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S NO Chapters
1 Introduction / அ"#க%

2 Planning & NITI Aayog / &'ட)ட* ம,-% .& ஆேயா3

3 National Income / ேத5ய வ7மான%

4 Inflation / பண;3க%

5 Money & Banking – RBI / பண% ம,-% வ<=>ய*

6 Monetary Policy / பண?ய* ெகாAைக

7 Fiscal Policy & Source of Revenue / .&3 ெகாAைக & வ7வாC ஆதார%

8 Finance Commission & GST / .& ஆைணய% & EஎGH

9 External Sector / ெவIJறLM Nைற

10 Poverty / வ-ைம

11 Unemployment / ேவைல>Pைம

12 Agriculture / ேவளாRைம

13 Industrial Policy / ெதாS* ெகாAைக

14 Rural Growth / ஊரக வளUV5

15 Social Problems / சXகY ZரVசைனகA

POVERTY / வ"ைம
“Poverty is the worst form of violence.” - Gandhi "வGைம எ(பM வ(Nைற'( ேமாசமான வ*வ8." - காP=
Poverty can be defined as a situation where a ச"க$%& ஒ( )*+ன- வா01ைக3&
section of society is unable to fulfil even the
basic necessities of life.
அ56பைட$ ேதைவகைள1 <ட =-$% ெச?ய
A5யாத B0Cைலைய வEைம எ&E
Multi Dimensional Nature of Poverty
• Basic Necessities of Life
• – food, clothes, shelter, livelihood, health, வEைம3& பல ப*மாண இயLM
Education • வா#$ைக'( அ*+பைட. ேதைவக1- உண4,
• Capability உைடக1, த567ட8, வா#வாதார8, :காதார8,
• Social Exclusion
• =ற(
• Choice
• ச@க <ல$6
• Civil Liberties and Rights
• ேதB4
• அரCய; மFG8 ெபாIளாதார உKைமக1
POVERTY / வ"ைம
Absolute Poverty: ANைமயான வEைம:
• This concept is based on absolute • இOத க($P ம1கQ& ANைமயான
needs of the people and people are ேதைவகைள அ56பைடயாக1 ெகாRடP
defined as poor when some absolute மSEI Tல ANைமயான ேதைவகU
needs are not sufficiently satisfied. ேபாPமான அளV %(6% அைடயாதேபாP
• It is a condition where household ம1கU ஏைழகளாக
income is below a necessary level to வைரயE1க6பYZறா-கU.
maintain basic living standards (food, • \YIப வ(மானI அ56பைட வா01ைக$
shelter, housing). This condition தர$ைத (உணV, த^\_டI, `Y)
makes it possible to compare between பராம*1க ேதைவயான அள+S\1
different countries and also over time. \ைறவாக இ(1\I Cைல. இOத Cைல
பLேவE நாYகைள ஒ6)Yவைத
POVERTY / வ"ைம
Poverty Headcount Ratio வ"ைமதைல எ()*ைக ,-த.
• The Poverty Head Count ratio measures • வ"ைம* ேகா1234* 5ேழ உ8ள
the proportion of population whose per
capita income/ consumption expenditure த:நப= வ>மான./ @க=AB
is below the Poverty line or it is measures ெசலAக8 அFலG வ"ைம*
the total number of people living below ேகா1234* 5ேழ வாH. ம*கIJ
the poverty line.
ெமாKத எ()*ைகைய அள,M.
• Head Count ration does not reflect the
severity of poverty.
ம*க8ெதாைகNJ ,-தKைத தைல
எ()*ைக ,-த. அள,M-றG.
• தைல எ(P. ேரஷJ வ"ைமNJ
S,ரKைத TரUபV*காG.
POVERTY / வ"ைம
Relative Poverty ஒ"#$% வ'ைம
• It is defined from the social • *%+ப வ-மான+ சராச2 வ-மான3ைத
perspective that is living standard 5ட ஒ- *7"8$ட சத9த3:;
compared to the economic இ-=*+ >ைல.
standards of population living in • எனேவ இB வ-மான
surroundings. சம3BவCDைமED அளHேகாலா*+.
• Hence it is a measure of income • வழ=கமாக, சராச2 வ-மான3:D Kல
>ைலயான 5Mத3ைத 5ட *ைறவான
• Usually, relative poverty is measured வ-மான+ ெகாPட ம=கQெதாைகED
as the percentage of the population சத9தமாக உற5னS வ'ைம
with income less than some fixed அள5ட"ப%MறB.
proportion of median income.
POVERTY / வ"ைம

Poverty Gap Ratio வ"ைம இைடெவI ,-த.

