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Procedure Text

Nama Anggota Kelompok :

1. Muhammad Iqbal Fathani

2. Runi Devata
3. Muhammad Habil
4. Haqqy Fayyadh maulana
5. M.Hafizt
6. Rayyan Azzaki

This snack that looks like a cupcake has a sweet and savory taste with a denser
texture. In addition, muffins also often use other ingredients such as fruit to
enrich the taste, while cupcakes usually use candy.

One of the popular muffin recipes that kids love is the banana choco chip
muffin. The way to make it is easy.

200 grams of self-raising flour

100 grams of sugar

1 tsp liquid vanilla

50 grams of chocolate chips

2 ripe bananas, mash with a fork (you can use Ambon bananas or Chavendish bananas)

•1 egg

•50 grams of butter, melted

150 ml of full cream liquid milk

Steps to Make Banana Choco Chip Muffins

1. Peel the banana first and crush it until the texture becomes smooth. Also make sure to
chooose ripe bananas, as they will add more flavor to the muffins.

2. Next, mix powdered sugar, baking soda, and flour and then sift it. Then, add the vanilla
and banana mixture. Stir all ingredients until smooth. If you want the color to be more brown,
you can add a few tablespoons of cocoa powder.

3. Pour eggs and cream to compact the muffin texture. After that, pour the melted butter and
add the choco chips and ground almonds into the mixture.
Procedure Text
4. Prepare muffin tins that have been lined with paper. Then, pour the mixture into the mold
up to ¾ of the way. If the dough fills the mold, it won't have a good shape.

5. Once all the molds are filled, bake the muffins in the oven at 180oC for about 18-20

6. Once cooked, remove the muffins from the oven and serve on a plate. and decorate muffins
with choco chips to taste.

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