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Claims [20.1], events and Sub-clauses for the submission of the Variation [13.1], [13.3] and value Disputes and dispute
circumstances. Contractor's Claim according to [20.1]. engineering [13.2] resolution [20].
Cost Extension of Time DAB member
Profit appointment
[] for Completion [8.4] "14.3"
Final claim [1.9] Delayed Drawings or Instructions Entity in AtT
(<42 days) Agreement on
[20.1] Execution of the Variation. "N" appointing the
Determinations [3.5] for every Extension DAB?
[1.9] Errors in the Employer?s Requirements The reasons for variations are primarily the Variation DAB [20.3].
detailed claim. Contractor is entitled of Time for DAB member DAB chairman DAB member
to prompt payment of "such amounts following: evaluated. Completion. appointment appointment appointment
After the end "3.5"
as have been [2.1] Right of Access to the Site 1) External reasons (independent of the Parties) - Cancel / confirm / vary. [20.2]. [20.2]. [20.2]. "Y"
(<28 days) of the effects
reasonably substantiated as due". weather, landslides, changes in law, different site
[4.7] Setting Out conditions, hydro-geological and geological influences,
unknown networks, archaeological findings, etc. Refering a
One-time Interim Or (<AtT days)
[4.12] Unforeseeable Physical Conditions 2) Value engineering - technical innovations, acceleration. dispute to a
event / event / disagreement with Number of
3) Errors and delays of the Employer - errors in DAB [20.4].
circumstance circumstance the instruction if it is Intention to members stated in
contractual documents, inaccurate or insufficient If a final evaluation
[4.24] Fossils (ASAP) not in accordance AtT.
Approval [20.1]. information etc. and quantification of appoint DAB (<84 days)
with the Contract. impacts have not yet been "3.5" [20.2].
[7.4] Testing 4) Errors and delays of the Contractor - lack of
Fully detailed (<42 days) timely fulfillment, non-compliance with standards, done or is being carried out
Fully detailed
claim [20.1].
interim claim Disapproval and
detailed comments
Recommendation: agreement
on the quantity, type, details, and [8.4a)] Variation (unless agreed under [13.3]) or breach of contract, etc.
Notice stating that the Goods
during the execution of the Determinations "Y" " 20.2" DAB decision Final dispute
[20.1]. other substantial change in the quantity Variation. [3.5] + Evaluation [20.4]. decision.
[20.1]. method of submitting records. Mainly cannot be readily obtained, The Dispute as to any
[12.3] + Measurement
[6.10] [8.3] [4.21] and other [8.4c)] Exceptionally adverse climatic conditions (ii) it will reduce the safety and agreement for the Dispute as to certificate, instruction,
Request any [12.1], [12.2].
Detailed claim shall Monthly records [20.1]. suitability of the Works, impacts may take the any determination? opinion or valuation.
intervals until necessary further Unforeseeable shortages of personnel or Goods form of Variation (<28 days)
include quantification of claim [8.4d)] (iii) it will have an adverse Requirements for the [3.5].
impacts. the end of the particulars [20.1]. caused by epidemic or governmental actions " 13.1" impact on the Schedule of (ASAP) recording of Costs Determinations [3.5]. orders.
effects. [8.4e)] Any delay, impediment or prevention Variation of the Works? Guarantees. [13.3].
caused by or attributable to the Employer
Notice of "Y"
(<42 days) [8.5] Delay Caused by Authorities Determinations [3.5].
Variation instruction [13.1] or Effect to dissatisfaction
(<42 days) [20.4].
[13.1] May include: approval with Variation proposal determination
[8.9] Consequences of Suspension [13.3]. [3.5].
a) changes to the quantities,
" 20.12" "Y"
b) changes to the quality, " 3.5" (>56 days)
[9.2] Delayed Tests [13.1]. Estimation of
Notice of Claim. c) changes to the levels, positions, Variation proposal request [13.3].
If the Contractor fails to give impacts / method of Evaluation and Agreement ? Amicable
d) omission of any work, Determinations
notice of a claim within 28 days, the [10.2] Taking Over of Parts of the Works the evaluation and Proceeding Settlement?