• The Poverty Gap Ratio is the gap by • வ"ைம இைடெவ( )*த, எ.ப0
which mean consumption of the ஏைழகQ& சராச* bக-V1\I வEைம1
poor below poverty line falls short of ேகாc5S\I இைடேய உUள
the poverty line. இைடெவQயா\I
• A higher poverty gap index means that • அ%க வ"ைம இைடெவ(1 2345
poverty is more severe. எ.றா8 வ"ைம _கVI கYைமயானP
எ." ெபா9:.
POVERTY / வ"ைம
• Primary poverty is defined as a • Aத&ைம வEைம - ஒ<ெவா9 ைபசா>,
situation where income is insufficient ?@AசாB@தனமாகE
to meet basic needs – even if every ெசலவG1கHபIடாJ, Kட -
penny is spent wisely. அ56பைட$ ேதைவகைள6 =-$% ெச?ய
வ(மானI ேபாPமானதாக இLலாத
• Secondary poverty is defined as a Cைலேய Aத&ைம வEைம என
situation where money is misspent on வைரய"1கHப5*ற0.
luxuries – leaving insufficient
disposable income to buy necessities. • இரRடாI Cைல வEைம எ.ப0
ஆடIபர$%Sகாக பண, தவறாக
ெசல)டHப5, OPQைல என
வைரய"1கHப5*ற0 - ேதைவகைள
வாT2வதU2 ேபா0மான ெசலவGH?
வ9மான, இ8லாம8 இ912,.
POVERTY / வ"ைம
Dadabhai Naoroji – தாதாபா$ ெநௗேரா* –
• Subsistance cost based poverty line based on • 1867-68 +ைலைய அ01பைடயாக4 ெகா5ட
1867-68 prices - cost of a subsistence diet of வா7வாதார8 ெசல: அ01பைட;லான வ=ைம4
"rice or flour, dhal, mutton, vegetables, ghee, ேகா? - "அ@A அBலC மா:, பD1E,
vegetable oil, and salt.“ ஆG0ைற8A, கா$கIகJ, ெந$, தாவர
National Planning Committee
எ5ெண$ மM=N உ1E" ஆPயவMIQ
• Subhash Chandra Bose, the president of the
வா7வாதார உண+Q +ைல.
Congress, established the National Planning
Committee (NPC) in 1938, with Jawaharlal ேதAய RGடSடB TU
Nehru as chairman and Professor K. T. Shah • காVPரWQ தைலவரான XபாY சZRர ேபா[,
as secretary, to create an economic plan 1938 இB ேதAய RGட4 TUைவ (NPC)
with the primary goal of ensuring a ]=+னா^, ஜவஹ^லாB ேநD தைலவராக:N,
sufficient quality of living ேபராA@ய^ K. T. ஷா ெசயலாளராக:N, ஒD
ெபாDளாதாரd RGடdைத உDவா4TவதMT,
ேபாCமான வா74ைகd தரdைத உ=R ெச$வைத
eதQைம இல4காக4 ெகா5? உDவா4Pனா^.
POVERTY LINE / வEைம1 ேகாY • Nத; =Qட$ க7ஷ( பS$6T – 1962 - ஐ"#
நப&கைள* ெகா-ட ஒ0ெவா2 345ப67835
• First Planning Commission Working Group ேத;ய 3ைற"தப>ச6 ெதாைக மாத5 ஒAB*3
– 1962 - The national minimum for each C.100*3 3ைறயாமD EராமGHறIகJD C. 1960-
household of five persons should be not less 61 KைலMD நக&GHறIகN*3 125.
than Rs 100 per month for rural and Rs. 125
• Y K Alagh Committee 1979 - 3ைற"தப>ச
for urban at 1960-61 prices.
வ2மான5 அQGபைடMலான - கேலாR
• Y K Alagh Committee 1979 - Minimum
அQGபைடMலான வBைம* ேகா4
Income based - calorie based Poverty Line
• Lakdawala Committee (1993) – • ல$டவாலா க7Q* (1993) - Sக&T
Consumption based state specific Poverty அQGபைடMலான மாUல 3VGW>ட வBைம*
Line ேகா4
• Suresh Tendulkar Committee (2009) – • :ேரU ெடVW;கB க7Q* (2009) - கDK,
Monthly spending on Education, Health, Xகாதார5, YAசார5, ேபா*3வர6# ஆEயவ8VD
Electricity, Transport; Shift from Calorie based மாதா"7ர ெசலT; கேலாR அQGபைடMD இ2"#
to Nutritional outcomes based ஊ>ட]ச6# KைளTகN*3 மாBதD
• ெட5?Bக^ TU வ"ைம% ேகா)*+, -னச0
POVERTY LINE / வEைம1 ேகாY த2நப5 ெசல8 9. 27 :ராம<=ற?க@A 9.33
• The Tendulkar panel stipulated a benchmark
daily per capita expenditure of Rs. 27 and Rs. • ரVகராஜQ கSG0, 2014 - நகர?க@A ஒC
33 in rural and urban areas, respectively நாைள%, ₹47 %,E ₹32 ெச
• Rangarajan Committee, 2014 - Persons லைவ
spending below ₹47 a day in cities and ₹32 in :ராம?க@A ₹32 ெசல8E ெசலைவ பFவ5
villages be considered poor. கG ஏைழகளாக% கCத<பFவா5கG.
• In July 2013, based on the Tendulkar • ஜூைல 2013 இA, ெட5?Bக^ வ=ைம4
poverty line, Planning Commission released ேகாG0Q அ*<பைடOA, -)ட% கPஷR
poverty data for 2011-12. 2011-12 ஆE ஆT*+கான வ"ைமU தரைவ
• The number of poor in the country was ெவ@O)டV.நா)*A உGள ஏைழக@R
pegged at 269.8 million or 21.9% of the எTY%ைக 269.8 SBfயQ அBலC
population. ம4கJெதாைக;B 21.9% என
• After this, no official poverty estimates in India ம-<Zட<ப)FGளV.
have been released.
• இத+,< Zற,, இ[-யா]A அ-கார<^5வ
வ"ைம ம-<_FகG எV8E
பல ப*மாண வEைம1 \efY
• NITI Aayog prepared Multidimensional
Poverty Index at the national, for all states and • NITI ஆேயா1, இWAயா). அைன@0
districts of India measuring deprivation மாQலTக: மU", மாவIடTகY12
across twelve indicators ேதZய அள)8 பல ப[மாண வ"ைம1
• Around 13.5 crore people moved out of 234Iைட@ தயா[@த0.
multidimensional poverty during this period.
• இ0 ப&gரRY \eகாc5கQL
• India's population living in multidimensional
poverty decreased from 25% in 2015-16 to பUறா12ைறைய அள)5,.]
15% in 2019-21 • இWத காலகIட@A8 \மா] 13.5 ேகா5
ம1கU பல ப*மாண வEைம3h(OP
• பல ப[மாண வ"ைம^8 வா_,
இWAயா). ம1க: ெதாைக 2015-16 இ8
25% ஆக இ(OP 2019-21 இL 15% ஆக
6ழPைதக1 மFG8 இள8 பIவ.=னK( இற+\,

