CA51 - Cracks in Pile-Supported Ground Slabs

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Cracking in pile-supported ground slabs

Deryk Simpson, BSc CEng MICE
Licensed copy: BUROHAPP, Buro Happold Ltd, 04/09/2019, Uncontrolled Copy, © Concrete Society

Many industrial ground floors are constructed as pile-supported slabs due to high floor
loadings and/or poor ground conditions. These slabs are designed assuming no
structural support from the ground, the ground only acting as in-situ formwork.
Significant surface cracking has been experienced on some pile-supported slabs; the
risk of such cracking is discussed.

1 Structural design of pile-supported


Pile-supported slabs can be designed as

either steel fibre reinforced (with or without
additional bar reinforcement) as per the
guidance given in Concrete Society Fig 1. Conventional sawn jointed ground
Technical Report 34 or as fully supported slab on slip membrane.
suspended elevated flat slabs with bar
reinforcement, in accordance with
Eurocode BS EN 1992-1-1 . Generally
the steel fibre reinforcement option is
chosen for pile-supported ground slabs
because it is typically a quicker and more
economical form of construction.

2 Why pile-supported slabs are

different from ground-supported
and elevated suspended slabs
Fig 2. Pile-supported ground slab on slip
Cracking in ground floors is usually a result membrane.
of restraint to concrete movement where
the tensile capacity is overcome by tension
that develops in the concrete. Typically, the restraint developed in steel
fibre reinforced ground supported and pile-
Restraint supported slabs are very similar, as the
A conventional jointed ground supported slab in both cases sits on a slip membrane
slab relieves restraint by cracks opening at and is not tied to ground beams or to the
the sawn joints i.e. cracks at predefined piles.
locations. A typical pile-supported ground
slab does not have frequently spaced For these ‘jointless’ slabs the restraint to
joints and therefore the build-up of restraint movement may be lower than that for bar
to movement can be higher. reinforced slabs.
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The restraint to movement in ground and pile- Overall shrinkage

supported slabs reinforced with bar can be very Fully suspended elevated slabs have a degree of
high as the slab may be continuous and tied to movement as columns can ‘flex’ as the structure
ground beams and piles, in addition to interface moves. A conventional ground-supported slab with
restraint. limited fabric reinforcement in the bottom will have
frequent joints that reduce the restraint to overall
drying shrinkage. Pile-supported ground slabs
generally have only a few wide spaced movement
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joints (if any) and the slab may also be tied to the
supporting piles, hence the restraint to overall
contraction tends to be high, increasing the tensile
strains generated by shrinkage and increasing the
risk of cracking.

It is not normal practice to provide close spaced

joints to reduce restraint in pile-supported ground
floors, due to the problems joints give in the
structural design. Where slabs are tied to piles or
Fig 3. Tied pile-supported slab on ground. ground beams it is suspected that the wide spacing
of movement joints sometimes provided in slabs will
have only a limited effect in reducing the risk of
cracking associated with the restraint generated.

Many pile-supported ground slabs are designed not

to be tied to the supporting piles, e.g. when a slip or
gas membrane is present under the slab. This type
of slab should have a lower level of restraint to
overall shrinkage. These slabs will tend to behave,
as far as overall contraction is concerned, as
relatively thick ‘jointless’ ground supported slabs.

Combined differential and overall shrinkage

These two mechanisms can between them give
high levels of tensile strains in the slab, particularly
Fig 4. Elevated pile-supported slab. in the top, with an attendant high risk of cracking.
As pile-supported slabs are normally thicker than
ground-supported slabs they will take longer to dry.
In practice this means that initially cracking due to
In comparison to fully suspended elevated slabs the restrained warping will occur with the cracks most
restraint to thermal and moisture movements probably not propagating to the bottom of the slab.
offered by piles, ground/slab interface friction, etc. As drying proceeds there is a risk that overall
is greater in ground and pile-supported slabs. restrained shrinkage may cause some of the
restrained warping cracks to propagate deeper and
Differential Shrinkage become wider at the surface. This effect can
Compared to an elevated slab, a slab on ground sometimes be seen as two superimposed patterns
(pile- or ground-supported) can only dry out from of random fine and close spaced interconnected
the top surface. This will give a moisture gradient cracks overlaid with wider cracks at wider spacing.
with depth and the slab will try to warp/curl. With
conventional jointed ground-supported slabs the Load induced stresses
relatively close spaced sawn joints (typically 6m Stresses induced due to loading in a pile-supported
spacing) will provide a high degree of relief to ground slab may be much lower than the slab
warping strains. design predicts, as inevitably the underlying ground
will provide some (but unquantifiable) support. In
However with pile-supported ground slabs, the lack practice the ground has to support the self-weight
of frequent joints, the slab thickness (usually of the slab during construction and therefore load
greater than ground supported slabs) and the induced deflections will not usually occur until the
restraint provided by interface friction (and possibly slab is loaded. This partial support from the ground
ground beams and piles) can result in restrained means that the actual bending moments and shear
warping. This can generate high tensile strains in forces in the slab could be much less than the
the top surface that increase the risk of surface structural design predicts, at least initially.
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The dominant stress in the top of a ‘suspended’

ground slab could be the restrained contraction 4 Slab Design Procedures
stress, resulting in lower compression in the top of
the slab at mid-span than the structural design Bar reinforced slabs – design for applied loads
predicts. Support moments caused by bending The slab should be proportioned and designed in
would also be lower than predicted, so reducing the accordance with EC2 for the applied loading, as if
combined tension at supports due to the it were a normal elevated slab.
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combination of bending and restrained contraction.