"19.2" e) any additional work, plant, quantification of Contract amendment.
Time for Completion shall not be quantification of with [3.5]. [3.5]. [20.5].
(<28 days) Materials or services, impacts.
extended, the Contractor shall not be [10.3] Interference with Tests on Completion f) changed to the sequence impacts.
entitled to additional payment (<14 days) "Y" "N"
of the Works. "N"
Became aware, or [12.2] Delayed Tests Variation proposal [13.3]:
Is a variation to
should have Change to the Employer's a) description of the proposed "N" "Y" Consult with each
the Work necessary for Agreement
become aware. First notice [4.12] and [12.4] Failure to Pass Tests after Completion Requirements []. work, Party in an endeavor to Consensus? "Y" Arbitration
the function of the Work [3.5].
Upon the [4.24] may be directly part of b) time impacts (PG and Time for Is it possible to achieve a final reach agreement [3.5]. [20.6].
after completion?
occurrence of impacts or the notice of Claim. [13.7] Adjustment for Changes in Legislation Completion), evaluation and quantification of the It is necessary
when it is evident that c) proposal for evaluation. impacts of Variation? to determine whether
impacts will occur. [16.1] Contractor?s Entitlement to Suspend Work there will be
Does the event cause an impact In
from which arises the need for additional response to the First "N" measurement or lump
Consequences of Employer?s Risks (with Proposal that may: Suspension and Termination by
payment and/or the impact of delay notice [4.24], the procedure is [17.4] sum pricing, etc. Contractor [16].
exceptions) (i) accelerate completion,
causing an Extension of the Time for necessary, and [4.12] is Variation proposal [13.3]:
(ii) reduce the cost of executing, Prolonged
Completion? an eventual procedure. [19.4] Consequences of Force Majeure a) description of the proposed Bankruptcy,
"N" maintaining or operating the Works suspension [8.11].
work, Insolvency, liquidation
Non-contractual claim / Otherwise in (iii) improve the efficiency or value of
X b) time impacts (PG and Time for etc.
accordance with the Contract the completed Works [13.2]
(iv) otherwise be of benefit to the a) Contractor shall design this part,
Sub-clause containing the "First c) proposal for evaluation. Notice of intent
" 20.11" notice" mechanism [4.12]; [4.24].
Only in the
Value engineering
b) (a) to (d) of [4.1] shall apply, (>42 days)
(>56 days)
to terminate the (>14 days)
At the cost of c) proceed with [3.5] to agree or determine fee, Contract [16.1].
Event / (ASAP) case of (i) to (iv) [19.1] Only
Sub-clause containing the "Early the Contractor which shall be 50% of the difference resulting (>42 days)
circumstance. and in the case of (ii) to in the case (f) and from [13.7], [13.8] and the reduction in the
warning" mechanism [1.8]; [1.9]; (g) [17.1]. [13.2].
"13.1" (iv), when occurs in value of the varied works.
[8.3]. the Country. Fails to comply Termination of
with [1.6], [1.7]. Fails to comply with Contract [16.2].
Fails to certify in [2.4].
accordance with
General diagram. Within the Omission of the affected Fails to [14.6].
time stated in the AtT, or Requesting permission to (>28 days) part of the Works [13] Cessation of perform his
Reasons and
within time required to proceed [8.11]. [12.4]. Notice / application for a (<56 days) Payment [14.7]. Employer?s obligations under Notice of intent to Suspending
"20.2" "20.11" specification required for May become effective
Submition of proceed in accordance Right of Access Taking-Over Certificate Liability the Contract Fails to comply suspend work (or work (or reducing
Records of Contractor?s (>84 days) the Taking-Over Certificate (>21 days)
Contractor?s with the PG. to the Site [2.1]. Termination by [10.1]. after receiving Performance [14.14]. with [14.7]. reduce the rate of the rate of work)
Personnel and Equipment [6.10]. [10.1]. Issue of Final
Representative [4.3]. Security and the work) [16.1]. [16.1].
Contractor [16.2]. Payment Certificate
"13.2" (>14 days) out-standing balance. Request for
Details of all [14.13].
