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Aspire Academy English Grade Four second semester

Final Exam
I. If the statement is correct write true and if the statement is in
correct write false
1. ‘a/an ‘ is used before singular countable nouns.
2. Uncountable nouns are nouns that can be counted.
3. Nouns are words which name a person, thing, place, etc.
4. The word children is plural noun.
5. The word ‘And’ is used to connect ideas.
6. The pronoun He and She are plural subjects so they always
take plural verb.
7. The verb ‘am’ is used only with ‘I’.
8. Past tense is used to talk about a past event.
9. Irregular verbs are verbs that do take –ed
10. Positive degree is used two compare two things.
II. Choose the correct preposition /word
11. The teacher is___ the class room. A. on B. in C. of
12. We sit___ sofa. A. under B. in C. on
13. Ahmed & Seid are students. ____are clever students. A.
of B. both C. and
14. They are __ the class. A. on B. in C. of
III. Complete the dialogues below with appropriate phrase (choose
from the alternatives)
15. Nebat : hello I’m Nebat. Mahir : ________. A. Hello. yes B.
Hello. I’m fine C. Hello. I’m Mahir.
16. Person A: nice to meet you. Person B: ________________.
A. where are you from? B. good morning. C. nice to meet you.
17. Shopkeeper : May I help you? Customer:______________
shopkeeper : fifty birr. A. yes of course B. I have money. C. how
much is it?
IV. Grammar choose( choose the best answer)
18. mohammed always _______ a book in library. A. read
B. reads C. reading
19. Ibrahim _________ to school now. A. is going B. goes C.go
20. He____ teaching English. A. are B. is C am
21. Which is countable noun? A. pen B. friend C. A&B
22. I have ___ umbrella. A. a B. an C. the
23. Which one is affirmative question? A. does she student?
B. they are students. C. yes, teacher
24. Which is written correctly? A. taste B. teste C. tesete
25. Which one is verb? A. study B. clever C. pen
26. The plural form of deer is_______. A. deers B. deer C. der
27. Yesterday ______rainy. A. is B. are C. was
V. Give correct answer
28. How tall are you?
29. List at least 3 quantifiers
30. Write 3 nouns

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