Exit Form - Children

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Yellow Train Exit Form

Date : 05-04-2024

● Name of the child: RAEVANTH RAJESH

● Present Grade and Environment: Grade 6- Satpura

● How long has your child been in Yellow Train?

10 years. 2 years of play school to grade 6

● How is your engagement with the school so far?

Healthy. Nourishing, couldn’t have asked for more

● Reason for the decision to leave school:

Stepping into middle school we felt academically it was not meeting our expectations and we were not
Convinced with current curriculum. Had our fear of child meeting the Cambridge curriculum in grade 9.

● Do you have any feedback or suggestions for the school?

All the members of leadership team step into class and have conversations with kids and parents to know what’s
Happening as most of the issues can be sorted out earlier stages

Parent name and signature

Sukanya and Rajesh

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