Progress Reports [4.21]. Storing and securing such Works [8.8]. reasonable evidence Fails to comply
procedures of Instruction to suspend that Employer will be (<28 days) Unless and until
Permission / instruction "N" (<56 days) with [2.4]. "20.12"
Quality Assurance "13.1" a part or all of the able to pay the the situation described in the
to proceed [8.11]. Works ready for (<28 days) notice is resolved.
[4.9]. Works [8.8]. Contract Price [2.4].
Consent [4.3]. Monthly. "14.3" Suspension of Works [8.8]. taking over. Did Contractor
"20.11" "20.2" Part of the submit [14.11] and
(<28 days) Application for [14.12]?
Final Payment
Certificate / Final Force Majeure [19] List of Sub-clauses where the Engineer
Commencement Works or Discharge [14.12]. must maintain fairness ('independence').
(<AtT days) (ASAP) Execution of the Works / Sections. statement [14.11].
Date []. Section completed in "Y"
accordance with the (>28 days) [19.1 a) b) c) d)] Party is or will
Notice to the Engineer Contract be prevented from
(>7 days) about any error, fault or "N" Event or circumstance performing any
Evidence of "Y"
(<AtT days) other defect found in beyond a Party's control. of its obligations under
the insurances, "Y" "N"
the Employer's Revised PG [8.3]. Dispute? [14.11]. the Contract [19.2]
copies of the Notice of the Is PG inconsistent Works ready to Party could not have
Commencement Date Requirements [5.1]. "Y" Request for [19.4]. [3.5] Determinations
policies for the with actual carry out the Tests on provided against before
(<42 days) Taking-Over Rejecting the submitting Final
insurances [8.1]. progress? "7.2" "7.6" Completion. entering into the
[18.1]. Delegation [3.2]. "20.11" "13.1" Whenever the PG Certificate [10.1]. application [10.1]. Application for Final Statement [14.11] (<14 days) [14.6] Issue of Interim Payment Certificates
Statement at Contract.
is inconsistent with "14.3" Payment Certificate / and Discharge
actual progress (<14 days) Completion [14.10]. Final Statement [14.12]. Party could not [14.13] Issue of Final Payment Certificate
Letter of Acceptance, (<28 days) PG [8.3]. [14.11]. reasonably have avoided or
(>21 days)
or Signing of the (<84 days) overcome. " 19.2"
Contract Agreement Time for Completion "20.12"
(<28 days) Tests on Completion Notice of Force
[]. [], [8.2]. (>56 days) Not attributable to the
(<21 days) in accordance with (<56 days) "Y" Majeure [19.2].
PG complies
[9.1] and [7.4]. other Party.
with the Contract. Minor work and defects which will not affect
PG complies
Latest date for (<21 days) with the Contract. the use of the Works [10.1].
(=28 days) "N"
submission of the (ASAP) Supplied all Documents, Return of the
Tender. completed and tested all the Performance (<21 days) Performance References in the diagram.
Notice that a PG
Notice when Use of the Works. Works, including remedying Certificate [11.9].
Security [4.2]. Abbreviations
ready to carry Rejection [7.5], any defects.[11.9].
Notice that a PG
fails to comply with
out the Tests on Retesting [9.3]. " 20.11" Event / circumstance. (Claims [20.1], events.)
Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
Base Date Letter of Tender Performance Security the Contract [8.3].
[]. []. [4.2]. fails to comply with Completion [9.1]. Contract remains in force until fulfillment of any " 20.12" Notice of a claim. (Claims [20.1], events.)
the Contract [8.3]. Notice, that defect (<28 days) Variation of the Works. (Variation [13.1], [13.3] and value Appendix to
Remedying defects Employer?s Claims obligation [11.10]. " 13.1" DAB Adjudication AtT
appears or damage engineering [13.2].) Tender []
or damage [11.1]. [2.5]. Board []
occurs [11.1].
" 3.5" Proceeding with [3.5]. (Determinations [3.5].)