உட#நல&, தா]வ^ ஆேரா$`ய8,

ப1a+ப*+\ ஆVWக1,
ப1a வIைக,

க#(, சைமய; எKெபாI1,

வா+,ைக. தர&
வ5`$ கண$6க1
Causes of Poverty in India இ"#யா&' வ)ைம,கான காரண1க2
• ம"க$ெதாைக ெவ*+,
• Population Explosion
• ச.க /ல"1 - சா2, பா4ன6
• Social Exclusion - Caste, Gender
• 1ைற8த /வசாய உ;ப<2<2ற=
• Low Agricultural Productivity
• ெப>6 ேவைல@=ைம
• Huge Unemployment • 1990 வைர 40 ஆCDகளாக 1ைற8த ெபா>ளாதார
• Low Rate of Economic Development for 40 வளFGH /Iத6
years till 1990 • /ைல உயFJ ம;K6 பணM"க6
• Price Rise and Inflation • காலN<Oவ கட8த கால6
• Colonial Past • ஊழS
• Corruption • Iராம+,ற கட=
• Rural Indebtness • பா4ன சம<OவT=ைம

• Gender Inequality • வKைம@= த=ைம ப;Uய ,VதS இSலாைம

• Lack of Understanding of Nature of poverty


Poverty Alleviation Approaches வ"ைம ஒ&'( அ*+,ைறக/

• Growth Oriented - Trickle Down • வள#$% சா#(த -
theory • *ய ேவைலவா/01
• Self Employment
• 2ைற(தப5ச அ70பைட
• Provision of Minimum basic
வச9கைள ேநர7யாக வழ>2த?
amenities directly
வ=ைம ஒg1E
POVERTY வEைம • ஒDVPைணZத ஊரக வள^8Ad RGடN (IRDP)
• ஜவஹ^ ேரா[க^ ேயாஜனா/ஜவஹ^ PராN சN@R
Poverty Alleviation Schemes
• Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)
• Pராம1Eற i?கJ - இZRரா ஆவா[ ேயாஜனா:
• Jawahar Rozgar Yojana/Jawahar Gram Samridhi
Yojana • ேவைல4கான உண: RGடN:
• Rural Housing – Indira Awaas Yojana: • ேதAய eRேயா^ ஓ$kRயd RGடN (NOAPS):
• Food for Work Programme: • அQனl^ணா RGடN:
• National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS): • சNl^ணா PராSQ ேரா[க^ ேயாஜனா (SGRY):
• Annapurna Scheme:
• மகாdமா காZR ேதAய ஊரக ேவைல உ=R8
• Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana (SGRY):
சGடN (MGNREGA) 2005:
• Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) 2005: • ேதAய Pராம1Eற வா7வாதார பm: ஆn+கா
• National Rural Livelihood Mission: Aajeevika (2011):
(2011): • ேதAய நக^1Eற வா7வாதார பm:
• National Urban Livelihood Mission: • oரதாQ மZR@ ெகௗஷB +கா[ ேயாஜனா:
• Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana:
• oரதாQ மZR@ ஜQ தQ ேயாஜனா:
• Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana:
• PM [வா]R
• PM Vishwakarma Yojana • PM +[வக^மா ேயாஜனா

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