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Group: TIENG ANH THAN CHUONG Oo sinmhesusleon ve Hoe fa dau - Thi la dé SO GD & DT HA NOL ky THI THPT QUOC GIA NAM HQC 2022 TRUONG THPT AS. Bai thi: NGOAI NGU; Mén: TIENG ANH 10 gian lam bai: 60 phiit khng ké thai gian phat dé Dé thi gdm: 05 trang Ho va tén thi sinh, S6 bao danh Ma de: 132 DE THI GOM 50 CAU (TU'CAU 1 DEN EAU, 50) DANH CHO TAT CA THi SINH Read the following passage and mark the letter A, Cand on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. oe American jazz is a mixture of sounds borrowed from. pe :d sources as American and African folk music, European classical music, and Christian gospel songs. Oné tecognizable characteristics of jazz is its use of improvisation: certain parts of the music are written out at played the same way by various performers, and other improvised parts are created spontaneously during earl and vary widely from performer to performer. The earliest form of jazz was ragtime, lively songs or rags cokae the piano, and the best-known of the ragtime performers and composers was Scott Joplin. Born in 18¢ former slaves, Scott Joplin earned his living from a very carly age playing the piano in bars along the Missis: moe of his regular jobs was in the Maple Leaf Club in Sedalia, Missouri. It was there that he began wri than 500 compositions that he was to produce, the most famous of which was "The Maple Leaf Rag. a Question 1: This passage is about ? A. the life of Scott Joplin B. the mijorchargcteristies of jazz C. jazz in general and one specific type of jazz D. the varigus-Soutyes of jazz. Question 2: Which of the following is NOT a source of American jazz" A. Christian gospel songs B. European fofies C. European classical music D. American ahq-Arigan folk music Question 3: According to the passage, ragtime was i) A. performed only at the Maple Leaf Club in Sedalia “ B. generally performed on a variety of instruments, C. the first type of jazz D. extremely soothing and sedate Question 4: The word "living" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ‘A. money B. enjoyment C. life-style Question 5: The word "which" in paragraph 2 refers to A.the Maple Leaf club . regular jobs C. over 500 compositions D. Sedalia, Missouri eS Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that dost empletes each of the following exchanges. } Question 6: Ben and Thomas are discussing where their study group will meet. \- ~ Ben: "Where is our study group going to meet next Saturday?" - Thomas: “ Web: Thay cé can file WORD lién hé: ‘Trang 1 Group: TIENG ANH THAN CHUONG ‘A. We are too busy on weekdays B. The library would be best. C. Studying in a group D. Why don't you look at the atlas? Question 7: Jane and Mark are tallsirtg ? sBput the use of public transportation. - Jane: "Do you think that €e should, use public transportation to protect our environment?” - Mark: NS, A. There's no doubt about it C. Yes, it's an absurd idea. B. Well, that’s very surprising! ~~) D. Of course not. You bet. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yoursnawey sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in efch-of the following questions. Question 8: A. slipped C. kissed. D. washed Question 9: A. bought C. courtesy D. nought the position of stress in each of the follow ayetons Question 1 A. position B, recommend C. remember D. commitment Question 11: A. advent B. colleague C. cluster D. career Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet toindicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. iy Question 12: An octopus has three hearts to pumy bi Riojghout their body. A. their B. pump blood -&. An D. hearts Question 13: Although ostriches and penguins cannot ‘jetiey yad other ther abilities like swimming and running. B. like { CAittiough D. other jal science lecture, all studentswere invfied to take part in a discussion on the issues A. risen ues cach of the following questions. Question 15: It isn't necessary to bring skis because they are A. You mustn't bring skis because they are included in the packag€, B. It isn't necessary to bring skis if they are included in the pack C. You don't have to bring skis as they are included in the package, D. It isn't necessary to bring skis which are included in the packagé. ¢“) Question 16: "I will fix your bike tomorrow" Mr. Smith said to his so ‘A. Mr. Smith said that he will fix his son's bike the following day. B. Mr. Smith promised to fix his son's bike the following day C. Mr. Smith said that he would fix his son's bike next day. D. Mr. Smith said that he would fix his son's bike tomorrow. Question 17: It is over twenty years since I last got in touch with my old frignd ‘A. [have been getting in touch with my friends for over twenty years. B. | haven't