Clearance of As soon as
Submitting samples.(Plant, Materials and Workmanship PG Programme [8.3] ASAP
Plant, Materials and Workmanship [7]. Sub-clauses used by the Employer's Site [11.11]. " 7.2" [7].) possible
Personnel for enforcing remedies from the
Contractor or the Contractor's Personnel. Defects Notification Period []. Extension of Defects Notification Period [11.3]. Work not in accordance with the Contract. (Plant, Materials
Instruction that " 7.6"
" 7.2" Notice of intention tests shall be
Issuing a " 7.6" and Workmanship [7].)
to attend the tests deemed to have Application for Interim Payment Certificates / Statement
certificate [7.4] " 14.3"
[7.4]. been made in a a) Plant or Materials which [7.5] Rejection [14.3]. (Contract Price and Payment [14].) Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
Seriousness of the remedy.

Submitting the
samples specific time [7.4]. is not in accordance with the Checklist. Dispute as to any certificate, instruction, opinion or
of Materials [7.2]. "20.11" Contract, [14.6] Withholding an interim payment " 20.2" valuation. (Disputes and dispute resolution [20].) How often Recurrence FIDIC Red book
"Y" b) remove / re-execute any work which Notice of the intended date of The Contractor shall give the Engineer not less than 28 days' notice
23 the commencement of each [4.4] of the intended date of the commencement of each Subcontractor's
Prior to using them in
is not in accordance with the Contract, [7.6] Remedial Work Subcontractor's work work and of the commencement of such work on the Site. " 19.2" Notice of Force Majeure. (Force Majeure [19].)
Accepting the c) work which is urgently required (1-5) Before concluding the Contract
FIDIC Yellow
or for the Works [7.2]. Has attended the tests? for the safety of the Works. 24
Submission of an baseline
The Contractor shall submit a PG within 28 days after receiving Time continuation
"N" readings as [8.6] Rate of Progress 1 Tender for the Engineer - The Employer tenders the Engineer. PG notice from the Engineer of the Commencement Date. book
[7.4] The Employer (ideally in cooperation with the Engineer) prepares a draft
accurate. [7.4] Within 21 days after receiving a PG, the Engineer may give the Review and/or approval of the The Engineer shall review and/or approve the Contractor's Documents by notice in
2 Contract preparation [] Contract, including the particular conditions and other contractual information The Engineer's notice on the 44 [5.2]
[8.8] Suspension of Work 25 [8.3] Contractor notice that the PG does not comply with the Contract to Contractor's Documents accordance with the Employer's Requirements.
/ documents ([13.8] [14.4], [12.2] etc.). baseline PG.
the extent described.
The Contractor
(45-58) Testing, Tests on Completion and Taking Over procedure Comment
Consent / Review in Examination, The Employer shall start a tender for the Contractor and set a deadline for []
Instruction - Remedial Work [15.1] Notice to Correct 3 Tender for the Contractor - If the Contract does not include a Schedule of Payments, the
accordance with inspection, the submission of Tenders. Submitting of estimates of the Contractor shall submit non-binding estimates which he expects to The Contractor shall submit samples of the Materials specified in the Contract to the
Testing [7.4] [7.6]. 26 [14.4] 45 Submitting samples of Materials [7.2] Engineer for prior consent (Red book) / review in accordance with the procedures for
[5.2] [7.2]. measurement or 4 Submitting of a Tender [] The Contractor shall submit a Tender. payments quarterly become due. The first estimate shall be submitted within 42
The Employer
[2.5] Employer?s Claims days after the Commencement Date. Contractor's Documents (Yellow book). Condition
testing The Employer sends the Contractor a Letter of Acceptance or sign the []
Time (if 5
Letter of Acceptance / Signing
[] Contract Agreement. The Employer then concludes the Contract with the Request for approval of the The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the form of 46 Consent to samples of Materials [7.2]
The Engineer shall give consent / review in accordance with [5.2] prior to using the
[11.4] Failure to Remedy Defects the Contract Agreement 27 [14.3] Materials in or of the Works.
Execution of the Works Fails to comply? any) specified in the Contractor. form of the Statement Statement he intends to use.
instruction [7.6]. Removal of employed person on Approval of the form of the The the Engineer shall approve the form of the Statement proposed 47
Notice of readiness of work before its
The Contractor shall give the Engineer notice of the completed work for the purpose Communications The Engineer
(6-19) After conclusion of the Contract before commencement of the Works 28 [14.3] covering up of inspection, measurement, testing, etc.
