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1 Definition of Distance in plane surveying

2 Methods of distance measurement
測量學 (Surveying) 3 Distance measurements by taping
Chapter 5: Distance Measurement 4 Electronic distance measurement
5 Stadia surveying
Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You
6 Reductions and corrections of distance meadurements
7 Precision presentation for distance measurements
Department of Geomatics
National Cheng Kung University

August 31, 2023

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5-1 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝
c Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5-2 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

Definition of Distance in Plane Surveying Methods of Distance Measurement

General Definition of distance in Geometry

The distance between two points is the shortest length between
the points from geometric point of view.

Definition of Distance in plane surveying

In plane surveying, the distance between two points means the
horizontal distance. If the points are at different elevations, the
distance is the horizontal length between vertical lines at the

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5-3 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝
c Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5-4 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝
Horizontal Measurements on Sloping Ground Error Sources in Taping

Incorrect length of tape

Temperature other than Standard
Inconsistent pull
Tape not horizontal and tape off-line

Anderson & Mikhail, 2000

Improper plumbling
faulty marking
Incorrect reading and interpolation

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5-5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝
c Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5-6 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) Principles of Electronic Distance Measurement

Electronic Distance Measurement instruments were developed for

length measurement by indirectly determining the number of full
and partial waves of transimitted, electromagnetic energy required
in traveling between the two ends of a line approximately 60 years

N +φ
D= ×λ

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5-7 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝
c Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5-8 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝
Distance Measurement wiith Total Station Instruments Calculation of EDM Slope Distance to Horizontal Distance

Total station instruments (electronic tachmeters): EDM

instrument + electronic digital theodolite + computer

Ghilani & Wolf, 2008

H = L sin z = L cos ν

= L 1− 2

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5-9 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝
c Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 10 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

Principle of Stadia Surveying Inclined Stadia Measurements

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 11 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

c Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 12 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝
Correction or reduction of distance measurement in Plane Correction or reduction of distance measurement in Plane
Survey 1/2 Survey 2/2

Correction due to the incorrect length for tape

Correction due to the meteorological conditions for EDM
Reduction due to slope
Reduction to the mean sea level surface (the surface of the
rotational ellipsoid)
Reduction due to the map projection

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 13 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

c Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 14 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

Correction due to incorrect length of tape Other reductions and corrections of Distance
Assume: ℓ is the true tape length, ℓ′ the nominal tape length, and
L the measured length.

Actual length: ℓ′ L Correction:
In Plane Surveying, the following reductions and corrections of
( ) ( )
ℓ ℓ − ℓ′ distance measurements are, in general, needed:
CL = L −L= L
ℓ′ ℓ′ meteorological correction for EDM
Reduction of the spatial chord to the ellipsoidal chord/arc (or
Example: the true tape length: 49.95 m, the nominal tape length another name: reduction to the mean sea level)
50 m, the measured length 38.25 m.
Reduction of the distance due to map projection
Actual length:
38.25 = 38.21
Correction:38.25 - 38.21 =0.04

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 15 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

c Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 16 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝
Correction due to the meteorological conditions for EDM Reduction of the Spatial Chord to the Ellipsoidal
Chord/Arc (Reduction to the Mean Sea Level)

The atmospheric conditions in the field surveying work and in the For plane survey, D ≈ Sd ≈ Sh . The ellipsoid of revolution is a
calibatrion of an EDM instrument at Lab. are different. The real reference surface for the geodetic computation. Distance
path of the electromagnetic wave is observations Sh on the Earth’s surface should be reduced to the
nref − n ellipsoid. The reduced distance S0 is equal to
D = D′ + D′ ≈ D ′ + D ′ (nref − n) v
n u 2
u Sh − (H1 − H2 )2
where nref is the index of refraction in the Lab.; n is the index of S0 = u
t H1 H2
refraction in the field. This correction is normally calculated and (1 + )(1 + )
given by inputting temperature, atmospheric pressure, and
humidity into the microcomputer in the instrument. This distance where H1 and H2 are the elevations; RE = 6400 km is the mean
D in Plane Surveying will be regarded as the spatial slant distance. Earth’s radius.
S0 ≈ Sn , if < 10 km.

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 17 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

c Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 18 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

Reduction of the distance due to map projection Precision Presentation for Distance Measurements

The projected distance:

L Precision representation for a distance measurement
d = m0 Sn (1 + (x 2 + x1 x2 + x22 ))
6RE2 1 instrument:
a mm + b ppm
where x = (E − E0 )/m0 ; E is the easting coordinate; E0 the false
easting coordinate; RE the mean Earth’s radius; m0 the projection a cm + b ppm
scale factor at the central meridian.

σ= a2 + (b × ppm × D)2 + σo2
E0 = 500000 m σo2 : the other terms.
m0 = 0.9996 Relative precision:
2◦ TM σ/D
E0 = 250000 m
m0 = 0.9999

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 19 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

c Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 20 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝

EDM: 數值距離測量
Ellipsoidal chord: 橢球弦長
false easting: 東移
Meteorological correction: 氣象改正
Sag: 懸垂
Spatial chord: 空間弦長

Lecture Note: Surveying Chapter 5 2023 5 - 21 Prof. Dr.-Ing. R.-J. You⃝


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