in tech
expos where users can experience firsthand how Bluetooth technology seamlessly controls various

home applications.

• Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Highlight positive user experiences and

testimonials to build trust and credibility, showcasing how Bluetooth-controlled devices simplify

daily routines.

• Content Marketing: Use blogs, articles, and social media posts to discuss trends, benefits,
and future possibilities of Bluetooth in smart homes, positioning the technology as innovative and


• Localized Marketing: Emphasize Bluetooth’s convenience in smaller living spaces or rental

properties, targeting urban areas where space efficiency and flexibility are crucial.

By leveraging these strategies, companies can effectively communicate the advantages and ease of use

associated with Bluetooth-controlled home applications, ultimately driving adoption and market penetration.

Chapter 3 Feasibility Analysis

Production Plan

Creating a production plan for Bluetooth-controlled home applications involves several key steps:

• Research and Development: Begin by defining the scope and features of the Bluetooth-

• enabled home application. Conduct market research to understand user needs, preferences, and

• technological trends. Develop prototypes and test functionality and compatibility with different


• Component Sourcing: Identify and secure the necessary components, including Bluetooth

• modules, sensors, controllers, and other hardware required for the product assembly.

• Manufacturing Process: Establish a streamlined manufacturing process that includes

• assembly, quality control checks, and testing protocols to ensure the reliability and functionality of

• the Bluetooth-enabled devices.

• Supplier Relationships: Build strong relationships with suppliers to ensure a consistent and

• reliable supply chain for components and materials required in the production process.
• Quality Assurance: Implement stringent quality control measures at various stages of

• production to maintain high product standards and minimize defects.

• Packaging and Branding: Design attractive packaging that highlights the product’s features

• and benefits. Create branding materials that effectively communicate the convenience and

• advantages of Bluetooth-controlled home applications.

• Logistics and Distribution: Plan logistics for efficient distribution of products to retailers or

direct-to-consumer channels. Establish partnerships with distributors or shipping companies to

ensure timely deliveries.

• Post-Sale Support: Develop customer service and support systems to address any technical
issues, provide guidance on product setup, and offer assistance with troubleshooting.

• Scalability and Innovation: Create a roadmap for future iterations or updates to the
product, considering feedback, technological advancements, and evolving user needs to stay

competitive in the market.

By systematically addressing these production aspects, a production plan can be formulated to ensure

the efficient manufacturing, quality assurance, and successful launch of Bluetooth-controlled home


Financial Plan

Creating a financial plan for Bluetooth-controlled home applications involves several components:
• Cost Analysis: Begin by estimating the costs associated with research and development,

component sourcing, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, distribution, and overhead expenses.

• Revenue Projections: Forecast potential sales volumes and revenue based on market research,

pricing strategies, and expected market penetration.

• Profit Margins: Calculate profit margins by subtracting the total costs from projected revenues.

Adjust pricing strategies to ensure healthy profit margins while remaining competitive in the


• Investment Requirements: Determine the initial capital needed for product development,

manufacturing setup, marketing campaigns, and operational expenses. Explore funding options like

loans, investors, or crowdfunding if necessary.

• Cash Flow Management: Develop a detailed cash flow statement to monitor the inflow and

outflow of funds throughout the production, distribution, and sales phases.

• Break-Even Analysis: Calculate the point at which total revenue equals total costs to
determine the number of units that need to be sold to cover all expenses.
• Budget Allocation: Allocate budgets for different phases such as R&D, manufacturing,
marketing, distribution, and ongoing operational costs, ensuring proper resource allocation.

• Risk Assessment and Contingency Planning: Identify potential risks such as market

fluctuations, technological changes, or unexpected expenses. Develop contingency plans to

mitigate these risks.

• Monitoring and Evaluation: Set up systems to regularly monitor financial performance,

compare actual results against projections, and adjust strategies as needed to meet financial goals.