[6.9] Statement by the Contractor or disapprove it with reasons. [1.3] []
the Site or Works The Employer shall appoint the Engineer. The Engineer shall obtain
Notice before any "N" "Y" The Contractor shall submit monthly progress reports within 7 days 48
Examination, inspection etc. or notice
Immediately upon receiving the Contractor's notice, the Engineer shall inspect,
Varying or 6 Appointing of the Engineer [3.1] approvals of the Employer for the exercise specified authority under 29 Submitting progress reports [4.21] of not requiring to do so measure, test, etc., or give notice to the Contractor that the foregoing is not required.
work is covered up [8.7] Delay Damages of the last day of the period to which the report relates.
additional tests Rejection [7.5]. Particular Conditions.
etc [7.3]. Records of Contractor's Contractor shall submit Contractor's Personnel and Equipment 49 Place and time of the tests [7.4] The Engineer and the Contractor shall agree on the location and time for testing. Occurrence General
[7.4]. Works / Plant, Employ and pay Claim under the Assignment of assistants to The Engineer shall assign assistants at his discretion and delegate defined 30 [6.10]
[4.2] 7
the Engineer
duties to them.
Personnel and Equipment Records to the Engineer each calendar month. The Engineer shall give the Contractor at least 24 hours' notice of his intention to
Materials in other persons to carry Performance Security 50 Notice of intention to attend the tests [7.4]
attend the tests.
The Contractor shall submit a Statement together with supporting
accordance with Appointment of the The Contractor shall appoint a Contractor's Representative prior to the Submitting Applications for Reference to the Sub-clause of the
out the work [7.6]. 31 [14.3] documents to the Engineer at the end of the period of payment
the Contract. Termination by the Employer 8
Contractor's Representative
Commencement Date. Interim Payment Certificates
stated in the Contract (if not stated, after the end of each month).
51 Forwarding reports of the tests [7.4] The Contractor shall forward to the Engineer duly certified reports of the tests.
The Engineer shall endorse the Contractor's test certificate or issue a certificate to
" p" number in [x.y] Contract
Inspection [7.3]. Consent of the Engineer with
Within 28 days of receiving the Statement and supporting 52 Endorsement of test reports [7.4] diagram "p" Conditions "x"."y".
The Engineer shall consent to the appointment of the Contractor's the Contractor having the same effect.
"20.11" 9 the Contractor's [4.3]
Representative. 32 Internim Payment Certificates [14.6] documents, the Engineer shall issue an Interim Payment Certificate
Employer?s Claims Representative 53 Rejection [7.5] The Engineer shall by notice reject Technological Equip., Materials or Craftsmanship. Reference Contractual term
Handing over the
The Engineer and the Contractor shall mutually present organizational
Withholding of Interim
or issue comments on the submitted Statement.
The Engineer may withhold the issuance of a Interim Payment
54 Making good the defect [7.5] The Contractor shall immediately upon notice of rejection make good the defect. " p" number in (>z )
after "z"
organizational chart charts of their team to each other and to the Employer. 33 [14.6] diagram "p"
Adjustments for Payment Certificate Certificate if a reason foreseeable under the [14.6] occurs.
55 Instruction for remedial work [7.6]
The Engineer may instruct the Contractor at any time to remove and re-execute any
Changes in Legislation The Contractor shall obtain (at his cost) a Performance Security and deliver work, which is not in accordance with the Contract.
11 Performance Security [4.2] The Employer shall pay the payment or advance payment within the Next procedure Contract term
it to the Employer within 28 days after receiving the Letter of Acceptance. 34 Advance Payment, Payment [14.7] (<z )
[13.7] and Adjustments for stipulated period to the bank account designated by the Contractor. 56 Carrying out remedial work [7.6] The Contractor shall perform remedial work upon receiving instruction.