Movement joints should be provided in accordance
Cracking with the guidance given in CIRIA Report C734 or
There is a high risk of cracking in pile-supported the Manual for the design of reinforced concrete
slabs for the reasons discussed above. Generally building structures .
the cracking has no structural significance.
However where the slab is left uncovered, e.g. a Bar reinforced slabs – Crack control
power trowelled warehouse slab, the cracks will be reinforcement
visible and may represent a serviceability problem When detailing the slab, check that an adequate
with crack edge breakdown under traffic. percentage of top reinforcement is provided in both
directions for crack control purposes. Note that the
With continuous bar reinforced concrete pile- top reinforcement areas required for bending and
supported slabs some cracking is inevitable. direct tension (if any) can be included for crack
Designers and clients cannot expect these types of control purposes, i.e. the crack control
slabs to remain virtually free of significant cracks, reinforcement percentages include the bending top
unlike well designed and constructed conventional reinforcement areas and do not have to be added
ground supported slabs where the ‘cracking’ to the bending reinforcement areas.
actually occurs at the sawn joints.
The crack control reinforcement should be provided
Bar reinforced pile-supported ground slabs are in both directions continuously over all the top of
likely to have more cracks than similar elevated flat the slab between movement joints. Higher
slabs. The cracks cannot be totally eliminated but it percentages of reinforcement than needed for the
may be possible to control them by the design and crack control reinforcement may be required locally
detailing of the floor. if the flexure design indicates that it is necessary.

The risk of cracking in steel fibre reinforced floors It is suggested that the non-structural crack width
depends on whether or not the floor is tied to the calculations are undertaken, say using the
piles and the types and locations of joints in the procedures outlined in CIRIA Report C660 , or
floor. EC2. Unfortunately the results obtained from the
crack control design approach are very much
Experience indicates that continuous bar reinforced dependent on the values assumed for thermal and
pile-supported ground slabs tend to exhibit close shrinkage contraction strains and restraint factors.
spaced narrow cracks, whereas steel fibre These can be difficult to quantify. So at best, the
reinforced pile-supported ground slabs may exhibit crack control design approach provides only a
fewer but wider cracks. guide. A design crack width of 0.3 mm, as
recommended in EC2, should be satisfactory for
industrial floors.
3 Suggestions for slab designers
It is suggested that a minimum slab reinforcement
percentage of 0.25% should be provided in both
Inform the client directions in the top half of the slab, or top 200mm if
Firstly, the designer must inform his client that the slab is over 400mm thick.
when pile-supported ground slabs are specified,
some cracking is virtually inevitable in the slab. The It must be remembered that in general terms high
designer can only endeavour to control the cracking reinforcement percentages will tend to give narrow
by the slab design and detailing. cracks at close centres, as compared to low
reinforcement percentages which will tend to give
Assess effect of cracking wide cracks at wide centres. Thus providing high
The designer should discuss with the client the percentages of reinforcement to control crack
potential effects of any cracks on the use of the widths could result in large numbers of fine cracks.
slab and the cost of the various options to reduce
the risk of any cracking or control any cracks which
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Steel fibre reinforced slabs

Many pile-supported industrial ground floors are 5 Alternative Design Strategies
designed and constructed with steel fibre
reinforcement or a combination of steel fibre and If the client wishes to have minimal random
bar reinforcement. Guidance on the design of piled- cracking a post tensioned slab could be used.
supported steel fibre reinforced slabs is given in Alternatively a conventionally jointed unbonded
TR34 . overslab could be provided over the structural slab.
Licensed copy: BUROHAPP, Buro Happold Ltd, 04/09/2019, Uncontrolled Copy, © Concrete Society

However this option is expensive, due to the high

Steel fibre ground floor slabs are generally overall thickness of the floor, high pile loads and the
designed by specialists and it is recommended that additional construction operations required.
the structural designers for the scheme should
discuss with the steel fibre floor specialist what
measures have been included in the floor design for
the control of cracking due to differential and
restrained contraction. Experience indicates that
steel fibre reinforced piled slabs may have fewer
but wider cracks than bar reinforced piled slabs.

1. THE CONCRETE SOCIETY, Concrete industrial ground floors: A guide to design and construction,
Technical Report 34, Fourth Edition, The Concrete Society, Camberley, 2013.
2. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
– part 1-1; General rules and rules for buildings.
in buildings, Report C734, CIRIA, London, 2014.
4. INSTITUTION OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, Manual for the design of reinforced concrete building
structures, Second Edition, The Institution, London, 2002.
crack control in concrete, Report C660, CIRIA, London.

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Issued Oct 2014

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