A comprehensive financial plan for Bluetooth-controlled home applications should account for all

expenses, revenue projections, investment needs, and risk mitigation strategies to ensure the

ventfinancial success.

Marketting Plan

Crafting a marketing plan for Bluetooth-controlled home applications involves several key steps:
 Market Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the smart home market, identifying trends,
customer segments, competitors, and market needs related to Bluetooth-controlled applications.

3. Target Audience: Define specific customer segments interested in smart home technology and

Bluetooth-enabled devices. Create buyer personas to tailor marketing strategies effectively.

 Positioning and Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Define a compelling USP that highlights

the unique advantages of Bluetooth-controlled home applications, such as convenience, reliability, or


4. Marketing Objectives: Set clear and measurable goals, such as market penetration targets, sales

volumes, brand awareness, or customer acquisition metrics.

5. Marketing Channels: Utilize a mix of digital and traditional marketing channels to reach the

target audience. This can include social media advertising, content marketing, influencer

partnerships, SEO/SEM, email marketing, and targeted online campaigns.

6. Content Strategy: Develop engaging and informative content that showcases the benefits and
features of Bluetooth-controlled home applications. This can include how-to guides, product

demonstrations, testimonials, and blog posts discussing smart home technology trends.
7. Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborate with tech influencers, home automation
blogs, or other relevant platforms to promote the products and increase visibility among the target


8. Promotions and Campaigns: Design promotional offers, discounts, or bundle deals to attract
customers. Launch marketing campaigns with clear messaging highlighting the advantages of

Bluetooth control in home applications.

9. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implement CRM systems to manage

interactions, gather feedback, and build relationships for long-term customer retention and loyalty.

10. Evaluation and Optimization: Monitor marketing campaign performance using analytics
and metrics. Continuously optimize strategies based on data insights to improve ROI and achieve

marketing objectives.

11. Budget Allocation: Allocate marketing budgets across different channels and

campaigns while ensuring cost-effectiveness and maximum reach.

By implementing a well-thought-out marketing plan, companies can effectively promote

Bluetooth-controlled home applications, increase brand awareness, and drive customer

engagement and sales.

Chapter 4 Detail Description:

1. Demographic Information:

 Age:

 Gender:

 Location (Urban/Suburban/Rural):

 Occupation:

2. Smart Home Device Ownership:

- Do you currently own any Bluetooth-enabled smart home devices? If yes, please list them.

- What type of smart devices do you prefer to control using Bluetooth technology (e.g., lights, thermostats,

locks, appliances)?

3. Usage and Preferences:

- How frequently do you use Bluetooth-controlled home applications?

- What are the primary reasons for using Bluetooth to control home devices (convenience, energy efficiency,

security, etc.)?
- Which specific tasks or functions do you find most useful when using Bluetooth-controlled home


- What challenges or limitations have you faced while using Bluetooth for home applications?

4.Perceived Benefits:

- How would you rate the ease of setup and use of Bluetooth-enabled home devices?

- Do you believe Bluetooth-controlled home applications have enhanced your daily routines or living

experience? Please explain.

5.Security and Privacy:

- How concerned are you about the security and privacy of Bluetooth-connected home devices?

- What measures do you take to ensure the security of your Bluetooth-controlled devices?

6. Improvement Suggestions:
- Are there any additional features or functionalities you wish Bluetooth-controlled home applications offered?

- What improvements would you suggest to enhance the user experience of Bluetooth-controlled home


7.Purchase Intent and Future Adoption:

- Would you consider buying more Bluetooth-enabled home devices in the future? If yes, what factors would

influence your decision?

- Are there any specific types of Bluetooth-controlled home.


In Conclusion Sony’s foray into Bluetooth enabled home control epitomizes the

Evaluation of smart living. By interconnecting various devices and prioritizing user

experience, Sony has redefined the way we interact with our homes. As Technology continues to evolve.