(necessary) until "z"
Contract Price and
" 14.3" Changes in Cost The Contractor shall institute a quality assurance system. Before the start
of each stage of design or execution of the Works, all procedures and 35 Setting Out the Works [4.7]
The Contractor shall set out the Works in relation to the original
57 Notice of Tests on Completion [9.1]
The Contractor shall give the Engineer not less than 21 days' notice of the date after
[13.8]. 12 Quality Assurance [4.9] points etc. The Contractor shall rectify any errors in the setting out. which the Contractor is prepared to carry out each Tests on Completion.
Payment [14]. Schedule of Application for Interim documents demonstrating compliance with the system must be submitted
Contractor's notice of events Application for Taking-Over Certificate The Contractor shall apply for a Taking-Over Certificate not earlier than 14 days Next procedure
Payments [14.4]. Payment Certificates / to the Engineer for information. [1,8] [1.9] [4.12] 58 [10.1] "Y" Yes
Lump-sum. with (possible) effect on the The Contractor shall give a notice / warning to the Engineer when for Works before the Works will, in the Contractor's opinion, be ready for taking over. (eventual)
Statement [14.3]. Conclusion of an insurance for A Party must insure the Works, etc. The insurance shall be effective from 36 [4.24] [8.3]
Deduction [14.9]. [18.1] Works (First notice / early events under these Sub-clauses occur.
13 the Works, Plant, Materials the date by which the evidence is to be submitted in accordance with [18.1] [16.1] [19.2] (59-69) After completion of the Works
[18.2] warning)
Method of If the and Contractor's Documents until the date issue of the Taking-Over Certificate of the Works.
Monthly. Notice of failure to Engineer's response to notice Within 28 days of receiving an application for a Taking-Over Certificate, the Engineer
General linkage "N" No
determining the price Contract does not include Communication and Set and remind the rules of communication and cooperation with the [1.8] [1.9] [8.3] The Engineer shall respond without undue delay to the Contractor's 59
Taking- Over Certificate / Rejection of
[10.1] shall issue a Taking Over Certificate or reject the application giving reasons and
perform any work or 14 [1.3] 37 of events with (possible) the Taking-Over Certificate
for works, Goods, a schedule of payments, the cooperation Contractor and The Engineer.
impact on the Works
[16.1] [19.2] notice under these Sub-clauses. specifying the work required to be done.
obligation in accordance Advance
variations, etc. Contractor shall submit non-binding The format of Contractor's The Contractor shall submit a Statement at Completion to the Engineer within 84
with the Contract. Payment [14.2]. The Engineer, in cooperation with the Contractor, shall set up the format for Engineer's response by 60 Submitting Statement at Completion [14.10]
estimates of the payments.
Approved [14.6 b)].
15 Personnel and Contractor's
submitting records in accordance with [6.10].
Instruction to Contractor's
notice of Fossils or [4.24] [4.12]
The Engineer shall respond to the Contractor's notice of Fossils by
instruction and may respond to the Contractor's notice of
days after receiving the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works.
Within 28 days of receiving the Statement at Completion and supporting documents,
Quarterly. Performance Security? [4.2]. Unforeseeable Physical Conditions. If an instruction constitutes a
Setting the format of the PG The Engineer shall discuss with the Contractor the required form and Unforeseeable Physical 61 Internim Payment Certificate [14.10] the Engineer shall issue an Interim Payment Certificate or issue comments on the
Measurement. Variation, [13] shall apply.
16 with the Contractor with regard [8.3] details of the PG, taking into consideration the Contract and in order to Conditions. submitted Statement. The author states that the main source of the diagrams is the document "The
Claims [20.1]. to the Contract ensure sufficient project time management.
Accepted Notice by the Engineer that a The Engineer may issue a notice to the Contractor at any time that Notice of defects or incomplete work The Engineer/Employer shall notify the Contractor of any identified incomplete work, FIDIC Contracts Guide: CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR
The Employer shall give the Contractor right of access to, and possession 62 [11.1]
Contract Amount Plant and Materials "Y" "N" "Y" Giving a right of Access to the PG fails to comply with the the PG fails to comply with the Contract or to be consistent with within the Defects Notification Period defect or damage within the Defects Notification Period.