gotten in touch with my old friends for over twenty years. C. [can't help getting in touch with my old friends for over twenty years D. [used to get in touch with my old friends for over twenty years. S Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CuOsk: in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions. Ce Question 18: These beautiful old towns have remained relatively untouched by tourism, A. completely B. relevantly C. comparatively D. absolutely Question 19: If you feel drowsy, you should take a break from work and definitely not drive. A. awake B. excited C. sleepy D. nervous Web: thukhoadaihoc.yn Thi ¢@ can file WORD lign hé: ‘Trang 2 Group: TIENG ANH THAN CHUONG Mark the letter A, B, C,or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best com! of sentences in the following questions. Question 20: Sports gledt-thy-mind, They also help me maintain a healthy lifestyle. A. Sports clear mGantiid go-that I can maintain a healthy lifestyle. B. My mind is cleased"and'go is the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. C. All that sports caqdo js’to clear my mind instead of mai ng a healthy lifestyle. D. Not only do sport Gleat“nky mind, but they also help me maintain a healthy lifestyle. Question 21: My sister if net ese. She is the only person who can tell me what to do now. A. If my sister were heig, she.coulgn't help me now. B. Supposing my sister isfigrer‘she vould tell me what to do now. C. If only my sister had ben hei and told me what to do now. D. I wish my sister were hepé amtd.told me what to do now. Read the following passage and mark “the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question. Astronomers have long used direet phbtography to gather a large amount of information from telescopes. To do this, they have special light-sensitive coatings on glass plates, whose size depends on the type of telescope employed. Certain wide-ffeld telescopes commonly required very large glass plates. These plates do not bend, can be measured accurately, Audcah preserve information over a long period of time, providing a record that an astronomer at alter time can wating: However, even though long time exposures increase the amount of light striking the plate so that very fafit’abjeets in the sky eventually show up clearly, even the most sensitive plates convert only a small percent of tHe'phofons striking them into an image. For this reason, photography cannot make very efficient usc of short time-exposures on a telescope. Despite this inefficiency, photography is still very useful because it works as a two-diy irfensidpal detector covering a large area at a telescope's focus. Hence, the information contained in a single PhotokrdabiatB enormous, especially when the photograph is taken with wide-field telescopes. - Today, the technology of newer radio and ee {Etescopes has allowed astronomers to view images otherwise invisible to the eye, and direct photography is, nog Sed less ofien to gather images. Today's astronomers can converted by computer into digital form. This-pracédtes called image processing, plays a ental role in astronomy today. Using false colors, the computekcarr display images of information otherwise undetectable to the unaided eye. These colors are false in the sensethal they“are not the actual colors of the object in the visual range of the spectrum. Rather, they are codes to a spe fie prpperty, such as the X-ray emissions from stars Question 22: What is the main topic of the passage? { ‘A. The use of wide-field telescopes in astronomy B. The use of false colors CC. New astronomical theories D. Methods used by astronomers to gather information Question 23: The word "employed" in paragraph 1 could bee es each pair ‘A. measured B. inspected D. purchased Question 24: According to paragraph 1, which of the fllowingigNOT mentioned as an advantage of glass-plate photographs’ LOA A. They can be measured accurately. B. They can capture the images of faint objects, C. They can be processed quickly. D. They can be preserved for a long time, Question 25: The word “efficient” in paragraph | could be best repliged? bs) A. visible B. objective C. produdtive-* D. frequent Question 26: What does pronoun "it" in paragraph 1 refers to A. inefficiency B. photography C. detector D. telescope Question 27: According to paragraph 2, astronomers most probably use direct photography less often today than in the past because ‘A. photographic data deteriorates quickly Web: thukhoadaihoc.yn ‘Thay 6 edn file WORD lign hé: ‘Trang 3 Group: TIENG ANH THAN CHUONG B. the techrlogy-3f newer radio and X-ray telescopes has been developed C. glass Hass ‘efe-10, longer available D. only a Sanaili amgetint of information is contained in a single photograph Question 28: fomputer-generated images use false colors? ‘A. The propéfties-répresented in the image are not otherwise visible. B. The colors’ ‘age‘tiseshto convert black-and-white photographs. C. The computer greens have a limited range of colors. D. The real objets "ane obight to look at Mark the letter A, H-€;0r D-pn your answer sheet fo indicate the correet answer to each of the following questions. Question 29: Peter ‘uerabies and weight training at the gym three times a week. A. plays: Bi does C. goes: D. makes Question 30: Daisy sing dream job as a firefighter many obstacles. A. owing to C. because of D. in spite Question 31: Its normal tobe2-bit nervous. I'm sure you'll it once you start your presentation. A. wateh out (Betakdafter GC. get over D. tum off Question 32: A new campaign‘has already been by all secondary schools in the local area to help disadvantaged children go to schogl.e~, A. launched Bistizhlalated C. determined D. achieved Question 33: The more snowed ab how to stay safe online we gain, Wwe worry about the stress of cybercrime. A. the fewer C. the better D. the little Question 34: over £100 on kepaits, Shshwasn' 't expecting any more problems. A. Have spent B. Aftek being spent C. Having spent D. Having been spent Question 35: A story-telling competitighi Ss by ou school every year A. organizes B. was Cate is organized. D. organized Question 36: A. Before the s C. Once the summer came to an end, thé studd anil De anew academic year. mmer will come B, When the summer comes D. After the summer had come Question 37: My brothers feeling a bit und The y€ther today, but [expect hell be as right as by the weekend 2} A.a post B. a daisy C. sunshine D. rain Question 38: Let's walk to the supermarket insted Raking a taxi, ? A. won't we B. don't we C. will we D. shall we Question 39: This mobile is one of the most designs for teenagers. A. popularize B. popular “NC. popularity D. popularly Question 40: The ozone layer is an invisible layer of vfatgetion around the planet that protects us the sun's harmfil rays. A. from B. under oo, C-away with D. out of Question 41: John has a collection of. postage sta A. valuable Japanese old C. old Japanese valuable fluable old Japanese aluable Japanese Question 42: Martin his fortune in growing cor-oaks before he brought his expertise to his new hometown. Cay A. has made B. made Cohed made D. was making Question 43: The climbers stopped at the top of the hill to adrhire‘the magnificent A. scenery B. scenario C. surface D. scene Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 44: Andy, our team coach, is very organized and confident. He runs a tight ship and he does a great job. ‘A. runs faster than others B. organizes things inefficiently Web: thukhoadaihoc.yn Thi ¢@ can file WORD lign hé: ‘Trang 4 Group: TIENG ANH THAN CHUONG CC. has a good voyage D, manages an inflexible system Question 45: Experts hope that the vaccine will be mass-produced soon. A. produced in large quantities B. produced cheaply C. produced in small quantities D, produced with high cost Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the stimkered blanks. Itsthe end ofthe school yearand the¢Xampgod is approaching. Undoubtedly, exams (46) pressure on both students and parents alike. (4S)_ parents would like to see their children succeeding academically, as they believe a good cating them an added advantage in life. They want to see their children settled in a rewarding job and bé'Tinaficiplly well-off. But is that what their children have planned for themselves? Apparently it is not. Most students gither can't think that far ahead or have no intention of doing so. They would rather aim low so as not to be discippointed if they get low marks However, child psychologists, who have bega-eofigulted on the matter, stress that students should aim high, but at the same time have a variety of other options: (48), students will not have to worry about grades and in the long term they will have better-efianges $F succeeding. On the whole, there are many practical and invaluable things (49) parents cabo forYheir children. Apart from being people their children can turnt to/paténta,can plan a reasonable schedule that both they and their children agree on. According to psychologist¥” this schedule should include no more than eight hours of studying, three proper meals a day-atighsdme exercise. Above all, prior to each exam, parents need to reassure their children that everything will beiie watever the result. Question 46: A. force B. set D. bring B. Much D. Almost Question 48: AL Asa result Moreover D. In contrast B. who D. that Question 50: A. clues B. announcements D. qualities Web: thukhoadaihoc.yn Thi ¢@ can file WORD lign hé: ‘Trang 5

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