Sony remains dedicated to Shaping the future of Smart living by

harnessing the potential Of Bluetooth connectivity to create even more convenient

and efficient home environment. Controlling home applications via Bluetooth offers

a gateway to convenient, efficient, and interconnected living spaces. It presents a

promising avenue for users to manage various devices within their homes

seamlessly . However, this innovation comes with both opportunities and


The convenience of Bluetooth connectivity allows users to remotely control and

monitor their devices, enhancing daily routines and energy efficiency. Its ease of

use and widespread integration in smartphones make it accessible to a wide range of

users, fostering the growth of smart home technology.

Yet, challenges such as limited range, potential connectivity issues, and security

concerns persist. The shorter operational range of Bluetooth might restrict control to

specific areas within the home, and security vulnerabilities could pose risks if not

addressed adequately.
Nonetheless, with continuous advancements in Bluetooth technology, its integration

with the Internet of Things (IoT), and ongoing improvements in security protocols,

the future looks promising. The potential for expansion, innovation, and integration

with emerging technologies provides a solid foundation for Bluetooth-controlled

home applications to further enhance our living spaces.

In conclusion, while there are challenges to overcome, the convenience,

accessibility, and potential for growth make Bluetooth-controlled home applications

a significant contributor to the evolution of smarter and more connected homes in

the future. Continued innovation, addressing security concerns, and improving

interoperability will be key to maximizing the benefits and minimizing the

limitations of Bluetooth in controlling home applications.


Creating a bibliography for home application control using Bluetooth involves

referencing various sources that cover different aspects of this technology. Here’s

an example bibliography:

1. Book:

• Title: “Smart Home Automation with Linux and Raspberry Pi”

• Author: Steven Goodwin

• Publisher: Apress

• Year: 2020

2. Journal Article:

• Title: “Bluetooth Low Energy: A Technology Primer for Health Researchers”

• Authors: L. P. J. Seneviratne , et al.

• Journal: JMIR Health and unhealthy

• Year: 2017

3. White Paper/Report:
• Title: “Bluetooth Market Update 2023”

• Publisher: Bluetooth SIG

• Year: 2023

4. Online Article:

• Title: “The Role of Bluetooth in Smart Home Technology”

• Website: IoT For All

• Author: Emily Johnson

• Year: 2022

5. Conference Paper:

• Title: “Design and Implementation of Bluetooth-Based Home Automation System”

• Authors: M. H. Hossain, et al.

• Conference: 2019 International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control (ICNSC)

6. Webinar/Video:

• Title: “The Future of Smart Home Connectivity: Bluetooth and Beyond”

• Organization: IEEE

• Year: 2021

Remember, when creating a bibliography. Ensure to include details like author(s), title,
publication/journal name, publication date, and any other pertinent information based on the specific

citation style or requirements.

Future Scope

1. Home automation and Device controlling can be done using Internet of Things – IOT technology.

2. We can replace Bluetooth with GSM modem so that we can achieve device controlling by sending SMS
using GSM modem.[11]

3. By adding some sensors such as light sensors, temperature sensors, and safety sensors, the project can be
expanded to a smart home automation system

That can automatically adjust different parameters such as room lighting, air conditioning (room temperature),

door locks, and transmit the information to Our phone.

4. Further, we may link to the internet and control the property from a remote location while
6. simultaneously monitoring security. It is primarily

Designed for handicapped people and can be used in an emergency.


The VRIO framework is a strategic management tool used to analyze the internal resources and
capabilities of a company.
1. Value: The resource or capability must provide value to the company in terms of either
increasing revenues, reducing costs, or providing another form of benefit.

2. Rarity: The resource or capability must be rare or unique within the industry or market. If other
competitors possess similar resources, it diminishes the potential for a sustained competitive

3. Imitability: The resource or capability should not be easily imitated or replicated by


4. Organization: The company must have the ability to leverage the resource effectively through
its organizational structure, systems, and culture.






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