17 [2.1] of parts of the Site within the time (or times) stated in the Appendix to 39 [8.3]
[]. Intended for the Works Site Contract or to be consistent actual progress. The Engineer may instruct the acceleration under Completion of Work and Remedying The Contractor shall complete any outstanding work and execute all work required to
with actual progress. [8.6].
63 [11.1] DESIGN-BUILD. Second Edition 2017. Ostrava. CACE ? Czech Association
[14.5]. Failing to perform Shall be Defects remedy defects or damage as may be notified by (or on behalf of) the Employer.
Any thing or work done is Contract Price Supervision of the giving of the
If for any reason it is not possible to hand over all parts of the Site in
The Engineer shall issue a Performance Certificate within 28 days after the last of
of Consulting Engineers". The author emphasize that the diagram does not
not in accordance with the any work or obligation in 18 [2.1] accordance with the Appendix to the Tender, the Engineer in cooperation The Contractor shall submit an revised programe upon receiving
"N" "N" accordance with the [14.1]. right of access to the Site
with the Employer will start to resolve the situation. 40 Submission of an revised PG. [8.3] notice from the Engineer or whenever the previous PG is
64 Issue Performance Certificate [11.9] the Defects Notification Periods has expired, or as soon as practicable after delivery show all the possibilities that the FIDIC contractual conditions allow, it is a
Contract [14.6 a)]. inconsistent with actual progress or with the Contractor's obligations.
of all Contractor's Documents and completion of the Works by the Contractor.
graphical simplified interpretation of the basic principles.
The Contract Contract? [14.6 b)]. The Engineer shall give the Contractor not less than 7 days notice for the
The Employer shall return the Performance Security to the Contractor within 21 days
Price [14.1]. Commencement Date. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, Adjustments for Changes in The Contractor shall prepare a quantification in accordance with 65 Returning Performance security [4.2]
[14.6 a)] - 19 Commencement of Works [8.1] 41 [13.8] after receiving a copy of the Performance Certificate.
(<28 days)
An Interim
Payment Certificate Withholding cost of
the Commencement Date shall be within 42 days after the Contractor
receives the Letter of Acceptance.
Cost [13.8] and the Appendix to Tender.
Application for Final Payment The Contractor shall submit a final statement in a form approved by the Engineer
Document information
(42-44) Obligations specific to Yellow book 66 [14.11]
Works to be rectification or Certificate within 56 days after receiving the Performance Certificate to the Engineer.
shall not be (20-41) After Commencement of Works (after the Commencement Date) Format A0
Measured [12.1]. replacement. The Contractor, upon receiving notice under to [8.1], shall scrutinize The Contractor shall also submit a written Discharge when submitting the Final
"Y" withheld "Y" Commence execution of the The Contractor shall commence work the design and execution of the
Notice of error, fault or other
the Employer's Requirements within the period specified in the AtT 67 Discharge [14.12]
20 [8.1] 42 defect found in Employer's [5.1] Statement. Date 13.03.2024
Works Works as soon as reasonably practicable after the Commencement Date. and give notice to the Engineer of any error, fault or other defect in
Requirement Within 28 days after receiving the Final Statement and written discharge, the
the Employer's Requirements. 68 Final Payment Certificate [14.13] Version 2.0
Request for Engineer's Engineer shall issue, to the Employer, the Final Payment Certificate.
The Contractor shall request consent from the Engineer for a
Interim Payment Certificates / Payment 21 consent with proposed [4.4]
Method of Payment [14.7]. Subcontractor not named in the Contract. Preparation of Contractor's The Contractor shall prepare all Contractor's Documents and submit (69) Shrnutí Author Ing. Ond?ej Van??ek; Contract management SK, s.r.o.
Measurement Evaluation [12.3]. Certificate [14.6]. 43 Documents according to [5.2] to the Engineer those to be submitted in accordance with the
Consent to the proposed Employer's Requirements Employer's Requirements with the notice. The Contractor shall execute the Works, the engineer shall manage, the Employer Contact
[12.2]. 22 [4.4] The Engineer shall consent to the proposed Subcontractor, if possible. 69 FIDIC conditions of contract [1-20]
Subcontractor shall pay.
(<56 days) Software -

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