Cyberbullying Discussion

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Cyberbullying Discussion: Reactions and Responses





Cyberbullying Discussion: Reactions and Responses

Watching the clip from "American Teen" and the "Teen Talk on Cyberbullying"

video elicited strong reactions. The distress experienced by Erica in "American Teen" was

heart-wrenching. Seeing her in tears because of relentless bullying by her peers highlights the

severe emotional impact cyberbullying can have. The casual cruelty exhibited by the popular

kids, both online and through actions like toilet-papering a house, demonstrates a disturbing

lack of empathy and understanding of the consequences of their actions. Similarly, the teens

in the "Teen Talk on Cyberbullying" video underscored the emotional toll of hurtful online

behavior. One teen stated, “Think before you do...think before you post...just think about

what you're saying before you type it in and post what you're saying before you hurt

someone's feelings.” Their honest discussions revealed how deeply cyberbullying can affect

one's mental health.

If a student in my class were experiencing cyberbullying, my primary focus would be

on providing immediate support and addressing the issue comprehensively. Firstly, I would

ensure the student feels heard and supported, offering them a safe space to express their

feelings and concerns. Encouraging the student to document the incidents and report them to

school authorities is crucial for taking formal action. Referring the student to the school

counselor would be important for professional emotional support. Additionally, I would

organize educational sessions on the impact of cyberbullying and digital citizenship for the

entire class to foster a culture of empathy and respect. Encouraging positive peer interactions

and forming a support group could help the bullied student feel less isolated. By taking these

steps, I aim to create a supportive environment that addresses the immediate needs of the

student while working towards preventing future incidents of cyberbullying.

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